1,098 research outputs found

    Student’s Perception of E-Learning

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    The purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions of E-learning based learning in the 2019/2020 even semester lectures. The population of this research is the postgraduate students of PGRI Palembang University with a sample of 81 students taking ICT and Educational Innovation courses. This research is a descriptive study. The research data was taken using a questionnaire about readiness to take E-learning, the benefits of E-learning, constraints on E-learning, and E-learning interactions. Data were analyzed using a percentage of student responses to the questionnaire given. The results showed that seen from the responses of students who agreed to the readiness to take E-learning, it was 78%. Responses to the benefits of E-learning learning 67% who agreed, 68% of the responses to the constraints of E-learning learning agreed. The indicators of interaction between E-learning and learning were responded to by several 62 students, it can be concluded that students' perceptions of E-learning learning are quite good

    Analisis Sistem Transmisi Data Soul Tracking Mobile Junction (STMJ) Berbasis Wireless

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    Tingginya minat pendaki gunung yang ada di Indonesia, juga meningkatkan resiko kecelakaan yang dapat  terjadi dalam pendakian. Untuk mengurangi resiko tersebut maka perlunya suatu sistem alat yang dapat membantu petugas setempat dalam pemantauan lokasi dan kondisi pendaki. Namun karena banyaknya keterbatasan sinyal dan koneksi internet yang ada pada medan pegunungan, maka perlunya media alternatif lain yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pemantauan lokasi dan kondisi pendaki. Soul Tracking Mobile Junction (STMJ) dapat menjadi solusi pada keterbatasan sinyal dan koneksi internet yang ada di gunung. STMJ menggunakan modul LoRa SX1276 berbasis Radio Frequency (RF) sebagai media transmisi. Pentransmisian data tersebut menggunkan prinsip repeater sebagai media penjembatan antar perangkat yang kemudian dapat ditampilkan melalui Aplikasi Android melalui Cloud Firestore atau melalui media Bluetooth. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan sistem bekerja dengan baik dalam mentransmisikan data melaui Radio Frequency (RF) dengan pengurangan RSSI rata – rata sebesar -5,1 dBm setiap 45 m pada radius 450 m, Cloud Firestore dengan jeda rata – rata selama 0,3855 detik dan Bluetooth dengan pengurangan RSSI sebsesar -5,5 dBm setiap 5 m dengan radius maksimal 50m


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    Abstrak Desember 2015 ribuan akun aplikasi driver gojek terkena suspend hingga tidak bisa menerima order dari para pengguna. Tidak hanya pembekuan akun tetapi para driver juga terkena denda yang jumlahnya bervariasi. Konflik ini bermula ketika pihak manajemen menuding adanya permainan driver yang melakukan order fiktif tanpa masuk dalam sistem ketika melaksanakan tugas pengantaran barang. Atas pernyataan itu massa kemudian meneriaki pihak manajemen bahwa itu bukan subtansi masalah melainkan transparansi aturan yang dilanggar sendiri oleh pihak perusahaan utamanya bagi hasil pendapatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kronologis dan proses terjadinya konflik Gojek di Surabaya serta mengetahui mekanisme penyelesian konflik di dalamnya. Pendekatan pemikiran dalam penelitian ini bersifat derkriptif kualitatif. Terdapat permainan order fiktif yang dilakukan oleh oknum driver gojek untuk mendapatkan bonus poin Go Food. Akibat dari itu pihak operator gojek mengalami kerugian dan menindak tegas para driver gojek dengan menerapkan sanksi denda. Namun kebijakan tersebut dinilai merugikan pihak driver gojek sehingga terjadilah protes ke pihak manajemen. Untuk menyelesaikan konflik tersebut diadakan mediasi diantara kedua belah pihak yang hasilnya pihak manajemen bersedia mengaktifkan kembali akun driver yang disuspend namun dengan ketentuan harus membayar denda yang dijatuhkan terlebih dahulu. Kata Kunci: Konflik, Internal, Gojek.   Abstract December 2015 thousands of gojek’s driver got suspend so they could not received an order from the user. Not only the freezing of accounts but drivers also fines of varying amounts. The conflict began when the management accused the driver did order a fictitious game without logging into the system when carrying out the task of delivery of goods. The statement on the mass and then shouted at the management that it was not the substance of the problem but which violated its own rules of transparency by the company primarily for revenue. The purpose of this study was to determine the chronological and the process of Gojek’s conflict in Surabaya also knowing solving problem mechanisms of conflict in it. The method in this study is a qualitative derkriptif. There is a game of fictitious orders made by unscrupulous drivers to earn bonus points Go Food gojek. As a result of the operator gojek loss and crack down on drivers gojek by applying financial penalties. However, the policy is considered detrimental to the driver gojek so that there was a protest to management. To resolve the conflict mediation held between two parties whose results the management is willing to re-activate suspended account driver with the proviso must pay the fine imposed in advance. Keywords: Conflict, Internal, Gojek. &nbsp

    Investigating the Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Intention towards Halal Organic Food

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    Organic food industry is currently one of the emerging markets around the world. People begin to realize the advantages of using organic instead of conventional food. Despite taking care of the environment, people are also concerned about their healthy lifestyle. The rising of Muslim consumers in the world has also attracts this industry to react in order to meet Muslims needs and preferences. Organic foods must have a Halal certification to please and win Muslim consumers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors, namely, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behaviour control and price that influence Muslim consumer’s purchase intention towards Halal organic food. To do this, questionnaires were distributed to 208 respondents that shop at organic stores in Penang, Malaysia during end of January until early February, 2019. The relationships between factors were investigated, this study using structural equation modelling (SEM) with partial least square (PLS) version 2.0. The study found that attitudes, perceived behaviour control and price have significant effects on consumers’ purchase intention of Halal organic food, while subjective norms was found to be insignificant. This study contributes to the body of literature by adding price as one of the independent variables to the Theory of Planned Behavior. This study also contributes valuable information to the food and beverage industry indicating that Muslim consumers’ are now looking at Halal logo and certification in order to buy organic food products.   Research paper Keywords: Purchase Intention, Attitude, Perceived Behaviour Control, Subjective Norms, Price Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Kamalul Ariffin, S., Dihanan, N. N., & Abdul Wahid, N. (2019). Investigating the Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Intention towards Halal Organic Food, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 7(2), 162–188


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini dipengaruhi kurangnya pemahaman terhadap materi pembelajaran yang disebabkan penyampaian materi berpusat pada guru sehingga pembelajaran menjadi membosankan dan siswa menjadi pasif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SDN Buahbatu Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat pada Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yaitu dengan diterapkannya model Problem Based Learning sebagai alternatif dalam pemecahan masalah. Model Problem Based Learning adalah model pembelajaran yang diawali dengan pemberian masalah kepada peserta didik dimana masalah tersebut dialami atau merupakan pengalaman sehari-hari peserta didik, selanjutnya peserta didik menyeleseikan masalah tersebut secara mandiri untuk menemukan pengetahuan baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan menggunakan sistem siklus yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, analisis, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus, setiap siklusnya terdiri dari 2 pertemuan. Penilaian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik tes berupa Pretest dan Postest untuk mengetahui pengetahuan peserta didik, penilaian Sikap serta keterampilan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi Siswa, lembar observasi dokumen guru/Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dan Kinerja Guru untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan penerapan model Problem Based Learning pada penelitian tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata yang terlihat dari hasil belajar siswa serta observasi guru. Pada penilaian pengetahuan dengan melakukan pretest dan postest, nilai rata-rata siklus I yaitu pretest 51,6 dan postest 78, nilai rata-rata siklus II yaitu pretest 58 dan postest 82,8, dan nilai rata-rata siklus III yaitu pretest 66 dan postest 90,8. Nilai rata-rata Pada penilaian sikap santun dan peduli Siklus I yaitu 71,25 dan 70, Siklus II yaitu 70,12 dan 85,2 serta siklus III yaitu 98 dan 97,4. Dan nilai rata-rata pada penilaian keterampilan siklus I yaitu 68,992, siklus II yaitu 83,993 dan siklus III yaitu 96,328. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku Kelas IV SDN Buahbatu Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kata kunci : Problem Based Learning, hasil belajar, Santun, Peduli

    Teologi Lingkungan Hidup Dalam Perspektif Islam

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    The study discussed the God\u27s purpose for creation. Allah SWT creation, including universe,human, and environment, indicated human\u27s duty as the God\u27s Caliph to manage it for theirprosperity. Therefore, human was expected to preserve nature and environment despite the socialdynamics or changes possibly leading to the natural destruction. However, as the God\u27s Caliph,human\u27s effort was still considered far from the expectation; even, human initiated the destructionthemselves. Therefore, the values of environmental theology needed to be reconstructed to generatemore applicable definition or context of human duty as the God\u27s Calip

    Development of a Transformational Leadership Model for Principals at SD Negeri 126 Borong, Bulukumba Regency

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    The principal's transformational leadership model at SD Negeri 126 Borong, Bulukumba Regency, will be tested for practicality and efficacy. This study examined SD Negeri 126 Borong, Bulukumba Regency principals and teachers. Research and development follows the ADDIE model, which has five steps: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (evaluation). Data was collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. A model development observation sheet, research instrument sheet, questionnaire on school principals and teachers' practicality and effectiveness, and documents on school principals' transformational leadership model implementation at SD Negeri 126 Borong, Bulukmba Regency are used in the research instrument. Data analysis is done using qualitative and quantitative methods. This research shows that the principal at SD Negeri 126 Borong, Bulukumba Regency can implement the transformational leadership model to mobilize all stakeholders to achieve school goals, such as improving the teaching and learning process, establishing a positive school learning direction and climate, and improving excellent service to achieve high academic achievement (learning outcomes). Based on observations of school principals implementing transformational leadership and questionnaire responses from principals and teachers, this model passed the practicality test. The effectiveness test results show that this model is effective in moving all stakeholders to achieve school goals, including improving teaching and learning, establishing a positive school learning direction and climate, and improving excellent service to achieve high student academic achievement (learning outcomes)

    The Strengthening of Theological Base: a Pattern of Islam Wasathiyah Indonesia According to The Maqashid Shariah

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    This study aims to find the concept of Indonesian Islamic moderation from the perspective of maqashid shariah and tries to present forms of Islamic moderation that follow the Qur'an and al-hadith (maqashid shariah). By conducting qualitative research with a descriptive approach through library research methods that focus on observing (examining) previous research studies and analyzing the mils and Huberman models related to conformity with maqashid sharia. This study resulted in the primary forms of Indonesian Islamic moderation, namely: the state of Indonesia, neither a radical religion nor a liberal religion. It is conceptualized in five aspects belonging to the wasathiyah concept, namely: Maintaining Religion (Hifdzu al-din), Nurturing the Soul (hifdzu al-nafs), Maintaining Intellect (hifdz al-aqli), Caring for offspring (hifdz al-nasl). ), Maintaining property (hifdz al-mal). So, the presence of maqashid sharia as a spirit with these five principles in maintaining the integrity of Religion and the State ensures that love for Religion and the State can save humanity and maintain the dignity of Islam itself

    The impact of the Ar-Rahnu service quality on customer’s satisfaction at Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad, Seremban / Nur Syafinaz Abd Wahid

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    The purpose of this research is to know the impact of the Ar-Rahnu service quality on customer’s satisfaction at Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad, Seremban. Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad not only provide Ar-Rahnu service but other services such as personal loans, car loans, housing loans, education loans and so forth for making customers easier while they come to Bank Rakyat. Although the services are to make customers easier while they come to Bank Rakyat but they are some complaints from the customers about the service quality for example such operating hours not convenience, the communication between staff and customers and so on. The main objectives of this research is to identify the level of customer satisfaction toward Ar-Rahnu service quality that has been provided by Bank Rakyat, the level of service quality provide by the Ar-Rahnu towards their customers and to identify the most factors that influence the customer satisfaction of Ar- Rahnu service that have been offered to them. This research is conducted by using non probability sampling and the sampling method is convenience sampling. 40 respondents have been asked by using questionnaires in order to gain information and feedback to the company. The questionnaires consist of question about the service quality dimensions and customers satisfaction toward the Ar-Rahnu service at Bank Rakyat Seremban. The findings showed that most of the customers were satisfied with the service provided at Bank Rakyat Seremban. Although the customers satisfied with the service, the company need to improve and maintain the service quality if they want to build long term relationship with their customers
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