457 research outputs found

    Impact of the azores front propagation on deep ocean particle flux

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    The Azores Current originating as a branch of the Gulf Stream is a highly dynamic system in the subtropical North Atlantic. The associated front forms the northeastern boundary of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. In this study we analyzed 42 years of assimilated modeled temperature fields to localize the position of the Azores Front at 22°W and observed a fast north- and southward propagation between 30°N and 37°N on monthly to decadal time scales. The North Atlantic Oscillation with correlated changes of the wind direction was identified as one driving mechanism. As the front is acting as a guide for Rossby waves, the signal of the front’s propagation is transferred to the western Atlantic and, among other atmospheric forcing mechanisms, induces a shifting of the Northern Wall of the Gulf Stream with one year delay. Shallower mixed layer depths in the northern frontal region of the Azores Current caused by the rise of the isotherms lead to nutrient supply and primary production different from those found in the southern frontal region of the current system. A high interannual variability is manifested in deep ocean particle flux, derived from a sediment trap in 2000 m water depth at the mooring site KIEL276 (33°N, 22°W) from 1993 to 2008, which is directly related to the phytoplankton bloom in the euphotic zone. This variability is explained by the propagation of the front and strong variations in the catchment areas of the sediment trap due to the associated eddy activity in the frontal region

    Chlorophyll a reconstruction from in situ measurements: 1. Method description

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    Understanding the development of primary production is essential for projections of the global carbon cycle in the context of climate change. A chlorophyll a hindcast that serves as a primary production indicator was obtained by fitting in situ measurements of nitrate, chlorophyll a, and temperature. The resulting fitting functions were adapted to a modeled temperature field. The method was applied to observations from the Madeira Basin, in the northeastern part of the oligotrophic North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre and yielded a chlorophyll a field from 1989 to 2008 with a monthly resolution validated with remotely measured surface chlorophyll a data by SeaWiFS. The chlorophyll a hindcast determined with our method resolved the seasonal and interannual variability in the phytoplankton biomass of the euphotic zone as well as the deep chlorophyll maximum. Moreover, it will allow estimation of carbon uptake over long time scales

    Calcification depth of deep-dwelling planktonic foraminifera from the eastern North Atlantic constrained by stable oxygen isotope ratios of shells from stratified plankton tows

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    Stable oxygen isotopes (delta O-18) of planktonic foraminifera are one of the most used tools to reconstruct environmental conditions of the water column. Since different species live and calcify at different depths in the water column, the delta O-18 of sedimentary foraminifera reflects to a large degree the vertical habitat and interspecies delta O-18 differences and can thus potentially provide information on the vertical structure of the water column. However, to fully unlock the potential of foraminifera as recorders of past surface water properties, it is necessary to understand how and under what conditions the environmental signal is incorporated into the calcite shells of individual species. Deep-dwelling species play a particularly important role in this context since their calcification depth reaches below the surface mixed layer. Here we report delta O-18 measurements made on four deep-dwelling Globorotalia species collected with stratified plankton tows in the eastern North Atlantic. Size and crust effects on the delta O-18 signal were evaluated showing that a larger size increases the delta O-18 of G. inflata and G. hirsuta, and a crust effect is reflected in a higher delta O-18 signal in G. truncatulinoides. The great majority of the delta O-18 values can be explained without invoking disequilibrium calcification. When interpreted in this way the data imply depth-integrated calcification with progressive addition of calcite with depth to about 300m for G. inflata and to about 500m for G. hirsuta. In G. scitula, despite a strong subsurface maximum in abundance, the vertical delta O-18 profile is flat and appears dominated by a surface layer signal. In G. truncatulinoides, the delta O-18 profile follows equilibrium for each depth, implying a constant habitat during growth at each depth layer. The delta O-18 values are more consistent with the predictions of the Shackleton (1974) palaeotemperature equation, except in G. scitula which shows values more consistent with the Kim and O'Neil (1997) prediction. In all cases, we observe a difference between the level where most of the specimens were present and the depth where most of their shell appears to calcify.Agência financiadora Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): SFRH/BD/78016/2011; UID/Multi/04326/2019 European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013): 228344-EUROFLEETS German Research Foundation (DFG): WA2175/2-1; WA2175/4-1 German Climate Modelling consortium PalMod - German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetic forming studies

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    Investigation of the tensile strength dependability on the characteristic time over which a pressure pulse is applied to a metal workpiece shows that the mechanical properties of these materials are functions of the rate at which the material is undergoing strain. These results and techniques are used in magnetomotive metal forming

    Strategic distribution of seeds to support diffusion in complex networks

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    © 2018 Jankowski et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Usually, the launch of the diffusion process is triggered by a few early adopters–i.e., seeds of diffusion. Many studies have assumed that all seeds are activated once to initiate the diffusion process in social networks and therefore are focused on finding optimal ways of choosing these nodes according to a limited budget. Despite the advances in identifying influencing spreaders, the strategy of activating all seeds at the beginning might not be sufficient in accelerating and maximising the coverage of diffusion. Also, it does not capture real scenarios in which marketing campaigns continuously monitor and support the diffusion process by seeding more nodes. More recent studies investigate the possibility of activating additional seeds as the diffusion process goes forward. In this work, we further examine this approach and search for optimal ways of distributing seeds during the diffusion process according to a pre-allocated seeding budget. Theoretically, we show that a universally best solution does not exist, and we prove that finding an optimal distribution of supporting seeds over time for a particular network is an NP-hard problem. Numerically, we evaluate several seeding strategies on different networks regarding maximising the coverage and minimising the spreading time. We find that each network topology has a best strategy given some spreading parameters. Our findings can be crucial in identifying the best strategies for budget allocation in different scenarios such as marketing or political campaigns

    Oxygen and hydrogen isotope signatures of Northeast Atlantic water masses

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    Only a few studies have examined the variation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of seawater in NE Atlantic water masses, and data are especially sparse for intermediate and deep-water masses. The current study greatly expands this record with 527 δ18O values from 47 stations located throughout the mid- to low-latitude NE Atlantic. In addition, δD was analyzed in the 192 samples collected along the GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect GA03 (GA03_e = KN199-4) and the 115 Iberia-Forams cruise samples from the western and southern Iberian margin. An intercomparison study between the two stable isotope measurement techniques (cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy and magnetic-sector isotope ratio mass spectrometry) used to analyze GA03_e samples reveals relatively good agreement for both hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios. The surface (0-100 m) and central (100-500 m) water isotope data show the typical, evaporation related trend of increasing values equatorward with the exception for the zonal transect off Cape Blanc, NW Africa. Off Cape Blanc, surface water isotope signatures are modified by the upwelling of fresher Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) that generally has isotopic values of 0.0 to 0.5‰ for δ18O and 0 to 2‰ for δD. Along the Iberian margin the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is clearly distinguished by its high δ18O (0.5-1.1‰) and δD (3-6‰) values that can be traced into the open Atlantic. Isotopic values in the NE Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW) are relatively low (δ18O: –0.1 to 0.5‰; δD: –1 to 4‰) and show a broader range than observed previously in the northern and southern convection areas. The NEADW is best observed at GA03_e Stations 5 and 7 in the central NE Atlantic basin. Antarctic Bottom Water isotope values are relatively high indicating modification of the original Antarctic source water along the flow path. The reconstructed δ18O-salinity relationship for the complete data set has a slope of 0.51, i.e. slightly steeper than the 0.46 described previously by Pierre et al. (1994) for the tropical to subtropical Northeast Atlantic. This slope decreases to 0.46 for the subtropical North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) and the MOW and to 0.32 for the surface waters of the upper 50 m. The δD-salinity mixing lines have estimated slopes of 3.01 for the complete data, 1.26 for the MOW, 3.47 for the NACW, and 2.63 for the surface waters. The slopes of the δ18O-δD relationship are significantly lower than the one for the Global Meteoric Water Line with 5.6 for the complete data set, 2.30 for the MOW, 4.79 for the NACW, and 3.99 for the surface waters. The lower slopes in all the relationships clearly reflect the impact of the evaporation surplus in the subtropics.EC Grant agreement n° 228344 - EUROFLEETS, C2007-FCT/319/2006info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hunting a New Ocean Tracer

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    Integrating conventional microscopy and molecular analysis to analyse the abundance and distribution of four Calanus congeners in the North Atlantic

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    Analysis of the demographic structure of Calanus species in the North Atlantic presents particular difficulties due to the overlapping spatial distributions of four main congeneric species (Calanus finmarchicus, Calanus helgolandicus, Calanus glacialis and Calanus hyperboreus). These species have similar morphologies, making microscopic discrimination only possible between some of the species at late copepodite or adult stages. However, molecular techniques now offer the possibility of screening significant numbers of specimens and unambiguously identifying them to species, regardless of developmental stage. Unfortunately, the processing rate of specimens by molecular methods is still too low to offer a realistic alternative to microscopy for analysis of samples from large field surveys. Here, we outline and test an approach involving the use of molecular methodology in conjunction with conventional microscopy to assess the species assignment of developmental stage abundances of Calanus congeners. Our study has highlighted many important methodological issues. First, it cannot be assumed that the species composition is homogeneous across the development stages; applying proportional species composition of adults to morphologically undistinguishable earlier development stages can result in error. The second important conclusion is that prosome length may be a highly unreliable discriminator of C. finmarchicus and C. glaciali
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