357 research outputs found

    An Error Analysison English Writing Made By Second Year Students Of SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura

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    This research aims at describing the errors on English writing of the second year students of SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura. The writer uses random sampling as a technique of collecting the data. The writer classifies the errors based on linguistic category and surface strategy taxonomy. Based on the result of data analysis, the writer finds out twenty types of error’s in the students’ English writing, namely: Omission of to be as a verb in the present tense, omission of –s in the verb of present tense, verb –ing used in the present tense, misformation of to be in the present tense, additional of to be in the present tense, additional of –s in the present tense, present verb used in the past tense, misformation of verb in the past tense, verb –ing used in the past tense, omission of necessary preposition, additional of unnecessary preposition, misformation of preposition “in”, omission of necessary possessive pronoun, misformation of quantitative pronoun, additional of unnecessary article, the use article instead of possessive pronoun, the use article instead of subject, omission of necessary auxiliary, the use of to be instead of auxiliary, and the last is the use of unnecessary adverbs of manner. After classifying the errors, the writer has found the dominant error, namely the omission of to be in the present tense (22,66%). Besides, the writer also finds the sources of errors, namely: interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer. As a result, most of students still make a lot of errors in writing English, especially grammatical error

    Assessment Capability Level dan Maturity Level Tata Kelola TI Pada Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung Menggunakan Framework COBIT 2019

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    Abstrak. Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Pesawaran adalah instansi pemerintahan yang menangani urusan keagamaan pada tingkat kabupaten. Pemerintah telah menetapkan program pembangunan pengembangan TI yang diatur dalam PP RI No. 95 Tahun 2018 Tentang Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik untuk mewujudkan good government. Berdasarkan observasi dan pemetaan terhadap faktor desain terdapat masalah security system pada software dan layanan informasi yang memiliki dampak cukup buruk serta dapat menurunkan performa kualitas TI instansi. Permasalahn tersebut perlu dilakukan asesmen menggunakan framework COBIT 2019. Asemen capability level dan maturity level  tata kelola TI menggunakan domain obyektif yang memiliki nilai kepentingan > 60 dan capability target 4,00 yaitu pada domain obyektif APO11, APO 13, DSS02, dan DSS03. Nilai pencapaian capability level pada domain proses APO1101 4,00/largely, APO11.02 3,80/largely, APO11.03 3,67/largely, APO11.04 4,00/largely, APO11.05 3,00/largely, APO13.01 3,00/largely, APO13.02 2,86/largely, APO13.03 3,60/largely, DSS02.01 2,20/partialy, DSS02.02 3,33/largely, DSS02.03 2,67/largely, DSS02.04 3,33/largely, DSS02.05 2,75 /largely, DSS02.06 3,50/largely, DSS02.07 3,00/largely, DSS03.01 2,33/partialy, DSS03.02 2,33/partialy, DSS03.03 3,00/largely,  DSS03.04 3,33/largely, dan DSS03.05 3,33/largely. Sedangkan pencapaian maturity level pada domain obyektif APO11 3,69/qualitative, APO13 3,15/defined, DSS02 2,96/defined, dan DSS03 2,86/defined

    Constitute-Based Religious Moderation Education

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    This paper specifically discusses the integration of the Islamic boarding school education system with the teachings of the Qadariyah wa Naqsabandiyah order practised by the Palembang Aulia Cendekia Islamic boarding school and its impact on religious moderation education for the Palembang Muslim community. This research was conducted at the Qadariyah wa Naqsabandiyah congregation in Palembang, located at the Aulia Cendikia Islamic Boarding School. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. This research found that by carrying out the teachings of the Qadariyah wa Naqsabandiyah order, a person will gain a deep love for God; the reflection of love for God is to love all of His creation so that with that love gives birth to an attitude of tolerance, compassion, and ends in an attitude of mutual respect between humans. In addition, it was also found that by practising the teachings of the Qadariyah wa Naqsabandiyah order, at the same time, one has implemented the three pillars of religious moderation; moderation of thought, movement, and deed. The dynamic dialogue between text and context implements thought moderation. Movement moderation is reflected in Islamic da'wah, or disseminating Islamic teachings with courtesy, compassion, and gentleness. Meanwhile, the moderation of actions is manifested by integrating the tarekat values ​​with education

    Transformation Form in Banua Layuk Mamasa Based on Linguistic Analogy

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    Aim of this research is to interpret the architectural meaning in Banua Layuk Mamasa based on linguistic analogy. This traditional architecture is closely related to the philosophy or meaning either in form or ornament of the building. This research practice phenomenological analysis method with theoretical approach. Therefore, architecture linguistic study in Banua Layuk is according to three interpretation model, grammatical model, expressionist, and semiotic model. Architectural knowledge with philosophy and meaning in Banua Layuk house would become a comprehensive learning media for the next generation. The result explained that the Banua Layuk Mamasa form is determined by topography and climate condition considerations. Form transformational phase practiced with trial and error method to acquire a perfect form. Banua Layuk have a capability to create a harmony with nature, nondestructive and adopt the environmental condition, and integration that creates a harmony. Banua Layuk form transformation relates on the philosophy and life principles of Mamasa society, reflects on the Banua Layuk elements, such as the building form, rooms organization, and element that creates a space

    The Aesthetic of Minahasa Traditional House

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    Traditional Minahasa houses are residential buildings created by the Minahasa tribes. The fact that the Traditional Minahasa House (RTM) is still used as typical idea of Minahasa people in making their living quarters proving that Minahasa people are proud of their tradition. The continued appreciation indicates there are resistance value in Minahasa Traditional House. This paper study the condition between Minahasa community with RTM through the study of RTM aesthetics. Aesthetics exists both in architecture and human being. Besides, according to Walker (2000) in his theory of 'desire', aesthetics is one of the fundamental elements of human beings that able to make changes by time passed. By using the architectural aesthetics approach of Ralf Weber (1995), it appears that RTM has aesthetic value resistance

    World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering- Architecture- Urban Planning symposium

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    We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all 900+ submissions by 600+ participants of WMCAUS 2018 from 60+ different countries all over the world for their interests and contributions in WMCAUS 2018. We wish you enjoy the World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS 2018 and have a pleasant stay in the city of romance Prague. We hope to see you again during next event WMCAUS 2019 which will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) approximately in the similar period

    Form and Shape dalam Arsitektur

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    Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) dan Decision Tree C-45

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    Kanker payudara merupakan tipe kanker yang umumya terbentuk di sel-sel payudara dan sel-sel kanker tersebut tumbuh diluar kendali. Kanker payudara dapat terjadi pada semua gender. Di Indonesia, jumlah kasus kanker payudara sampai  menempati  urutan  pertama  dibandingkan  jenis  kanker  yang  lain  dan  menjadi  salah  satu penyumbang kematian pertama.Berdasarkan jumlah kasus kematian tersebutdan mengingat kanker payudara tidak memandang gender, seharusnya baik pria maupun wanita sadar dengan kesehatan mereka dengan cara melakukan  tindakan  seperti  deteksi  dini  dan  menghindari  risiko  yang  menyebabkan  terjadinya  kanker.Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu memanfaatkan  beberapa algoritma  data  mining yang  ada dan membandingkan  dua  algoritma  data  mining dalam melakukan klasifikasi terhadap kanker payudara.Pada penelitian ini algoritma yang digunakan dalam melakukan  perbandingan  adalah algoritma  Decision  Tree,  dan  K-Nearest Neighbors dengan .Hasil  dari  pengujian  menunjukkan  bahwa algoritma K-Nearest Neighbors menghasilkan performa akurasi 94,73 sedangakan algoritma Decision Tree 96,49% nilai akurasi yang terbaik yaitu  sama, yaitu  Decision Tree mendapatkan nilai akurasi 96,49

    Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Dosen Pns.dpk Di Lingkungan Kopertis Wil II Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierachy Process (Ahp)

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    The PNS Dpk lecturer is part for private universities as a lecturer chief next by KOPERTIS. It is expected to be an example for other lecturers / role in each, PTS either in the TRIDARMA college and performance indicators other kopertis with the rules. Judgment lecturer PNS DPK can be conducted easily and automated, that is by using models system supporting decision corresponding to criteria as stipulated by KOPERTIS, especially KOPERTIS region II. Model that can be referred to that can be used is a model Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The application of this model is done through phases: data collection, determination of the main criteria and and sub criteria in the assessment criteria and weighting lecturer, sub criteria, the determination of the priority and implementation using Software Expert choice.Based on application of the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), it can be noted that the criteria have been defined, namely educational teaching, research, outreach and supporting elements
