865 research outputs found

    Nutrition and Athlete Immune Health: New Perspectives on an Old Paradigm.

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    Respiratory and gastrointestinal infections limit an athlete's availability to train and compete. To better understand how sick an athlete will become when they have an infection, a paradigm recently adopted from ecological immunology is presented that includes the concepts of immune resistance (the ability to destroy microbes) and immune tolerance (the ability to dampen defence yet control infection at a non-damaging level). This affords a new theoretical perspective on how nutrition may influence athlete immune health; paving the way for focused research efforts on tolerogenic nutritional supplements to reduce the infection burden in athletes. Looking through this new lens clarifies why nutritional supplements targeted at improving immune resistance in athletes show limited benefits: evidence supporting the old paradigm of immune suppression in athletes is lacking. Indeed, there is limited evidence that the dietary practices of athletes suppress immunity, e.g. low-energy availability and train- or sleep-low carbohydrate. It goes without saying, irrespective of the dietary preference (omnivorous, vegetarian), that athletes are recommended to follow a balanced diet to avoid a frank deficiency of a nutrient required for proper immune function. The new theoretical perspective provided sharpens the focus on tolerogenic nutritional supplements shown to reduce the infection burden in athletes, e.g. probiotics, vitamin C and vitamin D. Further research should demonstrate the benefits of candidate tolerogenic supplements to reduce infection in athletes; without blunting training adaptations and without side effects

    Tear Lactoferrin and Lysozyme as Clinically Relevant Biomarkers of Mucosal Immune Competence

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    Tears have attracted interest as a minimally-invasive biological fluid from which to assess biomarkers. Lactoferrin (Lf) and lysozyme (Lys) are abundant in the tear fluid and have antimicrobial properties. Since the eye is a portal for infection transmission, assessment of immune status at the ocular surface may be clinically relevant. Therefore, the aim of this series of studies was to investigate the tear fluid antimicrobial proteins (AMPs) Lf and Lys as biomarkers of mucosal immune status. To be considered biomarkers of interest, we would expect tear AMPs to respond to stressors known to perturb immunity but be robust to confounding variables, and to be lower in participants with heightened risk or incidence of illness. We investigated the relationship between tear AMPs and upper respiratory tract infection (URTI; study 1) as well as the response of tear AMPs to prolonged treadmill exercise (study 2) and dehydration (study 3). Study 1 was a prospective cohort study conducted during the common cold season whereas studies 2 and 3 used repeated-measures crossover designs. In study 1, tear Lys concentration (C) as well as tear AMP secretion rates (SRs) were lower in individuals who reported pathogen-confirmed URTI (n = 9) throughout the observation period than in healthy, pathogen-free controls (n = 17; Lys-C, P = 0.002, d = 0.85; Lys-SR, P < 0.001, d = 1.00; Lf-SR, P = 0.018, d = 0.66). Tear AMP secretion rates were also lower in contact lens wearers. In study 2, tear AMP SRs were 42-49% lower at 30 min-1 h post-exercise vs. pre-exercise (P < 0.001, d = 0.80-0.93). Finally, in study 3, tear AMPs were not influenced by dehydration, although tear AMP concentrations (but not secretion rates) displayed diurnal variation. We conclude that Lf and Lys have potential as biomarkers of mucosal immune competence; in particular, whether these markers are lower in infection-prone individuals warrants further investigation

    Post-exercise Hot Water Immersion Elicits Heat Acclimation Adaptations That Are Retained for at Least Two Weeks

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    Heat acclimation by post-exercise hot water immersion (HWI) on six consecutive days reduces thermal strain and improves exercise performance during heat stress. However, the retention of adaptations by this method remains unknown. Typically, adaptations to short-term, exercise-heat-acclimation ( 0.05). As such, the reduction in thermal strain during exercise-heat stress appears likely due to the reduction in resting T re evident at POST, WK 1, and WK 2. In summary, 6 days of post-exercise HWI is an effective, practical and accessible heat acclimation strategy that induces adaptations, which are retained for at least 2 weeks. Therefore, post-exercise HWI can be completed during an athlete's pre-taper phase and does not suffer from the same practical limitations as short-term, exercise-heat-acclimation

    Anxiety and perceived psychological stress play an important role in the immune response after exercise

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    There are common pathways by which psychological stress and exercise stress alter immunity. However, it remains unknown whether psychological stress plays a role in the in vivo immune response to exercise. We examined the relationship between anxiety and perceived psychological stress reported before exercise and in vivo immunity after exercise using skin sensitisation with Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP). In a randomised design, sixty four, thoroughly familiarised, males completed widely used psychological instruments to assess state-anxiety and perceived psychological stress before exercise, and ran either 30 minutes at 60% (30MI) or 80% (30HI) V . O2peak, 120 minutes at 60% (120MI) V . O2peak or rested (CON) before DPCP sensitisation. Cutaneous recall to DPCP was measured as the dermal thickening response to a low-dose series DPCP challenge 4-weeks after sensitisation. After accounting for exercise (R2 = 0.20; P < 0.01), multiple-regression showed that pre-exercise state-anxiety (STAI-S; DeltaR2 = 0.19; P < 0.01) and perceived psychological stress (DeltaR2 = 0.13; P < 0.05) were moderately associated with the DPCP response after exercise. The STAI-S scores before exercise were considered low-to-moderate in these familiarised individuals (median split; mean STAI-S of low 25 and moderate 34). Further examination showed that the DPCP response after exercise (30MI, 30HI or 120MI) was 62% lower in those reporting low vs. moderate state-anxiety before exercise (mean difference in dermal thickening: -2.6 mm; 95% CI: -0.8 to -4.4 mm; P < 0.01). As such, the results indicate a beneficial effect of moderate (vs. low) state-anxiety and perceived psychological stress on in vivo immunity after exercise. Moreover, correlations were of comparable strength for the relationship between physiological stress (heart rate training impulse) and the summed dermal response to DPCP (r = -0.37; 95% CI: -0.05 to -0.62; P = 0.01), and state-anxiety and the summed dermal response to DPCP (r = 0.39; 95% CI: 0.08 to 0.63; P < 0.01). In conclusion, state-anxiety and perceived psychological stress levels before exercise play animportant role in determining the strength of the in vivo immune response after exercise. These findings indicate a similar strength relationship for the level of state-anxiety prior to exercise and the level of physiological stress during exercise with the in vivo immune response after exercise. Future research is required to investigate exercise-immune responses in athletes, military personnel and others in physically demanding occupations experiencing higher levels of psychological stress than those reported in this study e.g. related to important competition, military operations and major life events. Nevertheless, the present findings support the recommendation that exercise scientists should account for anxiety and psychological stress when examining the immune response to exercise

    The dynamic relationships between the active and catabolic vitamin D metabolites, their ratios, and associations with PTH

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    Vitamin D status, assessed by serum concentration of 25(OH)D, is the prime candidate marker for many disease-association studies, but the interplay between the subsequent 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (24,25(OH)2D) metabolites is unclear. In this study, we conducted an analysis from a large cohort of healthy, physically fit, young army recruits (n = 940). We found a significant, inverse relationship between serum 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D:24,25(OH)2D vitamin D metabolite ratio (VMR) (r(2)Exp = 0.582, p /=35 to be the threshold value for vitamin D insufficiency, and >/=51 to be predictive of vitamin D deficiency. Our three-dimensional model provides mechanistic insight into the vitamin D-PTH endocrine system, and further substantiates the role of 24,25(OH)2D in human physiology. The model sets a new paradigm for vitamin D treatment strategy, and may help the establishment of vitamin D-adjusted PTH reference intervals. The study was approved by the UK Ministry of Defence research ethics committee (MODREC 165/Gen/10 and 692/MoDREC/15). ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT02416895

    Cold atmospheric pressure plasma elimination of clinically important single- and mixed-species biofilms.

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    Mixed-species biofilms reflect the natural environment of many pathogens in clinical settings and are highly resistant to disinfection methods. An indirect cold atmospheric-pressure air-plasma system was evaluated under two different discharge conditions for its ability to kill representative Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) pathogens. Plasma treatment of individual 24-h-old biofilms and mixed-species biofilms that contained additional species (Enterococcus faecalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae) was considered. Under plasma conditions that favoured the production of reactive nitrogen species (RNS), individual P. aeruginosa biofilms containing ca. 5.0 × 106 CFU were killed extremely rapidly, with no bacterial survival detected at 15 s of exposure. Staphylococcus aureus survived longer under these conditions, with no detectable growth after 60 s of exposure. In mixed-species biofilms, P. aeruginosa survived longer but all species were killed with no detectable growth at 60 s. Under plasma conditions that favoured the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), P. aeruginosa showed increased survival, with the lower limit of detection reached by 120 s, and S. aureus was killed in a similar time frame. In the mixed-species model, bacterial kill was biphasic but all pathogens showed viable cells after 240 s of exposure, with P. aeruginosa showing significant survival (ca. 3.6 ± 0.6 × 106 CFU). Overall, this study shows the potential of indirect air plasma treatment to achieve significant bacterial kill, but highlights aspects that might affect performance against key pathogens, especially in real-life settings within mixed populations

    Can exercise affect immune function to increase susceptibility to infection?

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    Multiple studies in humans and animals have demonstrated the profound impact that exercise can have on the immune system. There is a general consensus that regular bouts of short-lasting (i.e. up to 45 minutes) moderate intensity exercise is beneficial for host immune defense, particularly in older adults and people with chronic diseases. In contrast, infection burden is reported to be high among high performance athletes and second only to injury for the number of training days lost during preparation for major sporting events. This has shaped the common view that arduous exercise (i.e. those activities practiced by high performance athletes/ military personnel that greatly exceed recommended physical activity guidelines) can suppress immunity and increase infection risk. However, the idea that exercise per se can suppress immunity and increase infection risk independently of the many other factors (e.g. anxiety, sleep disruption, travel, exposure, nutritional deficits, environmental extremes, etc.) experienced by these populations has recently been challenged. The purpose of this debate article was to solicit opposing arguments centered around this fundamental question in the exercise immunology field: can exercise affect immune function to increase susceptibility to infection. Issues that were contested between the debating groups include: (i) whether or not athletes are more susceptible to infection (mainly of the upper respiratory tract) than the general population; (ii) whether exercise per se is capable of altering immunity to increase infection risk independently of the multiple factors that activate shared immune pathways and are unique to the study populations involved; (iii) the usefulness of certain biomarkers and the interpretation of in vitro and in vivo data to monitor immune health in those who perform arduous exercise; and (iv) the quality of scientific evidence that has been used to substantiate claims for and against the potential negative effects of arduous exercise on immunity and infection risk. A key point of agreement between the groups is that infection susceptibility has a multifactorial underpinning. An issue that remains to be resolved is whether exercise per se is a causative factor of increased infection risk in athletes. This article should provide impetus for more empirical research to unravel the complex questions that surround this contentious issue in the field of exercise immunology

    "Food First but Not Always Food Only": Recommendations for Using Dietary Supplements in Sport.

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    The term "food first" has been widely accepted as the preferred strategy within sport nutrition, although there is no agreed definition of this and often limited consideration of the implications. We propose that food first should mean "where practically possible, nutrient provision should come from whole foods and drinks rather than from isolated food components or dietary supplements." There are many reasons to commend a food first strategy, including the risk of supplement contamination resulting in anti-doping violations. However, a few supplements can enhance health and/or performance, and therefore a food only approach could be inappropriate. We propose six reasons why a food only approach may not always be optimal for athletes: (a) some nutrients are difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities in the diet, or may require excessive energy intake and/or consumption of other nutrients; (b) some nutrients are abundant only in foods athletes do not eat/like; (c) the nutrient content of some foods with established ergogenic benefits is highly variable; (d) concentrated doses of some nutrients are required to correct deficiencies and/or promote immune tolerance; (e) some foods may be difficult to consume immediately before, during or immediately after exercise; and (f) tested supplements could help where there are concerns about food hygiene or contamination. In these situations, it is acceptable for the athlete to consider sports supplements providing that a comprehensive risk minimization strategy is implemented. As a consequence, it is important to stress that the correct terminology should be "food first but not always food only.

    A comparison of medium-term heat acclimation by post-exercise hot water immersion or exercise in the heat: Adaptations, overreaching, and thyroid hormones.

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    This research compared thermal and perceptual adaptations, endurance capacity, and overreaching markers in men after 3, 6, and 12-days of post-exercise hot water immersion (HWI) or exercise heat acclimation (EHA) with a temperate exercise control (CON), and examined thyroid hormones as a mechanism for the reduction in resting and exercising core temperature (Tre) after HWI. HWI involved a treadmill run at 65% V̇O2peak in 19°C followed by a 40°C bath. EHA and CON involved a work-matched treadmill run at 65% V̇O2peak in 33°C or 19°C, respectively. Compared with CON, resting mean body temperature (Tb), resting and end-exercise Tre, Tre at sweating onset, thermal sensation and perceived exertion were lower and whole-body sweat rate (WBSR) was higher after 12-days of HWI (all P ≤ 0.049, resting Tb: CON -0.11 ± 0.15°C, HWI -0.41 ± 0.15°C). Moreover, resting Tb and Tre at sweating onset were lower after HWI than EHA (P ≤ 0.015, resting Tb: EHA -0.14 ± 0.14°C). No differences were identified between EHA and CON (P ≥ 0.157) except WBSR which was greater after EHA (P = 0.013). No differences were observed between interventions for endurance capacity or overreaching markers (mood, sleep, Stroop, P ≥ 0.190). Thermal adaptations observed after HWI were not related to changes in thyroid hormone concentrations (P ≥ 0.086). In conclusion, 12-days of post-exercise hot water immersion conferred more complete heat acclimation than exercise heat acclimation without increasing overreaching risk, and changes in thyroid hormones are not related to thermal adaptationsafter post-exercise hot water immersion

    Upper-body resistance training following soccer match play: Compatible, complementary, or contraindicated?

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    Purpose: During heavily congested schedules, professional soccer players can experience exacerbated fatigue responses, which are thought to contribute to an increased risk of injury. Given that match-induced residual fatigue can last up to 72 hours, many coaches naturally prioritize recovery in the days immediately following match day. While it is intuitive for coaches and training staff to decrease the amount of auxiliary training practices to focus on recovery, prescribing upper-body resistance training on the day after match play has recently emerged as a specific training modality in this context. While these sessions may be implemented to increase training stimulus, there are limited data available regarding the efficacy of such a practice to improve recovery kinetics. Methods: In this narrative review, the authors look at the theoretical implications of performing upper-body resistance training on the day after match play on the status of various physiological and psychological systems, including neuromuscular, metabolic, hormonal, perceptual, and immunological recovery. Results: The available evidence suggests that in most cases this practice, as currently implemented (ie, low volume, low intensity), is unlikely to be complementary (ie, does not accelerate recovery) but is potentially compatible (ie, does not impair recovery). Conclusion: Overall, because the perception of such sessions may be player dependent, their programming requires an individualized approach and should take into account match dynamics (eg, fixture scheduling, playing time, travel)
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