16 research outputs found

    Milk production in dairy cows and goats

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    Water is an essential factor for both people and animals, and access to water is therefore of great importance. The water access also largely determines the availability of food for people and feed for animals. The aim of this study was to survey the affect of water access on milk production from dairy animals. The study included nineteen farm visits that were made in the Nyando district in Kenya between February and Mars 2011. Farm visits included interviews with questions about for example number of dairy animals, milk production, water access, feed and water routines. Visual and practical measurements were performed. The selected farms represented both cow and goat keepers with exotic breed, local breed and crossbred animals. Water access differed between the farms. Some had unlimited access to water while others had restricted access. Milk production differed between breeds and between farms because of diverse conditions. The study indicated that people in general have little knowledge about the physiology of their animals and that the animals receive what is available not what they actually require, sometimes they get more and sometimes they get less. People in the Nyando district and others in the same situation are in need of more food and water, both for themselves and their animals. By increased information, knowledge and better technique it would be possible to increase the milk production and through that generate more food and improved living conditions for people

    Köttkvalitet vid nötköttsproduktion i Jämtlands län

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    Nötköttsproduktionen i Sverige minskar samtidigt som efterfrågan på kvalitetskött ökar. I Jämtlands län utgörs jordbruket framförallt av mjölk- och köttproduktion. Betydelsen av begreppet köttkvalitet är komplext och innefattar många olika aspekter. Köttkvalitet kan delas in i olika typer av kvalitet, till exempel ätkvalitet, hygienisk kvalitet, etisk kvalitet och teknologisk kvalitet. Marmorering ingår i begreppet ätkvalitet och har betydelse för köttets saftighet och smak. Det finns flera faktorer som påverkar marmoreringsgrad i kött från nötkreatur, exempelvis uppfödningsintensitet, djurmaterial och fettklass. Uppfödningsstrategi har således en betydande roll för köttkvalitet. De lokala förutsättningarna för nötköttsproduktion i Jämtlands län gynnar framförallt grovfoderproduktion och nötköttsproduktion som baseras på utfodring med grovfoder. Studien bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer med producenter och slakteriet Jämtlandsgården, samt marmoreringsbedömning av djur från nämnda producenter. Studien visade att de flesta djur tilldelades marmoreringsklass 1 och 2, endast ett fåtal djur tilldelades marmoreringsklass 3 och 4. Köttkvalitet hade olika betydelse för producenterna, dock var marmorering en egenskap som många nämnde. Djur med högre marmoreringsklass (3 och 4) återfanns framförallt bland stutar och kvigor, hos djur med fettklass 3- och uppåt samt inom formklasserna R+, O-, O och O+. De flesta producenterna var positiva till införandet av en kvalitetsbetalning med grad av marmorering som utgångspunkt. För att driva frågan kring köttkvalitet vidare är det nu viktigt att samtliga inblandade parter samarbetar och arbetar mot ett gemensamt mål.Swedish beef production is decreasing while the request for meat of good quality increases. Agriculture in the County of Jämtland is based on milk and meat production. The concept of meat quality is complex and involves many different aspects. Meat quality can be classified into different types of qualities, such as eating quality, hygienic quality, ethical quality and technological quality. Marbling is included in the concept of eating quality and is of importance for the juiciness and flavor in meat. There are several factors that affect the degree of marbling in beef, for example breeding intensity, animal material and level of fat. Therefore has breeding strategy a significant role in meat quality. The local conditions for beef production in the County of Jämtland mainly benefit forage production and a beef production based on feeding of roughage. The study consisted of interviews with producers and a slaughterhouse named Jämtlandsgården. Also marbling valuations was done on meat of animals with origin from previous mentioned producers. The study showed that most animals were classified in class 1 and 2 in marbling; only a small number of animals were classified in class 3 and 4. The producers defined meat quality differently, but marbling was a characteristic that many of the producers mentioned. Animals with higher marbling grade (3 and 4) were primarily found among steers and heifers, in animals with level of fat 3- and above, and within the classes of R +, O-, O and O +. Most producers were in favor of an introduction of a payment system based on meat quality, with marbling degree as a base for assessment. To pursue the matter involving meat quality further it is now important that all involved people in the County of Jämtland cooperate and work together towards a common goal

    Hubungan Asupan Protein, Seng, Zat Besi, Dan Riwayat Penyakit Infeksi Dengan Z-score Tb/u Pada Balita

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    Latar Belakang : Masalah gizi yang paling banyak ditemukan pada anak di Indonesia adalah stunting, Indikator untuk menilai stunting berdasarkan pada Indeks Tinggi Badan menurut Umur (TB/U) dengan ambang batas (Z-score) <-2 Standart Deviasi (SD). Several micronutrients are required for adequate growth among children. However, it has been unclear as to which nutrient deficiencies contribute most often to growth faltering in populations at risk for poor nutrition and poor growth. Inadequate intakes of dietary energy and protein and frequent infections are well-known causes of growth retardation (3–5). However, the role of specific micronutrient deficiencies in the etiology of growth retardation has gained attention more recently (6–8). Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan antara asupan protein, seng, zat besi, dan penyakit infeksi terhadap indeks z-score TB/U pada Balita usia 24-59 bulan.Metode : Penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional di Kelurahan Jangli Semarang, jumlah sampel 61 Balita usia 24-59 bulan, dipilih dengan simple random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi: identitas sampel, berat badan, tinggi badan, riwayat asupan makan, dan riwayat penyakit infeksi. Berat badan diukur menggunakan timbangan digital dan tinggi badan diukur menggunakan microtoise. Asupan protein, seng, zat besi, dan riwayat penyakit infeksi diperoleh dari food frequency questionairre semi-kuantitatif. Data dianalisis dengan uji analisis depskripsi, analisis bivariate menggunakan uji Chi Square, Pearson, dan Spearman.Hasil : Sebanyak 36,1 subjek mengalami stunting. Rerata z-score TB/U -1,25 ± 1,2. Rerata asupan protein, seng, dan zat besi subjek berturut-turut 34.8 ± 13 g, 5.2 ± 2.5 mg, 8.2 ± 6.5 mg dengan sebagian besar tingkat kecukupan protein, seng, dan zat besi subjek adalah cukup. Sebanyak 29.1% subjek memiliki riwayat infeksi. Terdapat hubungan antara protein dan penyakit infeksi dengan z-score TB/U pada Balita. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara asupan seng, dan zat besi dengan z-score TB/U pada Balita. Simpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara asupan protein dan riwayat penyakit infeksi terhadap indeks z-score TB/U pada Balita

    Mästerdetektiven i två versioner – En komparativ analys av Astrid Lindgrens Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist och en lättläst version med samma titel

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    I uppsatsen undersöks Astrid Lindgrens Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist (1947) med en lättläst version med samma titel som är utgiven 2011. Syftet med analysen är att jämföra originalversionen av Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist med en lättläst version med samma titel för att få syn på skillnader gällande karaktärs- och miljöbeskrivningar. I min analys utgår jag från det Maria Nikolajeva (2017) skriver om karaktärsbeskrivningar samt Vivi Edströms (1982) tankar kring vikten av miljöbeskrivningar i barnlitteratur. Analysen visar att i den lättlästa versionen är mycket av både karaktärs- och miljöbeskrivningarna förkortade och i vissa fall även borttagna helt. Trots detta är många av bokens händelser och stora delar av händelseförloppet är densamma

    Om sättet att tillhopa gå, en kvalitativ studie om ungdomars tankar kring sex och relationer

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    Young people of today have a much wider access to information on sex and relationships, and they receive this information from a variety of different sources. This information can sometimes paint a diverse and inconsistent picture. School constitutes one of these sources, and one of the few places were young people can discuss and reflect on these issues together with their peers as well as adults. The purpose of this essay is to gain insight on what adolescents between the age of 15 to 18 think about sex and relationships and their thoughts about sex education in school. It’s a qualitative study based on discussions with adolescents divided in four focus groups, two groups of girls and two groups of boys. This method yielded a body of empirical material that was later analyzed from a sociological starting point and gender perspective. We used John Gagnon and William Simon’s theories regarding sexual scripts, in which society’s views on sexuality and what kind of sexual behavior is accepted, is discussed. We also used Zygmunt Bauman’s theories on ”the liquid society”. Bauman discusses issues regarding the modern consumer society and sexuality, and states that even relationships are an article of consumption. The essay will show that the participants consider sex and relationships to be important and interesting matters, and believe that the amount of education in school regarding these issues isn’t enough. Past positive experiences in their contact with adults have given some a sense of confidence when talking openly about sex, but they were ambivalent in their views on relationships. Sex without love is relatively accepted but the final goal is still a lifelong, monogamous relationship. Also, the accepted sexual behavior is different for girls and boys. A majority of the results in our study are in accordance with previous research

    Harry Potter och hans vänner : – ur ett genusperspektiv

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    Uppsatsen analyserar tre karaktärer i J.K Rowlings bok Harry Potter och fången från Azkaban (2017) ur ett genusperspektiv och vänskapsperspektiv. Syftet med analysen är att se hur karaktärerna beskrivs utifrån könsroller och vad vänskapsrelationen har för betydelse för de tre karaktärerna och hur det kan kopplas till genus. Uppsatsen utgår från olika perspektiv kring genus och vänskap, bland annat Maria Nilsons (2010) tankar kring genus i barnlitteratur och William M. Bukowski (2001) som skriver om fyra olika vänskapsfunktioner. Analysen visar att alla tre karaktärerna har både manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper och därmed bryter mot traditionella könsroller till viss del. De tre karaktärernas egenskaper påverkar vänskapen på flera sätt då karaktärerna kompletterar varandra

    Harry Potter och hans vänner : – ur ett genusperspektiv

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    Uppsatsen analyserar tre karaktärer i J.K Rowlings bok Harry Potter och fången från Azkaban (2017) ur ett genusperspektiv och vänskapsperspektiv. Syftet med analysen är att se hur karaktärerna beskrivs utifrån könsroller och vad vänskapsrelationen har för betydelse för de tre karaktärerna och hur det kan kopplas till genus. Uppsatsen utgår från olika perspektiv kring genus och vänskap, bland annat Maria Nilsons (2010) tankar kring genus i barnlitteratur och William M. Bukowski (2001) som skriver om fyra olika vänskapsfunktioner. Analysen visar att alla tre karaktärerna har både manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper och därmed bryter mot traditionella könsroller till viss del. De tre karaktärernas egenskaper påverkar vänskapen på flera sätt då karaktärerna kompletterar varandra

    Reversion analysis of <i>Parp1</i> mutants.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Schemes used for isolation of revertants from the D5 (intron one) <i>Parp1</i> mutant ES cells. <b>B.</b> Three FIAU-resistant clones isolated after transfection of clone D5 with PB transposase (Rev1–3, grey and black) have regained sensitivity to olaparib similar to wild type cells (green). <i>Brca2</i>-deficient ES cells <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0061520#pone.0061520-Farmer1" target="_blank">[8]</a>, which are sensitive to PARP inhibition, are shown for comparison. Error bars show SEM, <i>n = </i>5. ***, <i>P</i><0.001; comparison shown for D5Rev1 and <i>Parp1</i> mutant. <b>C.</b> Dose response curve for BMN 673 for three clones isolated using the G418 selection scheme. <i>n = 5</i>; ***, <i>P</i><0.001; comparison shown for G418 R2 and <i>Parp1</i> mutant. <b>D.</b> The G418 resistant clone that remains PARP inhibitor resistant (clone R1) is still a <i>Parp1</i> mutant. Lysates from the indicated cells were probed with anti-PARP followed by anti-β-tubulin. <b>E.</b> Clone G418 R1 still contains the original <i>Parp1</i> insertion. DNA from the indicated cells (same order as above) was analysed for the presence of the transposon-genome junction by PCR using the primers shown in <b>A</b>. <b>F.</b> Most clones isolated from the screen have a diploid DNA content. Three out of nine tested had a mixture of haploid and diploid cells similar to D2 (top, this clone also has the intron 1 <i>Parp1</i> insertion); all others were fully diploid including clone D5 (bottom).</p

    Generating and screening haploid transposon mutant libraries.

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    <p><b>A.</b> The piggyBac transposon used for mutagenesis. The transposon cargo contains splice acceptors that disrupt transcription, but gene trapping is not directly selected for. PuroΔTK, is a positive-negative selection marker: puromycin can be used to select for integrations, and FIAU to select for loss of the transposon <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0061520#pone.0061520-Chen1" target="_blank">[30]</a>. <b>B.</b> Outline of the mutagenesis and screening process. A detailed protocol is provided in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0061520#pone.0061520.s002" target="_blank">Protocol S1</a>. <b>C.</b> The mutant pool remains predominantly haploid, as shown by propidium iodide staining of fixed cells from library H3L1. <b>D.</b> Determining drug concentration for screening. Olaparib was used at a concentration that kills >2.5×10<sup>5</sup> wild type haploid cells (4 µM). <b>E.</b> Scheme for further analysis of clones of interest by transposon reversion.</p