64 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the results of the study on the importance of open organisational culture as an element of positive potential of an enterprise in a crisis situation. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the link between the open organisational culture as part of the organisation’s positive potential and the kind of crisis occurring in the enterprise. To achieve the research objective, the results of the pilot study carried out in 2015 among enterprises in different types of crisis were used. The results show that building the open organisational culture which is part of the positive potential of the organisation is one of the key elements of entrepreneurial activity. In the light of the results obtained, it can be said that modern enterprises need to deal with various problems generated by their dynamically changing environment. In such situations, it is important to make certain changes in organisational culture while taking remedial (anti-crisis) action.

    Challenges and problems of hybrid work: employees’ perspective

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    Different work organisations function all over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the perception of many employees concerning the concept of remote and hybrid work. Nowadays it seems to be the new normal, not only in the IT field. This paper aims to show the distinction between various work organisations and compare them in the context of work efficiency, focusing on in-company and remote work. The article also presents the problems of hybrid work. A study was conducted in the form of a survey. The study shows how remote work is perceived by the respondents, concerning its advantages, disadvantages, and working conditions

    Dysfunkcje organizacyjne a sytuacje kryzysowe w przedsiębiorstwie

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    rozdział z: Dysfunkcje i patologie w sferze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, t. 4, red. Z. Janowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2011Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja różnorodnych relacji pomiędzy dysfunkcjami organizacyjnymi a sytuacjami kryzysowymi oraz określenie możliwości ich kształtowania przez kadrę kierowniczą. Dysfunkcje organizacyjne mogą przejawiać się w różnych obszarach działalności przedsiębiorstwa, na przykład w sferze produkcyjnej, finansowej czy kadrowej. Kumulacja różnorodnych dysfunkcji prowadzi z reguły do sytuacji kryzysowej. Występowanie takich dysfunkcji może więc stanowić zapowiedź kryzysu w przedsiębiorstwie. Stąd też ważna jest ich analiza oraz likwidacja poprzez różnorodne systemy wczesnego ostrzegania i działania antykryzysowe. Badania przeprowadzone w grupie 70 kierowników średniego i wyższego szczebla zarządzania w przedsiębiorstwach z różnych sektorów pokazują jak ważne są te systemy wczesnego ostrzegania i procedury antykryzysowe. Z drugiej strony wynika z nich jak duże są jeszcze zaniedbania w tej sferze w badanych przedsiębiorstwach. Jest to problem tym bardziej istotny, że prawie połowa badanych menedżerów wskazała na występowanie w ich firmach głębokich sytuacji kryzysowych i problemów finansowych, a dodatkowo 20% respondentów dostrzega przejściowe kłopoty. Brak odpowiednich diagnoz symptomów sytuacji kryzysowych prowadzi często do opóźnionych reakcji i do drastycznych działań, jak na przykład do zaprzestania inwestycji oraz znaczących redukcji liczby zatrudnionych.The aim of this paper is to identify the various relationships between organizational dysfunctions and crises and to define possibilities of their formation by managers. Organizational dysfunctions may appear in different areas of business, for example, in production, finance and human resources. Accumulation of various dysfunctions usually leads to a critical situation. The occurrence of such dysfunctions can be an announcement of the crisis in the enterprise. Therefore, the analysis of these dysfunctions and their liquidation by the varied systems of early warning and anti-crises activities are very important. Research focused on a group of 70 middle and top managers in companies from different sectors show how important these early warning systems and anti-crises procedures are. On the other hand, they also show how large neglects in this area in studied companies are. This is the more essential problem, because almost half researched managers indicated, that there were deep critical situations and financial problems in their companies, and additionally 20% respondents perceived transitory problems. The lack of the appropriate diagnoses of the crisis’s symptoms run often to delayed reactions and radical actions, such as: the cessation of the investment and the significant reduction of the employees' number

    The management of a company’s relational capital as part of business process

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    PURPOSE: The paper deals with the issue of a company's relational capital, especially customer relations. The aim of the paper is an attempt to answer the question concerning the role of developing the right type of relational capital with customers in organisations applying the Business Process Management (BPM) philosophy.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The paper characterises business processes and the BPM concept, as well as describes models of process maturity. The section regarding a company's relational capital focuses on different types of relations with stakeholders and also asks about the essence of customer relations in organisations using BPM. The paper includes the results of quantitative research carried out among 600 companies of all sizes operating throughout Poland. The diagnostic survey method, which used the Paper and Pencil Interviewing (PAPI) technique, was chosen as the research method. The respondents were representatives of top management, including business owners. The research was complemented by a case study conducted in one of the organisations operating in the metal industry. It is a company that fully applies the BPM concept.FINDINGS: The results of the quantitative research carried out indicate the existence of a relationship between the type of relations that a company has with its customers and the level of process maturity of the company. The types of customer relations are so important that the attention of companies using the BPM concept is focused on this kind of relationships. The results of the case study strongly confirm that the company analysed sees an important role of its relational capital (especially customer relations) in business process management. Every process implemented in the organisation is undertaken with the final customer in mind as well as his/her satisfaction with the product or service offered.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article discusses an innovative approach to the relational capital of enterprises from the point of view of the process maturity of companies.This research was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, as research project No. 2014/15/D/HS4/01170.peer-reviewe

    Diagnosing and management of iatrogenic moderate and severe ovarian hyperstymulation syndrome (OHSS) in clinical material.

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    Severe ovarian hyperstymulation syndrome is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication in patients undergoing assisted reproductive techniques (ART). The pathogenesis of this condition is likely to be multifactorial. The aim of the retrospective study was to present management in moderate and severe iatrogenic ovarian hyperstymulation syndrome (OHSS) in clinical material. The study group was 19 women, admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw from large outpatient infertility center "Novum" in Warsaw with moderate and severe OHSS between 14.07.2004 and 8.11.2005. Laboratory tests and ultrasound examination of the ovarian size and ascites were performed, abdominal circumference was measured. Patients were treated with rehydration with intravenous crystalloids and colloids, diuretics, antibiotics, anticoagulants and ultrasound-guided paracentesis if symptoms of ascites become severe (ascites causes pain and compromised pulmonary function). Oral intake of water was restricted, monitoring of fluid intake and output, and daily monitoring of body weight was performed. During treatment controlled laboratory tests were done. In one patient occurred intra-abdominal hemorrhage from ovarian rupture and laparotomy with oophorectomy was performed. The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is still a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic problem and more studies are required to elucidate pathophysiology of OHSS. Because of still unknown etiology treatment is empirical and in most of cases bases on experience of medical team. Thus, the management in individual patients varies according to the severity of ovarian hyperstymulation syndrome and its complications

    Epidermoid cyst of the testis in a 12-year-old child : case report

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    Background: Epidermoid cyst is a rare benign tumor of the testis. High-resolution ultrasonography and normal α-fetoproteine level enable to recognize this pathology in order to spare the testis by organpreserving surgery. Case report: We present the case of a 12-year-old boy with painless mass in the slightly enlarged right testis. Ultrasonography revealed typical appearance of epidermoid cyst. Results: Doubtless diagnosis based on ultrasonography and low α-fetoproteine level allowed testissparing surgery instead of orchidectomy. Recognition of this rare tumor is particularly significant for prepuberty boys as it allows maintaining full procreation ability and does not compromise endocrinological functions during adolescence

    Zespół Sweeta — etiopatogeneza, obraz kliniczny, diagnostyka, leczenie

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    Zespół Sweeta jest rzadko występującym schorzeniem o charakterze zapalnym, należącym do grupy dermatoz neutrofilowych. Charakteryzuje się nagłym występowaniem zmian skórnych o charakterze grudek, guzków, blaszek z towarzyszącą gorączką i leukocytozą. Zazwyczaj wyróżnia się następujące podtypy zespołu: klasyczny, związany z nowotworami i indukowany przez leki. Etiopatogeneza zespołu Sweeta pozostaje niejasna. Zespół bywa poprzedzony infekcją układu oddechowego, układu pokarmowego, szczepieniem bądź współwystępuje z chorobą nowotworową, chorobą zapalną lub ciążą. Dla zespołu Sweeta charakterystyczna jest dobra odpowiedź na leczenie ogólne preparatami glikokortykosteroidowymi i szybkie ustępowanie wykwitów. Średnio u jednej trzeciej pacjentów zmiany nawracają. Słowa kluczowe: ostra gorączkowa dermatoza neutrofilowa, dermatozy neutrofilowe, zespół Sweet

    Influence of Intra-Organizational Trust on Organizational Outcomes

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    Nowadays, trust is perceived as one of the key factors that can build an organization's competitive advantage, increase the efficiency of its functioning and ability to develop. It can be expected that shaping trust in an organisation will lead to improvements in various aspects of its functioning, especially effectiveness. This issue has not yet been the object of comprehensive scientific research. Hence, this study tackles the issue of the impact of trust on an organization's outcomes. At the same time, two basic categories of trust are distinguished: global (attitudinal/affective) trust (regarding the belief that people in general are trustworthy) and specific (situational/cognitive) trust (modified by an individual's experience). In the latter category, we may distinguish between vertical trust (concerning superior-subordinate relations) and lateral trust (concerning relations between co-workers). The relation between the level of trust and organizational outcomes is examined for each of these categories of trust. The research covers organisations functioning in Poland and is based on a questionnaire. (original abstract

    Dysplazja obojczykowo-czaszkowa u 15-miesięcznego chłopca i 14-letniej dziewczynki : prezentacja kliniczna i obraz radiologiczny

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    Background: Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a rare, autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia with a relatively mild course. The most characteristic symptoms are clavicle hypoplasia or aplasia, abnormalities in the skull ossification, and a variety of dental pathologies. Case report: The clinical course and radiological presentation of two cases (a 15-month-old boy and a 14-year-old girl) of CCD are presented. Among the characteristic phenotype features the patients demonstrated were abnormalities in the skull formation, with wide sutures and large, delayed closure of the fontanelles, additional Wormian bones, and significant dental abnormalities, in both cases with delayed eruption of teeth and, in the girl, intensive caries, cross bite, and impacted teeth. The boy presented hypoplasia of the clavicles, while aplastic clavicles were confirmed in the girl. In both cases clavicle defects resulted in descended shoulders with abnormal movement faculty. Metacarpal and phalangeal defects were also found in both children as well as abnormalities in pelvic structure, with wide pubic symphysis and vertical arrangement of the pelvic bones in the girl. Conclusions: CCD is a skeletal dysplasia with characteristic clinical and radiological presentation. Although the course of the disorder is relatively mild, early orthopedic, dental, and orthodontic care, as well as rehabilitation, are essential in limiting complications resulting from the congenital malformation of the skeletal system

    Program of early detection of pulmonary neoplasms by the computed tomography - preliminary Szczecin experience

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    Wstęp: Rak płuca (RP) stanowi jeden z najpoważniejszych problemów epidemiologicznych i klinicznych w Polsce i na świecie. Wyniki leczenia RP są niezadowalające. Jedną z przyczyn wysokiej umieralności z powodu RP jest niski odsetek pacjentów identyfikowanych we wczesnym stadium choroby. Obecnie na świecie prowadzi się kilka programów przesiewowych RP opartych na tomografii komputerowej (TK). W Polsce dotychczas nie przeprowadzono tego typu badań. Materiał i metody: Badaniami przesiewowymi objęto mieszkańców Szczecina znajdujących się w grupie podwyższonego ryzyka zachorowania na raka płuca: wiek 55-65 lat, obie płcie, osoby palące tytoń lub mające w wywiadzie przynajmniej 20 paczkolat palenia. Program zaplanowano na minimum 3 kolejne lata i rozpoczęto 1 maja 2008 roku. Do 31 grudnia 2008 roku przebadano 3647 osób. Algorytm dalszego postępowania z pacjentami w zależności od rodzaju wykrytych zmian oparto na protokole International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (IELCAP) oraz na programie NELSON. Wyniki: Wykryto 25 nowotworów złośliwych, w tym 21 niedrobnokomórkowych RP (17 kobiet, 4 mężczyzn), z tego 70% w stadium I. W porównywalnej grupie wiekowej diagnozowanej na podstawie objawów odsetek RP w stadium IA wynosił jedynie 16,8%. Pięćdziesięciu siedmiu chorych operowano, wykonując radykalne wycięcie płata lub płuca z limfadenektomią śródpiersia w 16 przypadkach. U 3 osób przeprowadzono resekcję brzeżną, u 2 kolejnych segmentektomię. Śmiertelność okołooperacyjna wyniosła 0%. Usunięto również 3 przerzuty do płuc oraz pobrano wycinki międzybłoniaka złośliwego. W 32 przypadkach usunięto zmiany łagodne (gruźliczaki, odpryskowiaki, zmiany zapalne, grzybicze, sarkoidalne i inne) o różnym znaczeniu klinicznym. U 996 osób stwierdzono ogółem 1365 zmian w obrębie klatki piersiowej, które były diagnozowane zgodnie z przyjętym algorytmem. Wnioski: Program wczesnego wykrywania nowotworów płuc zainicjowany w Szczecinie pozwolił istotnie zwiększyć liczbę pacjentów zidentyfikowanych we wczesnym stadium choroby, a następnie leczonych radykalnie. Wykryto znaczną liczbę zmian o zróżnicowanym znaczeniu klinicznym, podlegających dalszej ocenie.Introduction: Lung cancer (LC) remains one of the most serious epidemiological and clinical challenges both in the world and Poland. Results of LC therapy are far from satisfaction. One of the reasons of high LC mortality is its late detection. Currently, few centers in the world conduct LC screening programs based on low-dose spiral computed tomography (CT) of the chest. There have been no such programs in Poland up to date. Material and methods: The program of LC early detection based on CT for citizens of Szczecin aged 55-65, who smoked at least 20 pack/years, was introduced on May 1st 2008 and was planned for 3 years. There were 3647 subjects examined till December 31st 2008. Algorithm of further action for detected lesions was based on the IELCAP and NELSON trial protocols. Results: There were 25 malignancies detected, including 21 LC (17 females and 4 males) up to date (70% were in stage I TNM). In contrast - there was only 16.8% stage IA LC detected in the comparable group diagnosed on the symptoms basis. Fifty seven patients were treated surgically, of whom 16 underwent lobectomy or pneumonectomy coupled with radical mediastinal lymphadenectomy. There were 3 wedge resections and 2 segmentectomies performed, too. Perioperative mortality was 0%. There were 32 benign lesions of different clinical importance resected as well (tuberculoma, hamartoma, inflammatory, mycotic and sarcoidal lesions). In our group 1365 lesions were detected in 996 persons — they are followed up in accordance with the IELCAP algorithm. Conclusions: Early LC detection program initiated in Szczecin resulted in significant increase of stage IA TNM detected patients subsequently treated radically. There was also a large number of small non malignant lesions detected