185 research outputs found

    On two-qubit states ordering with quantum discords

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    The counterintuitive effect of non-unique ordering of two-qubit states with quantum entanglement measures was discovered over ten years ago. More precisely, it was shown by Monte Carlo simulations that there exist states for which the entanglement of formation and the negativity do not impose the same ordering of states, i.e. EF(ρAB)()EF(ρAB)E_{F}(\rho_{AB}) \leq (\geq) E_{F}(\rho_{AB}^{\prime}) is not equivalent to N(ρAB)()N(ρAB)N(\rho_{AB}) \leq (\geq) N(\rho_{AB}^{\prime}). Recently, it was discovered that quantum discord and the geometric quantum discord do not necessarily imply the same ordering of two-qubit XX-states, which means that the lack of the unique ordering of states with quantum entanglement measures goes beyond entanglement. Inspired by this observation, we study the problem of the states ordering with quantum discords, considering two-qubit Bell-diagonal states for analytical simplicity. In particular, we identify some classes of states for which the states ordering with quantum discords is preserved as long as the states belong to the same class and give a few illustrative examples.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum discord and multipartite correlations

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    Recently, it was realized that quantum discord can be seen as the minimal amount of correlations which are lost when some local quantum operations are performed. Based on this formulation of quantum discord, we provide a systematical analysis of quantum and classical correlations present in both bipartite and multipartite quantum systems. As a natural result of this analysis, we introduce a new measure of the overall quantum correlations which is lower bounded by quantum discord.Comment: 7 page

    Biblijny motyw bramy. Jezus jako brama w J 10, 7. 

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    To call himself Jesus used few terms, one of them is ‟the gate” (θύρα; J 10:7.9). First part of an article presents the biblical gate’s terminology (שַׁעַר, פֶּתַח, דֶּלֶת, πύλη, θύρα, εἴσοδος, πυλών) and next describes the function of an ancient gate. Numerous functions of a gate and its cultural meaning help in the interpretation of Jesus’s words. Jesus named as the gate means that he is the gateway to the safe area for sheep. He also appears as the one who safeguards the needs of those who follow him, and also represents them.Jednym z samookreśleń Jezusa, występującym w Ewangelii jest θύρα (J 10, 7.9), które oznacza m.in. bramę. Pierwsza część artykułu prezentuje biblijną terminologię używaną do jej opisu (שַׁעַר, פֶּתַח, דֶּלֶת, πύλη, θύρα, εἴσοδος, πυλών), aby następnie przejść do analizy funkcji z nią związanych. Liczne bowiem funkcje bramy i jej kulturowe znaczenie pomagają w interpretacji tych słów Jezusa. Jezus określa siebie jako bramę, ponieważ daje bezpieczeństwo swoim owcom możliwość przejścia w bezpieczną sferę. W Nim dokonują się prawdziwe sądy oraz liturgia. Chrystus jawi się również jako Ten, który jest zabezpieczeniem potrzeb tych, którzy za Nim idą, a także reprezentuje ich, jako głowa stada

    Odwrócenie związanych z płcią różnic w stężeniu leptyny u otyłych dzieci z zaburzoną tolerancją glukozy

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    Introduction: Basal leptin level has been demonstrated to correlate positively with many indices of obesity, as well as insulin resistance. However, to date, little is known about regulation of leptin in obese children with incipient glucose metabolic disorders. Objective: The aim of this study was to define the precise influence of the glucose tolerance status on plasma leptin in obese boys and girls separately. Material and methods: 70 obese children with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and well-matched 70 normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) subjects were examined. Fasting and 2-h post glucose load plasma glucose and insulin levels as well as fasting leptin levels were determined, apart from anthropometric measurements. Results: Leptin levels were significantly lower in girls with IGT compared to NGT girl (17.7±6.5 µg/L vs. 23.1±7.7 µg/L; pWstęp: Stężenia leptyny korelują z wieloma wskaźnikami otyłości, jak również z insulinoopornością. Dotychczas niewiele natomiast wiadomo o regulacji poziomu leptyny u otyłych dzieci z początkowymi fazami zaburzeń metabolizmu glukozy. Celem pracy było ustalenie wpływu zaburzeń tolerancji glukozy na poziom leptyny u dzieci z otyłością prostą, w zależności od płci.Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono u 70 otyłych dzieci z zaburzeniami tolerancji glukozy (IGT) i odpowiednio dobranej grupie 70 dzieci z otyłością i prawidłową tolerancją glukozy (NGT). Oznaczono stężenia w surowicy krwi leptyny oraz glukozy i insuliny na czczo i w 120 minucie testu doustnego obciążenia glukozą (OGTT). U badanych dzieci oceniono wybrane parametry antropometryczne.Wyniki: Stężenie leptyny w surowicy krwi dziewcząt z IGT było znamiennie niższe niż dziewcząt z NGT (odpowiednio: 17,7±6,5 µg/L i 23,1±7,7 µg/L;

    Reversal of the sex difference in plasma leptin levels in obese children with impaired glucose tolerance

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    Wstęp: Stężenia leptyny korelują z wieloma wskaźnikami otyłości, jak również z insulinoopornością. Dotychczas niewiele natomiast wiadomo o regulacji poziomu leptyny u otyłych dzieci z początkowymi fazami zaburzeń metabolizmu glukozy. Celem pracy było ustalenie wpływu zaburzeń tolerancji glukozy na poziom leptyny u dzieci z otyłością prostą, w zależności od płci. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono u 70 otyłych dzieci z zaburzeniami tolerancji glukozy (IGT) i odpowiednio dobranej grupie 70 dzieci z otyłością i prawidłową tolerancją glukozy (NGT). Oznaczono stężenia w surowicy krwi leptyny oraz glukozy i insuliny na czczo i w 120 minucie testu doustnego obciążenia glukozą (OGTT). U badanych dzieci oceniono wybrane parametry antropometryczne. Wyniki: Stężenie leptyny w surowicy krwi dziewcząt z IGT było znamiennie niższe niż dziewcząt z NGT (odpowiednio: 17,7 ± 6,5 µg/L i 23,1 ± 7,7 µg/L; pIntroduction: Basal leptin level has been demonstrated to correlate positively with many indices of obesity, as well as insulin resistance. However, to date, little is known about regulation of leptin in obese children with incipient glucose metabolic disorders. Objective: The aim of this study was to define the precise influence of the glucose tolerance status on plasma leptin in obese boys and girls separately. Material and methods: 70 obese children with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and well-matched 70 normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) subjects were examined. Fasting and 2-h post glucose load plasma glucose and insulin levels as well as fasting leptin levels were determined, apart from anthropometric measurements. Results: Leptin levels were significantly lower in girls with IGT compared to NGT girl (17.7±6.5 µg/L vs. 23.1±7.7 µg/L;

    Badania techniki i technologii malarskiej cudami słynącej Piety z Czarnego Potoku (1649 r.)

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    As a part of the 3rd edition of MOLAB/FIXLAB PL in 2019 a programme of examination of a panel painting depicting the miraculous image of Our Lady of Sorrows, knownas the Pietà of Czarny Potok (1649) was carried out. The painting is attributed to an Antwerp painter, studying in Rome, Matthew Ingerman, who had settled in Lesser Poland in XVII c. Both sides of the painting were photographed in analytical lights (VIS, Na, UV, IR) and then scanned using the X-ray macro-fluorescence method (MA-XRF), this resulted in acquiring legible maps of the elemental composition on its surface and a preliminary assessment of the pigments used by the artist as well as of the range of subsequent transformations – overpaintings. On the reverse, underneath a visible inscription in black, its original version equal in contents was revealed, with two additional letters of the name of the former parson of the church in Czarny Potok visible. Samples were taken from the key parts of the painting, to prepare cross sections which were subjected to an Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy on a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM-EDS), which allowed for a detailed identification of the stratigraphy of individual parts of the painting and their composition. An interesting imprimitura was identified, as well as the use of: chalk, gypsum, lead white, minium, vermilion ochre, orpigment/realgar, azurite, smalt, ultramarine, bone black, vegetable black, umber andorganic red lake in paint layers. The authenticity of the unique aureole around the head of Our Lady was confirmed during the research. The research was supplemented with the analysis of the binding media using the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy method (FTIR). It was established that the panel was coated with a chalk and glue primer, and the painting was created in tempera technique with colourful glazes.W ramach trzeciego naboru wniosków MOLAB/FIXLAB PL w 2019 r. zrealizowano program badań obrazu tablicowego z cudami słynącym wizerunkiem Matki Boskiej Bolesnej, tzw. Piety z Czarnego Potoku (1649 r.), której autorstwo przypisuje się antwerpskiemu malarzowi wykształconemu w Rzymie – Mateuszowi Ingermanowi, osiadłemu w Małopolsce w XVII w. Obraz został z obu stron sfotografowany w światłach analitycznych (VIS, Na, UV, IR), a następnie poddany skanowaniu metodą makrofluorescencji rentgenowskiej (MA–XRF), dzięki czemu uzyskano czytelne mapy rozkładu pierwiastków na jego powierzchni i wstępną ocenę użytych przez artystę pigmentów oraz zasięg późniejszych przekształceń. Na odwrociu, pod widniejącym napisem czernią, odnaleziono jego pierwotną wersję o zbieżnej treści, z dodatkowo widocznymi dwiema kolejnymi literami nazwiska dawnego proboszcza kościoła w Czarnym Potoku. Z kluczowych miejsc malowidła pobrano i przygotowano przekroje boczne, które poddano energodyspersyjnej analizie rentgenowskiej na skaningowym mikroskopie elektronowym z analizatorem EDS (SEM-EDS), co pozwoliło na szczegółowe rozpoznanie stratygrafii poszczególnych partii obiektu i ich składu. Stwierdzono występowanie na obrazie ciekawej imprimitury oraz użycie w warstwach malarskich: kredy, gipsu, bieli ołowiowej, minii, vermillionu, ochry, aurypigmentu/realgaru, glejty ołowiowej, azurytu, smalty, ultramaryny, czerni kostnej, roślinnej, umbry oraz laserunków organicznych, w tym kraplaku. W trakcie badań potwierdzono autentyczność wyjątkowej aureoli wokół głowy Matki Bożej. Badania uzupełniono analizą spoiwmetodą spektroskopii adsorpcyjnej w podczerwieni (FTIR). Ustalono, że tablica pokryta jest zaprawą kredowo-klejową, a malowidło wykonano w technice białkowo-żywicznej

    Use of silver nitrate for the assessment of sperm measurements in selected farm and free-living animal species

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    The study was conducted on spermatozoa of selected farm and free-living animal species, isolated post mortem from the tail of the epididymis, and stained with silver nitrate – AgNO3. The material was collected from pigs, goats, wild boar, and European roe deer. Twenty morphologically normal spermatozoa randomly selected from each animal and well visible under the microscope, were analysed. The following measurements were considered: head length, width, perimeter and area, acrosome area, mid-piece length, tail length, and overall sperm length. AgNO3 staining differentiated the acrosomal (light hue) and distal (dark hue) part of the sperm head, and a light-hued mid-piece was visible within the sperm tail. Silver nitrate staining revealed species and variety-related differences, particularly in reference to the sperm head. Clear-cut differentiation within the head and tail area made it possible to perform detailed morphometric measurements of the spermatozoa

    Development, evaluation and validation of a new instrument for measurement quality of life in the parents of children with chronic disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood chronic disease may affect patients' and their family's functioning. Particularly parents, who play an important role in cooperation between patient and health care professionals, report impaired health - related quality of life (HRQOL). The aim of this study was development, evaluation and validation of a new instrument: Quality of Life in a Child's Chronic Disease Questionnaire (QLCCDQ). The questionnaire is addressed to parents of children with a chronic disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study design included semi structured interview and qualitative study, which allowed to identify most troublesome problems. Following the results the questionnaire was developed, which consists of 15 questions and covers domains - emotions, patients -perceived symptoms, roles limitations. An observational study involving parents of asthma and diabetes children was conducted to assess the psychometric characteristics of the measure. Psychometric testing was based on the reliability of defined subscales, construct validity, reproducibility assessment, as well as comparison between stable/unstable disease stages and parents of healthy children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most troublesome concerns for parents of child with chronic disease included emotional distress and feeling depressed due to child's disease, avoiding social interactions due to child's disease or symptoms. 98 parents of children with asthma or insulin - depended diabetes participated in the psychometric testing of QLCCDQ. Internal consistency reliability for the defined subscales ranged between 0.77 and 0.93. Reproducibility based on the weighted kappa coefficients showed expected level of agreement and was almost perfect in case of 8 questions, substantial for 5 questions and moderate for 2 questions. QLCCDQ demonstrated very good construct validity - all subscales showed statistically significant correlations ranging from 0.4 to 0.9. QLCCDQ scores differed significantly by clinical status - parents of children qualified as stable presented higher scores in most subscales in comparison to parents of children with unstable disease.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The QLCCDQ shows good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity. The questionnaire may be useful in helping to understand the impact of chronic child's disease on parental perception of health outcomes.</p