
Sistem Rumah Sakit Terpadu Menggunakan JSP Study Kasus : Fisioterapi


ABSTRACT Use the computer as an application of information technology has become a requirement, because a lot of work that can be completed quickly, accurately, and efficiently. at the end of the project made this program to a form of eficien based database information that can be used to calculate the administrative action, the transaction can also save the data that has been input on the computer, and can provide information online, quickly and up to date. With this in mind created the billing program end of the project entitled: "Integrated Hospital System Using JSP (Case Study: Fisioterapi) " In completing it, use the script commands JSP (Java Server Pages) that is used to add, delete and modify files, MySQL database, Web Application Server for relation database and also store data that has been terinput Programs that have been design and computeration Billing services for patients in the Emergency Unit Hospital Daerah Banyuwangi that will help with all administrative needs of the payment transaction process is also easier on the patient data on the patient appropriately and on time according to the needs of the existing system.

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