55 research outputs found

    Influence of remaining coronal thickness and height on biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated teeth: survival rates, load to fracture and finite element analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of restorative strategy (fiber post vs cast post and core), coronal height (0 mm vs 2 mm) and thickness (higher than 1 mm vs lower than 1 mm) on survival rate, fracture resistance and stress distribution. Material and Methods: Seventy-two bovine teeth were cleaned and allocated in six groups (n = 12). Twenty-four teeth were sectioned at 13 mm length (no remaining coronal structure) and forty-eight were sectioned at 15 mm (2 mm remaining coronal structure). Half of the forty-eight had remaining coronal thickness lower than 1 mm and the other half had thickness higher than 1 mm. All root canals were prepared at 10 mm (luting length), fiber posts were cemented in thirty-six specimens and cast post and core in other thirty-six. All teeth were restored with metallic crowns. Specimens were submitted to 1.5 million cycles (100 N, 45°, 10 Hz at 2 mm below incisal edge) and evaluated at each 500,000 cycles to detect failures. Specimens that survived were submitted to load to fracture test. Bidimensional (Rhinoceros® 4.0) models were obteined survival data submitted to Kaplan-Meier (α=0.05) analysis and load to fracture values submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests (α=0.05). Results: Groups without remaining coronal structure showed survival rates lower than other groups (p=0.001). ANOVA showed higher values of load to fracture for groups with coronal thickness higher than 1 mm (p=0.0043). Finite element analysis showed better stress distribution in groups with remaining coronal structure and restored with fiber post. Conclusion: Specimens without remaining coronal structure have lower survival rates. Specimens with remaining structure lower than 1 mm and without coronal structure support the same load to fracture value independently of the restorative strategy

    A Review Of Tumor-Associated Macrophage-Targeted Cancer Therapies

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    Tumor-associated macrophages, or TAMs, make up a significant component of the tumor microenvironment and contribute to the human immune response to cancer. TAMs can either take a pro-tumorigenic form, promoted by pro-inflammatory cytokines, that facilitates tumor growth and metastasis through the formation of new blood vessels, or an anti-tumorigenic form, promoted by interferons and lipopolysaccharides, that recognizes cancerous cells as malignant entities for destruction. This investigation seeks to explain how macrophages affect the body’s response to cancer and how understanding these mechanisms can be used to develop anti-cancer therapeutics. Several different therapeutic strategies that focus on TAMs are detailed, including biophosphonate therapy to prevent macrophage production, altering levels of cytokines (i.e., CCL2, CXCL12, CSF-1) and adipocytokines to prevent macrophage recruitment, repolarizing macrophages to an anti-tumorigenic form, limiting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production by macrophages, and inducing apoptosis in M2 macrophages with minigene vaccines or engineered apoptotic agents. There are many exciting possibilities for research in this rapidly evolving field, and the hope is that future research will get us one step closer to making cancer treatment as effective and risk-free as treating a common sinus infection

    Fracture load and shear stress of prefabricated glass fiber posts

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    Aim: This study evaluated the fracture load and pattern failure of different prefabricated glass fiber posts (GFPs) of the same diameter. Methods: Seventy-eight (n=13 for six groups) GFPs of 1.6 mm coronal diameter of different brands were evaluated— Exacto (Angelus), Power Post (BM4), White Post DC (FGM), HiRem (Overfibers), MAQ (Maquira), and SD (Supordont). The posts were subjected to fracture load testing (45° of inclination and 1 mm/min until fracture). Each factor (load (N) and shear stress (MPa)) was analyzed separately using one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (α=0.05). Results: The type of failure was evaluated on a stereomicroscope (×10). The Power Post samples presented higher values of fracture load (p<0.001) followed by Maquira fiber post, White Post , HiRem, Superpost, and the Exacto posts. The failure pattern observed was intralaminar mode II in-plane shear, such as a failure occur parallel to fibers. Conclusion: Despite the same diameter of GFPs, the fracture load and shear resistance were brand-dependent

    Grinding of composite cores using diamond burs with different grit sizes

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    Aim: To evaluate the retention of Y-TZP crowns cemented in aged composite cores ground with burs of different grit sizes. Methods: Sixty composite resin simplified full-crown preparations were scanned, while 60 Y-TZP crowns with occlusal retentions were milled. The composite preparations were stored for 120 days (wet environment-37°C) and randomly distributed into three groups (n=20) according to the type of composite core surface treatment. The groups were defined as: CTRL (control: No treatment), EFB (extra-fine diamond bur [25μm]), and CB (coarse diamond bur [107μm]). The grinding was performed with an adapted surveyor standardizing the speed and pressure of the grinding. The intaglio surfaces on the crowns were air-abraded with silica-coated alumina particles (30 μm) and then a silane was applied. The crowns were cemented with self-adhesive resin cement, thermocycled (12,000 cycles; 5/55°C), stored (120 days) and submitted to aretention test (0.5mm/min). The retentive strength data (MPa) were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test, as well as Weibull analysis. Failures were classified as 50C (above 50% of cement in the crown), 50S (above 50% of cement in the substrate) and COE (composite core cohesive failure). Results: No statistical difference was observed among the retention values (p=0.975). However, a higher Weibull modulus was observed in the CTRL group. The predominant type of failure was 50S (above 50% of cement in the substrate composite). Conclusion: The retention of zirconia crowns was not affected by grinding using diamond burs with different grit sizes (coarse/extra-fine) or when no grinding was performed

    Concepção docente e teoria vigente: jogo como ferramenta de desenvolvimento humano no ambiente escolar

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    En la esperanza de vislumbrar una educación que pueda garantizar a las nuevas generaciones un mundo mejor, el texto emerge, con claridad y sencillez, en un camino interactivo entre el juego y la educación, buscando, paralelamente, comprender, bajo la mirada de la educadora, su percepción sobre las posibilidades de ese recurso de desarrollo humano de los niños en el ambiente escolar y, paralelamente, establecer relaciones a la teoría vigente. Objetivo: Comprender las percepciones docentes sobre el juego como herramienta de desarrollo humano en la enseñanza fundamental.In the hope of glimpsing an education that can guarantee to the new generations a better world, the text emerges, clearly and simply, in an interactive path between play and education, searching, at the same time, to understand, under the eyes of the educator, their perception about the possibilities of this resource of human development of children in the school environment and, at the same time, to establish relations to the current theory. Objective: To understand the teachers' perceptions of the game as a tool for human development in fundamental education.Na esperança de vislumbrar uma educação que possa garantir às novas gerações um mundo melhor, o texto imerge, com clareza e simplicidade, num caminho interativo entre o jogo e educação, buscando, paralelamente, compreender, sob o olhar da educadora sua percepção sobre as possibilidades desse recurso de desenvolvimento humano das crianças no ambiente escolar e, paralelamente, estabelecer relações à teoria vigente. Objetivo: Compreender as percepções docentes sobre o jogo como ferramenta de desenvolvimento humano no ensino fundamental.peerReviewe

    A seculariza??o e a f? : di?logo entre Jos? Casanova e Joseph Ratzinger numa perspectiva teol?gico-pastoral

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    Submitted by PPG Teologia ([email protected]) on 2018-12-03T12:05:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - AODOMAR JOS? WANDSCHER.pdf: 1084155 bytes, checksum: c199f79710e81c4cc382133c3138ef4e (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias ([email protected]) on 2018-12-03T16:44:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - AODOMAR JOS? WANDSCHER.pdf: 1084155 bytes, checksum: c199f79710e81c4cc382133c3138ef4e (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-03T17:38:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - AODOMAR JOS? WANDSCHER.pdf: 1084155 bytes, checksum: c199f79710e81c4cc382133c3138ef4e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-27The processes of secularization of the Western world have, in their wake, had several implications for the Christian faith. The present research proposes to make an analysis of the secularization and the faith in the current contemporaneity, in order to lay the foundations for a New Evangelization of the Church. For this, the work of the Spanish philosopher Jos? Casanova, a sociologist of the religion, and the German Joseph Ratzinger, theologian and emeritus pope, is analyzed and put them into dialogue. Casanova's approach elucidates the phenomenon of secularization in its different facets, noting the emergence of public religions and the emergence of a globalized religious pluralism. Ratzinger's reflection (Benedict XVI) urges us to understand the faith as adherence to truth, in a context which he considers a "dictatorship of relativism". Although they are two very different paradigms, it is understood that this interdisciplinary relationship makes it possible to find elements to better understand the transmission of the faith in theological perspectiveOs processos de seculariza??o do mundo ocidental trouxeram, em sua esteira, diversas implica??es para a f? crist?. A presente pesquisa prop?e-se a fazer uma an?lise da seculariza??o e da f? na atual contemporaneidade, a fim de lan?ar bases para uma Nova Evangeliza??o da Igreja. Para isso, se analisa a obra do espanhol Jos? Casanova, soci?logo da religi?o, e a do alem?o Joseph Ratzinger, te?logo e Papa em?rito, colocando-os em di?logo. A abordagem de Casanova elucida o fen?meno seculariza??o em suas diferentes facetas, constatando o surgimento das religi?es p?blicas e a emerg?ncia de um pluralismo religioso globalizado. A reflex?o de Ratzinger (Bento XVI) incita a compreender a f? como ades?o ? verdade, num contexto que ele considera uma ?ditadura do relativismo?. Embora sejam dois paradigmas bem diferentes, entende-se que essa rela??o interdisciplinar possibilita encontrar elementos para compreender melhor a quest?o da transmiss?o da f? em perspectiva teol?gica

    Auswirkungen des europäischen Arbeitnehmerbegriffs auf das deutsche Arbeitsrecht

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    Der europäische Arbeitnehmerbegriff ist aus der arbeitsrechtlichen Praxis inzwischen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Das Ausmaß des Einflusses des Europarechts auf das nationale Arbeitsrecht ist insbesondere seit den Entscheidungen des EuGH in den Rechtssachen Danosa (EuGH, 11.11.2010 - C-232/09) und Balkaya (EuGH, 9.7.2015 - C-229/14) zum Arbeitnehmerstatus des Geschäftsführers einer Kapitalgesellschaft erheblich. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet die Auswirkungen dieser Rechtsprechung auf den nationalen Arbeitnehmerbegriff