12 research outputs found

    Characteristics of salt flow and syn-kinematic sedimentary structures in extensional basins

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    Salt tectonics can significantly affect structure and depositional patterns of evaporite-bearing sedimentary basins, because rock salt deformation behaviour corresponds to that of a viscous fluid. Consequently, salt is able to flow according to an internal hydraulic-head gradient and produce local subsidence centres in regions of salt expulsion and topographic uplifts (e.g. salt diapirs, salt pillows) in regions of salt influx. In many world-wide salt-bearing sedimentary basins, e.g. the Southern Permian Basin in central Europe, a hydraulic-head gradient and consequent salt flow is induced by phases of regional tectonic extension. In such a tectonic setting, differential basement subsidence, e.g. due to normal faulting of sub-salt basement, may result in gravitationally driven flow towards the basin centre, and differential loading between basin lows and their flanks potentially squeezes salt away from imposed loads and causes upward directed salt flow. In order to investigate effects of syn- and post-extensional salt flow on structure and subsidence pattern of a basin, analogue experiments as well as analytical and numerical modelling are frequently applied. Existing analogue modelling studies dealing with processes of extensionally driven salt tectonics mostly examined brittle deformation and sedimentary structures in the supra-salt overburden, but rarely investigated flow pattern in the viscous substratum. Numerous analytical and numerical modelling studies, in contrast, addressed dynamics of flow in the salt, but only a few included sub-salt normal faulting as a trigger for salt flow. This thesis aims to gain a better comprehension of first-order salt flow kinematics and dynamics induced by sub-salt extensional faulting and supra-salt sedimentary differential loading. To unravel structural geometries, flow patterns and driving mechanisms resulting from the interaction between sub-salt faulting, syn-kinematic sedimentation and salt flow, the following methods were applied: (1) A literature review was undertaken compiling a database of salt structures of the Southern Permian Basin, which is a prime natural example for studying extensionally driven salt tectonics. This literature study intends to visualise periods in which salt structures were initiated and periods in which salt structures grew fastest. Furthermore, geological scenarios and boundary conditions typically occurring during the onset and the subsequent growth of extensionally driven salt structures were determined and used in the following studies. (2) 2D retro-deformation of one geological cross section of a prominent extensional basin (Glückstadt Graben, Northern Germany) was performed to examine sedimentary structures in the overburden, which formed due to tectonic stretching and syn- and post-extensional salt flow. The retro-deformation sequentially restored the initial thickness of overburden layers by applying decompaction and vertical shear unfolding. (3) An experimental analogue modelling study was conducted to examine strain patterns in the viscous layer above an extensional basement fault. The experimental set-up consisted of a rigid base dissected by two normal faults, a ductile layer made of viscous silicone elastomer which represents the salt layer, and sand layers with a higher bulk density representing brittle overburden sediments. The experiments were analysed using particle imaging velocimetry at the frontal glass wall illustrating flow patterns in the viscous layer. (4) Analytical computations were used to determine direction and velocities of salt flow taking place above a sub-salt fault in dependence on the fault displacement and the amount of differential loading between hanging wall and footwall side. The idealised model set-up consisted of a basement displaced by a normal fault, a layer with Newtonian viscous rheology of salt and an overburden, whose density increased with depth. The flow velocity was calculated according to the prevailing hydraulic-head gradient for various different geological parameter, e.g. thicknesses of the salt and the cover, inclination of the basement fault, compaction behaviour of the overburden or salt density. On the basis of the results of this thesis, a comprehensive concept of early-stage salt flow in extensional basins can be developed including the temporal development of the syn-kinematic peripheral sinks and the salt flow patterns as well as the dynamics driving the salt flow. First of all, dating of salt structures (Chapter 2) emphasised that in many parts of the Southern Permian Basin, movement of the Upper Permian salt started in the period from middle Early Triassic to the Middle Triassic and, therefore, in the first 15 Myrs. after salt deposition. This can be inferred from thickness and stratigraphic patterns in depocentres (peripheral sinks) between the present-day salt structures. The initiation was localised in extension-related sub-basins and fault zones implying that sub-salt extensional faulting was the main trigger for salt movements. Coinciding with additional phases of basin-wide extensional movement at the beginning of the Late Triassic and during the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, many of the salt structures in the previously formed sub-basins passed a phase of intense, syn-sedimentary growth. This is indicated by thickening of sedimentary strata in subsidence centres adjacent to salt structures. The restoration of syn-kinemtic sedimentary structures of the Glückstadt Graben (Chapter 3) revealed original structural geometries of the syn-kinematic peripheral sinks that typically develop in such an extensional sub-basin. Initial sub-salt normal faulting during the Early Triassic caused the formation of a relatively narrow, up to 3500m deep minibasin in the basin centre bounded by two highly elevated salt structures. Additionally, extension in the cover triggered the development of salt structures and minor, bowl-shaped peripheral sinks above the graben flanks. The subsidence of these sinks lasted until the Middle Keuper time, when additional normal faulting in the sub-salt basement induced rapid diapiric growth of the previously initiated salt structures. Consequently, depocentres in the peripheral sinks moved closer towards the diapirs due to progressive salt expulsion underneath. In the following period from Late Triassic throughout the Cenozoic, the deepest depocentres adjacent to the diapirs sequentially shifted away from the basin centre, whereby additional diapirs and pillows were initiated at the margins of the Glückstadt Graben. The analogue modelling study (Chapter 4) aimed to contribute insights into the structural evolution of early-stage peripheral sinks in extensional basins and into the temporal and spatial distribution of viscous material flow occurring in such a setting. Due to an initial phase of normal faulting in the base of the viscous layer and a subsequent phase of syn-kinematic sand accumulation, a “central peripheral sink“ and pillow-like structures next to the basement fault as well as further pillow structures with additional minor peripheral sinks at large distance from the basement fault developed. During initial basement extension, combined Couette shear flow and Poiseuille channel flow was detected in the regions above the basal faults. Poiseuille flow was directed towards the downthrown hanging wall block and counteracted the Couette flow induced by laterally moving footwall blocks. Due to post-extensional sand accumulation in the peripheral sink above the hanging wall block, Poiseuille flow reversed and the viscous material was squeezed upwards driven by differential loading on top of the sand layer. Material inflation above the footwall blocks close to the normal faults led to uplifts of pillow-like structures (“primary pillows“). During later phases of sand accumulation, additional peripheral sinks developed at the outer side of the pillow structures. Consequently, the primary pillows were inflated from both sides and the viscous material was squeezed into a second generation of pillows (“secondary pillows“) further away from the basal normal faults. The analytical models (Chapter 5) examined the driving forces of salt flow beneath a central hanging wall peripheral sink in order to translate observed flow patterns to natural geological conditions, i.e. to test the dependency of flow patterns on the thickness and the depth-related density of the overburden. The models revealed that in most geological scenarios, a minimum displacement of the basement fault in the range of 700 – 2600m is required that salt flow above the normal fault turns from downward to upward flow assuming that the central peripheral sink is always filled up with sediments. The concrete fault displacement at which flow reversal occurs is smaller if the depth-related density of the overburden increases faster, the cover thickness in the central peripheral sink is higher, or the average salt density is smaller. In summary, the results of these studies help to understand how salt flow patterns and syn-kinematic sedimentary structures in an extensionally induced basin evolve in time. Especially in the early phase of such a basin, when most of the salt structures are established, the interference between pressure-induced Poiseuille flow and shear-induced Couette flow were analysed, and the interplay between early downward flow and subsequent upward flow were comprehended. Overall, these findings can be applied to various types of extensional basins in order to reconstruct the structural evolution of overburden minibasins in relation to the salt flow underneath.In Sedimentbecken mit einer genügend mächtigen salinaren Abfolge kann Salztektonik großen Einfluss auf die strukturgeologische und sedimentäre Beckenentwicklung nehmen. Da Salzgestein über geologische Zeitraume ein viskoses Deformationsverhalten aufweist, kann es entlang eines hydraulischen Druckgradienten fließen. Dadurch entstehen lokale Subsidenzzentren oberhalb von Regionen mit Salzabwanderung und Strukturen mit erhöhter Salzmächtigkeit (z.B. Salzkissen, Salzdiapire) in Regionen von Salzakkumulation. In vielen Sedimentbecken, in denen Salztektonik stattfand (z.B. dem Südlichen Permbecken in Zentraleuropa), haben vorrangig tektonische Extensionsbewegungen den hydraulischen Druckgradienten und damit eine Salzfließbewegung ausgelost. Folgende Mechanismen können in solchen extensionalen Becken wirken: (1) Differentielle Absenkung der Salinarbasis, z.B. durch Abschiebungen, kann zu einem gravitativ getriebenen Abwärtsfliesen des Salzes fuhren. (2) Syntektonische, sedimentäre Auflastunterschiede zwischen den Absenkungszentren und deren Flanken können das Salz von Regionen mit höherer Auflast verdrängen und zu einem aufwärts gerichteten Salzfluss fuhren. Um den Einfluss von syn- und posttektonischen Salzbewegungen auf die Deformations- und Sedimentstrukturen im Deckgebirge nachvollziehen zu können, werden häufig analoge Sandkastenexperimente oder analytische und numerische Modelle angewendet. Bisherige Analogexperimente zur Untersuchung von Prozessen der Salztektonik befassten sich zumeist nur mit tektonischen Strukturen im Deckgebirge der Salzschicht, jedoch nur selten mit dem Salzfluss an sich. Es existieren zahlreiche numerische und analytische Modelle, die verschiedene Szenarien des Salzflusses untersuchen, aber nur wenige bezogen tektonische Extension als Auslöser der Salzbewegung ein. In dieser Dissertation soll ein besseres Verständnis von der Kinematik und Dynamik der Salzfließbewegung erlangt werden, welche durch Auflastunterschiede und Störungsversatz in der Salinarbasis ausgelost werden. Um die dynamische Wechselwirkung zwischen tektonischen Störungen, synkinematischer Sedimentation und Salzfluss zu untersuchen, wurden folgende Methoden angewendet: (1) In einer Literaturrecherche wurde eine Datenbank aller Salzstrukturen des Südlichen Permbeckens zusammengestellt. Basierend auf den geologischen Daten der Salzstrukturen wurden die Phasen, in denen jede Salzstruktur initialisiert wurde, und die Phasen, in denen jede Salzstruktur ihr schnellstes Wachstum erlebte, in geologischen Karten visualisiert. Des Weiteren wurden für die nachfolgenden Studien die geologischen Randbedingungen ermittelt, unter denen die Initiierung und das folgende Wachstum der Salzstrukturen stattfand. (2) Anhand eines geologischen Profils durch eine bedeutende Grabenstruktur des Südlichen Permbeckens, dem Gluckstadt Graben, wurde eine strukturelle 2D-Rekonstruktuion durchgeführt. Mit dieser Rekonstruktion wurde die Strukturentwicklung synkinematischer Depozentren untersucht, die durch Grabenbildung und Salzfluss entstanden sind. Die Rekonstruktionsmethode umfasste die Dekompaktion und „vertical shear unfolding“ der Deckgebirgssedimente. (3) In einer Studie mit analogen Sandkastenexperimenten sind die Fließmuster in einer viskosen Schicht und die Sedimentstrukturen in deren Deckschicht oberhalb einer basalen Grabenstruktur erforscht worden. Der experimentelle Aufbau bestand aus einer festen Basis, die durch zwei Abschiebungen geteilt wurde, einer viskosen Schicht aus einem Silikonpolymer, welche die Salzgesteinsschicht repräsentierte, und Sandschichten, die das Deckgebirge simulieren sollten und eine höhere Gesamtdichte als die Silikonschicht besaßen. (4) Analytische Berechnungen wurden durchgeführt, um die Richtung und Geschwindigkeit der Salzfließbewegung über einer subsalinaren Störung in Abhängigkeit vom Versatz der Störung und vom Auflastunterschied im Deckgebirge zu ermitteln. Die idealisierten Modelle bestanden wiederum aus einem starren Basement, welches von einer Abschiebung durchzogen war. Darüber befanden sich eine Schicht mit dem linear-viskosen (Newtonischen) Deformationsverhalten von Salzgestein sowie eine Deckschicht, dessen Dichte mit zunehmender Tiefe stieg. In den Modellen wurde das Geschwindigkeitsfeld gemäß des vorherrschenden hydraulischen Gradienten berechnet und verschiedene geologische Parameter variiert, wie z.B. die Mächtigkeit der Salzschicht und des Deckgebirges, das Einfallen der Basementstörung, das Kompaktionsverhaltens des Deckgebirges sowie die Dichte der Salzschicht. Die Resultate dieser Studien bilden die Grundlage, um ein konzeptionelles Modell des Salzflusses in Extensionsbecken zu entwickeln, angefangen von der zeitlichen Entwicklung der synkinematischen Randsenken und der Salzfließmuster bis hin zu den dominierenden Prozessen, die den Salzfluss antreiben. Die Analyse der Initiierungsalter der Salzstrukturen im Südlichen Permbecken (Kapitel 2) ergab zunächst, dass die Mobilisierung des Permischen Salzes in vielen Beckenteilen bereits in der frühen und mittleren Trias begann und damit in dem Zeitraum von rund 15 Mio. Jahren nach Ende der Salzablagerung. Dies kann anhand von Mächtigkeitsschwankungen in lokalen Depozentren peripheren Senken) zwischen den heutigen Salzstrukturen abgeleitet werden. Die ersten Salzstrukturen wurden vor allem in Graben und Störungszonen mobilisiert, was darauf hinweist, dass Dehnungstektonik der Hauptausloser für den Salzfluss war. Während nachfolgender Dehnungsphasen im Becken in der spaten Trias und in der Periode vom Jura bis in die frühe Kreide durchliefen viele der Salzstrukturen in den zuvor gebildeten Graben eine Phase verstärkten Wachstums. Dies wird anhand von mächtigen Randsenken deutlich, die sich direkt neben den aufsteigenden Salzstrukturen bildeten. Die Rekonstruktion der synkinematischen Sedimentstrukturen im Gluckstadt Graben (Kapitel 3) verdeutlichte die initialen Geometrien der salz-beeinflussten Randsenken, die typischerweise in salzbeeinflussten Graben entstehen. Während der frühen Trias führten initiale Abschiebungen zunächst zur Bildung eines relativ schmalen, ca. 3500m tiefen Sedimenttroges im Grabenzentrum („zentrale Randsenke“), der seitlich von zwei schnell wachsenden Salzstrukturen begrenzt wurde. Weiterhin loste die Grabenbildung die Entstehung flacherer Salzstrukturen sowie schüsselförmiger Randsenken auf den Hochlagen des Grabens aus. Eine Phase schnellen Wachstums der Salzstrukturen wurde durch erneute Dehnungsbewegungen in der spaten Trias initiiert. In Folge der schnellen Salzabwanderung unterhalb der Randsenken bewegten sich die Depozentren zunehmend naher zu den Rändern der Salzstrukturen. Die folgenden Phasen waren geprägt vom kontinuierlichen diapirischen Aufstieg in verschiedenen Regionen des Grabens. In der Zeitspanne von der spaten Trias bis ins Känozoikum verlagerten sich die Depozentren dabei graduell zu den Beckenrändern. Diese Verlagerung wurde vermutlich durch eine mehr oder weniger kontinuierliche Salzmigration in die wachsenden Diapire bewirkt. Die analogen Sandkastenexperimente (Kapitel 4) dienten zur Untersuchung der Fließbewegungen in einer viskosen Schicht und der synchron entstehenden synsedimentären Randsenken, die durch Grabenbildung angetrieben werden. Ausgelöst durch eine initiale Dehnungsphase und anschließender synkinematischer Sandakkumulation wurden eine zentrale Randsenke über dem Zentrum sowie kissenähnliche Strukturen an den Rändern des simulierten Grabens erzeugt. Über den vom Graben entfernten Hochlagen entstanden später weitere Kissenstrukturen und flachere Randsenken. Während der Dehnungsphase war in der viskosen Silikonschicht direkt über der Abschiebung eine Überlagerung von Scherströmung (Couette-Strömung) und laminarer Strömung mit einem parabolischen Geschwindigkeitsprofil (Poiseuille-Strömung) zu beobachten. Die Poiseuille-Strömung war zum Grabenzentrum gerichtet und damit entgegengesetzt zur Scherbewegung der Couette-Strömung. Sobald zusätzliches Granulat in die zentrale Randsenke gefüllt wurde, kehrte sich die Bewegungsrichtung der Poiseuille-Strömung um und das viskose Material wurde, bedingt durch die Auflastunterschiede an der Oberflache, aufwärts zu den Grabenflanken gepresst. Dort akkumulierte es in kissenähnlichen Strukturen („Primarkissen“). Nach weiteren Phasen der Sandeinfüllung bildeten sich zusätzliche Randsenken an den vom Graben abgewandten Seiten der Kissenstrukturen. Ab diesem Stadium floss das viskose Material von beiden Seiten in die Primarkissen und zusätzlich nach außen in nachfolgende Kissenstrukturen („Sekundarkissen“). Anhand von analytischen Modellrechnungen (Kapitel 5) wurden die Mechanismen untersucht, die den Salzfluss oberhalb einer subsalinaren Abschiebung antreiben. Es sollte getestet werden, wie sich die in den Analogexperimenten beobachteten Fließmuster in Abhängigkeit von der Kompaktion und der Mächtigkeit des Deckgebirges entwickeln. Die Modelle konnten zeigen, dass es in den meisten geologisch realistischen Szenarien zunächst zu einer Abwärtsfließbewegung des Salzes über einer subsalinaren Abschiebung kommt. Erst ab einem Störungsversatz von 700 – 2600m sind die Auflastunterschiede bedingt durch die zentrale Randsenke groß genug, um das Salz auf die Hochlage der Abschiebung zu verdrängen (unter der Annahme, dass die zentrale Randsenke stets mit Sediment gefüllt ist). Der erforderliche Versatzbetrag, ab dem das Aufwärtsfliesen einsetzt, ist geringer, wenn die kompaktionsabhängige Dichte des Deckgebirges hoher, die Mächtigkeit in der zentralen Randsenke hoher oder die durchschnittliche Dichte des Salzes niedriger ist. Die Resultate dieser Studien geben ein besseres Prozessverständnis über die Salzfließmuster und die Entwicklung synkinematischer Randsenken in extensionalen Becken. Speziell in der Frühphase solcher Becken, in der die meisten Salzstrukturen angelegt werden, konnte die Überlagerung von Couette- und Poiseuille-Strömung sowie die Wechselwirkung zwischen abwärts- und aufwärtsgerichtetem Salzfluss nachvollzogen werden. Diese Ergebnisse können auf verschiedenste Extensionsbecken angewendet werden, um die strukturelle Entwicklung von Randsenken in Abhängigkeit vom darunter stattfindenden Salzfluss zu rekonstruieren

    Patterns and Failure Modes of Fractures Resulting From Forced Folding of Cohesive Caprocks – Comparison of 2D vs. 3D and Single-vs. Multi-Layered Analog Experiments

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    Knowledge of the formation mechanisms and geometries of fracture systems in sedimentary rocks is crucial for understanding local and basin-scale fluid migration. Complex fracture networks can be caused by, for instance, forced folding of a competent sediment layer in response to magmatic sill intrusion, remobilisation of fluidized sand or fluid overpressure in underlying porous reservoir formations. The opening modes and geometries of the fractures mainly determine the bulk permeability and sealing capacity of the folded layer. In this study, we carried out laboratory analog experiments to better comprehend patterns and evolution of the fracture network during forced folding as well as differences of the fracture patterns between a 2D and 3D modelling approach and between a homogenous and a multi-layered cover. The experimental layering consisted of a lower reservoir layer and an upper cover, which was either a single high-cohesive layer or an alternation of low- and high-cohesive layers. The two configurations were tested in an apparatus allowing quasi-2D and 3D experiments. Streaming air from the base of the model and air injected through a needle valve was used to produce a regional and a local field of fluid overpressure in the layers. The experimental outcomes reveal that the evolution of the fracture network undergoes an initial phase characterized by the formation of a forced fold associated with dominantly compactive and tensile fractures. The second phase of the evolution is dominated by fracture breakthrough and overpressure release mainly along shear fractures. Structures observed in 2D cross sections can be related to their expressions on the surface of the 3D respective experiments. Furthermore, the experiments showed that the intrusion network is more complex and laterally extended in the case of a multi-layered cover. Our results can be instructive for detecting and predicting fracture patterns around shallow magmatic and sand intrusions as well as above underground fluid storage sites

    Progressive tilting of salt-bearing continental margins controls thin-skinned deformation

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    As a primary driving force, margin tilting is crucial for gravity-driven thin-skinned salt tectonics. We investigated how instant versus progressive margin tilting mechanisms influence salt tectonics using an analogue modeling setup where tilting rate could be controlled. Instant tilting resulted in initially high deformation rates, triggering widely distributed upslope extension and downslope contraction. Later, both the extensional and contractional domains migrated upslope as early extensional structures were successively deactivated, while deformation rates decreased exponentially. In contrast, progressive tilting led to downslope migration of the extensional domain by sequentially formed, long-lived normal faults. Contraction localized on a few, long-lived thrusts before migrating upslope. We attribute the distinct structural evolution of thin-skinned deformation, especially in the extensional domain, in the two tilting scenarios mainly to mechanical coupling between the brittle overburden and underlying viscous material. The coupling effect in turn is largely controlled by the deformation rate. By demonstrating the spatiotemporal variations of structural style and kinematic evolution associated with instant versus progressive tilting, we suggest that such variation is identifiable in nature and therefore can provide a new way to analyze margin tilting histories.publishedVersio

    Overprinting translational domains in passive margin salt basins: insights from analogue modelling

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    Current models of gravitational tectonics on the structural styles of salt-influenced passive margins typically depict domains of upslope extension and corresponding downslope contraction separated by a mid-slope domain of translation that is rather undeformed. However, an undeformed translational domain is rarely observed in natural systems as extensional and contractional structures tend to interfere in the mid-slope area. In this study, we use sandbox analogue modelling analysed by digital image correlation (DIC) to investigate some of the factors that control the structural evolution of translational domains. As in nature, experimental deformation is driven by slowly increasing gravitational forces associated with continuous basal tilting. The results show that a translational domain persists throughout the basin evolution when the pre-kinematic layer is evenly distributed. However, a thin (1 mm in the experiment, 100 m in nature) pre-kinematic layer can render the translational domain relatively narrow compared to settings with a thicker (5 mm) pre-kinematic layer. In contrast, early differential sedimentary loading in the mid-slope area creates minibasins separated by salt diapirs overprinting the translational domain. Similarly, very low sedimentation rate (1 mm per day in the experiment, < 17 m Ma−1 in nature) in the early stage of the experiment results in a translational domain quickly overprinted by downslope migration of the extensional domain and upslope migration of the contractional domain. Our study suggests that the architecture of passive margin salt basins is closely linked to the pre- and syn-kinematic cover thickness. The translational domain, as an undeformed region in the supra-salt cover, is a transient feature and overprinted in passive margins with either low sedimentation rate or a heterogeneous sedimentation pattern.publishedVersio

    Ring-shear test data of quartz sand from the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH)

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    This dataset provides internal and basal (wall) friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) on a quartz sand material that has been used in tectonic experiments in Zwaan et al. (2016, 2017), Zwaan and Scheurs (2017) and in the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH) as an analogue for brittle layers in the crust or lithosphere. The material has been characterized by means of internal and basal friction coefficients μ and cohesions C as a remote service by the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam for the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (UB). According to our analysis the material behaves as a Mohr-Coulomb material characterized by a linear failure envelope. Internal peak, dynamic and reactivation friction coefficients are μP = 0.73, μD = 0.61, and μR = 0.66, respectively. Internal cohesions C are in the range of 10 to 70 Pa. Basal peak, dynamic and reactivation friction coefficients are μP = 0.41, μD = 0.35, and μR = 0.36, respectively, whereas basal cohesions C are in the range of 120 to 150 Pa. The rate dependency of the internal dynamic friction coefficient is insignificant (<1%)

    Analog laboratory experiments of the formation of forced folds and sand injections driven by pore fluid overpressure

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    Sand injections form by intrusion of overpressured, fluidized sand into surrounding low-permeable, fine-grained rocks. We conducted a series of scaled analog experiments to investigate the kinematic evolution of sand injections originating from an overpressured, tabular source layer associated with forced folding and propagation of fractures. The experiments were performed in the analog laboratory of the Institute of Geosciences (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) in the framework of the project "Mobilization of Unconsolidated Sediments Related to CO2 Storage". The layering of the analog materials consisted of non-cohesive and cohesive granulates to mimic a sand reservoir and its fine-grained overburden. To produce a fluid overpressure in the layered materials, air was injected from the base of the reservoir layer and additionally through a point-like needle valve penetrating into the reservoir layer. Pressure sensors recorded the air pressure at the base of the reservoir layer and in the needle valve. The experiments were monitored with a digital SLR camera and analyzed by the digital image correlation software DaVis 10.0 (LaVision GmbH) to calculate displacement and strain patterns in the analog materials. The data set presented here includes (1) original data: - Photos of the experimental evolution - Data of volumetric air flow rate and air pressure recorded during the experiments and (2) analyzed data: - Results of digital image correlation including edited photographs as well as data and plots of the displacement vector fields - Edited photos and a Python script for analyzing the vertical displacements of the experimental surface. Detailed descriptions of the experiments, method and results can be found in Warsitzka, et al. (2019) to which this data set is supplement

    Analog laboratory experiments of fracture networks formed due to forced folding and pore fluid overpressure

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    Forced folding of a low-permeable, competent sediment layer in response to magmatic sill intrusion, remobilisation of fluidized sand or fluid overpressure in underlying porous reservoir formations can cause the formation of complex fracture networks. The opening modes and geometries of these fractures affect the bulk permeability of the cover layer and, thus, are crucial for understanding fluid flow processes in sedimentary basins. We carried out analog experiments in the laboratory of the Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (project: Mobilization of Unconsolidated Sediments Related to CO2 Storage) to simulate the evolution of fracture networks during forced folding, its differences between a 2D and 3D modelling approach and its variability depending on the rheological stratification of the cover. To produce a fluid overpressure in the layered analog materials, air was injected from the base of the layering and additionally through a point-like needle valve penetrating into the lowermost layer with a stepwise increasing air flux (Q). Pressure sensors recorded the air pressure at the base of the reservoir layer and in the needle valve. The experiments were monitored with a digital SLR camera and analyzed by the digital image correlation software DaVis 10.0 (LaVision GmbH) to calculate displacement and strain patterns in the analog materials. Furthermore, a fracture analysis was performed for which we measured length and dips or strikes, respectively, in the side view of the 2D experiments and in top view in the 3D experiments. Based on these data, opening modes of the fractures were determined and statistical analyses were applied. The outcomes of these analyses are shown in rose diagram and histograms. The data set presented here includes: 1) Original data: -PhotosOriginal.zip: Photos of the experimental evolution -FractureData.zip: Measured lengths and dips (from side views of the 2D experiments) or strikes (from top view of the 3D experiments) of individual fracture segments -PneumaticData.zip: Data of volumetric air flow rate (Q) and air pressure (P) recorded during the experiments 2) Analyzed data: -DigitalImageCorrelation.zip: Results of digital image correlation including edited photographs as well as data and plots of the displacement vector fields -SurfaceDisplacement.zip: Edited photos and a Python script for analyzing the vertical displacements of the experimental surface. -RoseDiagrams.zip: Rose diagrams plotting the dips or strikes, respectively, of the fracture segments -Histograms.zip: Histogram showing the abundance of fracture segments along the vertical z-axis in the 2D experiments or along the horizontal x and y axes in the 3D experiments Detailed descriptions of the experiments, method and results can be found in Warsitzka, et al. (2022) to which this data set is supplement

    Analog laboratory experiments of gravity gliding in salt-bearing rift basins

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    Salt tectonic processes in rift basin are mainly driven by sub- and supra-salt faulting and sedimentary loading. However, since the formation of a rift basin is often accompanied and followed by thermal subsidence, flanks of the rift basin are tilted, which induces an additional basinward directed driver for salt tectonics. We designed a new experimental analog apparatus integrating the processes of sub-salt graben extension and tilting of the flanks so that their overlapping effects on the deformation of a viscous substratum and the brittle overburden can be simulated. In total, seven experiments were performed in the analog laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science (Prague, Czech Republic) and presented in the paper related to this data publication. The experimental surface was recorded by stereoscopic cameras. Images were acquired and processed by the StrainMaster© (LaVision GmbH) 3D digital image correlation (DIC; Davis 10.2) software. The data set presented here includes (1) data of the DIC: - Displacement and strain maps showing final displacement (total displacement, x-displacement, z-displacement) and strain (normal strain in x-direction) observed at the experimental surface as well as averaged values of these parameters related to experimental time (2) data related to the scaling procedure: - Data of the dimensionless Argand number and Brittle-ductile-coupling - Data of the density of natural sediments and of analog materials Detailed descriptions of the experiments, method and results can be found in Warsitzka, et al. (2021) to which this data set is supplement. The subfolders in the data are named according to the experiments in the related paper

    Overprinting translational domains in passive margin salt basins: insights from analogue modelling

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    Current models of gravitational tectonics on the structural styles of salt-influenced passive margins typically depict domains of upslope extension and corresponding downslope contraction separated by a mid-slope domain of translation that is rather undeformed. However, an undeformed translational domain is rarely observed in natural systems as extensional and contractional structures tend to interfere in the mid-slope area. In this study, we use sandbox analogue modelling analysed by digital image correlation (DIC) to investigate some of the factors that control the structural evolution of translational domains. As in nature, experimental deformation is driven by slowly increasing gravitational forces associated with continuous basal tilting. The results show that a translational domain persists throughout the basin evolution when the pre-kinematic layer is evenly distributed. However, a thin (1 mm in the experiment, 100 m in nature) pre-kinematic layer can render the translational domain relatively narrow compared to settings with a thicker (5 mm) pre-kinematic layer. In contrast, early differential sedimentary loading in the mid-slope area creates minibasins separated by salt diapirs overprinting the translational domain. Similarly, very low sedimentation rate (1 mm per day in the experiment, < 17 m Ma−1 in nature) in the early stage of the experiment results in a translational domain quickly overprinted by downslope migration of the extensional domain and upslope migration of the contractional domain. Our study suggests that the architecture of passive margin salt basins is closely linked to the pre- and syn-kinematic cover thickness. The translational domain, as an undeformed region in the supra-salt cover, is a transient feature and overprinted in passive margins with either low sedimentation rate or a heterogeneous sedimentation pattern