29 research outputs found

    Persepsi Pelaku Bisnis Pariwisata Terhadap Regional Branding Solo, the Spirit of Java

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    Regional branding Solo, The Spirit of Java ditujukan sebagai alat pemasaran dalam segala upaya pemasaran wilayah Subosukowonosraten ( Kabupaten Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, Sragen, Karanganyar, Klaten, dan Kota Surakarta) ke masyarakat luas, Dengan tujuan peningkatan perekonomian wilayah, peran pelaku bisnis dirasa sangat vital dalam upaya pemasaran wilayah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian : (1)Mengkaji keragaman persepsi Pelaku Bisnis; (2)Mengkaji respon Pelaku Bisnis; (3)Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pembentuk persepsi Pelaku Bisnis terhadap Regional branding Solo, The Spirit of Java. Responden adalah 50 anggota KADIN Kota Surakarta. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik frekuensi relatif kumulatif, tabulasi silang, one way anova, dan korelasi pearson product moment Hasil menunjukkan bahwa persepsi terhadap Solo Raya 82% tinggi, 18% sedang. Respon 70% mendukung, 26% netral, 4% menolak. Harapan berupa penambahan even budaya (58%), pembatasan modernisasi pembangunan (32%), dan pelestarian cagar budaya (16%). Faktor pendapatan, usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan status di Perusahaan merupakan faktor yang berkorelasi positif terhadap pembentukan persepsi

    Intervention strategies for stunting based on analytic network process in Bangka Belitung Province of Indonesia

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    Stunting affects stature with all the consequences of disruption of growth and development and also affects economic productivity. In Indonesia, which is mostly archipelago, stunting interventions require a multi-sectoral convergence strategy. Difficulties often occur in coordinating multi-sectoral cooperation in the policy process. It is even more challenging to formulate and define intervention strategies at different administrative levels. The Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach, such as Analytic Network Process (ANP), is one of the multi-criteria measurement approaches used to obtain the relative priority scale of individual evaluations relative dependence between elements. This approach is possible for use in the public sector, such as stunting interventions, with a high amount of information, interactions, and complexity levels. Therefore, this research aimed to develop an institutional strategy model for stunting intervention in the archipelago. The study was located at Institut PertanianBogor (IPB) University, Bogor and Bangka Belitung Island Province (Bangka and West Bangka Regency). The research method used pairwise comparison techniques with the ANP approach of 15 expert informants selected purposively based on their expertise, position and work. The framework model's construction in this study was carried out through a literature review of strategic issues consisting of criteria and indicators in decision-making for stunting reduction. Data analysis utilized Superdecisions version 2.8 software. The study results emphasized the priority strategies for nutrition-specific interventions in the initial phase of the first 1000 days of life, namely the conception period, pregnancy, and children under two years. Also, priority strategies for nutrition-sensitive interventions emphasized the importance of integrative holistic care patterns with access to safe water and improved sanitation. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the priority strategy model for stunting reduction in Indonesia, especially the archipelago, requires simultaneous multi-sectoral convergence. Recommendations for further research are to develop an intervention model in the practice of nutritious feeding with integrated, holistic, clean water, and improved sanitation access by the characteristics of the research location

    Perbedaan Status Pemberian ASI Eksklusif terhadap Perubahan Panjang Badan Bayi Neonatus

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    Air Susu Ibu (ASI) eksklusif merupakan makanan alamiah yang pertama dan utama bagi bayi yang lahir karena ASI dapat memenuhi kebutuhan bayi akan energi dan zat gizi bayi di masa pertumbuhan selama 6 bulan pertama kehidupannya. Kementerian Kesehatan pada tahun 2015 menargetkan cakupan ASI eksklusif sebesar 80%. Namun, cakupan ASI eksklusif di Kepulauan Bangka Belitung masih cukup rendah yaitu (59,4%) di wilayah Kota Pangkalpinang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai perbedaan antara status pemberian ASI eksklusif terhadap Perubahan panjang badan bayi neonatus di RSUD Depati Hamzah Pangkalpinang. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian cohort dengan jumlah sampel 34 orang ibu yang melahirkan di RSUD Depati Hamzah Pangkalpinang pada bulan Juni-Juli 2015. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan pengukur tinggi badan bayi. Uji t-independent digunakan untuk melihat perbedaan hasil pengukuran panjang badan bayi neonatus pada masing-masing kelompok observasi setiap 7 hari berturut-turut selama 28 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelompok ASI non eksklusif sebesar 55,9% (19 orang), sedangkan ASI eksklusif sebesar 44,1% (15 orang). Rata-rata Perubahan panjang badan neonatus yang diberikan ASI eksklusif selama 1 bulan lebih besar yaitu 10,87 cm dibandingkan ASI non eksklusif yang hanya 8,53 cm. Hasil ini menunjukan ada perbedaan rata-rata Perubahan panjang badan antara neonatus yang diberikan ASI eksklusif dan neonatus yang diberikan ASI non eksklusif

    Molecular taxonomy via DNA barcodes for species identification in selected genera of Fabaceae

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    Fabaceae merupakan famili yang penting secara ekologi dan ekonomi karena manfaatnya yang tinggi sebagai sumber makanan, pupuk hijau, serta tanaman obat. Namun, di Indonesia Fabaceae telah dieksploitasi secara berlebihan di Indonesia dan beberapa spesies termasuk dalam kategori terancam punah. Untuk mendukung upaya konservasi dibutuhkan teknik identifikasi yang cepat dan akurat. Saat ini, identifikasi spesies melalui DNA barcode telah menjadi teknik klasifikasi taksonomi yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penanda matK, rbcL, serta kombinasinya (matK+rbcL), sebagai DNA barcode dalam identifikasi spesies dari famili Fabaceae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa matK+rbcL dan matK memiliki tingkat identifikasi tertinggi (90% dan 82,05%) pada tingkat spesies. Selain itu, matK memiliki rata-rata jarak interspesifik tertinggi (0.314) dan jarak intraspesifik (0.0030). Selanjutnya pohon filogenetik terbaik dihasilkan dengan metode Neighbour Joining. Berdasarkan analisis secara keseluruhan matK dan matK+rbcL merupakan barcode terbaik untuk spesies terpilih dalam penelitian ini.Fabaceae is an invaluable plant family with considerable ecological and economic importances for example as food sources, bio-fertilizer, and medicinal plants. However, Fabaceae has been overexploited in Indonesia and several species belong to this family are critically endangered. Due to morphological similarity, rapid and accurate identification of Fabaceae species is essential to support its conservation efforts. Nowadays, species identification through DNA barcoding has become an effective taxonomic classification tool. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of chloroplast markers, matK and rbcL and the combination (matK+rbcL), as DNA barcodes for the identification of seleted genera in Fabaceae. The result showed that matK+rbcL and matK had the highest level of identification (90% and 82.05%) of the investigated genera, respectively. Additionally, matK had the highest mean of interspesific distance (0.134) and intraspecific distance (0.003). The combined barcode matK+rbcL had the highest correct identification rate when comparing the morphological with molecular identification. Furthermore, the best phylogenetic tree was obtained using Neighbor Joining method. Based on the overall performance, matK and matK+rbcL were the best barcodes for the selected genera in this study

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Surabaya dalam Mewujudkan Inovasi Smart City

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    Government policy in the formation of smart cities in the city of Surabaya is an embodiment of the implementation of e-government programs. With this regional innovation, it will aim to improve the performance of local governments. The target of regional innovation must be directed to accelerate the realization of welfare in society by improving the quality of public services. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in the potential of each region will affect where the concept of smart city will be built, both from differences in natural resource factors, and human resources. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research using a literature study approach. The indicators in determining the success of Surabaya City Government's policy in realizing smart city are examined using Edward III's implementation theory. The results of research through 4 studies of the implementation concept of Edward III, the Surabaya City Government in carrying out the implementation of the policy can be said to be successful, the success of the implementation of the Surabaya City Government's policy can be proven by the Surabaya City Government through the efforts made in realizing Smart Government, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart Living , Smart People, and Smart Mobility

    Al-Turas : mimbar sejarah, sastra, budaya, dan agama

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    Penyebab dan Dampak Pernikahan Dini di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kabun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2019

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      Early marriage to adolescents will cause problems both in reproductive health, economics and domestic violence. The impact of marriage at a young age is more evident in adolescent girls than in adolescent boys. Data from the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Rokan Hulu Regency the number of premature marriages under the age of 20 years in Kabun District is 49 0 people (36.8%). The purpose of this study was to determine the causes and effects of early marriage in the Work Area Of ​​The Kabun Health Center In Rokan Hulu Regency, based on the causes and impacts. This type of research is mixed methods. Samples / key informants 46 respondents were taken in total sampling, informants supporting midwives 1 person, village head 6 people, religious leaders 6 people. Data were analyzed univariately and using source, method and data triangulation. Quantitative research results showed 18 respondents (39.1%) had junior high school education, 22 respondents lack knowledge (47.8%), economic parents 22 respondents lack (47.8%), premarital sex 27 respondents (58.7%). Not pregnant out of wedlock 37 respondents (80.4%). The results of qualitative research, the impact of early marriage there were 3 cases of bleeding, 7 cases of cesarean section and premature labor, 1 case of abortion. The average husband's work is a palm harvest worker with a monthly income of Rp 1.5 million to Rp 2.5 million and the income received is not enough for daily needs. The majority of women (wife) have never experienced domestic violence either physically or verbally. Suggestions for Kabun healt center to collaborates with cross-sectors such as BKKBN, PKK and community leaders to empower the community about early marriage and activate PIK KRR in schools to provide counseling about early marriage and as peer counselors. The Office of Religious Affairs can facilitate the formation of Legal Awareness Community Groups that are fostered by various sectoral parties such as the police, community leaders so that the community understands that domestic violence is a criminal act that can be snared by the law.   Keywords     : Early Marriage, Causes, Impac

    Pengaruh Fermentasi dan Asal Biji Kakao Terhadap Mutu Produk Olahan Kakao (Coklat Batang)

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    The source of raw materials and the fermentation process carried out really need to be considered when processing it into chocolate bar products. This research aimed to determine the effect of seed origin and fermentation treatment on product quality and quality. The treatments in this research were cocoa beans from Soppeng Regency (South Sulawesi) and Polman Regency (West Sulawesi) with differences in fermentation time, namely 5 days and 7 days. The research results show that the raw material for cocoa beans used in making processed chocolate bars is influenced by the origin of the beans and the fermentation treatment. Visual test results showed that there was no difference in results for seeds from Soppeng and Polman. The processed product is brown in color and has a distinctive aroma because it comes from fermented cocoa beans. Testing for water content and fat content is greatly influenced by the fermentation process where a good stirring process during the fermentation process can increase the fat content and reduce the water content. Test results for metal contamination: Lead <0.0134, Cadmium <0.0013, Tin <0.0776, Mercury and Arsenic <0.0002. The results of microbial testing were TPC 1.2 x 101 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g, Escherichia coli <3, Mold and Yeast 1.3 x 102 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g and Salmonella was negative. The results of testing for metal contamination and microbiology show that processed cocoa products (chocolate bars) at the Politani Pangkep cocoa processing workshop are safe for consumption because they have test results below the SNI reference value.The source of raw materials and the fermentation process carried out really need to be considered when processing it into chocolate bar products. This research aimed to determine the effect of seed origin and fermentation treatment on product quality and quality. The treatments in this research were cocoa beans from Soppeng Regency (South Sulawesi) and Polman Regency (West Sulawesi) with differences in fermentation time, namely 5 days and 7 days. The research results show that the raw material for cocoa beans used in making processed chocolate bars is influenced by the origin of the beans and the fermentation treatment. Visual test results showed that there was no difference in results for seeds from Soppeng and Polman. The processed product is brown in color and has a distinctive aroma because it comes from fermented cocoa beans. Testing for water content and fat content is greatly influenced by the fermentation process where a good stirring process during the fermentation process can increase the fat content and reduce the water content. Test results for metal contamination: Lead <0.0134, Cadmium <0.0013, Tin <0.0776, Mercury and Arsenic <0.0002. The results of microbial testing were TPC 1.2 x 101 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g, Escherichia coli <3, Mold and Yeast 1.3 x 102 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g and Salmonella was negative. The results of testing for metal contamination and microbiology show that processed cocoa products (chocolate bars) at the Politani Pangkep cocoa processing workshop are safe for consumption because they have test results below the SNI reference value

    Pengaruh Fermentasi dan Asal Biji Kakao Terhadap Mutu Produk Olahan Kakao (Coklat Batang)

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    The source of raw materials and the fermentation process carried out really need to be considered when processing it into chocolate bar products. This research aimed to determine the effect of seed origin and fermentation treatment on product quality and quality. The treatments in this research were cocoa beans from Soppeng Regency (South Sulawesi) and Polman Regency (West Sulawesi) with differences in fermentation time, namely 5 days and 7 days. The research results show that the raw material for cocoa beans used in making processed chocolate bars is influenced by the origin of the beans and the fermentation treatment. Visual test results showed that there was no difference in results for seeds from Soppeng and Polman. The processed product is brown in color and has a distinctive aroma because it comes from fermented cocoa beans. Testing for water content and fat content is greatly influenced by the fermentation process where a good stirring process during the fermentation process can increase the fat content and reduce the water content. Test results for metal contamination: Lead <0.0134, Cadmium <0.0013, Tin <0.0776, Mercury and Arsenic <0.0002. The results of microbial testing were TPC 1.2 x 101 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g, Escherichia coli <3, Mold and Yeast 1.3 x 102 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g and Salmonella was negative. The results of testing for metal contamination and microbiology show that processed cocoa products (chocolate bars) at the Politani Pangkep cocoa processing workshop are safe for consumption because they have test results below the SNI reference value.The source of raw materials and the fermentation process carried out really need to be considered when processing it into chocolate bar products. This research aimed to determine the effect of seed origin and fermentation treatment on product quality and quality. The treatments in this research were cocoa beans from Soppeng Regency (South Sulawesi) and Polman Regency (West Sulawesi) with differences in fermentation time, namely 5 days and 7 days. The research results show that the raw material for cocoa beans used in making processed chocolate bars is influenced by the origin of the beans and the fermentation treatment. Visual test results showed that there was no difference in results for seeds from Soppeng and Polman. The processed product is brown in color and has a distinctive aroma because it comes from fermented cocoa beans. Testing for water content and fat content is greatly influenced by the fermentation process where a good stirring process during the fermentation process can increase the fat content and reduce the water content. Test results for metal contamination: Lead <0.0134, Cadmium <0.0013, Tin <0.0776, Mercury and Arsenic <0.0002. The results of microbial testing were TPC 1.2 x 101 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g, Escherichia coli <3, Mold and Yeast 1.3 x 102 and 7.0 x 101 colonies/g and Salmonella was negative. The results of testing for metal contamination and microbiology show that processed cocoa products (chocolate bars) at the Politani Pangkep cocoa processing workshop are safe for consumption because they have test results below the SNI reference value