100 research outputs found


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    Terciptanya karya lukis ini berawal dari ide penulis yang terinspirasi dari budaya Jawa tentang beberapa unsur alam yaitu Air, Angin (Udara), Api, dan Bumi (Tanah) yang diimplementasi-kan pada perbedaan sifat dan karakter manusia. Dalam karya lukis ini, penulis mempunyai konsep lukisan tentang keberagaman sifat manusia yang dapat dilihat dari beberapa unsur alam, antara lain Air, Angin (Udara), Api, dan Bumi (Tanah) yang terdapat pada masing-masing pribadi. Dalam karya seni dua dimensi yang berupa lukisan ini penulis menggunakan media dari plat besi yang berukuran sama 100x150 cm. Terwujudnya lukisan tersebut dilandasi oleh ide dan konsep yang dimiliki penulis, kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan proses berkarya, sehingga menghasilkan karya seni yang berupa lukisan berjumlah empat buah. Karya pertama berjudul “Gapailah dan Wujudkan, Jangan Menyerah”,  kedua “Meringan-kan Pikiran”,  ketiga “Api Ku”,  dan keempat “Bu….”. Kata Kunci : ide penciptaan, 4 unsur alam, karya seni lukis&nbsp

    Need Analysis Seguyub Lasem Dance Media in the Feminine Stigma of Dance Learning for Middle Shool Students

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    Practical dance learning at school is often stigmatizes as feminine by junior high school students, especially male students. Seguyub Lasem Dance Media Video is the development of dance learning media that uses YouTube as a learning platform with the aim of increasing students' interest in learning, eliminating the stigma of femininity in the dance, and helping students practice the Profil Pelajar Pacasila character education. The aim of the Analysis of Media Needs for the Seguyub Lasem Dance Video in the Feminine Stigma of Dance Learning for Middle School Students research is to describe students' learning interest in learning dance and to describe the media needs analysis for the Seguyub Lasem Dance video. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The conclusion of the research is that teachers and students need the Seguyub Lasem Dance video media to increase students' interest in learning, eliminate the stigma of femininity in the art of dance, and help students practice the Profil Pelajar Pancasila character education.. Keywords: Need analysis, dance learning, feminine stigma &nbsp

    4 Unsur dalam Diri Manusia sebagai Inspirasi dalam Karyaseni Lukis

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    Terciptanya karya lukis ini berawal dari ide penulis yang terinspirasi dari budaya Jawa tentang beberapa unsur alam yaitu Air, Angin (Udara), Api, dan Bumi (Tanah) yang diimplementasi-kan pada perbedaan sifat dan karakter manusia. Dalam karya lukis ini, penulis mempunyai konsep lukisan tentang keberagaman sifat manusia yang dapat dilihat dari beberapa unsur alam, antara lain Air, Angin (Udara), Api, dan Bumi (Tanah) yang terdapat pada masing-masing pribadi. Dalam karya seni dua dimensi yang berupa lukisan ini penulis menggunakan media dari plat besi yang berukuran sama 100x150 cm. Terwujudnya lukisan tersebut dilandasi oleh ide dan konsep yang dimiliki penulis, kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan proses berkarya, sehingga menghasilkan karya seni yang berupa lukisan berjumlah empat buah. Karya pertama berjudul “Gapailah dan Wujudkan, Jangan Menyerah”,  kedua “Meringan-kan Pikiran”,  ketiga “Api Ku”,  dan keempat “Bu….”. Kata Kunci : ide penciptaan, 4 unsur alam, karya seni lukis&nbsp


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    The development of information technology enables the society to perform various activities better and easier. The activities include organization and business aspects. Information technology is used to improve the performance of individuals as members of a business organization which in turn is expected to increase the performance of the organization. The determinants of the effectiveness of information systems are the acceptance and the behavioral use of information technology in a company's accounting system. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence on the behavioral intention, as well as the effects of facilitating conditions and behavioral intention on use behavior. The research was conducted by distributing and collecting questionnaires of 70 employees of Perum BULOG Regional Division of Central Java as the respondents. The questionnaires used in this research were 60. Descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of average, median, range, and standard deviation of the independent variables, while analysis of the hypothesis was conducted by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that performance expectancy and effort expectancy had no positive effect with intention of information system. Meanwhile, social influence has positive effect with intention of information system. Facilitating conditions had positive effect with information system usage, while intentionof information system had no positive effect with information system usag

    Analisa Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia pada PD. BPR Bank BAPAS 69 Kabupaten Magelang

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    This study aims to explain the training analysis and development of existing PD. BPR BANK BAPAS 69 Magelang Regency. This study explains the analysis of needs, methods, types, objectives and benefits, as well as evaluating training and development. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection methods using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the purpose of training and development is to improve the quality of human resources they have and is also useful for encouraging the progress of individuals and organizations. PD. BPR BANK BAPAS 69 uses organizational needs analysis, using two training and development methods, namely the classroom and simulation methods. The training and development carried out is formal or official because it has been planned by the organization. The evaluation is based on the value obtained from the trainer, then reviewed further and then used as material for consideration of determining career path or promotion.

    The Influence of Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intention on the Instagram Social Media Platform

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    Endorsement merupakan salah satu jenis pemasaran yang menggunakan influencer untuk mengiklankan suatu produk atau layanan dengan memanfaatkan ketenaran dalam sebuah platform media sosial. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh sumber komunikasi, kredibilitas dan daya tarik terhadap nilai iklan dan sikap konsumen yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi niat pembelian. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yaitu teknik convenience sampling dengan menyebarkan kuesioner melalui google form kepada 180 responden yang memiliki kriteria berusia 16 tahun ke atas dan merupakan pengguna platform Instagram yang mengikuti akun Fadil Jaidi. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini melakukan pengolahan data dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS dan PLS-SEM (SmartPLS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber komunikasi, kredibilitas dan daya tarik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai iklan dan sikap konsmuen. Kemudian, nilai iklan dan sikap konsumen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat beli

    Measurement of Moment of Inertia Through a Bifilar Pendulum Swing Based on a Microcontroller

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    Every object has a tendency to maintain its state of motion. The concept also applies to rotating objects called moments of inertia. This experiment aims to explain the working principle and determine the magnitude of the moment of inertia of objects using a bifilar pendulum teaching aid based on the ATMEGA-16 microcontroller. The implementation method used is the experimental method. The working principle of the ATMEGA-16 bifilar pendulum microcontroller-based teaching aids uses the bifilar pendulum principle. The moment of inertia of an object can be measured using a measuring tool that works at the moment of the inertia oscillation method. The bifilar pendulum experiment consists of an object which is tied on either side by a rope and then attached to a support. Objects are deviated horizontally with a small angle to the equilibrium position and then released, the object will experience periodic oscillations. Based on the experimental results the shorter the distance of the two bifilars, the period will be even greater, and vice versa. The magnitude of the period (T) on the bifilar pendulum is inversely proportional to the root distance between the two bifilar (d). The results of experiments carried out for variations in rope length and the distance between the ropes. The moment of inertia based on experiments for variations in length of rope at 0.35 m is (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 ; 0.45 m is (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 ; 0.55 m then (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 ; 0.65 m then (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 and 0.75 m, (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2.. Furthermore, the moment of inertia is based on experiments for variations in the distance between the ropes at 0.1 m then (I ± ∆I) =  kg/m2; 0.15 m then (I ± ∆ I) =  kg/m2; 0.20 m then (I ± ∆I) =  kg/m2; and 0.25 m then (I ± ∆I) =  kg/m2. The experimental results show that the smaller the distance between the two ropes will produce conformity to the theory of the solid cylinder using the shaft approach through the center.©2019 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Measurement of Moment of Inertia Through a Bifilar Pendulum Swing Based on a Microcontroller

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    Every object has a tendency to maintain its state of motion. The concept also applies to rotating objects called moments of inertia. This experiment aims to explain the working principle and determine the magnitude of the moment of inertia of objects using a bifilar pendulum teaching aid based on the ATMEGA-16 microcontroller. The implementation method used is the experimental method. The working principle of the ATMEGA-16 bifilar pendulum microcontroller-based teaching aids uses the bifilar pendulum principle. The moment of inertia of an object can be measured using a measuring tool that works at the moment of the inertia oscillation method. The bifilar pendulum experiment consists of an object which is tied on either side by a rope and then attached to a support. Objects are deviated horizontally with a small angle to the equilibrium position and then released, the object will experience periodic oscillations. Based on the experimental results the shorter the distance of the two bifilars, the period will be even greater, and vice versa. The magnitude of the period (T) on the bifilar pendulum is inversely proportional to the root distance between the two bifilar (d). The results of experiments carried out for variations in rope length and the distance between the ropes. The moment of inertia based on experiments for variations in length of rope at 0.35 m is (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 ; 0.45 m is (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 ; 0.55 m then (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 ; 0.65 m then (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2 and 0.75 m, (I ± ΔI) =   kg/m2.. Furthermore, the moment of inertia is based on experiments for variations in the distance between the ropes at 0.1 m then (I ± ∆I) =  kg/m2; 0.15 m then (I ± ∆ I) =  kg/m2; 0.20 m then (I ± ∆I) =  kg/m2; and 0.25 m then (I ± ∆I) =  kg/m2. The experimental results show that the smaller the distance between the two ropes will produce conformity to the theory of the solid cylinder using the shaft approach through the center.©2019 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Atribut-Atribut Harapan Dan Kinerja Pada Purnama Swalayan Di Bantul

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    expectation) dengan kinerja (performance) atas atribut-atribut pada Purnama Swalayan di Bantul. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey research.Variabel penelitian ini harapan dan kinerja.Sebagai populasi penelitian ini adalah semua konsumen yang datang ke Purnama Swalayan di Bantul. Untuk sampelnya sebanyak 100 responden. Teknis pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode angket/kuesioner.Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Convenience Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis Deskriptif . Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Terdapat 11 Konsumen merasa tidak puas yang berarti ada perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yang ditunjukkan oleh 11 atribut yaitu : (1) Kehandalan karyawan yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -5, (2) Konsistensi jadwal buka dan tutup tidak berubah-ubah yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -4, (3) Pekerjaan tepat waktu sesuai yang dijanjikan yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar - 2, (4) Karyawan dapat memahami keinginan konsumen yang itunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -5, (5) Kepedulian yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar - 12, (6) Tempat parkir aman dari pencurian yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -8,(7) Komunikasi antar karyawan dan konsumen berjalan baik yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -1, (8) Karyawan menerima keluhan dari konsumen yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar - 2, (9) Karyawan memberi perhatian pada konsumen yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -2, (10) Lokasi Purnama Swalayan mudah dijangkau yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar -3, (11) Ruang usaha bersih dan tertata rapi yang ditunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja yaitu mempunyai selisih sebesar - 3. Kata Kunci : Harapan,Kinerj
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