444 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic placement and the timing of diversification in Australia's endemic Vachellia (Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoid Clade, Fabaceae) species

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    The genus Vachellia Wight & Arn. has a pantropical distribution, with species being distributed through Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia. The relationships among the lineages from Africa and America are well understood, but the phylogenetic placement and evolutionary origins of the Australian species of Vachellia are not known. We, therefore, sequenced four plastid genes from representatives of each of the nine Australian species of Vachellia, and used Bayesian inference to assess the phylogenetic placement of these lineages, and a relaxed molecular clock to assess the timing of diversification. The Australian species of Vachellia form a well-supported monophyletic clade, with molecular-dating analysis suggesting a single dispersal into Australia 6.5 million years ago (95% range 13.9-2.7 million years ago). Diversification of the Australian clade commenced more recently, c. 3.1 million years ago (95% range 9.2-1.2 million years ago), perhaps driven by the increased aridification of Australia at this time. The closest relatives to the Australian Vachellia were not from the Malesian bioregion, suggesting either a long-distance dispersal from Africa, or two separate migrations through Asia. These results not only improve our understanding of the biogeography of Vachellia species, but also have significant implications for the biological control of invasive Vachellia species in Australia. © 2020 CSIRO

    Quantifying fat replacement of muscle by quantitative MRI in muscular dystrophy

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    Imaging- and therapeutic targets in neoplastic and musculoskeletal inflammatory diseas

    Resolutions of C^n/Z_n Orbifolds, their U(1) Bundles, and Applications to String Model Building

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    We describe blowups of C^n/Z_n orbifolds as complex line bundles over CP^{n-1}. We construct some gauge bundles on these resolutions. Apart from the standard embedding, we describe U(1) bundles and an SU(n-1) bundle. Both blowups and their gauge bundles are given explicitly. We investigate ten dimensional SO(32) super Yang-Mills theory coupled to supergravity on these backgrounds. The integrated Bianchi identity implies that there are only a finite number of U(1) bundle models. We describe how the orbifold gauge shift vector can be read off from the gauge background. In this way we can assert that in the blow down limit these models correspond to heterotic C^2/Z_2 and C^3/Z_3 orbifold models. (Only the Z_3 model with unbroken gauge group SO(32) cannot be reconstructed in blowup without torsion.) This is confirmed by computing the charged chiral spectra on the resolutions. The construction of these blowup models implies that the mismatch between type-I and heterotic models on T^6/Z_3 does not signal a complication of S-duality, but rather a problem of type-I model building itself: The standard type-I orbifold model building only allows for a single model on this orbifold, while the blowup models give five different models in blow down.Comment: 1+27 pages LaTeX, 2 figures, some typos correcte

    Predicting the habitat suitability and distribution of two species of mound-building termites in Nigeria using bioclimatic and vegetation variables

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    Temperature is an important factor determining the abundance, distribution and diversity of termite species. Thus, termites are affected by changing climate and have to adopt different means of surviving in order to avoid extinction. Using termite occurrence data, bioclimatic variables and vegetation cover, we modelled and predicted the current and future habitat suitability for mound-building termites in Nigeria. Of the 19 bioclimatic variables and the vegetation index (NDVI) tested, only six were significant and eligible as predictors of habitat suitability for the mound-building termites Macrotermes subhyalinus and M. bellicosus. Under current climatic conditions (2022), the northwest, northeast and central regions are highly suitable for M. subhyalinus, while the distribution of M. bellicosus decreased in the North West, North East and in the Central region. However, regarding habitat suitability for the future (2050), there was a predicted range expansion into suitable areas for the two termite species. The increase in temperature due to global warming has an effect which can either result in migration or sometimes extinction of termite species within an ecosystem. Here, we have predicted habitat suitability for the two mound-building termite species under current and future climatic scenarios, and how the change in climatic variables would lead to an expansion in their range across Nigeria.The University of Pretoria, The South African National Research Foundation (NRF) Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers (IFRR), Y-Rated Research Grant, PI grant from South African Research Chair in Mathematical Methods in Bioengineering and Biosciences (M2B3), Alexander von Humboldt’s Georg Foster HERMES Experienced Research Fellowship, a University of Pretoria Postgraduate Bursary and the Nigerian Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund).https://www.mdpi.com/journal/diversityhj2023Zoology and Entomolog

    The neutron radii of Lead and neutron stars

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    A new relation between the neutron skin of a heavy nucleus and the radius of a neutron star is proposed: the larger the neutron skin of the nucleus the larger the radius of the star. Relativistic models that reproduce a variety of ground-state observables can not determine uniquely the neutron skin of a heavy nucleus. Thus, a large range of neutron skins is generated by supplementing the models with nonlinear couplings between isoscalar and isovector mesons. We illustrate how the correlation between the neutron skin and the radius of the star can be used to place important constraints on the equation of state and how it may help elucidate the existence of a phase transition in the interior of the neutron star.Comment: 4 pages including 4 encapsulated postscript figure

    Parity Violating Measurements of Neutron Densities

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    Parity violating electron nucleus scattering is a clean and powerful tool for measuring the spatial distributions of neutrons in nuclei with unprecedented accuracy. Parity violation arises from the interference of electromagnetic and weak neutral amplitudes, and the Z0Z^0 of the Standard Model couples primarily to neutrons at low Q2Q^2. The data can be interpreted with as much confidence as electromagnetic scattering. After briefly reviewing the present theoretical and experimental knowledge of neutron densities, we discuss possible parity violation measurements, their theoretical interpretation, and applications. The experiments are feasible at existing facilities. We show that theoretical corrections are either small or well understood, which makes the interpretation clean. The quantitative relationship to atomic parity nonconservation observables is examined, and we show that the electron scattering asymmetries can be directly applied to atomic PNC because the observables have approximately the same dependence on nuclear shape.Comment: 38 pages, 7 ps figures, very minor changes, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cardiac xenotransplantation: Recent preclinical progress with 3-month median survival

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    ObjectivesTransplantation is limited by a lack of human organ donors. Organs derived from animals, most likely the pig, represent a potential solution to this problem. For the heart, 90-day median graft survival of life-supporting pig hearts transplanted to nonhuman primates has been considered a reasonable standard for entry into the clinical arena. Overcoming the immune barrier to successful cardiac xenotransplantation is most appropriately first explored with the non–life-supporting heterotopic model.MethodsWe performed a series of 7 heterotopic heart transplantations from CD46 transgenic pigs to baboons using a combination of therapeutic agents largely targeted at controlling the synthesis of anti-pig antibodies. Rituximab (anti-CD20) and Thymoglobulin (rabbit antithymocyte globulin [ATG]; SangStat Medical Corp, Fremont, Calif) were used as induction therapy. Baseline immunosuppression consisted of splenectomy, tacrolimus, sirolimus, steroids, and TPC (an anti-Gal antibody therapeutic). Rejection events were not treated.ResultsBy using Kaplan-Meier analysis, median graft survival was 96 days (range, 15–137 days; 95% confidence interval, 38–99 days). Only 2 grafts were lost as a result of rejection, as defined by cessation of graft palpation. There was no evidence of a consumptive coagulopathy, infectious complications were treatable, and no posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorders occurred. No cellular infiltration was observed.ConclusionsThis study reports the longest median survival to date (96 days) of pig hearts transplanted heterotopically into baboons. Duplication of these results in the orthotopic life-supporting position could bring cardiac xenotransplantation to the threshold of clinical application

    Neutrinoless double-beta decay and seesaw mechanism

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    From the standard seesaw mechanism of neutrino mass generation, which is based on the assumption that the lepton number is violated at a large (~10exp(+15) GeV) scale, follows that the neutrinoless double-beta decay is ruled by the Majorana neutrino mass mechanism. Within this notion, for the inverted neutrino-mass hierarchy we derive allowed ranges of half-lives of the neutrinoless double-beta decay for nuclei of experimental interest with different sets of nuclear matrix elements. The present-day results of the calculation of the neutrinoless double-beta decay nuclear matrix elements are briefly discussed. We argue that if neutrinoless double-beta decay will be observed in future experiments sensitive to the effective Majorana mass in the inverted mass hierarchy region, a comparison of the derived ranges with measured half-lives will allow us to probe the standard seesaw mechanism assuming that future cosmological data will establish the sum of neutrino masses to be about 0.2 eV.Comment: Some changes in sections I, II, IV, and V; two new figures; additional reference

    Observational diagnostics of gas in protoplanetary disks

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    Protoplanetary disks are composed primarily of gas (99% of the mass). Nevertheless, relatively few observational constraints exist for the gas in disks. In this review, I discuss several observational diagnostics in the UV, optical, near-IR, mid-IR, and (sub)-mm wavelengths that have been employed to study the gas in the disks of young stellar objects. I concentrate in diagnostics that probe the inner 20 AU of the disk, the region where planets are expected to form. I discuss the potential and limitations of each gas tracer and present prospects for future research.Comment: Review written for the proceedings of the conference "Origin and Evolution of Planets 2008", Ascona, Switzerland, June 29 - July 4, 2008. Date manuscript: October 2008. 17 Pages, 6 graphics, 134 reference

    Measurement of νˉμ\bar{\nu}_{\mu} and νμ\nu_{\mu} charged current inclusive cross sections and their ratio with the T2K off-axis near detector

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    We report a measurement of cross section σ(νμ+nucleusμ+X)\sigma(\nu_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{-}+X) and the first measurements of the cross section σ(νˉμ+nucleusμ++X)\sigma(\bar{\nu}_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{+}+X) and their ratio R(σ(νˉ)σ(ν))R(\frac{\sigma(\bar \nu)}{\sigma(\nu)}) at (anti-)neutrino energies below 1.5 GeV. We determine the single momentum bin cross section measurements, averaged over the T2K νˉ/ν\bar{\nu}/\nu-flux, for the detector target material (mainly Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Copper) with phase space restricted laboratory frame kinematics of θμ\theta_{\mu}500 MeV/c. The results are σ(νˉ)=(0.900±0.029(stat.)±0.088(syst.))×1039\sigma(\bar{\nu})=\left( 0.900\pm0.029{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.088{\rm (syst.)}\right)\times10^{-39} and $\sigma(\nu)=\left( 2.41\ \pm0.022{\rm{(stat.)}}\pm0.231{\rm (syst.)}\ \right)\times10^{-39}inunitsofcm in units of cm^{2}/nucleonand/nucleon and R\left(\frac{\sigma(\bar{\nu})}{\sigma(\nu)}\right)= 0.373\pm0.012{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.015{\rm (syst.)}$.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure