1,670 research outputs found

    Polish Folklore

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    The present book “Poland – History, Culture and Society. Selected Readings” is the third edition of a collection of academic texts written with the intention to accompany the module by providing incoming students with teaching materials that will assist them in their studies of the course module and encourage further search for relevant information and data. The papers collected in the book have been authored by academic teachers from the University of Łódź, specialists in such fields as history, geography, literature, sociology, ethnology, cultural studies, and political science. Each author presents one chapter related to a topic included in the module or extending its contents. The book contains the extensive bibliography

    Limiting distribution and error terms for the number of visits to balls in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems

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    We show that for systems that allow a Young tower construction with polynomially decaying correlations the return times to metric balls are in the limit Poisson distributed. We also provide error terms which are powers of logarithm of the radius. In order to get those uniform rates of convergence the balls centres have to avoid a set whose size is estimated to be of similar order. This result can be applied to non-uniformly hyperbolic maps and to any invariant measure that satisfies a weak regularity condition. In particular it shows that the return times to balls is Poissonian for SRB measures on attractors.Comment: 28 page

    Znaczenie leasingu w polskiej gospodarce

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    Przedstawiono leasing w świetle obowiązujących regulacji prawnych w Polsce, dynamikę i strukturę rynku leasingu oraz czynniki popularności tego instrumentu finansowego. Leasing in current laws regulations in Poland. Dynamics and structure of market and popularity factors of this financial instrument

    Pre-study on Network Function Virtualization at Communication Technology Lab: Emulator

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a network architecture framework that virtualizes functions that were traditionally tied to hardware and allows for higher flexibility of deployment of network services. It is growing in popularity as more research is being conducted in the field, and because of this it is beneficial to investigate its possible uses in academia. The objectives of this thesis are to research NFV as a whole to investigate its different aspects, as well as research different NFV emulators. Later, the aim is to design tests that could be run in a selected emulator to showcase NFV academically to potential students. Out of the three thoroughly investigated emulators, the MeDICINE emulator was selected based on several criteria, most notably the ease of installation. However, due to some major technical issues and time constraints, the emulator could not be run, meaning no tests could be executed. Six tests were designed with two different topologies to showcase as many aspects and functionalities of NFV as possible. These tests open up possibilities for future work in the area, where potential students could use these tests to investigate NFV further through running them and checking parameters, but also adapting the topologies to other emulators and comparing the process of running the tests in several different emulators.Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a network architecture framework that virtualizes functions that were traditionally tied to hardware and allows for higher flexibility of deployment of network services. It is growing in popularity as more research is being conducted in the field, and because of this it is beneficial to investigate its possible uses in academia. The objectives of this thesis are to research NFV as a whole to investigate its different aspects, as well as research different NFV emulators. Later, the aim is to design tests that could be run in a selected emulator to showcase NFV academically to potential students. Out of the three thoroughly investigated emulators, the MeDICINE emulator was selected based on several criteria, most notably the ease of installation. However, due to some major technical issues and time constraints, the emulator could not be run, meaning no tests could be executed. Six tests were designed with two different topologies to showcase as many aspects and functionalities of NFV as possible. These tests open up possibilities for future work in the area, where potential students could use these tests to investigate NFV further through running them and checking parameters, but also adapting the topologies to other emulators and comparing the process of running the tests in several different emulators

    Folklore in the Digital Age: Collected Essays. Foreword by Andy Ross

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    Online and digital cultures are among the most personally gripping effects of globalisation in our increasingly networked world. While global multimedia culture may seem to endanger traditional folklore, there is no doubt that it creates new folklore as well. Folklore in the Digital Age vividly illustrates the range of e-folklore studies in updated papers and essays from the author’s 21st-century research. The themes covered include not only the most serious issues of the day, such as the 9/11 attacks and natural disasters, but also cheerier topics, such as online dating and food culture. In these essays Professor Krawczyk-Wasilewska paints a convincing picture of digital folklore as a cultural heritage. She covers a wide range of issues from all levels of society and offers fascinating insights into how online culture affects our postmodern lives

    El desarrollo moral en la infancia

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene como objeto dar una visión general acerca del desarrollo moral en la infancia y de todos los conceptos que éste incluye. Para ello, se ha realizado un marco teórico que nos permita entender qué es el desarrollo moral y qué conlleva. En la segunda parte del trabajo se ha realizado una investigación que nos ha permitido corroborar o replicar los datos obtenidos por el autor más importante en cuánto al desarrollo moral, Jean Piaget. Para ello, se han realizado varias entrevistas que nos han permitido contrastar nuestros resultados con los resultados de la investigación de dicho autor.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Between entertainment and education: Swedish women's literature in the 19th century in Polish translation and the issue of emancipation

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    This paper addresses a phenomenon of the international success of Swedish female writers in the 19th century. I have focused on the Polish translations of Marie Sophie Schwartz’s works, which became extremely popular in the 1860’s and 1870’s, judging from the number of books translated in comparison to other Swedish bestselling writers. One of the most important issues for Schwartz was emancipation, specifically women’s right to education, employment and econo-mic autonomy. Her novel Emancipation Frenzy was translated into Polish in 1865 and 1876. Both translations differ as to the accuracy in rendering the emancipa-tion message. The earlier translation tends to omit or soften the author’s radical opinions on emancipation, which flattens the novel’s progressive message. The later one is closer to the original and articulates emancipation claims more faithfully. This probably has to do with the fact that the Polish emancipation de-bate was already more developed in the 1870s. That seems to confirm a funda-mental thesis of Translations Studies that translation not only communicates the message of the source text but also comprises an inscription of the host culture’s current standards and needs. Thus, the novels by Schwartz were initially read as popular literature, and over time they were perceived as socially engaged literature (Tendenzroman), which corresponded to the Polish nationalistic program

    Minnets mönster och former: Minne och identitet i Linnea Axelssons epos Ædnan

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    The article addresses the problem of memory and its role in shaping ethnic identity as shown in the epic poem Ædnan (2018) by Linnea Axelsson. I approach the poem from the postcolonial perspective focusing on Swedish policy towards the Sámi people, who were deprived of their land, culture, and identity. Various patterns of memory are embodied by the complex time structure of the poem. Its three parts follow three generations of the Sámi people. The first lost their cultural identity as a result of the colonisation of Northern Sweden and the hegemonic discourse against nomadic people. They became the Other for the dominant culture, and an object for disciplinary power. Next generation, which was supposed to assimilate with the Swedish society, felt rootless because their tradition had disappeared from collective memory. The third generation started struggling for their rights as an ethnic group constructing post-memory based on material traces and oral testimonies of the Sámi tradition. Last but not least, the choice of genre is significant, as it refers to the Western archive as a paradigm for memory culture. Thus, I regard the poem as an attempt to establish and explore an archive of the Sámi, which recognises the ethnic identity of the Sámi people on other grounds than the Western tradition does

    Sensing Urban Manufacturing: From Conspicuous to Sensible Production

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    Environmental destruction, social inequalities, geopolitical vulnerability—the limits of the long‐time praised paradigm of post‐industrial cities and globalised value chains are becoming evident, while calls for (re)localising production in cities are getting increasingly vocal. However, the material implications—i.e., where and in which form manufacturing should concretely take place in cities and the consequences on urban space and relations—are rarely addressed in debates on (re)industrialisation. In this article, we engage with the concept of conspicuous production by combining research on mixed‐use zones with sensory methodologies. We focus on the multisensory dimension of urban manufacturing to inter‐ rogate the spatial possibilities for production in a small town in Switzerland. Together with a group of graduate students, we apply sensory methods to explore how production shapes urban sensescapes and how these sensescapes affect our relation to production. Our exploratory endeavour provides ideas of how sensory methods can be integrated into urban planning research and practice: we suggest that these methods, which necessarily emphasise subjective experience, can constitute powerful tools if they take into attentive consideration the local political and economic context, including the norms and power relations that shape individual perception. Our study sparks critical questions about conspicuous production and mixed‐use zoning and tentatively advances the concept of sensible production: a production that not only is perceptible and can actively be engaged with, but that also shows good sense, makes sense, and focuses on what we need rather than on appearance