85 research outputs found

    Mining Business Permit (IUP) Regulations & Policies That Provide Legal Certainty and Ease of Investing in the Mining Sector in Indonesia

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    The promulgation of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, revoked the authority of City/Regency Regional Governments in granting Mining Business Permits (IUP) and henceforth this authority was given by the Central Government to Provincial Governments. However, in practice, the implementation of this policy is still faced with many obstacles, including a lot of overlap in the granting of IUPs before the new policy was adopted. Therefore, it is important to offer a policy model for granting IUPs that provides more legal certainty and makes it easier to invest in the mining sector in Indonesia


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    How art views to the existence of housewife? This matter draws the views of belles-lettres in their personal mirror. This qualitative study is focused to see (1) profile activity of housewife, (2) profile access and access housewife control, and (3) factor analysis causing differences of woman and men at profile and access. Data of this study is art view of housewife in its belles-lettres. Source of the data is year art short story 1990-2005, including “Perempuan”, “Hati”, dan “Cincin Kawin”. The study revealed that there are two profile activities of housewife: labouring in domestic and public sectors. In the  access aspect, the activity is limited and in the control aspect, women are not free of control. Factor analysis indicating role, access, and housewife control according to art in its belles-lettres consists of traditional woman and hateful woman of man as a result of much inequitable treatment since childhood to adul

    Sanggar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

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    Penerapan Prinsip Prinsip Seni Ekspresionisme Dalam Rancangan Arsitektur

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    Karya tulis ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengingatkan kembali tentang prinsip dan ciri-ciri Arsitektur Ekspresionis yang benar, yang di mana akan dapat kita terapkan kembali ke dalam suatu perancangan Arsitektural, atau Regionalisme yang diakui dalam Arsitektur Post Modern. Pembahasan ini ditempuh melalui studi literatur disertai analisis terhadap teori-teori yang diperoleh dalam karya-karya Arsitektur yang mewakilinya, hasil pembahasan ini kemudian dipresentasikan secara deskriptif untuk memperoleh kesimpulan yang relevan. Dari keseluruhan penulisan diperoleh hasil bahwa ekspresionis dalam Arsitektur yaitu adalah USAha untuk menghargai kebebasan berimajinasi dan kebebasan mencipta yang merupakan Seni dalam Arsitektur. Kebebasan yang dimaksud ini adalah Seni yang tidak hanya dibatasi oleh modul yang akan menjadikan bentuk bangunan terlihat kaku dan monoton. Bentuk ekspresinya biasa terdapat pada emosi kemarahan dan depresi serta emosi bahagia


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    Kristalisasi dari larutan dikategorikan sebagai salah satu proses pemisahan yang efisien. Secara umum, tujuan dari proses kristalisasi adalah menghasilkan produk kristal dengan kualitas seperti yang diharapkan. Kualitas kristal yang dihasilkan dapat ditentukan dari parameter-parameter produk yaitu distribusi ukuran kristal), kemurnian kristal dan bentuk kristal. Salah satu syarat terjadinya kiristalisasi adalah terjadinya kondisi supersaturasi. Kondisi supersaturasi adalah kondisi dimana konsentrasi larutan berada di atas harga kelarutannya. Kondisi supersaturasi ini dapat dicapai dengan cara penguapan, pendingin atau gabungan keduanya. Terdapat dua phenomena penting pada proses kristalisasi yaitu pembentukan inti kristal (nukleasi) dan pertumbuhan kristal (crystal growth ). Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa garam yang berasal dari tambak mempunyai kandungan NaCl sebesar 88,38 %. Melalui proses pencucian dan rekristalisasi maka kualitas garam tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatnya kandungan NaCl hingga 99,01 %

    Development of Interactive Multimedia for Early Readers with Dyslexia at an Inclusive Elementary School in Malang City

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    Interactive multimedia is an electronic system containing images, animation, and an interaction between the media and students. It considered that dyslexic student needs multisensory methods and media in the learning process as well. This study aims designing interactive multimedia development for early reading of dyslexic student and  finding out its effectiveness. The method used  is William W. Lee and Diana L. Owens’ (2004) development model. The procedures are: (1) Assessment / Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation and (5) Evaluation.  The results of feasibility and effectiveness trials conducted by media experts  scored  96% means "very feasible". In addition, the assessment of the material experts also obtained 91.3% and the practitioner gave 87%, both of them were in the “very decent” category. The results of the assessment on subject’s early reading ability at baseline conditions (A1) ranging from 45% to 50%. Meanwhile, a significant increase was shown during the intervention condition (B), namely the subject’s ability of early reading increased from 65% to 75%. In addition, to determine the effectiveness of the interactive multimedia (intervention) in subject’s reading ability, it was  added the baseline conditions (A2) ranged from 80% to 90%. Based on the analysis, it showed that interactive multimedia of early reading for dyslexic is feasible and effective to be used in the learning process of early reading for dyslexic students


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    A culture needs to be constructed to the members of the community with the aim to inherit a culture, instilling cultural values, and forming good behavior. In order to reveal the construction of cultural education in tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi novel, then a critical discourse analysis study is used. The construction of cultural education in tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi novel was constructed by three figures, namely the knowledgeable, religious, and government figures. In addition, the method of constructing cultural education in tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi novel uses three methods; they are beliefs, customs, and arts


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    A culture needs to be constructed to the members of the community with the aim to inherit a culture, instilling cultural values, and forming good behavior. In order to reveal the construction of cultural education in tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi novel, then a critical discourse analysis study is used. The construction of cultural education in tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi novel was constructed by three figures, namely the knowledgeable, religious, and government figures. In addition, the method of constructing cultural education in tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi novel uses three methods; they are beliefs, customs, and arts


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    ABSTRAKSurealisme merupakan gerakan budaya yang pertama berkembang di daerah Eropa tepatnya di Prancis. Surealisme beradaptasi dari dadaisme yang merupakan suatu gerakan revolusioner. Dalam hal ini surealisme mengangkat hal-hal yang tidak rasional ke dalam dunia nyata. Psikoanalisis dari Sigmund Freud menjadi pemikiran dasar para surealis. Dimana perilaku manusia dikendalikan oleh alam bawah sadarnya. Paham surealis mengangkat mimpi, mitos, dan metamorfosis serta halusinasi dan fantasi manusia. Keadaan yang seperti ini membuat suatu pengaplikasian yang secara otomatis membentuk suatu karya. Optimisme dan otomatisme merupakan dua hal yang penting dalam mengangkat dan menerapkan alam bawah sadar. Berbagai teknik pun dilakukan untuk menerapkan surealisme. Teknik-teknik itupun dibagi menjadi dua prinsip, yakni incongruous combination dan metamorfosis.Kata kunci : otomatisme, optimisme, metamorfosi

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Tulisan Arab-melayu

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    The purpose of this research and development is to produce a teaching material of Arab-Melayu inscription for Indonesian literature students with expediently and effectively content, presentation, language, and display. This research use Team of Research Central of Educational SPolicy and Innovation's research and development method. The result is a book and the tittle is Membuka Jendela Ilmu Pengetahuan Arab-Melayu.The trial results from matter expert obtained 90,7%, the result of the trial from studies design expert obtained 89,9%, the trial results from teacher obtained 80,6%, and student's tes results obtained 92,8%. It's mean that the product can be implemented. The results of effectively trial that show 70% students has high ability. So, the product can be effective for studies.Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan bahan ajar tulisan Arab-Melayu untuk mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Indonesia dengan isi, penyajian, bahasa, serta kegrafikaan yang layak dan efektif untuk pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian prosedural serta metode penelitian dan pengembangan dari Tim Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan dan Inovasi Pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar berbentuk buku cetak berjudul Membuka Jendela Ilmu Pengetahuan Arab-Melayu. Berdasarkan ahli materi, produk mendapatkan penilaian sebesar 90,7%, ahli desain pembelajaran sebesar 89,9%, praktisi dosen sebesar 80,6%, dan mahsiswa sebesar 92,8%. Dengan demikian produk dikategorikan dapat diimplementasikan. Berdasarkan uji keefektifan, diketahui bahwa 70% mahasiswa berkemampuan sangat tinggi, sehingga produk dapat dikatakan efektif untuk pembelajaran
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