425 research outputs found

    The role of goal representations in action control

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    Actions are goal-directed. It can be the goal of an action to change the environment (i.e. to produce an effect), but also to change one´s own situation in the environment (i.e. to move to a physical target). Previous research has shown that kinematics of actions directed towards physical targets are not only mere reactions to such targets. Instead, targets evoke intentional goals. Representations of such intentional goals influence action execution. However, thus far, most studies in the context of the ideomotor theory of action control have focused on the influence of anticipated action effects on action planning. The role of targets as action goals as well as the role of goal anticipations on overt action execution has mostly been neglected. In this dissertation the role of goal representations in action control was investigated. The ideomotor theory served as a theoretical framework. It was assumed that targets function as action goals similar to action effects and that action goals influence action execution by the anticipation of upcoming events. Action execution towards targets and towards effects was compared. This was done in the temporal and the spatial domain. Furthermore, goal representations were manipulated in order to evaluate their influence on action execution and to disentangle the role of physical target characteristics and the role of goal representations. The findings obtained strengthen the assumption that goal representations play an important role in action control. First, both targets and effects can be viewed as goals of an action in the temporal and spatial domain. Second, movement kinematics are shaped by the way targets are represented as action goals, rather than by physically target properties. In conclusion, as goal representations are formed before the action is actually executed they influence action execution by the anticipation of upcoming events. The ideomotor theory of action control should incorporate action targets as goals similar to action effects

    Some XBT-observations on the thermal structure of theWarmwassersphäre in equatorial and lower latitudes of the eastern Atlantic

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    Two megameter long XBT sections passing through the Atlantic between the Iberian Peninsula and the equatorial Brazilian shelf, and between the Peninsula and the Cape region of South Africa were obtained during supply cruises to the antarctic in November 1980 and March 1981. Most of the individual probes reached an observation depth of nearly 800 m allowing statements on the thermal stratification and zonation of theWarmwassersphäre in the open ocean. Our new data are compared with a number of earlier long sections. As a general result we identify five zones dividing different hydrographic regions. Zone 1 is characterized by the clear influence of the Mediternean Undercurrent on the lower boundary of theWarmwasserphäre creating nearly thermostatic conditions below 300 m off Portugal. The adjacent zone 2 is identical with the Subtropical Convergence, where theWarmwassersphäre reaches its maximum depth (15°C isotherm at about 300 m). We call the equatorial region zone 3 and present an improved scheme of its current system and its thermal stratification. Zone 4 is marked by the Benguela Current and its northern extension. In a final zone 5 we show the influence of the Agulhas Current extension on the stratification

    Involvement of UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases and Sulfotransferases in the Excretion and Tissue Distribution of Resveratrol in Mice.

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    Resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound with various pharmacological activities. It is unknown whether the expression of metabolizing enzymes correlates with resveratrol levels in organs and tissues. Therefore, we investigated the metabolism and tissue distribution of resveratrol in mice and assessed its association with the expression of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (Ugt) and sulfotransferase (Sult) genes. Plasma, urine, feces, and various organs were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography at up to 8 h after intragastric resveratrol administration. The metabolism of resveratrol was pronounced, leading to the formation of resveratrol glucuronides and sulfates. Concentrations of resveratrol and its metabolites were high in the gastrointestinal organs, urine, and feces, but low in the liver and kidneys. In lung, heart, thymus, and brain tissues, parent resveratrol levels exceeded the sulfate and glucuronide concentrations. The formation of resveratrol conjugates correlated with the expression of certain Ugt and Sult genes. Reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis revealed high mRNA expression of Ugt1a1 and Ugt1a6a in the liver, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon, leading to high concentrations of resveratrol-3-O-glucuronide in these organs. Strong correlations of resveratrol-3-O-sulfate and resveratrol-3-O-4'-O-disulfate formation with Sult1a1 mRNA expression were also observed, particularly in the liver and colon. In summary, our data revealed organ-specific expression of Sults and Ugts in mice that strongly affects resveratrol concentrations; this may also be predictive in humans following oral uptake of dietary resveratrol

    Und Action! Vom Hirn ins Herz bis in die Füße

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    Was ist der Mehrwert eines performativen Unterrichts? Warum wirken die kreativen Ansätze, die den Körper mit in das Lernen einer fremden Sprache einbeziehen? Und wie kann der tertiäre Bildungsbereich im Rahmen eines Embodied Learning von neueren Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich der Neurowissenschaften, der Psychologie und der Didaktik profitieren? Die beiden Vortragenden stellten ein gemeinsames Projekt vor, das im Frühjahr 2019 bei Cornelsen publiziert wird. In drei Themenfeldern wurden die Bereiche Neurowissenschaften und Performative Didaktik verknüpft und mögliche Synergieeffekte beleuchtet. In ihrer bewegten Lecture Performance gingen die beiden Vortragenden den eingangs gestellten Fragen nach. Hierzu wurden zunächst ausgewählte Befunde aus der entsprechenden neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung in drei Mini-Inputs kompakt und verständlich referiert. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden diese Wissensbestände mit dramapädagogischen Impulsen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht in Verbindung gesetzt, die gemeinsam ausprobiert wurden. So wurde beispielsweise die Speicherung von Gedächtnisinhalten erklärt und anschließend von den Teilnehmer*innen der Tagung in eine fantasievoll-anregende Performance umgesetzt. Durch die Erarbeitung dieser Performance setzten sich alle Teilnehmer*innen bewusst und intensiv mit einer Kernfrage des Fremdsprachenunterrichts auseinander, die zuvor thematisiert wurde: Wie gelangen die lexikalischen Strukturen in den Kopf und vor allem, wie bleiben sie dort in abrufbarer Form erhalten? Die unterschiedliche Speicherung von episodischem oder deklarativem Wissen führte ..

    Task delegation from AI to humans: A principal-agent perspective

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    Increasingly intelligent AI artifacts in human-AI systems perform tasks more autonomously as entities that guide human actions, even changing the direction of task delegation between humans and AI. It has been shown that human-AI systems achieve better results when the AI artifact takes the leading role and delegates tasks to a human rather than the other way around. This study presents phenomena, conflicts, and challenges that arise in this process, explored through the theoretical lens of principal-agent theory (PAT). The findings are derived from a systematic literature review and an exploratory interview study and are placed in the context of existing constructs of PAT. Furthermore, this article paper identifies new causes of tensions that arise specifically in AI-to-human delegation and calls for special mechanisms beyond the classical solutions of PAT. The paper thus contributes to the understanding of autonomous AI and its implications for human-AI delegation

    Sleeve resections with unprotected bronchial anastomoses are safe even after neoadjuvant therapy†

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    OBJECTIVES Sleeve resection is the operation of choice in patients with centrally located tumours, in order to avoid a pneumonectomy. Most surgeons protect the bronchial anastomoses with tissue to prevent insufficiencies. The purpose of this study is to report on outcome of unwrapped bronchial anastomoses, especially after neoadjuvant chemo- or chemoradiotherapy. METHODS Between 2000 and 2010, 103 patients [59 years (range 16-80), 40 females] underwent bronchial sleeve resections without coverage of the anastomosis with a tissue flap. We retrospectively reviewed the data for morbidity, mortality and survival, especially with regard to the type of resection, neoadjuvant therapy and stage. RESULTS Sleeve lobectomy was performed in 88, sleeve bilobectomy in 8, sleeve pneumonectomy in 4 and sleeve resection of the main bronchus in 3 patients. Twenty-seven patients had a combined vascular sleeve resection. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was performed in 20 and radiochemotherapy in 5 patients. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was present in 76 patients (squamous cell carcinoma in 44, adenocarcinoma in 24, large cell carcinoma in 6and mixed cell in 2) and neuroendocrine tumour in 20 and other histological types in 7 patients. The pathologic tumour stage in NSCLC was stage I in 26, stage II in 26, stage IIIA in 16, stage IIIB in 7 and stage IV in 1 patient. There were no anastomotic complications, especially no fistulas. One patient developed narrowing of the intermediate bronchus without need for intervention. Twenty-four patients had early postoperative complications, including 11 surgery-related complications (air leakage, nerve injury, haemothorax or mediastinal emphysema). The 30-day mortality was 3% (one patient died due to heart failure and two with multiorgan failure). The 5-year survival rate was 63% in NSCLC patients and 86% in neuroendocrine tumour patients. CONCLUSIONS Sleeve resection without wrapping the bronchial anastomoses with a tissue flap is safe even in patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemo- or chemoradiotherapy. Therefore, wrapping of the bronchial anastomoses is not routinely mandator

    Bio-Landwirtschaft in Österreich - Einstellungen, Erwartungen und Wissen Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener

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    Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene bestimmen durch ihr Verhalten, ihre Erwartungen und Meinungen zur Bio-Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft wesentlich die zukünftige Entwicklung des Bio-Sektors mit. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden in Österreich Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene (15-19 Jahre bzw. 20-25 Jahre) gezielt zu Ihren Einstellungen zur Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelproduktion, zu ihrem Konsum- und Einkaufverhalten, zu den Wünschen und Erwartungen an die Bio-Lebensmittelwirtschaft sowie zu ihrem Bio-Wissen befragt. 47 % der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen gaben an, dass sie eine sehr hohe und 26 % eine hohe Wertschätzung der Bio-Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft entgegen bringen. Eine überdurchschnittlich hohe Bio-Wertschätzung zeigte sich für jene Befragten, welche angaben sich gesund zu ernähren, wenig bzw. kein Fleisch zu essen, weniger gerne Fast-Food zu konsumieren sowie gerne zu kochen. Die „intensiv-Bio-Kunden/innen“ waren überdurchschnittlich gut über „Bio“ informiert, stellten die höchsten Anforderungen an die Bio-Lebensmittelwirtschaft, zeigten aber gleichzeitig auch die höchste Bio-Mehrpreis-Kaufbereitschaft. Einen besonders hohen Stellenwert für die Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen haben folgende Aspekte: 1) Auslauf ins Freie von Tieren, 2) keine Kinderarbeit bei Importwaren, 3) fairer Handel 4) strenge Kontrollen beim Bio-Lebensmittelimport, 5) regionale Herkunft der Lebensmittel, 6) Weidehaltung von Wiederkäuern, 7) Schonung von Boden, Wasser und Umwelt im Bio-Pflanzenbau. 60 % der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen gaben an zukünftig mehr Bio-Produkte konsumieren zu wollen. 81 % wünschte sich einen weiteren Ausbau der Bio-Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft in Österreich

    Repeated lung volume reduction surgery is successful in selected patients†

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    OBJECTIVES Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) improves dyspnoea, quality of life and may even prolong survival in carefully selected patients with end-stage emphysema. The benefit may be sustained for several years and vanishes with the natural progression of the disease. Data on repeated surgical treatment of emphysema are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, effects and outcomes of repeated LVRS (Re-LVRS) in patients no longer benefiting from their initial LVRS. METHODS Between June 2002 and December 2013, 22 patients (9 females) with advanced emphysema underwent Re-LVRS at a median of 60 months (25-196) after their initial LVRS. While initial LVRS was performed thoracoscopically as a bilateral procedure, Re-LVRS was performed unilaterally by a video-assisted thoracoscopic technique in 19 patients and, due to adhesions, by thoracotomy in 3 patients. Pulmonary function test (PFT) was performed at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. RESULTS Lung function at Re-LVRS was similar to that prior to the first LVRS. The 90-day mortality rate was 0%. The first patient died 15 months postoperatively. The median hospitalization time after Re-LVRS was significantly longer compared with the initial LVRS [14 days, interquartile range (IQR): 11-19, vs 9 days, IQR: 8-14; P = 0.017]. The most frequent complication was prolonged air leak with a median drainage time of 11 days (IQR: 6-13); reoperations due to persistent air leak were necessary in 7 patients (32%). Five patients (23%) had no complications. Lung function and Medical Research Council (MRC) score improved significantly for up to 12 months after Re-LVRS, with results similar to those after initial bilateral LVRS. The average increase in the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) was 25% (a 7% increase over the predicted value or 0.18 l) at 3 months, and the mean reduction in hyperinflation, assessed by relative decrease in RV/TLC (residual volume/total lung capacity), was 12% at 3 months (a decrease of 8% in absolute ratios). The mean MRC breathlessness score decreased significantly after 3 months (from 3.7 to 2.2). CONCLUSIONS Re-LVRS can be performed successfully in carefully selected patients as a palliative treatment. It may be performed as a bridge to transplantation or in patients with newly diagnosed intrapulmonary nodules or during elective cardiac surgery. Morbidity is acceptable and outcomes may be satisfactory with significantly improved lung function and reduced dyspnoea for at least 12 months postoperativel

    Anaemia among men in India: a nationally representative cross-sectional study

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    Summary Background Population-based studies on anaemia in India have mostly focused on women and children, with men with anaemia receiving much less attention despite anaemia's adverse effect on health, wellbeing, and economic productivity. This study aimed to determine the national prevalence of anaemia among men in India; how the prevalence of anaemia in men varies across India among states and districts and by sociodemographic characteristics; and whether the geographical and sociodemographic variation in the prevalence of anaemia among men is similar to that among women to inform whether anaemia reduction efforts for men should be coupled with existing efforts for women. Methods In this cross-sectional study, we analysed data from a nationally representative household survey carried out from January, 2015, to December, 2016, among men aged 15–54 years and women aged 15–49 years in all 29 states and seven Union Territories of India. Haemoglobin concentration was measured using the portable HemoCue Hb 201+ (HemoCue AB, Angelholm, Sweden) and a capillary blood sample. In addition to disaggregating anaemia prevalence (separately in men and women) by state and age group, we used mixed-effects Poisson regression to determine individual-level and district-level predictors of anaemia. Findings 106 298 men and 633 305 women were included in our analysis. In men, the prevalence of any anaemia was 23·2% (95% CI 22·7–23·7), moderate or severe anaemia was 5·1% (4·9–5·4), and severe anaemia was 0·5% (0·5–0·6). An estimated 21·7% (20·9–22·5) of men with any degree of anaemia had moderate or severe anaemia compared with 53·2% (52·9–53·5) of women with any anaemia. Men aged 20–34 years had the lowest probability of having anaemia whereas anaemia prevalence among women was similar across age groups. State-level prevalence of any anaemia in men varied from 9·2% (7·7–10·9) in Manipur to 32·9% (31·0–34·7) in Bihar. The individual-level predictors of less household wealth, lower education, living in a rural area, smoking, consuming smokeless tobacco, and being underweight and the district-level predictors of living in a district with a lower rate of primary school completion, level of urbanisation, and household wealth were all associated with a higher probability of anaemia in men. Although some important exceptions were noted, district-level and state-level prevalence of anaemia among men correlated strongly with that among women. Interpretation Anaemia among men in India is an important public health problem. Because of the similarities in the patterns of geographical and sociodemographic variation of anaemia between men and women, future efforts to reduce anaemia among men could target similar population groups as those targeted in existing efforts to reduce anaemia among women. Funding Alexander von Humboldt Foundation