731 research outputs found

    The effect of eye movements in response to different types of scenes using a graph-based visual saliency algorithm

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    Saliency is the quality of an object that makes it stands out from neighbouring items and grabs viewer attention. Regarding image processing, it refers to the pixel or group of pixels that stand out in an image or a video clip and capture the attention of the viewer. Our eye movements are usually guided by saliency while inspecting a scene. Rapid detection of emotive stimuli an ability possessed by humans. Visual objects in a scene are also emotionally salient. As different images and clips can elicit different emotional responses in a viewer such as happiness or sadness, there is a need to measure these emotions along with visual saliency. This study was conducted to determine whether the existing available visual saliency models can also measure emotional saliency. A classical Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) model is used in the study. Results show that there is low saliency or salient features in sad movies with at least a significant difference of 0.05 between happy and sad videos as well as a large mean difference of 76.57 and 57.0, hence making these videos less emotionally salient. However, overall visual content does not capture emotional salience. The applied Graph-Based Visual Saliencymodel notably identified happy emotions but could not analyze sad emotions.</p

    Perancangan Stadion Sepak Bola Di Kota Semarang (Dengan Pendekatan Desain Arsitektur Modern)

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    Sepakbola yang merupakan olahraga favorit di dunia, juga menjadi salah satu olahraga yang paling banyak digemari masyarakat Indonesia. Masyarakat Indonesia yang begitu menyenangi olahraga sepakbola, semakin mencoba untuk memberikan yang terbaik dalam penyuguhan dan pelaksanaanya, baik dalam organisasi, pemain, dan kompetisi. Usaha Indonesia untuk memajukan dunia persepakbolaan, tidak didukung dengan adanya stadion yang baik dalam mengadakan pertandingan baik di dalam, maupun antar negara. Kata kunci : stadion sepakbola, struktur bentang lebar, standar stadio


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    Social Sciences is one of the subjects taken since individuals are at elementary school level. When implemented in schools, social studies learning is connected to the social life of society by having several study materials such as statecraft, sociology, anthropology, history, economics and geography. From observations made in the field, it can be seen that many educators carry out learning using conventional approaches. This conventional approach tends to increase the passive attitude of students. The purpose of this writing is to analyze play with history: a creative approach in learning social studies for sixth grade elementary school children. The writing method uses a qualitative method using a literature review approach. The results obtained from social studies learning emphasize social skills so that students can more easily adapt to the community environment. Social studies learning currently places more emphasis on the stundent-centered concept. This concept is a concept that emphasizes efforts to improve the teaching and learning system. The conclusion is that learning using a creative approach can be interpreted as a teaching and learning process that accommodates the creativity, ideas and thoughts of students. According to a review of student skills, creative learning is a teaching and learning process that provides opportunities for students to be creative, create and design, so that learning material can be conveyed well from the teacher to the students

    Predicting Community Participation of Waste Separation for Informal Waste Recycling Facility using Binary Logistic Regression Model

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    Waste bank is informal waste recycling facility using the principle of community participation in reducing waste generation. Berkah Bersatu Waste bank was established in 2021 but the number of registered customers remains constant. Therefore, this study investigates participation decisions made by the villager. This cross-sectional study used data collected from 148 households randomly. Through a series of analysis, the impact of 24 influential factors on participation decision-making was explored using logistic regression analyses. The results showed seven variables are positively related to community participation in waste bank i.e. age, residence status, trash bin availability, knowledge of environmental issues, individual’s interest, intrinsic motivation, and norm existence. Probability calculation using the model shows the maximum probability is 99% if all determinants play role in the area indicating that most villagers are willing to participate in waste separation and reduction as they become WB member

    Desain Elektroda Selektif Ion (ESI)-Salisilat untuk Analisis Aspirin

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian desain Elektroda Selektif Ion (ESI) Salisilat untuk analisis Aspirin. Tujuan penelitian ini (1). Mendesain ESI-Salisilat tipe kawat terlapis untuk sensor potensiometrik, (2) menguji kinerja ESI-salisilat tipe kawat terlapis untuk sensor potensiometrik,(3) menentukan kandungan senyawa salisilat dalam aspirin. Sampel aspirin diambil dari apotek di Makassar, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan ESI-Salisilat dan spektrofotometer sebagai pembanding. ESI-Salisilat tipe kawat terlapis dengan menggunakan bahan aktif tertraoktilamonium salisilat yang dimobilisasi dalam polivinilklorida(PVC) dengan pelarut Tetrahidrofuran(THF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ESI-Salisilat diperoleh Slope yang Nernstian 51,27 mv/decade dan batas linier 1,0 x 10-4 -10-1 M untuk salisilat. Limit deteksi : 5,25 x 10-4M dan waktu respon 77 -119 detik dan dapat digunakan selama 1,5 bulan. Koefisien selektivitas ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode MPM pada batas pH 4-9. ESI-salisilat cukup baik digunakan untuk menentukan kandungan salisilat dalam aspirin

    Optimization of Software on High Performance Computing Platforms for the LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Experiment

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    High Energy Physics experiments like the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment face unique challenges when running their computation on High Performance Computing resources. In this paper, we describe some strategies to optimize memory usage of simulation codes with the help of profiling tools. We employed this approach and achieved memory reduction of 10-30\%. While this has been performed in the context of the LZ experiment, it has wider applicability to other HEP experimental codes that face these challenges on modern computer architectures.Comment: Contribution to Proceedings of CHEP 2019, Nov 4-8, Adelaide, Australi


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    Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh El Nino Terhadap Hujan di NTT yang terdiri dari 23 Zona Musim dan dianalisis berdasarkan data Curah Hujan tujuh tahun terakhir kejadian El Nino terhadap data Normal selama 30 tahun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh El Nino terhadap Awal Musim Hujan, Periode Musim Hujan, Panjang Musim Hujan, Curah Hujan Musim Hujan dan Sifat Hujan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode komparatif atau perbandingan dan Analisis Curah Hujan tahun El Nino&nbsp; pada tujuh kali kejadian terhadap Normal Hujan selama 30 tahun. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pada tahun terjadi El Nino, sebagian besar ZOM di NTT&nbsp; dengan Awal Musim Hujan lebih mundur dari Normal, Periode Musim Hujan lebih pendek dari Normal serta Curah Hujan berkurang dari Normal dan Sifat Hujan menjadi di Bawah Normal. Pengaruh kejadian El Nino terhadap Awal Musim Hujan yang lebih mundur dari Normalnya, Periode Musim Hujan yang lebih pendek dari Normalnya dan Sifat Hujan yang di Bawah Normal dari 23 Zona di NTT pada tahun-tahun kejadian El Nino bervariasi dan ZOM yang dipengaruhi kejadian El Nino tidak tetap. Kata kunci : El Nino, Awal Musim Hujan, Periode Musim Hujan, Sifat Hujan. Abstract [Analysis Of The Influence Of El Nino On Rain In NTT] Studies have been conducted about the influence of El Nino on Rain the province which consists of 23 Zones the Season and analyzed based on Rain data for the last seven years the incidence of El Nino against Normal data for 30 years. The purpose&nbsp; of this studyis to determine the effect of El Nino to the Beginning of the Rainy Season, Long Rainy Season, Precipitation of the Rainy Season and the Nature of the Rain. The method used in this research is the comparative method or comparison and Analysis of precipitation is the year of El Nino on the seven times genesis against the Normal Rain for 30 years. The results obtained from this research is that in the event of El Nino, most of the ZOM in NTT with the Beginning of the Rainy Season is more bacward than Normal, the Period of the Rainy Season is horter than Normal and precipitation is reduced from the Normal and the Nature of Rain to be Below Normal.this is because in the event of El Nino, monsoons coming from the Southest bring the water vapor that a lot of most of the turn toward the coast of Peru. The influence of El Nino to the Beginning of the Rainy Season which is backwards from Normal, the Period of the Rainy Season is shorter than Normal and the Nature of the Rainfall Below Normal from the 23 Zones in the province in the years of El Nino are varied and ZOM that influence the incidence of El Nino is not fixed. Keywords: El Nino, the Beginning of the Rainy Season, the Period of the Rainy Season, the Nature of the Rai

    Identification of soil erosion-based degraded land areas by employing a geographic information system—a case study of Pakistan for 1990–2020

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    Land is one of the most vital nonrenewable resources that guarantee the survival and development of humans on planet Earth. In the 21st century, rapid population growth accompanied by expeditious industrialization and urbanization has led to land degradation and irreparable damage. In Pakistan, land degradation has affected the livelihood of 3.58% of the total population. This study aimed to identify the soil erosion-based land that is degraded in Pakistan through an analytical hierarchal process (AHP). For this purpose, climatic parameters such as vis-a-vis precipitation, temperature, land use/land cover, soil parameters (i.e., soil pH, soil texture, soil bulk density, and soil moisture content), and topographic parameters (i.e., slope, elevation, aspect, and drainage density) were taken into the consideration. Weights and scores were assigned in integration with a weighted overlay analysis (WOA) to the prioritized parameters. The findings revealed that Zone A comprising high mountains is severely affected by land degradation, followed by Zone D and E (Sindh and Balochistan). Key factors operating in Zone D and E are hyper-arid climatic conditions along with inefficient land management practices. The overall results validated the hypothesis that soil erosion strongly correlates with an increase in the magnitude and severity of land degradation

    New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (May 2020)

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    This Collective Article presents information about 17 taxa belonging to four Phyla (one Cnidaria, two Arthropoda, four Mollusca, and ten Chordata) and extending from the Western Mediterranean to the Levantine Sea. The new records were reported from nine countries as follows: Algeria: first published records of the clingfishes Apletodon dentatus and Lepadogaster lepadogaster after 1955; France: first record of the tripletail Lobotes surinamensis in French Mediterranean waters; Italy: new records of the rare bonito Orcynopsis unicolor and the recently described nudibranch Elysia rubeni from Sicily; first records of the parasitic cirriped Sacculina eriphiae and the nudibranch Dondice trainitoi in the Ionian Sea; first record of the nudibranch Taringa tritorquis in the Mediterranean Sea; first record of the tripletail Lobotes surinamensis in the North Ionian Sea; first documented record of the cephalopod Macrotritopus defilippi in the Adriatic Sea; Slovenia: first record of the Mediterranean endemic cryptobenthic goby Odondebuenia balearica; Montenegro: several recent occurrences of the critically endangered bull ray Aetomylaeus bovinus in the South-eastern Adriatic Sea; Greece: records of the nudibranch Dondice trainitoi in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea; new record of the occurrence of the Mediterranean spearfish Tetrapturus belone from Greece (Rhodes Island); Turkey: recent captures of the vulnerable ocean sunfish Mola mola, caught by purse-seine, in the Aegean Sea and the Dardanelles; new record of the luvar Luvarus imperialis along the Aegean coast of Turkey; Cyprus: first record of the habitat-forming hydroid Lytocarpia myriophyllum, often in considerable densities; first confirmed record of the agujon needlefish Tylosurus imperialis; Syria: first record of the decapod Ethusa mascarone