32 research outputs found

    Towards sugar- and lignin-based polyesters and polyurethanes with enhanced properties

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    The enormous production and consumption of fossil-based plastics has caused severe environmental challenges such as pollution of the ocean, increased CO2-emissions, and various health problems. Many ofthese concerns are intimately connected to the use of fossil fuels in the production of polymers. For this reason, there is a considerable interest to develop bio-based monomers to mitigate some of the issues connected tofossil-based plastics. However, new bio-based monomers are often expensive and need some material advantages to facilitate their market entry. In this context, we have designed several new monomers byconverting bio-based molecules such as 5-chloromethylfurfural (CMF), 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and vanillin into rigid diols for polyester and polyurethane synthesis. This thesis has been divided into 5 chaptersdescribing the most important findings from each underlying project.In Chapter 1 and 2, HMF was reacted with pentaerythritol and di(trimethylolpropane) to make two rigid diols with cyclic acetal structures. The monomer made from HMF and pentaerythritol was predicted to have anexceptionally low carbon footprint according to our LCA calculations. These diols were further used to synthesize a series of polyesters and polyurethanes with increased glass transition temperatures. Polyurethanesynthesis was deemed more suitable for this type of monomers, since degradation occurred at the high temperatures required for polyester synthesis. The obtained polyurethanes were used to prepare coatings andtextile fibers. Furthermore, the cyclic acetal structure of the monomers enabled chemical recycling under acidic conditions. In Chapter 3, HMF was produced in a continuous process from fructose, using water anddimethylcarbonate (DMC) in a biphasic system. Both yield and conversion were excellent, demonstrating the utility of DMC for HMF synthesis. The HMF synthesized by this method was sufficiently pure for preparation ofthe monomers in Chapters 1 and 2 in comparable yields to commercial HMF. In Chapter 4, three rigid diols were prepared from CMF and various lignin-based monomeric aldehydes including 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin and syringaldehyde. The diol made from vanillin and CMF was used to prepare a series of thermoplastic polyurethanes with increased glass transition temperatures. The polymers were then cross-linked with DielsAlder chemistry, which could be reversed at higher temperature. This may facilitate its reprocessing and recycling. In Chapter 5, two rigid monomers were produced from potentially lignin-derived phenols, and used to prepare a series of polyesters with tunable thermal properties. The polymers could potentially be chemically recycled by acid hydrolysis

    Hubungan Kecemasan Dental Terhadap Status Karies Pada Siswa/i Umur 6-9 Tahun di SDN 45 Kalumbuk Kota Padang

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    Latar Belakang: Kecemasan dental adalah kecondongan seseorang untuk merasa cemas saat akan dilakukannya kunjungan ke dokter gigi. Kecemasan dapat diperngaruhi oleh usia, jenis kelamin, pengalaman kunjungan, pengetahuan, riwayat traumatik, faktor keluarga dari seseorang tersebut. Karies adalah penyakit multifactorial yang ditandai dengan rusaknya jaringan keras gigi dan diawali dengan adanya white spot. Kecemasan dental menyebabkan seseorang menghindari kunjungan dan dapat memperburuk kondisi kesehatan gigi dan mulut seperti karies. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan kecemasan dental terhadap status karies pada siswa/i umur 6 – 9 tahun di SDN 45 Kalumbuk Kota Padang. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 49 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrument yang digunakan adalah modifikasi dari kuesioner CDAS (Corah Dental Anxiety Scale) untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan dental anak dan penilaian karies gigi berdasarkan indeks def-t. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Chi Square. Hasil: Tingkat kecemasan dental pada sampel yang banyak terjadi adalah kecemasan ringan dengan proporsi 38.8%. Kategori karies sampel yang banyak terjadi adalah kategori sangat tinggi dengan proporsi 69.4%. Hasil analisis uji statistik didapatkan nilai p value = 0,658. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara kecemasan dental terhadap status karies pada siswa/I umur 6 – 9 tahun di SDN 45 Kalumbuk Kota Padang. Kata Kunci : kecemasan dental, karies gigi, ana

    Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kayu Hasil Hutan dan Upaya Penanggulangnnya Menurut Undang-Undang No.32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lingkungan Hidup Studi Kasus di Polres Dairi

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    Pembahasan di dalam skripsi ini adalah tentang tinjauan hukum terhadap tindak pidana pencurian kayu yang merupakan tindak pidana menebang hutan tanpa izin dan mengakibatkan kerugian negara dan kerusakan lingkungan hidup dugaan mengambil studi pada Polres Dair

    Pelayanan Kenaikan Pangkat Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Era New Normal Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Riau

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    Rank is a position that indicates the level of position based on the level of difficulty, responsibility, impact, and qualification requirements of the job used as a basis for payroll. Riau Provincial Staffing Agency is an integral part of public service bureaucratic institutions whose one of its duties is to manage the promotion of the state civil apparatus in the Riau Provincial Government Environment. The new normal policy with the implementation of health protocols certainly makes access to public services, especially promotion services to be limited. This can be used as an effort for public service organizers to maximize services by switching to an online system that has been running. This research aims to analyze the implementation of civil servant promotion services in the Era New Normal at the Riau Provincial Staffing Agency and to find out what obstacles are obstacles in the promotion service. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach as a research strategy. As for the research infoman as many as 15 people. The results showed that the implementation of civil servant promotion services in the New Normal Era at the Riau Provincial Staffing Agency is known as a whole not to be running well this is known from the limited facilities and infrastructure supporting services, the limited resource capabilities of the apparatus, especially running website-based promotion applications such as Docudigital and Si Elok Application and still active spread of the Covid-19 Virus. among employees so that the service can not be done directly. BKD Riau Province strives to improve promotion services through the implementation of education and training to improve services through service innovations such as the provision of website-based health administration services so as to make it easier for employees to get services quickly. Obstacles that become obstacles in the implementation of promotion services include 1). Submission of staffing administration files in the form of incomplete file copy, 2). Availability of work facilities and infrastructure to support Promotion Services During the New Normal Era, 3).The occurrence of the continued placement of employees who are not in accordance with their position.4).Weak Ability of Implementing Apparatus Resources in Operationalizing Website-Based Promotion Applications

    Representing France at the czarina’s court. The two embassies of Joachim-Jacques, marquee of La ChĂ©tardie, from 1739 to 1744

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    Le marquis de La ChĂ©tardie est le premier envoyĂ© de la France en Russie Ă  ĂȘtre revĂȘtu du caractĂšre d’ambassadeur. Cet honneur, naguĂšre refusĂ© Ă  Pierre le Grand, a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ© Ă  sa niĂšce Anna, quoique ce fĂ»t au dĂ©cours du premier conflit armĂ© entre les deux pays. Son sĂ©jour Ă  Petersbourg rĂ©vĂ©la ses qualitĂ©s mais aussi ses limites ; en effet, ce courtisan achevĂ©, courtois, expert en conversation et en rĂ©ceptions mondaines, obsĂ©dĂ© par un cĂ©rĂ©monial pointilleux, a ratĂ© toutes les entreprises qu’il avait envisagĂ©es. A l’opposĂ©, certaines de ses initiatives lui ont valu des dĂ©saveux. ImpliquĂ© modĂ©rĂ©ment dans le coup d’État qui mit Élisabeth sur le trĂŽne, il ne profita pas longtemps de la faveur acquise Ă  cette occasion. Il avait mal estimĂ© les ressources des belligĂ©rants russes et suĂ©dois ; quelques maladresses, dont son gouvernement portait plus que lui la responsabilitĂ©, associĂ©es Ă  la xĂ©nophobie exacerbĂ©e des Russes, suffirent Ă  transformer le favori en paria ; il se vit refuser par la souveraine la mĂ©diation initialement promise dans le conflit en cours, et dut solliciter son rappel. Revenu en France, il y Ă©labora un projet, qui fit long feu, d’alliance franco-russo-suĂ©doise, qui devait remplacer le systĂšme des « barriĂšres », sacrifier la Pologne et bouleverser le systĂšme Ă©tabli. Son second sĂ©jour fut funeste et bref, son combat contre le vice-chancelier Bestoutcheff ne pouvant se terminer que par la chute de l’un d’eux. Ce fut lui qui fut expulsĂ©, ayant pĂ©chĂ© par excĂšs de confiance dans son chiffre. Ainsi, la premiĂšre ambassade de France en Russie se terminait-elle dans la confusion ; La ChĂ©tardie, malgrĂ© sa sĂ©duction, avait Ă©chouĂ© dans sa mission et dans ses grands projets.The marquis de La ChĂ©tardie was the first French envoy to Russia invested with the title of ambassador. This honor, denied to Peter the Great, was accorded to his niece Anna, although the two countries were then engaged in their first armed conflict. La ChĂ©tardie’s mission in St. Petersburg revealed both his qualities and weaknesses. A polished, experienced courtier, an expert conversationalist at home in fashionable gatherings and punctilious about court ceremonial, he failed at every project he undertook. Nevertheless, some of these failures were not his alone. Having played a minor role in the coup d’état that put Elisabeth on the throne, he acquired a favor from which he was unable to profit for long. He miscalculated the resources of Russian and Swedish belligerents. Several blunders connected to the exacerbated xenophobia of the Russians, although less his responsibility than his government’s, made him a pariah. Having been denied the role of mediator promised by the sovereign during the ongoing conflict, he was obliged to request his recall. Upon returning to France, he developed a project for an alliance among France, Russia, and Sweden that would have replaced the system of « barriers, » sacrificed Poland, and overturned the prevailing diplomatic system. His second mission was unhappy and brief as a result of his conflict with the Vice-Chancellor Bestoutchef, a conflict that could only end in the fall of one of them. It was La ChĂ©tardie who was removed because of his overconfidence in the security of his codes. Thus did the first French embassy to Russia end in confusion. Despite his seductive appeal, La ChĂ©tardie had failed in his mission and grand projects

    Représenter la France à la cour des tsarines : Les deux ambassades de Joachim-Jacques de La Chétardie de 1739 à 1744

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    The marquis de La ChĂ©tardie was the first French envoy to Russia invested with the title of ambassador. This honor, denied to Peter the Great, was accorded to his niece Anna, although the two countries were then on the waning of their first armed conflict. La ChĂ©tardie’s mission in St. Petersburg revealed both his qualities and weaknesses. A polished, experienced courtier, an expert conversationalist at home in fashionable gatherings and punctilious about court ceremonial, he failed at every project he undertook. Nevertheless, some of these failures were not his alone. Having played a minor role in the coup d’état that put Elisabeth on the throne, he acquired a favor from which he was unable to profit for long. He miscalculated the resources of Russian and Swedish belligerents. Several blunders connected to the exacerbated xenophobia of the Russians, although less his responsibility than his government’s, made him a pariah. Having been denied the role of mediator promised by the sovereign during the ongoing conflict, he was obliged to request his recall. Upon returning to France, he developed a project for an alliance among France, Russia, and Sweden that would have replaced the system of « barriers, » sacrificed Poland, and overturned the prevailing diplomatic system.His second mission was unhappy and brief as a result of his conflict with the Vice-Chancellor Bestoutchef, a conflict that could only end in the fall of one of them. It was La ChĂ©tardie who was removed because of his overconfidence in the security of his codes. Thus did the first French embassy to Russia end in confusion. Despite his seductive appeal, La ChĂ©tardie had failed in his mission and grand projects.Le marquis de La ChĂ©tardie est le premier envoyĂ© de la France en Russie Ă  ĂȘtre revĂȘtu du caractĂšre d’ambassadeur. Cet honneur, naguĂšre refusĂ© Ă  Pierre le Grand, a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ© Ă  sa niĂšce Anna, quoique ce fĂ»t au dĂ©cours du premier conflit armĂ© entre les deux pays.Son sĂ©jour Ă  Petersbourg rĂ©vĂ©la ses qualitĂ©s mais aussi ses limites ; en effet, ce courtisan achevĂ©, courtois, expert en conversation et en rĂ©ceptions mondaines, obsĂ©dĂ© par un cĂ©rĂ©monial pointilleux, a ratĂ© toutes les entreprises qu’il avait envisagĂ©es. A l’opposĂ©, certaines de ses initiatives lui ont valu des dĂ©saveux.ImpliquĂ© modĂ©rĂ©ment dans le coup d’État qui mit Élisabeth sur le trĂŽne, il ne profita pas longtemps de la faveur acquise Ă  cette occasion. Il avait mal estimĂ© les ressources des belligĂ©rants russes et suĂ©dois ; quelques maladresses, dont son gouvernement portait plus que lui la responsabilitĂ©, associĂ©es Ă  la xĂ©nophobie exacerbĂ©e des Russes, suffirent Ă  transformer le favori en paria ; il se vit refuser par la souveraine la mĂ©diation initialement promise dans le conflit en cours, et dut solliciter son rappel.Revenu en France, il y Ă©labora un projet, qui fit long feu, d’alliance franco-russo-suĂ©doise, qui devait remplacer le systĂšme des « barriĂšres », sacrifier la Pologne et bouleverser le systĂšme Ă©tabli. Son second sĂ©jour fut funeste et bref, son combat contre le vice-chancelier Bestoutcheff ne pouvant se terminer que par la chute de l’un d’eux. Ce fut lui qui fut expulsĂ©, ayant pĂ©chĂ© par excĂšs de confiance dans son chiffre.Ainsi, la premiĂšre ambassade de France en Russie se terminait-elle dans la confusion ; La ChĂ©tardie, malgrĂ© sa sĂ©duction, avait Ă©chouĂ© dans sa mission et dans ses grands projets

    The nurseÂŽs experience of suspecting child abuse

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    Thousands of children are abused each year in Sweden. Those children may be harmed physically or psychologically, and it often leads to psychic and emotional damage. This provides consequences both for the individual and for the society. Under Swedish law, the nurse is obligated to report suspected child abuse. Despite this, research shows that only fifty percent of the actual child abuse is reported by the health care staff. The aim of this study has been to investigate the nurses' experience of suspected child abuse. It was carried out as a literature study where ten articles were reviewed. The result shows that by observing the child and parents the nurse can discover some signs and abnormal behavior in the child, parents or both. Those can point in a direction that leads to suspicion of child abuse. Nurses with long professional experience were the ones who were safest in their assessment. The nurses were also influenced by their personal experience and their own values, ethics and morals. Nurses feel that suspected child abuse is a difficult matter that evoke much emotion. It is desirable with support from management and colleagues and time for self-reflection. Education leads to increased competence and safer conclusions by the nurses. It requires a great amount of courage to want to observe and dare question. With proper knowledge the nurse has a key role in being able to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse. She will also have the opportunity to act as the child's representative to protect the children

    The European Union

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    The generic drug product market is projected to grow from US 15billionin2004toUS15 billion in 2004 to US 27 billion in 2009 in the United States, and from US 9billiontoUS9 billion to US 14 billion in Western Europe (1). Moreover, the growth opportunities for generic drug products in the near future are significant with an estimated US $100 billion worth of branded pharmaceutical products to go off patent by 2010 (1). The substantial growth of the world generics drug market has been driven by a number of factors, but in particular the need to contain public health care spending, including the expenditure on drug products. In response to the important growth of the generic pharmaceutical industry during the last 10 to 15 years, regulatory agencies in countries all over the world, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, Canada's Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB), and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in the European Union (EU), have established requirements which must be met by a generic drug product to receive marketing authorization (2,3) Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/9781420020021.00

    A Study and Modelling of ChaïŹ€ Clouds AïŹ€ected by Wing-Tip Vortices

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    ChaïŹ€ are thin strips of either metal or metal coated ïŹbres used as countermeasures against radar. When deployed from an airplane, the turbulence and wing-tip vortices from the airplane disperse the chaïŹ€ into a chaïŹ€ cloud, which may appear as a false target and jam the radar. A Doppler radar is able to discriminate between chaïŹ€ and targets by using the Doppler spectra. Such signal processing methods already exist, and are evaluated with real data from ïŹ‚ight tests. However, ïŹ‚ight tests are expensive and a way to simulate a chaïŹ€ cloud would therefore be preferred. This master thesis was a pilot study which investigated the current knowledge of chaïŹ€ modelling with wing-tip vortices. Two models were created, an individual chaïŹ€ model and a Gaussian model. The individual chaïŹ€ model was based on physical phenomena and simulated the eïŹ€ect of the wing-tip vortices on a chaïŹ€ cloud. The Gaussian model was based on distributions and trends, and should be adjusted to real data. Due to conïŹdentiality, real data could not be used. Instead, two ïŹ‚ight scenarios were used to evaluate the individual chaïŹ€ model. The Gaussian model was then adapted to these results. The individual chaïŹ€ model was able to simulate two separate ïŹ‚ight scenarios with distinguishable results. Moreover, the model also showed some promising results when compared to RCS trends from previous published models. Statistical characteristics of the RCS values agreed with Swerling models. The RCS values were however low, due to insuïŹƒcient diïŹ€usion simulation. This also resulted in inaccurately simulated cloud sizes. The Gaussian model was able to mimic the behaviour of the individual chaïŹ€ model with reduced run-time. More work is necessary to fully understand the behaviour of wing-tip vortices, as well as the ability to use real data for evaluation. Theoretical work and more advanced simulation methods are required to understand and model the behaviour properly

    Stereo- and regioselective hydroboration of 1-exo-methylene pyranoses: discovery of aryltriazolylmethyl C-galactopyranosides as selective galectin-1 inhibitors

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    Galectins are carbohydrate recognition proteins that bind carbohydrates containing galactose and are involved in cell signaling and cellular interactions, involving them in several diseases. We present the synthesis of (aryltriazolyl)methyl galactopyranoside galectin inhibitors using a highly diastereoselective hydroboration of C1-exo-methylene pyranosides giving inhibitors with fourfold or better selectivity for galectin-1 over galectin-3, -4C (C-terminal CRD), -4N (N-terminal CRD), -7, -8C, -8N, -9C, and -9N and dissociation constants down to 170 ”M