217 research outputs found

    Reflections on Me

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    Pengaruh Kalsium-asam Lemak Sawit (Ca-als) dan Kalsium terhadap Bobot Telur, Tebal Kerabang dan Kekuatan Kerabang Ayam Petelur Lohman

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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kalsium-asam lemak sawit (Ca-ALS) dan kalsium (Ca) dalam ransum terhadap bobot telur, tebal kerabang, dan kekuatan kerabang ayam petelur Lohman, telah dilaksanakan selama 20 minggu. Rancangan percobaan yang digunkanan adalah rancangan acakl lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Sebagai faktor pertama adalah tingkat penggunaan kalsium-asam lemak sawit (Ca-ALS) sebesar 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Faktor kedua adalah tingkat kalsium yang digunakan 2,75%, 3,00% dan 3,25% . Ayam yang digunakan sebanyak 280 ekor didistribusi kedalam 9 kombinasi perlakuan dan satu kontrol, setiap perlakuan terdiri atasb7 ulangan dan setiap ulangan terdiri atas 4 ekor ayam. Ransum yang digunakan mengandung energi metabolis 2620 kkal/kg dan protein kasar sebesar 16%. Ransum dan air minum diberikan secara adlibitum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan kalsium-asam lemak sawit (Ca-ALS) sampai 15% dalam ransum ayam petelur Lohman dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik sebagai sumber asam lemak dan kalsium untuk menghasilkan bobot telur, dan ketebalan kerabang telur. Penggunaan Ca-ALS 15% akan lebih baik dengan penambahan 3,25% kalsium (Ca) dibanding 2,75%, 3,0% untuk meningkatkan kekuatan kerabang telur di awal dan akhir bertelur, diukur pada posisi vertikal atau horizontal. THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM–PALM FATTY ACID (Ca-PFA) AND CALCIUM FOR EGG WEIGHT, EGG SHELL THICKNESS, AND SHELL STRENGTH OF LOHMAN LAYING HENS ABSTRACK The aims of this experiment were to study the effect of calcium-palm fatty acid (Ca-PFA) and calcium in the ration for egg weigh, egg shell thickness, and shell strength of Lohman laying hens was done fot 20 weeks. A completly randomized design (CRD) with factorial used in this experiment, the first factor was 5%, 10%, 15% Ca-PFA and second factor was 2.75%, 3.00% and 3.25% calcium . The treatment consisted 7 replicates with 4 laying hens each and control, totally used 280 laying hens. All feed is iso caloric (ME: 2620 Kcal/kg) and iso protein (CP:16%). Feed and water were offered adlibitum. Result of this experiment showed that used of palm fatty acid (Ca-PFA) until 15% in rations Lohman laying hens to utilized fatty acid and calcium resources for increased egg weigh , egg shell tickness. But can be better with addition 3.25% calcium equal 2.75%, 3.0% increased egg shell strength in vertical or horizontal position, in beginning or finished of layed

    Upper limits for undetected trace species in the stratosphere of Titan

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    In this paper we describe a first quantitative search for several molecules in Titan's stratosphere in Cassini CIRS infrared spectra. These are: ammonia (NH3), methanol (CH3OH), formaldehyde (H2CO), and acetonitrile (CH3CN), all of which are predicted by photochemical models but only the last of which observed, and not in the infrared. We find non-detections in all cases, but derive upper limits on the abundances from low-noise observations at 25{\deg}S and 75{\deg}N. Comparing these constraints to model predictions, we conclude that CIRS is highly unlikely to see NH3 or CH3OH emissions. However, CH3CN and H2CO are closer to CIRS detectability, and we suggest ways in which the sensitivity threshold may be lowered towards this goal.Comment: 11 pages plus 6 figure file

    A 6-item scale for overall, emotional, and social loneliness: Confirmatory tests on survey data

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    Loneliness is an indicator of social well-being and pertains to the feeling of missing an intimate relationship (emotional loneliness) or missing a wider social network (social loneliness). The 11-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale has proved to be a valid and reliable measurement instrument for overall, emotional, and social loneliness, although its length has sometimes rendered it difficult to use in large surveys. In this study, the authors empirically tested a shortened version of the scale on data from two surveys (N = 9,448). Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the specification of two latent factors. Congruent validity and the relationship with determinants (partner status, health) proved to be optimal. The 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale is a reliable and valid measurement instrument for overall, emotional, and social loneliness that is suitable for large surveys

    The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus

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    The plume of Enceladus is unique in the solar system in providing direct access to fresh material from an extraterrestrial subsurface ocean. The Cassini Mission, though not specifically designed for it, was able to take advantage of the plume to conduct the best characterization to date of an extraterrestrial ocean. Evidence gathered from multiple instruments points to a global, subsurface liquid water ocean rich in salts and organic compounds, with water-rock interactions occurring presumably in hydrothermal systems at or below the moon’s sea floor. Meeting the criteria of “extended regions of liquid water, conditions favorable for the assembly of complex organic molecules, and energy source(s) to sustain metabolism,” the ocean of Enceladus can therefore be considered habitable. It is also the only confirmed place beyond the Earth where we can easily sample fresh material from a demonstrably habitable environment without the complications of digging or drilling. The next step is to investigate whether Enceladus’ ocean is actually inhabited. Here, we summarize the evidence for Enceladus’ ocean and its habitability, identify constraints and outstanding questions on the detectability of life within its ocean, and recommend a return to Enceladus with a dedicated search-for-life mission (or missions)

    The 2007 BFA Graduating Class Department of Visual Arts

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    One of the great joys of working in the Fine Arts Building for the past 19 years in that almost every day the building offers up a moveable feast of visual art on display in every conceivable space; to intrigue, amuse and on occasion , provoke us. Whether it is the atrium filled with massive cardboard sculptures, or the halls line with figure drawings and abstract prints or the stairwells (and even on occasion the washrooms) taken up with installations and the odd video display, the evidence of the skilled imaginations at work is everywhere. The culmination of this collective creativity is the annual fourth-year student exhibition in the Art Gallery. The talents of these painters, printmakers, photographers, sculptors and manipulators of the new media is self evident. It is also a testament to a very particular and special kind of education that they have received over the past four years in our school. In addition to mastering a variety of highly demanding technical skills whether in the darkroom, at the kiln, on the litho press or in front of a computer screen; these students have learned to exercise their creativity within a contest of historical awareness and cotemporary critical thinking. This has made it possible for them to make imaginative connections between their own realities here on the west coast of Newfoundland at the beginning of the 21st century, and the art and thought of other cultures, other times and other places from the most distant past to the present momen

    A database of marine phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition in Australian waters

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    There have been many individual phytoplankton datasets collected across Australia since the mid 1900s, but most are unavailable to the research community. We have searched archives, contacted researchers, and scanned the primary and grey literature to collate 3,621,847 records of marine phytoplankton species from Australian waters from 1844 to the present. Many of these are small datasets collected for local questions, but combined they provide over 170 years of data on phytoplankton communities in Australian waters. Units and taxonomy have been standardised, obviously erroneous data removed, and all metadata included. We have lodged this dataset with the Australian Ocean Data Network (http://portal.aodn.org.au/) allowing public access. The Australian Phytoplankton Database will be invaluable for global change studies, as it allows analysis of ecological indicators of climate change and eutrophication (e.g., changes in distribution; diatom:dinoflagellate ratios). In addition, the standardised conversion of abundance records to biomass provides modellers with quantifiable data to initialise and validate ecosystem models of lower marine trophic levels
