4,414 research outputs found

    Radiative instabilities in simulations of spherically symmetric supernova blast waves

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    High-resolution simulations of the cooling regions of spherically symmetric supernova remnants demonstrate a strong radiative instability. This instability, whose presence is dependent on the shock velocity, causes large-amplitude fluctuations in the shock velocity. The fluctuations begin almost immediately after the radiative phase begins (upon shell formation) if the shock velocity lies in the unstable range; they last until the shock slows to speeds less than approximately 130 km/s. We find that shock-velocity fluctuations from the reverberations of waves within the remnant are small compared to those due to the instability. Further, we find (in plane-parallel simulations) that advected inhomogeneities from the external medium do not interfere with the qualitative nature of the instability-driven fluctuations. Large-amplitude inhomogeneities may alter the phases of shock-velocity fluctuations, but do not substantially reduce their amplitudes.Comment: 18 pages text, LaTeX/AASTeX (aaspp4); 10 figures; accepted by Ap

    Effects of magnetic fields on radiatively overstable shock waves

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    We discuss high-resolution simulations of one-dimensional, plane-parallel shock waves with mean speeds between 150 and 240 km/s propagating into gas with Alfven velocities up to 40 km/s and outline the conditions under which these radiative shocks experience an oscillatory instability in the cooling length, shock velocity, and position of the shock front. We investigate two forms of postshock cooling: a truncated single power law and a more realistic piecewise power law. The degree of nonlinearity of the instability depends strongly on the cooling power law and the Alfven Mach number: for power-law indices \alpha < 0 typical magnetic field strengths may be insufficient either to stabilize the fundamental oscillatory mode or to prevent the oscillations from reaching nonlinear amplitudes.Comment: 11 text pages, LaTeX/AASTeX (aaspp4); 5 figures; accepted by Ap

    Effect of load parasitics on the losses and ringing in high switching speed SiC MOSFET based power converters

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    Structuring and support by Alfven waves around prestellar cores

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    Observations of molecular clouds show the existence of starless, dense cores, threaded by magnetic fields. Observed line widths indicate these dense condensates to be embedded in a supersonically turbulent environment. Under these conditions, the generation of magnetic waves is inevitable. In this paper, we study the structure and support of a 1D plane-parallel, self-gravitating slab, as a monochromatic, circularly polarized Alfven wave is injected in its central plane. Dimensional analysis shows that the solution must depend on three dimensionless parameters. To study the nonlinear, turbulent evolution of such a slab, we use 1D high resolution numerical simulations. For a parameter range inspired by molecular cloud observations, we find the following. 1) A single source of energy injection is sufficient to force persistent supersonic turbulence over several hydrostatic scale heights. 2) The time averaged spatial extension of the slab is comparable to the extension of the stationary, analytical WKB solution. Deviations, as well as the density substructure of the slab, depend on the wave-length of the injected wave. 3) Energy losses are dominated by loss of Poynting-flux and increase with increasing plasma beta. 4) Good spatial resolution is mandatory, making similar simulations in 3D currently prohibitively expensive.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. The manuscript with full color, high-resolution, figures can be downloaded from http://www.astro.phys.ethz.ch/papers/folini/folini_p_nf.htm

    The Dynamics of Radiative Shock Waves: Linear and Nonlinear Evolution

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    The stability properties of one-dimensional radiative shocks with a power-law cooling function of the form Λ∝ρ2Tα\Lambda \propto \rho^2T^\alpha are the main subject of this work. The linear analysis originally presented by Chevalier & Imamura, is thoroughfully reviewed for several values of the cooling index α\alpha and higher overtone modes. Consistently with previous results, it is shown that the spectrum of the linear operator consists in a series of modes with increasing oscillation frequency. For each mode a critical value of the cooling index, αc\alpha_\textrm{c}, can be defined so that modes with α<αc\alpha < \alpha_\textrm{c} are unstable, while modes with α>αc\alpha > \alpha_\textrm{c} are stable. The perturbative analysis is complemented by several numerical simulations to follow the time-dependent evolution of the system for different values of α\alpha. Particular attention is given to the comparison between numerical and analytical results (during the early phases of the evolution) and to the role played by different boundary conditions. It is shown that an appropriate treatment of the lower boundary yields results that closely follow the predicted linear behavior. During the nonlinear regime, the shock oscillations saturate at a finite amplitude and tend to a quasi-periodic cycle. The modes of oscillations during this phase do not necessarily coincide with those predicted by linear theory, but may be accounted for by mode-mode coupling.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journa

    Lithium depletion in solar-like stars: effect of overshooting based on realistic multi-dimensional simulations

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    We study lithium depletion in low-mass and solar-like stars as a function of time, using a new diffusion coefficient describing extra-mixing taking place at the bottom of a convective envelope. This new form is motivated by multi-dimensional fully compressible, time implicit hydrodynamic simulations performed with the MUSIC code. Intermittent convective mixing at the convective boundary in a star can be modeled using extreme value theory, a statistical analysis frequently used for finance, meteorology, and environmental science. In this letter, we implement this statistical diffusion coefficient in a one-dimensional stellar evolution code, using parameters calibrated from multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of a young low-mass star. We propose a new scenario that can explain observations of the surface abundance of lithium in the Sun and in clusters covering a wide range of ages, from ∌\sim 50 Myr to ∌\sim 4 Gyr. Because it relies on our physical model of convective penetration, this scenario has a limited number of assumptions. It can explain the observed trend between rotation and depletion, based on a single additional assumption, namely that rotation affects the mixing efficiency at the convective boundary. We suggest the existence of a threshold in stellar rotation rate above which rotation strongly prevents the vertical penetration of plumes and below which rotation has small effects. In addition to providing a possible explanation for the long standing problem of lithium depletion in pre-main sequence and main sequence stars, the strength of our scenario is that its basic assumptions can be tested by future hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Spin Periods and Rotational Profiles of Neutron Stars at Birth

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    We present results from an extensive set of one- and two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of the supernova core collapse, bounce, and postbounce phases, and focus on the protoneutron star (PNS) spin periods and rotational profiles as a function of initial iron core angular velocity, degree of differential rotation, and progenitor mass. For the models considered, we find a roughly linear mapping between initial iron core rotation rate and PNS spin. The results indicate that the magnitude of the precollapse iron core angular velocities is the single most important factor in determining the PNS spin. Differences in progenitor mass and degree of differential rotation lead only to small variations in the PNS rotational period and profile. Based on our calculated PNS spins, at ~ 200-300 milliseconds after bounce, and assuming angular momentum conservation, we estimate final neutron star rotation periods. We find periods of one millisecond and shorter for initial central iron core periods of below ~ 10 s. This is appreciably shorter than what previous studies have predicted and is in disagreement with current observational data from pulsar astronomy. After considering possible spindown mechanisms that could lead to longer periods we conclude that there is no mechanism that can robustly spin down a neutron star from ~ 1 ms periods to the "injection" periods of tens to hundreds of milliseconds observed for young pulsars. Our results indicate that, given current knowledge of the limitations of neutron star spindown mechanisms, precollapse iron cores must rotate with periods around 50-100 seconds to form neutron stars with periods generically near those inferred for the radio pulsar population.Comment: 31 pages, including 20 color figures. High-resolution figures available from the authors upon request. Accepted to Ap

    Combined macro- and micro-rheometer for use with Langmuir monolayers

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    A Langmuir monolayer trough that is equipped for simultaneous microrheology and standard rheology measurements has been constructed. The central elements are the trough itself with a full range of optical tools accessing the air-water interface from below the trough and a portable knife-edge torsion pendulum that can access the interface from above. The ability to simultaneously measure the mechanical response of Langmuir monolayers on very different lengths scales is an important step in for our understanding of the mechanical response of such systems
