78 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance Strength, Firm’s Characteristics, and Islamic Social Report: Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index

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    Research aims: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of corporate governance strength, company size, profitability, company age, and industry type on Islamic social reports of Indonesian Companies that are listed in Jakarta Islamic Index.Design/Methodology/Approach: The type of data used in this study was secondary data in the form of quantitative data, which included annual financial statements data completed with auditor’s reports from each company listen on JII, especially in 2015-2017. The sampling method used in the study was purposive sampling.Research findings: The results of data processed employing multiple regression test showed that company size, company age, and type of industry had a significant effect on the disclosure of Islamic social reporting. Corporate social strength and profitability had no significant effect on disclosure of Islamic social reporting.Theoretical contribution/Originality: This research has theoretical implications in terms of developing knowledge and confirming theories about Islamic social reporting in IndonesiaPractitioner/Policy implications: This research can be used as a consideration for the company in policy making and as a basis for the company in decision making.Research limitation/Implication: The study’ results are expected to be a consideration in determining policies related to Islamic social reporting, especially law enforcement

    Pelanggengan Jamu di Tengah Wacana Herbalisasi.

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji jamu dari sudut pandang budaya. Jamu sebagai obat tradisional Indonesia yang dibuat dari bahan alami secara turun-temurun berdasarkan pengalaman mengalami marginalisasi dimana saat ini masyarakat lebih percaya kepada yang ilmiah. Banyak wacana yang beredar yang menyebabkan hilangnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap jamu. Penelitian ini mengkaji wacana-wacana yang beredar tentang jamu khususnya yang dapat mengangkat citra jamu dan juga eksistensinya. Wacana-wacana besar terkait jamu antara lain wacana institusi, wacana medis, wacana ekonomi politik dan wacana kultural/ historis yang pada umumnya dikonstruksi oleh negara, medis, pemilik modal, dan media memperlihatkan pertarungan jamu, yang di satu sisi menonjolkan kealamiahannya dan di sisi lain ingin menjadi seperti obat yang dikelola dengan teknologi modern yang terstandard dan melibatkan ilmu pengetahuan (sains). Muncul definisi baru terkait jamu yang ilmiah yaitu herbal. Ketika jamu yang alamiah dijadikan ilmiah maka terdapat pula konsekuensi yang berpotensi merugikan maupun menguntungkan pihak tertentu. Jangan sampai wacana yang ingin melanggengkan jamu justru dalam realitasnya akan memarjinalisasi jamu yang hanya bisa bertahan sebagai yang alamiah


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    One of the factors that support the achievements of volley ball game is having the proper body height and high leap, as for jump exercises for various techniques of offensing and deffensing are essentially needed in volley ball games. The purpose of this study is to figure out the result and information of: whether there is any differences within the effect of barrier hops and kangaroo jump workouts towards the increasing jump height. The subjects of this study are the female volley ball atheletes of SMPN 2 Krembung as many as 12 people. The method used in this analysis is quantitative descriptive statistics, while the data collection is done by having treatments for 8 weeks, and doing pretest to find out the initial jump height and posttest to figure out the jump height after the treatments are given. From the result of this study, it is concluded that: (1) Based on the research result, there is an increase of pretest to posttest scores of barrier hops showing that the posttest score 48.67 is higher than the pretest score 45.53 with the increase precentage of 7.3%; (2) Based on the research result, there is an increase of pretest to posttest scores of kangaroo jump showing that the posttest score 46.17 is higher than the pretest score 41 with the increase percentage of 12.6%; (3) Based on the statistical calculation which is done between the results of barrier hops scores and of kangaroo jump scores, there are significant increases. From the results of the research, it is concluded that both workouts overall have significant increasing results towards jump height

    Pelayanan Lintas Batas Daerah Pasar Bandarjo di Kawasan Perbatasan Kabupaten Semarang dan Kota Semarang

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    Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah menjelaskan bahwa pemerintah daerah mempunyai kewenangan yang menjadi urusan wajib. Salah satu kewenangan yang menjadi urusan wajib pemerintahan daerah untuk kabupaten/kota yaitu penyediaan sarana umum. Pasar sebagai salah satu sarana perdagangan bagi masyarakat umum, wajib disediakan oleh masing-masing pemerintah daerah. Pelayanan umum yang diberikan pemerintah daerah harus mampu melayani seluruh wilayah baik yang berada di pusat kota maupun perbatasan. Adapun pertanyaan yang harus terjawab adalah bagaimana pelayanan Pasar Bandarjo yang terletak di kawasan perbatasan dan mengapa terjadi pelayanan lintas batas daerah dalam pemanfaatannya? Metode yang dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap narasumber kunci, observasi lapangan dan telaah dokumen. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan merumuskan tema-tema tertentu yang merupakan hasil dari wawancara. Hasilnya Pasar Bandarjo merupakan pasar lintas batas daerah yang melayani masyarakat di Kabupaten Semarang dan di luar Kabupaten Semarang, didukung oleh barang dagangan yang lengkap, harganya terjangkau, pasarnya ramai, lokasi yang strategis dan aksesibilitas mudah

    KEJAWAAN DAN KEISLAMAN: Satu Pertarungan Identitas

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    The resurgence of political Islam has widened the space for expressing Islamic identity. Along with such a resurgence struggle for revitalize Javanese-ism which in turn provide a sound basis for regaining Javanese identity. The relationship between Javanese-ism and Islamism is best understood in term of the sought of collective identity, instead of syncretism. Kata-kata kunci: budaya JawaIslamakulturasi

    Kejawaan Dan Keislaman: Satu Pertarungan Identitas

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    The resurgence of political Islam has widened the space for expressing Islamic identity. Along with such a resurgence struggle for revitalize Javanese-ism which in turn provide a sound basis for regaining Javanese identity. The relationship between Javanese-ism and Islamism is best understood in term of the sought of collective identity, instead of syncretism

    Digital Life Middle-Class on Instagram: Like, Share and Comment

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    Instagram, today as a result of technology that is acculturated with economic, social and cultural factors, brings leisure to the middle class, they do activities freely in life such as hobbies, recreation. The middle class in accessing Instagram is reduced by the Instagram algorithm to be a one-dimensional human. The middle class will be a uniform individual with the same activities like share, and comment. The middle class is a lasting individual who runs consumerism where everything becomes a commodity and is trapped in relations in the algorithm of relationships made by Instagram. For the middle-class Instagram is a lifestyle and daily activity. Instagram, which is mediated via cell phone, is a new socialization space that frees someone from the rules and disciplines of the patriarchal system. This activity results in the middle class recognizing, embracing and exploring things that cannot be expressed in everyday reality. Instagram in the middle class produces digital life practices that want to show a lifestyle. This study examines the phenomenon of middle-class practice in showing the practice of digital life: like share and comment on Instagram. Researchers will use a virtual ethnographic method. The virtual ethnographic approach will be carried out because this research is an object in cyberspace so that it can adequately understand the way the subject interacts and collaborates through observed phenomena. Instagram is a photo showroom, a kind of private space because the user gallery can be designed in such a way as the user wishes, users upload whatever happens around them, which is considered to represent user activity. The three accounts examined by @fajarmantoo, @herni_maryuliani and @ rosakusumaazhar present activities in digital life. The fact that manifests these two accounts is that consumption and production in the Instagram arena provide the formation of social reality. Instagram becomes a social reality forming tool that can give an idea of how activities in the middle class when on Instagram.     Keywords: digital life, Instagram, Middle Clas
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