338 research outputs found

    Addressing Controversies About Experts in Disputes Over Children

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    There is significant controversy about the use of experts in child-related disputes in family and child protection proceedings in Canada. The 2015 Lang Review of the Motherisk Laboratory at Toronto\u27s Hospital for Sick Children concluded that experts retained by child protection agencies were introducing unreliable expert testimony about parental drug and alcohol use. The recent decision of Ontario Court of Appeal in M. v. F. suggested that evidence from a party-retained expert critiquing the opinion of a court-appointed psychologist is rarely helpful or admissible. This paper addresses these and related controversies about the use of experts in child-related cases. It reviews recent developments in the law governing the admissibility of expert evidence, with a particular focus on the 2015 Supreme Court decision in White Burgess, and the role of the judge as a gatekeeper, responsible for excluding biased or unreliable expert testimony. The paper explores the unique role played by court-appointed experts in child-related disputes. It is argued that there should be a continued role for experts retained by one parent to critique a report prepared by a court-appointed expert in a child-related case; nonetheless there is an obligation for party-retained experts to provide unbiased and reliable evidence, and avoid being hired guns. This critique role may be especially important when the state has been involved in the court process, either as a party in a child protection proceeding or by arranging for a particular court-appointed professional to undertake an assessment. It is also argued that there is a strong Charter based argument that indigent parents in child protection proceedings may be entitled to a court order for funding to retain their own experts to testify to counter evidence put forward by experts funded by the government

    Long-term high-effort endurance exercise in older adults: diminishing returns for cognitive and brain aging

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    While there is evidence that age-related changes in cognitive performance and brain structure can be offset by increased exercise, little is known about the impact on these of long-term high-effort endurance exercise. In a cross-sectional design with 12-month follow-up, we recruited older adults engaging in high-effort endurance exercise over at least twenty years, and compared their cognitive performance and brain structure with a non-sedentary control group similar in age, sex, education, IQ, and lifestyle factors. Our findings showed no differences on measures of speed of processing, executive function, incidental memory, episodic memory, working memory, or visual search for older adults participating in long-term high-effort endurance exercise, when compared without confounds to non-sedentary peers. On tasks that engaged significant attentional control, subtle differences emerged. On indices of brain structure, long-term exercisers displayed higher white matter axial diffusivity than their age-matched peers, but this did not correlate with indices of cognitive performance

    Bayesian inference for partial orders from random linear extensions: power relations from 12th Century Royal Acta

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    We give a new class of models for time series data in which actors are listed in order of precedence. We model the lists as a realisation of a queue in which queue-position is constrained by an underlying social hierarchy. We model the hierarchy as a partial order so that the lists are random linear extensions. We account for noise via a random queue-jumping process. We give a marginally consistent prior for the stochastic process of partial orders based on a latent variable representation for the partial order. This allows us to introduce a parameter controlling partial order depth and incorporate actor-covariates informing the position of actors in the hierarchy. We fit the model to witness lists from Royal Acta from England, Wales and Normandy in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Witnesses are listed in order of social rank, with any bishops present listed as a group. Do changes in the order in which the bishops appear reflect changes in their personal authority? The underlying social order which constrains the positions of bishops within lists need not be a complete order and so we model the evolving social order as an evolving partial order. The status of an Anglo-Norman bishop was at the time partly determined by the length of time they had been in office. This enters our model as a time-dependent covariate. We fit the model, estimate partial orders and find evidence for changes in status over time. We interpret our results in terms of court politics. Simpler models, based on bucket orders and vertex-series-parallel orders, are rejected. We compare our results with a stochastic process extension of the Plackett-Luce model.Comment: 70 pages, 38 figures and 2 tables including appendix and supplemen

    The tammar wallaby: a marsupial model to examine the timed delivery and role of bioactives in milk

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    It is now clear that milk has multiple functions; it provides the most appropriate nutrition for growth of the newborn, it delivers a range of bioactives with the potential to stimulate development of the young, it has the capacity to remodel the mammary gland (stimulate growth or signal cell death) and finally milk can provide protection from infection and inflammation when the mammary gland is susceptible to these challenges. There is increasing evidence to support studies using an Australian marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), as an interesting and unique model to study milk bioactives. Reproduction in the tammar wallaby is characterized by a short gestation, birth of immature young and a long lactation. All the major milk constituents change substantially and progressively during lactation and these changes have been shown to regulate growth and development of the tammar pouch young and to have roles in mammary gland biology. This review will focus on recent reports examining the control of lactation in the tammar wallaby and the timed delivery of milk bioactivity

    Suicide inhibition of alpha-oxamine synthases:structures of the covalent adducts of 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase with trifluoroalanine

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    The suicide inhibition of the α-oxamine synthases by the substrate analog, L-trifluoroalanine was investigated. The inhibition resulted in the formation of a complex with loss of all three fluorine atoms. Decarboxylation and loss of fluoride occurred immediately after aldimine formation. The inherent flexibility could allow the difluorinated intermediate complex to adopt a suitable conformation. Decarboxylation in the normal mechanism occurs after formation of the ketoacid intermediate.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Integrin-associated ILK and PINCH1 protein content are reduced in skeletal muscle of maintenance haemodialysis patients

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    Key points: Patients with renal failure undergoing maintenance haemodialysis are associated with insulin resistance and protein metabolism dysfunction. Novel research suggests that disruption to the transmembrane protein linkage between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix in skeletal muscle may contribute to reduced amino acid metabolism and insulin resistance in haemodialysis. ILK, PINCH1 and pFAKTyr397 were significantly decreased in haemodialysis compared to controls, whereas Rac1 and Akt2 showed no different between groups. Rac1 deletion in the Rac1 knockout model did not alter the expression of integrin-associated proteins. Phenylalanine kinetics were reduced in the haemodialysis group at 30 and 60 min post meal ingestion compared to controls; both groups showed similar levels of insulin sensitivity and β-cell function. Key proteins in the integrin–cytoskeleton linkage are reduced in haemodialysis patients, suggesting for the first time that integrin-associated proteins dysfunction may contribute to reduced phenylalanine flux without affecting insulin resistance in haemodialysis patients. Abstract: Muscle atrophy, insulin resistance and reduced muscle phosphoinositide 3-kinase-Akt signalling are common characteristics of patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis (MHD). Disruption to the transmembrane protein linkage between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix in skeletal muscle may contribute to reduced amino acid metabolism and insulin resistance in MHD patients. Eight MHD patients (age: 56 ± 5 years: body mass index: 32 ± 2 kg m–2) and non-diseased controls (age: 50 ± 2 years: body mass index: 31 ± 1 kg m–2) received primed continuous l-[ring-2H5]phenylalanine before consuming a mixed meal. Phenylalanine metabolism was determined using two-compartment modelling. Muscle biopsies were collected prior to the meal and at 300 min postprandially. In a separate experiment, skeletal muscle tissue from muscle-specific Rac1 knockout (Rac1 mKO) was harvested to investigate whether Rac1 depletion disrupted the cytoskeleton-integrin linkage, allowing for cross-model examination of proteins of interest. ILK, PINCH1 and pFAKTyr397 were significantly lower in MHD (P

    The Use of Stereoscopy in a Neurosurgery Training Virtual Environment

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    Published in Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual EnvironmentsWe have previously investigated the effectiveness of a custom built virtual environment in assisting training of a ventriculostomy procedure, which is a commonly performed procedure by a neurosurgeon and a core task for trainee surgeons. The training tool (called VCath) was initially developed as a low fidelity app for a tablet platform to provide easy access and availability to trainees. Subsequently we have developed a high fidelity version of VCath that uses a stereoscopic display to immerse the trainee in the virtual environment. This paper reports on two studies that have been carried out to compare the low and high fidelity versions of VCath, particularly to assess the value of stereoscopy. Study 1 was conducted at the second annual boot camp organized for all year one trainees in neurosurgery in the UK. Study 2 was performed on lay people, with no surgical experience. Our hypothesis was that using stereoscopy in the training task would be beneficial. Results from Study 1 demonstrated that performance improved for both the control group and the group trained with the tablet version of VCath. The group trained on the high fidelity version of VCath with a stereoscopic display showed no performance improvement. The indication is that our hypothesis is false. In Study 2, six different conditions were investigated that covered the use of training with VCath on a tablet, a mono display at two different sizes, a stereo display at two different sizes, and a control group who received no training. Results from this study with lay people show that stereoscopy can make a significant improvement to the accuracy of needle placement. The possible reasons for these results and the apparent contradiction between the two studies are discussed

    Liberal market economies, business, and political finance: Britain under New Labour

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    The extent and nature of business financing of parties is an important feature of political finance. Britain’s transparent and permissive regulatory system provides an excellent opportunity to study business financing of parties. Business donations have been very important to the Conservative party over the last decade, and of only marginal importance to Labour. Unlike other Conservative contributors, business donors are more likely to contribute when the party is popular. In contrast to the previous period of Conservative government, the biggest British businesses tended to abstain from political finance under New Labour. However, their bias towards the Conservatives is affected by the party’s popularity and the closeness of an election. Britain shares the political importance of business financing of parties and its mixture of ideological and pragmatic motivations with other liberal market economies. However, in Britain the bias towards the right is much stronger and the role of big business more marginal

    The Cuntz-Toeplitz algebras have nuclear dimension one

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    We prove that unital extensions of Kirchberg algebras by separable stable AF algebras have nuclear dimension one. The title follows.Comment: Minor changes. Accepted Version. J. Funct. Anal., to appea