6,184 research outputs found

    Projetos de modelagem matemática e sistemas lineares: contribuiçôes para a formaçâo de professores de matemática

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    O trabalho investigou as contribuições da elaboração de projetos de modelagem matemática para a formação de professores de matemática, a partir do desenvolvimento de projetos envolvendo sistemas lineares. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada com alunos de licenciatura em Matemática. As considerações finais apontam que o desenvolvimento de projetos contribui para formar um professor crítico e reflexivo, ao proporcionar odesafio de realizar a junção entre a teoria matemática com a prática da sala de aula e também contribui para transformar a sala de aula num ambiente propício à geração e construção coletiva de conhecimentos

    The Pursuit of Sustainable ICT4D: Lessons from Timor-Leste

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    Information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) initiatives often result in abandonment following a successful technical implementation. This article contributes to the literature on the sustainability of ICT4D projects by proposing a substantive theory of Cultivating Sustainability. A qualitative study, based on three ICT4D implementation cases in a least developed country, served to explore the question of how the sustainability of ICT4D could be enhanced. This paper suggests that sustainability needs to be cultivated proactively and continuously, from project initiation to benefit realization. The article indicates specific strategies that can help least developed countries achieving the long-lasting benefits donors and recipients anticipated

    Beyond Free Lunch: Building Sustainable ICT4D

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    Market returns to acquirers of substantial assets

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    Does poor post-acquisition performance characterise firms that make non-M&A acquisitions? We investigate the wealth effects of substantial asset acquisitions (i.e. acquisitions that cost over $10 million) on acquiring firms' shareholders. We find significant abnormal positive market reaction to asset acquisition announcements and, contrary to findings for firms undertaking M&As, the acquiring firms perform exceptionally well post-acquisition. Our findings are robust to the research method weaknesses common to many studies of long-term performance and we control for free-cash-flow as well. Our results contradict the hubris hypothesis of acquisitions and lend weight to the argument that the auction-style process that characterizes corporate takeover bids contributes to overpayment

    BNDES loans and the financial constraints of Brazilian publicly traded companies

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether companies that contracted loans from the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) between 2002 and 2014 were able to invest more than companies that did not. The literature on financial constraints, particularlythat based on the investment-cash flow sensitivity model, is among the most studied and controversial in the area of finance, and the discussion on the role of development banks is equally controversial.Design/methodology/approach – The main econometric model of this study was based on the investment-cash flow sensitivity model, with the incorporation of a binary variable that captures the role of the BNDES. This model is applied to a sample of companies listed on the B3 from 2002 to2014.Findings – This study shows that loans from the BNDES amplify the effects of cash flow on investments, generating a kind of credit multiplier. An important role of development banks is to reduce the financial constraints typical of developing countries.Research limitations/implications – The use of the cash flow sensitivity model in companies that contracted loans from the BNDES is a relevant instrument to test the effect of the BNDES on companies with financial constraints.Practical implications – The contracting of BNDES loans by companies can affect both capital structure and cash generation, particularly in companies or years in which there was financial constraint.Social implications – Due to the nature of the BNDES as a development bank, there are ramifications in terms of the generation of employment and income inherent to the mission of this type of institution. Knowing the multiplier effect on the cash flow potential of companies has a direct impact on their preservation, enabling themto maintain and expand the supply of jobs.Originality/value – This study is the first to integrate two important areas of study. From the theoretical perspective, this study provides evidence on the relationship between the BNDES and company financial constraints that open new avenues of research. From the managerial point of view, the evidence of the multiplier effect is highly important for the management of the capital structure and cash flow of companies

    Bioprodução semi-contínua de xilitol em hidrolisado de bagaço de cana: efeito da suplementação nutricional

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    Xylose-to-xylitol bioconversion by Ca-alginate entrapped Candida guilliermondii cells in sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate was carried out in erlenmeyer flasks using the repeated-batch mode of fermentation. The hydrolysate was supplemented or not with ammonium sulfate and/or rice bran extract at the beginning of each repeated batch. Altogether, six sets of three repeated-batches were carried out, the immobilized cells being reused at the end of each batch. The best results were achieved when the hydrolysate was supplemented with both nutrients in all the three repeated batches, which provided xylitol productions of 25.9, 46.8, 48.7 gL-1, productivities of 0.27, 0.49, 0.51 gL-1h-1, and yields of 0.45, 0.58, 0.55 gg-1, respectively. In the absence of nutrients, the xylitol production, productivity and yield did not exceed 12.1 gL-1, 0.13 gL-1h-1 and 0.30 gg-1, respectively.A bioconversão de xilose em xilitol por células de Candida guilliermondii imobilizadas em alginato de cálcio, em hidrolisado hemicelulósico de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, foi realizada em frascos erlenmeyer no modo bateladas repetidas de fermentação. O hidrolisado foi suplementado ou não com sulfato de amônio e/ou extrato de farelo de arroz no início de cada batelada repetida. No total, seis experimentos com três bateladas repetidas cada um foram realizados, sendo as células imobilizadas reutilizadas ao final de cada batelada. Os melhores resultados foram alcançados quando o hidrolisado foi suplementado com ambos nutrientes em todas as três bateladas repetidas, resultando em concentrações de xilitol iguais a 25,9, 46,8 e 48,7 gL-1, produtividades de 0,27, 0,49 e 0,51 gL-1h-1, e rendimentos de 0,45, 0,58 e 0,55 gg-1, respectivamente. Na ausência de nutrientes, a concentração de xilitol, a produtividade e o rendimento não ultrapassaram 12,1 gL-1, 0,13 gL-1h-1 e 0.30 gg-1, respectivamente

    Public perception of the accounting professional through the movie “The Accountant”

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    Com o intuito de compreender como a imagem do contador é propagada pela mídia, analisou-se elementos de legitimidade propostos por Suchman (1995) e estereótipos ligados à imagem do contador presentes no filme “O Contador” (2016). A pesquisa caracterizou-se como documental, descritiva e qualitativa. Para a análise e interpretação dos dados, utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo categorial proposta por Bardin (2010), sendo que as categorias foram formadas a priori. Evidenciou-se que os elementos de legitimidade estiveram presentes, quanto à legitimidade pragmática, na forma como o contador se veste; no envolvimento em trabalhos criminosos; na demonstração de sua capacidade técnica. Na legitimidade moral, existem dilemas éticos conflitantes nas ações do contador, especialista em dinheiro sujo. Quanto à legitimidade cognitiva, ele é visto como alguém que agrada seus clientes e nem sempre escolhe a profissão por afinidade. Em relação aos estereótipos, observou-se discrepância entre gêneros; dificuldade de relacionamento; falta de senso de humor e que o profissional contábil apresenta raciocínio lógico e matemático apurado e competência em suas funções. Destaca-se, portanto, como contribuições da pesquisa, a elucidação das distorções encontradas sobre a imagem dos contadores em estudos empíricos, em relação ao que é veiculado na mídia, por meio do filme analisado, buscando assim, combater imagens negativas da profissão, ao identificar como elas surgem. Com isso, a área contábil beneficia-se com uma possível mudança na percepção popular da importância dos contadores para as empresas, ao entender que o profissional criminoso, exposto nas mídias atuais, diverge daquele que é exigido pelo mercado de trabalho.With the goal of understanding how the image of accountants is portrayed by the media, we analyzed elements of legitimacy proposed by Suchman (1995) and stereotypes linked to the image of the accountant found in the movie “The Accountant” (2016). The research is documentary, descriptive and qualitative. To analyze and interpret data, we used the Categorical Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (2010), and the categories were determined beforehand. It was found that the elements of legitimacy were present regarding pragmatic legitimacy in the way the accountant dresses, his involvement in criminal activities, the demonstrating of his technical capacity. Regarding moral legitimacy, there are conflicting ethical dilemmas in the actions of the accountant, a specialist in dirty money. Regarding cognitive legitimacy, he is seen as someone who pleases his clients and does not always choose the profession by affinity. Regarding stereotypes, there was a discrepancy between genders, relationship difficulty, lack of sense of humor and that the accounting professional presents accurate logical and mathematical reasoning and competence in their functions. As research contributions, therefore, we can highlight the elucidation of distortions found involving the image of accountants in empirical studies, in relation to what is portrayed by the media, by the movie under analysis, seeking to combat negative images of the profession by identifying how they arise. The accounting field benefits from this with a possible shift in the popular perception of the importance of accountants for companies, by understanding that the criminal professional, exposed in the current media, are different from the professional required by the job market