103 research outputs found

    Transatlantic Surveys of Seabirds, Cetaceans and Turtles, July 2013 and July 2018

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    Analysis of multi-species tracking data suggest that an area of the deep northwest Atlantic bounded by Flemish Cap, Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone and Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) has a relatively high abundance and diversity of pelagic seabirds. It is also thought to be important for other wideranging, air-breathing higher predators, including cetaceans and tunas. The area’s oceanography is dominated by a system of banded zonal fronts associated with the North Atlantic Current and this may be responsible for levels of diversity and abundance that are unusual for oceanic waters. The area is currently therefore being considered by the OSPAR Committee as a candidate high seas Marine Protected Area (cMPA). The seabird distribution patterns inferred from tracking data were confirmed in part by research cruise DY080, which surveyed the area in June 2017. However, weather during that cruise was not ideal for detecting small and medium deep-diving cetaceans and relatively few other at-sea surveys have been carried out in the deep northwest Atlantic. Here, I summarise seabird, cetacean and turtle sightings from surveys carried out opportunistically during transatlantic crossings aboard a cruise ship in July 2013 and July 2018, which passed though the cMPA. In 2013, 180 km of track was surveyed, with the weather being ideal for detecting cetaceans in the southwest of the cMPA. In 2018, 470 km of track was surveyed. The weather was poorer for detecting cetaceans in the cMPA but ideal to the east of the MAR. Seabird data support the findings of previous studies, showing high seabird diversity and abundance between the Flemish Cap and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. During the cruises, great shearwaters, northern fulmars and Cory’s shearwaters dominated the avifauna of cMPA. Long-tailed and south polar skuas were also relatively abundant and a Fea’s petrel was sighted for the first time at sea in the cMPA, confirming tracking observations of this species. In 2013, a high diversity of cetaceans was recorded in the southwest of the cMPA, including Kogia and Mesoplodon spp. and in 2018 common minke whales were recorded for the first time in the cMPA. These results suggest that the cMPA has a relatively high diversity of cetaceans. An area of high cetacean diversity, including Sowerby’s beaked whales and northern bottlenose whales, was also encountered east of the MAR in 2018, in the vicinity of the Thulean Rise

    Flight speed and performance of the wandering albatross with respect to wind

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    Background Albatrosses and other large seabirds use dynamic soaring to gain sufficient energy from the wind to travel large distances rapidly and with little apparent effort. The recent development of miniature bird-borne tracking devices now makes it possible to explore the physical and biological implications of this means of locomotion in detail. Here we use GPS tracking and concurrent reanalyzed wind speed data to model the flight performance of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans soaring over the Southern Ocean. We investigate the extent to which flight speed and performance of albatrosses is facilitated or constrained by wind conditions encountered during foraging trips. Results We derived simple equations to model observed albatross ground speed as a function of wind speed and relative wind direction. Ground speeds of the tracked birds in the along-wind direction varied primarily by wind-induced leeway, which averaged 0.51 (± 0.02) times the wind speed at a reference height of 5 m. By subtracting leeway velocity from ground velocity, we were able to estimate airspeed (the magnitude of the bird’s velocity through the air). As wind speeds increased from 3 to 18 m/s, the airspeed of wandering albatrosses flying in an across-wind direction increased by 0.42 (± 0.04) times the wind speed (i.e. ~ 6 m/s). At low wind speeds, tracked birds increased their airspeed in upwind flight relative to that in downwind flight. At higher wind speeds they apparently limited their airspeeds to a maximum of around 20 m/s, probably to keep the forces on their wings in dynamic soaring well within tolerable limits. Upwind airspeeds were nearly constant and downwind leeway increased with wind speed. Birds therefore achieved their fastest upwind ground speeds (~ 9 m/s) at low wind speeds (~ 3 m/s). Conclusions This study provides insights into which flight strategies are optimal for dynamic soaring. Our results are consistent with the prediction that the optimal range speed of albatrosses is higher in headwind than tailwind flight but only in wind speeds of up to ~ 7 m/s. Our models predict that wandering albatrosses have oval-shaped airspeed polars, with the fastest airspeeds ~ 20 m/s centered in the across-wind direction. This suggests that in upwind flight in high winds, albatrosses can increase their ground speed by tacking like sailboats

    Extending density surface models to include multiple and double-observer survey data

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    David L. Miller was funded by OPNAV N45 and the SURTASS LFA Settlement Agreement, being managed by the U.S. Navy’s Living Marine Resources program under Contract No. N39430-17-C-1982, collaboration between Douglas B. Sigourney and David L. Miller was also facilitated by the DenMod working group (https://synergy.st-andrews.ac.uk/denmod/) funded under the same agreement. The survey that the fin whale data originate from was funded through two inter-agency agreements with the National Marine Fisheries Service: inter-agency agreement number M14PG00005 with the US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Environmental Studies Program, Washington, DC and inter-agency agreement number NEC-16-011-01-FY18 with the US Navy. The survey that the fulmar data originate from was funded by the UK Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) grant NE/M017990/1.Spatial models of density and abundance are widely used in both ecological research (e.g., to study habitat use) and wildlife management (e.g., for population monitoring and environmental impact assessment). Increasingly, modellers are tasked with integrating data from multiple sources, collected via different observation processes. Distance sampling is an efficient and widely used survey and analysis technique. Within this framework, observation processes are modelled via detection functions. We seek to take multiple data sources and fit them in a single spatial model. Density surface models (DSMs) are a two-stage approach: first accounting for detectability via distance sampling methods, then modelling distribution via a generalized additive model. However, current software and theory does not address the issue of multiple data sources. We extend the DSM approach to accommodate data from multiple surveys, collected via conventional distance sampling, double-observer distance sampling (used to account for incomplete detection at zero distance) and strip transects. Variance propagation ensures that uncertainty is correctly accounted for in final estimates of abundance. Methods described here are implemented in the dsm R package. We briefly analyse two datasets to illustrate these new developments. Our new methodology enables data from multiple distance sampling surveys of different types to be treated in a single spatial model, enabling more robust abundance estimation, potentially over wider geographical or temporal domains.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A review of the occurrence of inter‐colony segregation of seabird foraging areas and the implications for marine environmental impact assessment

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    Understanding the determinants of species’ distributions is a fundamental aim in ecology and a prerequisite for conservation but is particularly challenging in the marine environment. Advances in bio‐logging technology have resulted in a rapid increase in studies of seabird movement and distribution in recent years. Multi‐colony studies examining the effects of intra‐ and inter‐colony competition on distribution have found that several species exhibit inter‐colony segregation of foraging areas, rather than overlapping distributions. These findings are timely given the increasing rate of human exploitation of marine resources and the need to make robust assessments of likely impacts of proposed marine developments on biodiversity. Here we review the occurrence of foraging area segregation reported by published tracking studies in relation to the density‐dependent hinterland (DDH) model, which predicts that segregation occurs in response to inter‐colony competition, itself a function of colony size, distance from the colony and prey distribution. We found that inter‐colony foraging area segregation occurred in 79% of 39 studies. The frequency of occurrence was similar across the four seabird orders for which data were available, and included species with both smaller (10–100 km) and larger (100–1000 km) foraging ranges. Many predictions of the DDH model were confirmed, with examples of segregation in response to high levels of inter‐colony competition related to colony size and proximity, and enclosed landform restricting the extent of available habitat. Moreover, as predicted by the DDH model, inter‐colony overlap tended to occur where birds aggregated in highly productive areas, often remote from all colonies. The apparent prevalence of inter‐colony foraging segregation has important implications for assessment of impacts of marine development on protected seabird colonies. If a development area is accessible from multiple colonies, it may impact those colonies much more asymmetrically than previously supposed. Current impact assessment approaches that do not consider spatial inter‐colony segregation will therefore be subject to error. We recommend the collection of tracking data from multiple colonies and modelling of inter‐colony interactions to predict colony‐specific distributions

    Albatross foraging behaviour: no evidence for dual foraging, and limited support for anticipatory regulation of provisioning at South Georgia

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    Many pelagic seabirds are thought to regulate reproductive effort by adopting a dual foraging strategy, alternating or mixing short foraging trips over local shelf waters (maximising provisioning rates) with longer trips over distant oceanic water (allowing restoration of lost condition). Many species also respond to chick condition, decreasing food supply to over-fed, and sometimes increasing it to under-fed chicks. Analysis of tracking data from 4 albatross species breeding at South Georgia provided evidence that adults responded to prevailing environmental conditions, but did not provide evidence for a dual foraging strategy. Trip durations and maximum foraging ranges tended to follow a positively skewed, unimodal distribution, with the exception of the light-mantled albatross for which no significant modes were apparent. Individual distributions deviated from this, but none were strongly bimodal or showed regular alternation of trip lengths, trip distance or predominant bathy-metric regime. There were significant relationships between meal mass and trip duration, time since the last feed and chick condition on return, reflecting responses to current rather than predicted chick needs. On average, adults returned with smaller meals after 1 to 2 d trips, but otherwise stayed away until a threshold payload was obtained; consequently, provisioning rate (g d(-1)) was much greater after shorter trips. Lack of dual foraging may reflect the diversity of foraging zones available in this highly productive region. By inference, this would mean that adoption of dual foraging elsewhere is a consequence of greater heterogeneity in resource availability in waters surrounding those colonies

    The depth of Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea burrows varies with habitat and increases with competition for space

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    The Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea, an abundant but declining petrel, is one of many seabird species that construct breeding burrows, presumably because these confer protection from predators and the elements. Little is known about the causes of variation in Sooty Shearwater burrow architecture, which can differ markedly both within and between breeding sites. We hypothesize that burrow architecture varies in response to habitat type and competition for space. To address these hypotheses, we recorded Sooty Shearwater burrow dimensions on Kidney Island, the largest Sooty Shearwater colony in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic, and modelled these as functions of burrow density (a proxy for competition) and habitat indices. Our models suggest that Sooty Shearwaters burrow further underground in response to competition for breeding space, and that soil underlying dense tussac grass Poa flabellata is more easily excavated than other substrates, indicating how vegetation restoration could aid the conservation of this species

    Diet of non-breeding leach’s storm-petrels ( Hydrobates leucorhous ) in the sub-polar frontal zone of the North Atlantic

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    In order to understand the drivers of the distribution and abundance of pelagic seabirds it is necessary to know what they eat, yet there remains little detailed, geo-referenced information on the diets of pelagic seabird. In particular, due to sampling difficulties, information is lacking for non-breeding stages, smaller species, such as storm-petrels, and remote oceanic areas, which may include important diversity hotspots. In this study, we aimed to characterize the trophic ecology of Leach’s storm-petrels foraging in the vicinity of the North Atlantic Current and Evlanov Seamount Marine Protected Area using a combination of survey methods. On a cruise undertaken in June 2017 to characterize the distribution and ecology of seabirds in the region, nineteen Leach’s storm-petrels were caught, sampled and released unharmed. Regurgitations and faecal samples were collected, as well as blood and feather tissues for stable isotope analyses. Of the 12 males, 6 females and 1 unsexed bird, 84% were in active flight feather moult, suggesting they were non-breeders. Prey species, assayed via molecular metabarcoding, were dominated by mesopelagic fish, principally lanternfishes (Myctophidae) and hatchetfishes (Sternoptychidae), but also included cephalopods and crustaceans. Additionally, almost half of the birds had microplastics in their regurgitates. Stable isotopic ratios did not differ significantly between sexes. Our results, combined with those of previous studies, suggest that within the oceanic North Atlantic, Leach’s storm-petrels feed at a similar trophic level to much larger seabirds, targeting mesopelagic fishes that are a key component of the North Atlantic pelagic food web

    Matches and Mismatches Between Seabird Distributions Estimated From At-Sea Surveys and Concurrent Individual-Level Tracking

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    Mapping the distribution of seabirds at sea is fundamental to understanding their ecology and making informed decisions on their conservation. Until recently, estimates of at-sea distributions were generally derived from boat-based visual surveys. Increasingly however, seabird tracking is seen as an alternative but each has potential biases. To compare distributions from the two methods, we carried out simultaneous boat-based surveys and GPS tracking in the Minch, western Scotland, in June 2015. Over 8 days, boat transect surveys covered 950 km, within a study area of ~6,700 km2 centered on the Shiant Islands, one of the main breeding centers of razorbills, and guillemots in the UK. Simultaneously, we GPS-tracked chick-rearing guillemots (n = 17) and razorbills (n = 31) from the Shiants. We modeled counts per unit area from boat surveys as smooth functions of latitude and longitude, mapping estimated densities. We then used kernel density estimation to map the utilization distributions of the GPS tracked birds. These two distribution estimates corresponded well for razorbills but were lower for guillemots. Both methods revealed areas of high use around the focal colony, but over the wider region, differences emerged that were likely attributable to the influences of neighboring colonies and the presence of non-breeding birds. The magnitude of differences was linked to the relative sizes of these populations, being larger in guillemots. Whilst boat surveys were necessarily restricted to the hours of daylight, GPS data were obtained equally during day and night. For guillemots, there was little effect of calculating separate night and day distributions from GPS records, but for razorbills the daytime distribution matched boat-based distributions better. When GPS-based distribution estimates were restricted to the exact times when boat surveys were carried out, similarity with boat survey distributions decreased, probably due to reduced sample sizes. Our results support the use of tracking data for defining seabird distributions around tracked birds' home colonies, but only when nearby colonies are neither large nor numerous. Distributions of animals around isolated colonies can be determined using GPS loggers but that of animals around aggregated colonies is best suited to at-sea surveys or multi-colony tracking

    Three dimensional tracking of a wide-ranging marine predator: flight heights and vulnerability to offshore wind farms

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    1. A large increase in offshore wind turbine capacity is anticipated in the next decade, raising concerns about possible adverse impacts on birds as a result of collision risk. Birds’ flight heights greatly influence this risk yet height estimates are currently available only using methods such as radar or ship-based observations over limited areas. 2. Bird-borne data-loggers have the potential to provide improved estimates of collision risk and here, we use data from GPS-loggers and barometric pressure-loggers to track the three-dimensional movements of northern gannets rearing chicks at a large colony in SE Scotland (Bass Rock), located < 50km from several major wind farm developments with recent planning consent. We estimate the foraging ranges and densities of birds at sea, their flight heights during different activities and the spatial variation in height during trips. We then use these data in collision-risk models to explore how the use of different methods to determine flight height affects the predicted risk of birds colliding with turbines. 3. Gannets foraged in and around planned wind farm sites. The probability of flying at collision- risk height was low during commuting between colonies and foraging areas (median height 12m) but was greater during periods of active foraging (median height 27m), and we estimate that ~1500 breeding adults from Bass Rock could be killed by collision with wind turbines at two planned sites in the Firth of Forth region each year. This is up to 12 times potential mortality predicted using other available flight height estimates. 4. Synthesis & Applications: The use of conventional flight height estimation techniques resulted in large underestimates of the numbers of birds at risk of colliding with wind turbines. Hence we recommend using GPS and barometric tracking to derive activity-specific and spatially-explicit flight heights and collision risks. Our predictions of potential mortality approached levels at which long-term population viability could be threatened, highlighting a need for further data to refine estimates of collision risks and sustainable mortality thresholds. We also advocate raising the minimum permitted clearance of turbine blades at sites with high potential collision risk from 22m 51 to 30m above sea level

    Wind field and sex constrain the flight speeds of central-place foraging albatrosses

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    By extracting energy from the highly dynamic wind and wave fields that typify pelagic habitats, albatrosses are able to proceed almost exclusively by gliding flight. Although energetic costs of gliding are low, enabling breeding albatrosses to forage hundreds to thousands of kilometers from their colonies, these and time costs vary with relative wind direction. This causes albatrosses in some areas to route provisioning trips to avoid headwind flight, potentially limiting habitat accessibility during the breeding season. In addition, because female albatrosses have lower wing loadings than males, it has been argued that they are better adapted to flight in light winds, leading to sexual segregation of foraging areas. We used satellite telemetry and immersion logger data to quantify the effects of relative wind speed, sex, breeding stage, and trip stage on the ground speeds (Vg) of four species of Southern Ocean albatrosses breeding at South Georgia. Vg was linearly related to the wind speed component in the direction of flight (Vwf), its effect being greatest on Wandering Albatrosses Diomedea exulans, followed by Black-browed Albatrosses Thalassarche melanophrys, Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses Phoebatria palpebrata, and Gray-headed Albatrosses T. chrysostoma. Ground speeds at Vwf = 0 were similar to airspeeds predicted by aerodynamic theory and were higher in males than in females. However, we found no evidence that this led to sexual segregation, as males and females experienced comparable wind speeds during foraging trips. Black-browed, Gray-headed, and Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses did not engage in direct, uninterrupted bouts of flight on moonless nights, but Wandering Albatrosses attained comparable Vg night and day, regardless of lunar phase. Relative flight direction was more important in determining Vg than absolute wind speed. When birds were less constrained in the middle stage of foraging trips, all species flew predominantly across the wind. However, in some instances, commuting birds encountered headwinds during outward trips and tail winds on their return, with the result that Vg was 1.0–3.4 m/s faster during return trips. This, we hypothesize, could result from constraints imposed by the location of prey resources relative to the colony at South Georgia or could represent an energy optimization strategy