30 research outputs found


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    New student admissions (PPDB) for SMA Pontianak City still found problems in the implementation process, including: errors in the registration path, the zoning system, regional differences, website registration errors, invalid distances. This research uses a qualitative approach with case studies. The purpose of the study was to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the recruitment, selection, and online new student admissions system at SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak. The research subjects were 4 people, aged 37-55 years, 1 male and 3 female, namely: the principal of SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak, the vice principal for student affairs, the executive committee, and parents of students. Interviewing, documenting, and observing are all methods used to collect data. The main findings of the study show the following: 1) planning through the determination of the RKS, the work program of the vice principal for student affairs, the determination of the PPDB committee decree, the use of online PPDB technical guidelines, 2) the implementation begins with prospective students creating accounts in the ready-to-busy application through the ppdb.dikbud page. kalbarprov.go.id, the school committee verifies the data, processes the data in the application and announces it, re-registers new students, 3) to overcome obstacles when PPDB is online the committee coordinates with the operators of the Provincial Education Office, and provides understanding to students' parents. The conclusion of online PPDB at SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak is in accordance with the online PPDB technical guidelines in 2021 and the implementation of online PPDB stages with management principles

    Application and Lesson Learned in Civil Engineering, Environmental Science Service-Learning Program

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    Environmental Science class is an integral part of any modern 21st century Civil Engineering education curriculum. The rising need for sustainable development education in addition of education that does not only focus on the cognitive part but also the affective part required an evaluation of Environmental Science class curriculum. Petra Christian University began to apply Service-Learning style of education in its Environmental Science class since 2017, in order to fulfill the previously stated challenges. Reworks on class material and implementation of classwide Service-Learning project was done. Putting student�s creativity and autonomy at the forefront of the Service-Learning project, the class is considered as a success. The student produced reflections and academic report that demonstrated their comprehension of sustainable development showed that the Service-Learning project managed to educate their heart. The Service-Learning based Environmental Science class can be used as a model and precedent for other Civil Engineering Departments that want to implement meaningful and impactful Environmental Science class

    Sistem Rumah Sakit Terpadu Menggunakan JSP Study Kasus : Fisioterapi

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    ABSTRACT Use the computer as an application of information technology has become a requirement, because a lot of work that can be completed quickly, accurately, and efficiently. at the end of the project made this program to a form of eficien based database information that can be used to calculate the administrative action, the transaction can also save the data that has been input on the computer, and can provide information online, quickly and up to date. With this in mind created the billing program end of the project entitled: "Integrated Hospital System Using JSP (Case Study: Fisioterapi) " In completing it, use the script commands JSP (Java Server Pages) that is used to add, delete and modify files, MySQL database, Web Application Server for relation database and also store data that has been terinput Programs that have been design and computeration Billing services for patients in the Emergency Unit Hospital Daerah Banyuwangi that will help with all administrative needs of the payment transaction process is also easier on the patient data on the patient appropriately and on time according to the needs of the existing system.


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    Problems in operating trap fish tool are that fishermen do not know the actual condition of the traps. Thus, it causes the effectiveness of time and number of catches to be not optimal. Based on the conditions and problems above, the writer concluded that an innovation in the operation of the trap to design a magnetic sensor-based system/tool to detect lobster catches that can be accessed via smartphone is required. The aim of this study is to design and observe the performance of using a magnetic sensor to detect lobsters' (Panulirus spp.) movements on a laboratory scale (in the aquarium). Data analysis in this study used the Confusion Matrix method, where this method divides the test results into 4 common conditions: TP (True Positive), TN (True Negative), FP (False Positive), and FN (False Negative). From the 4 conditions, Recall, Specificity, Precision, Accuracy, and F1 Score can be calculated. From 16 tests with the 16 lobsters of 60-190 grams/individual, it obtained conditions of TP of 25 times, TN of 109 times, FP of 11 times, and FN of 15 times. From the four conditions, it was obtained a Recall value of 0.625 or 62.50%, Specificity of 0.9083 or 90.83%, Precision of 0.6944 or 69.44%, Accuracy of 0.8375 or 83.75%, and F1 Score of 0.6579 or 65.79%. Based on the observations and test results of the actual detection and application system in this study, performance reference for using magnetic sensors was by using Accuracy with a score of 83.75%


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    Sebuah kasus pembubaran Perseroan Terbatas melalui penetapan pengadilan, dimana kasus tersebut antara PT. Semayang Mulyasejati dengan PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero), yang dimana PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero), bermula dari adanya permohonan bantuan hukum dari PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Cabang Balikpapan kepada Kejaksaan Negeri Balikpapan untuk melakukan penagihan piutang Jasa Kepelabuhanan terhadap PT. Semayang Mulyasejati yang mempunyai utang Jasa Kepelabuhanan yang belum dibayarkan kepada PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Cabang Balikpapan. Setelah dilakukan penagihan ternyata PT.Semayang Mulyasejati sudah tidak beroperasi dan tidak jelas lagi aset serta kepengurusannya. Sehingga Kejaksaan Negeri Balikpapan selaku penerima kuasa pemohon melakukan permohonan pembubaran PT.Semayang Mulyasejati kepada Pengadilan Negeri Balikpapan. Penelitian skripsi ini mengangkat beberapa permasalahan, yaitu bagaimana penyelesaian tanggung jawab PT. Semayang Mulyasejati kepada PT. PELINDO IV pasca penetapan likuidasi oleh Pengadilan Negeri Balikpapan dan Bagaimana perlindungan hukum kepada PT. PELINDO IV menurut undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat Yuridis Normatif yaitu dengan melakukan pengumpulan data-data sekunder yang berasal dari buku-buku, jurnal, berkas perkara dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Kata Kunci: Perseroan Terbatas,Tanggung Jawab, Likuidas


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    AbstractThis study aims to improve the creativity and learning outcomes of students of grade V SD N Tukang 02 by using the model of Project Based Learning. The type of research used is classroom action research (PTK). The data obtained using test and observation techniques. The research instrument used in the form of observation sheet of teacher activity and the achievement of syntax on the model used. Data analysis technique in the research is qualitative data and quantitative data. Based on the results of data analysis showed that the creativity of students on the pre cycle of low category, then the first cycle medium category, and cycle II high category. The result of student learning showed on the pre cycle of 25 students as many as 10 students who have value above> 70, while 15 students get score <70. After the first cycle, the result of learning of grade V SDN Tukang 02 has increased.  From 25 students, 18 students have score> 70 and there are 8 students who have score <70. And then to cycle II shows improvement of 25 students as much as 23 students have value> 70 and 2 students have <70. The results of this study show that by applying the model of Project Based Learning can improve creativity and student learning outcomes theme 9 class V SD N Tukang 02.Keywords: Project Based Learning, Creativity, Learning Outcomes.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD N Tukang 02 dengan menggunakan model Project Based Learning. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Data yang didapat menggunakan teknik tes dan observasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi kegiatan guru dan ketercapaian sintak pada model yang digunakan. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa kreativitas siswa pada pra siklus masuk kategori rendah, kemudian siklus I  kategori sedang, dan siklus II kategori tinggi. Hasil belajar siswa menunjukan pada pra siklus dari 25 siswa sebanyak 10 siswa yang memiliki nilai di atas > 70, sedangkan 15 siswa mendapatkan nilai < 70. Setelah siklus I dilakukan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD N Tukang 02 mengalami peningkatan. Dari 25 siswa sebanyak 18 siswa memiliki nilai >70 dan ada 8 siswa yang memiliki nilai < 70. Dan dilanjukan ke siklus II menunjukkan peningkatan kembali dari 25 siswa sebanyak 23 siswa memiliki nilai > 70 dan 2 siswa memiliki nilai < 70. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan menerapkan model Project Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa tema 9 kelas V SD N Tukang 02.Kata kunci: Model Project Based Learning, Kreativitas, Hasil Belajar

    The Utilization of Hydrodinamics Models in Validating the East Java Rip Current in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    The earth has an ocean area larger than the land area so that there are many beaches found throughout the world, including Indonesia. Behind its beauty, there is one phenomenon that endangers tourists when doing activities on the near shore area, namely: rip current. For example, the incident at the research location, namely Klayar Beach, East Java, on January 2, 2015, claimed lives. Therefore, this study aims to validate the existence of rip current in East Java, especially at the research location by utilizing hydrodynamic modeling in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 based on data, internet, and technology as well as human resources during this corona pandemic. There are 3 stages of the methodology in this research, namely data collection and processing, modeling, and modeling validation. The outcomes of this research prove that the phenomenon of rip current with rip current speeds occurs in the range 0.16 - 0.18 m/s which causes 2 tourists to die. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as input for the stakeholder concerned for the development of coastal tourism in coastal areas on the south coast of East Java in making policies


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    Bandung khususnya  daerah Bandung Selatan merupakan wilayah rawan banjir di Kabupaten Bandung. Hal ini diakibatkan karena wilayah Bandung Selatan merupakan dataran rendah yang di aliri Sungai Citarum, sehingga apabila musim hujan selalu banjir. Banjir yang terjadi dapat menjadi ancaman keamanan nasional khususnya menyangkut tentang keamanan kesehatan dan berakibat pada timbulnya krisis kesehatan. Kesiapsiagaan krisis kesehatan dengan pelaksanaan sistem peringatan dini diperlukan sebagai antisipasi untuk mengurangi dampak bencana terhadap kesehatan. Sistem peringatan dini krisis kesehatan di Kabupaten Bandung belum dilaksanakan dengan maksimal karena adanya beberapa hambatan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan sistem peringatan dini krisis kesehatan akibat banjir. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian mengenai sistem peringatan dini krisis kesehatan dilakukan dengan pengamatan komponen yang terlibat pada pelaksanaannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengumpulan data untuk pelaksanaan sistem peringatan dini dilakukan dengan metode surveilans aktif dan pasif. Rapid Health Assessment (RHA) dilakukan setelah pengumpulan data. Puskesmas di Kabupaten Bandung belum seluruhnya menggunakan formulir RHA untuk pencatatan data hasil RHA. Analisis dan interpretasi data menghasilkan kesimpulan mengenai kemungkinan kejadian krisis kesehatan. Penyebarluasan informasi belum memberikan umpan balik yang optimal dari masyarakat. Evaluasi hanya dilakukan secara internal di masing-masing instansi puskesmas dan dinas kesehatan. Keterlibatan teknologi informasi untuk pelaksanaan sistem peringatan dini belum merata di seluruh puskesmas di Kabupaten Bandung. Ketentuan yang berlaku dalam komponen pelaksanaan sistem peringatan dini krisis kesehatan belum seluruhnya dilakukan oleh puskesmas di Kabupaten Bandun


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    Pertambahan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dan peningkatan angka kecelakaan merupakan permasalahan yang perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian. Selain itu pengkajian terhadap tingkat hubungan antara uji berkala kendaraan dengan kecelakaan lalu lintas perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi kejadian dan mengendalikan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Cirebon. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik faktor-faktor penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas dan tingkat hubungan antara faktor-faktor penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas dengan kecelakaan lalu lintas yang disebabkan oleh kendaraan bermotor wajib uji di Kota Cirebon terutama faktor kondisi teknis dan laik jalan kendaraan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian berdasarkan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis deskriptif ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat hubungan antara uji berkala kendaraan bermotor dengan kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Cirebon (deskriptif korelasi). Kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Cirebon selama tahun 2008-2012 terdapat sebanyak 487 kejadian yang disebabkan oleh 111 kendaraan bermotor wajib uji dan 376 kendaraan bermotor tidak wajib uji. Karakteristik kecelakaan setiap tahun cenderung mengalami peningkatan seiring bertambahnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor. Prosentase faktor kondisi teknis dan laik jalan kendaraan bermotor sebagai penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas pada kendaraan bermotor wajib uji (22,52%) lebih tinggi daripada kendaraan bermotor tidak wajib uji (20,74%). Prosentase kendaraan bermotor wajib uji yang tidak melakukan uji berkala (31,64%) cukup tinggi dan hampir setengah dari prosentase kendaraan bermotor wajib uji yang diuji berkala (68,36%). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan uji berkala kendaraan bermotor sebagai salah satu bentuk pengawasan terhadap keamanan dan keselamatan transportasi jalan secara teknis terhadap pengoperasian sarana angkutan penumpang umum dan angkutan barang di jalan relatif belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal, baik melalui sosialisasi terhadap pemilik dan pengemudi kendaraaan bermotor maupun upaya yang berkaitan dengan transportasi jalan yang berkeselamatan. Tingkat hubungan antara faktor kondisi teknis dan laik jalan kendaraan bermotor sebagai penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas dengan kecelakaan lalu lintas pada kendaraan bermotor wajib uji sebesar 2,583 kali daripada kendaraan bermotor tidak wajib uji sehingga menunjukkan bahwa kinerja sistem uji berkala kendaraan bermotor relatif belum dilakukan secara efektif dalam upaya mengurangi kejadian kecelakaan lalu lintas dan mengendalikan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Cirebon