10 research outputs found

    A split and delay unit for the European XFEL

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    For the European XFEL [1] an x ray split and delay unit SDU is built covering photon energies from 5 keV up to 20 keV [2]. This SDU will enable time resolved x ray pump x ray probe experiments as well as sequential diffractive imaging [3] on a femtosecond to picosecond time scale. Further, direct measurements of the temporal coherence properties will be possible by making use of a linear autocorrelation. The set up is based on geometric wavefront beam splitting, which has successfully been implemented at an autocorrelator at FLASH [4]. The x ray FEL pulses will be split by a sharp edge of a silicon mirror coated with Mo B4C multi layers. Both partial beams will then pass variable delay lines. For different wavelengths the angle of incidence onto the multilayer mirrors will be adjusted in order to match the Bragg condition. For a photon energy of h 20 keV a grazing angle of 0.57 has to be set, which results in a footprint of the beam on the mirror of l 120 mm. At this photon energy the reflectance of a Mo B4 C multi layer coating with a multi layer period of d 3.2 nm and N 200 layers amounts to R 0.92. In order to enhance the maximum transmission for photon energies of h 8 keV and below, a Ni B4C multilayer coating can be applied beside the Mo B4C coating for this spectral region. Because of the different incidence angles, the path lengths of the beams will differ as a function of wavelength. Hence, maximum delays between 2.5 ps at h 20 keV and up to 23 ps at h 5 keV will be possibl

    A soft x-ray split-and-delay unit for FLASH II

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    For the soft x-ray free-electron laser FLASH II at DESY in Hamburg a new split-and-delay unit (SDU) is built for photon energies in the range of 30 eV ; 30 % at hΜ = 800 eV. For photon energies up to hΜ = 1800 eV a different beam path with platinum coated mirrors is used enabling a total transmission in the fixed beam path of T > 29 % at hΜ = 800 eV and T = 24 % at hΜ = 1800 eV, respectively. In the variable beam path the total transmission in this photon energy range is considerably lower but still sufficient with T = 13 % at hΜ = 800 eV and T > 6 % at hΜ = 1800 eV

    A hard x-ray split-and-delay unit for the HED instrument at the European XFEL

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    For the High Energy Density Instrument (HED) at the European XFEL a hard x-ray split-and-delay unit (SDU) is built covering photon energies in the range between 5 keV and 24 keV. This SDU enables time-resolved x-ray pump / x-ray probe experiments as well as sequential diffractive imaging on a femtosecond to picosecond time scale. The set-up is based on wavefront splitting that has successfully been implemented at an autocorrelator at FLASH. The x-ray FEL pulses will be split by a sharp edge of a silicon mirror coated with Mo/B4C and W/B4C multilayers. Both partial beams then pass variable delay lines. For different photon energies the angle of incidence onto the multilayer mirrors is adjusted in order to match the Bragg condition. Hence, maximum delays between +/- 1 ps at 24 keV and up to +/- 23 ps at 5 keV will be possible. Time-dependent wave-optics simulations are performed with Synchrotron Radiation Workshop (SRW) software. The XFEL radiation is simulated using the output of the time-dependent SASE code FAST. For the simulations diffraction on the edge of the beam-splitter as well as height and slope errors of all eight mirror surfaces are taken into account. The impact of these effects on the ability to focus the beam by means of compound refractive lenses (CRL) is analyzed

    The soft X‐ray and XUV split‐and‐delay unit at beamlines FL23/24 at FLASH2

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    A split‐and‐delay unit for the extreme ultraviolet and soft X‐ray spectral regions has been built which enables time‐resolved experiments at beamlines FL23 and FL24 at the Free‐electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH). Geometric wavefront splitting at a sharp edge of a beam splitting mirror is applied to split the incoming soft X‐ray pulse into two beams. Ni and Pt coatings at grazing incidence angles have been chosen in order to cover the whole spectral range of FLASH2 and beyond, up to hÎœ = 1800 eV. In the variable beam path with a grazing incidence angle of ϑd = 1.8°, the total transmission (T) ranges are of the order of 0.48 0.50 for 100 eV 0.06 for hÎœ 0.61 with the Ni coating and T > 0.23 with a Pt coating is achieved. Soft X‐ray pump/soft X‐ray probe experiments are possible within a delay range of −5 ps < Δt < +18 ps with a nominal time resolution of tr = 66 as and a measured timing jitter of tj = 121 ± 2 as. First experiments with the split‐and‐delay unit determined the averaged coherence time of FLASH2 to be τc = 1.75 fs at λ = 8 nm, measured at a purposely reduced coherence of the free‐electron laser.The properties of the recently installed split‐and‐delay unit at beamlines FL23 and FL24 at FLASH2 are presented. Its operational range, performance parameters and results of a first experiment are described. imag


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