68 research outputs found

    Impacts of Thai silver barb (Puntius gonionotus Bleeker) inclusion in the polyculture of carps

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    The impact of inclusion of Thai silver barb, Puntius gonionotus (Bleeker) in the polyculture with two major Indian carps viz., Labeo rohita, Catla catla and common carp Cyprinus carpio has been studied in seasonal ponds for 115 days. The presence of silver barb decreased the growth of Indian carps while increased that of common carp. A significantly higher (P<0.05) fish yield (1793.65 Kg/ha/yr) was observed in the four species polyculture system containing silver barb when the combined yield of all species was compared

    SAMADroid: A Novel 3-Level Hybrid Malware Detection Model for Android Operating System

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    © 2013 IEEE. For the last few years, Android is known to be the most widely used operating system and this rapidly increasing popularity has attracted the malware developer's attention. Android allows downloading and installation of apps from other unofficial market places. This gives malware developers an opportunity to put repackaged malicious applications in third-party app-stores and attack the Android devices. A large number of malware analysis and detection systems have been developed which uses static analysis, dynamic analysis, or hybrid analysis to keep Android devices secure from malware. However, the existing research clearly lags in detecting malware efficiently and accurately. For accurate malware detection, multilayer analysis is required which consumes large amount of hardware resources of resource constrained mobile devices. This research proposes an efficient and accurate solution to this problem, named SAMADroid, which is a novel 3-level hybrid malware detection model for Android operating systems. The research contribution includes multiple folds. First, many of the existing Android malware detection techniques are thoroughly investigated and categorized on the basis of their detection methods. Also, their benefits along with limitations are deduced. A novel 3-level hybrid malware detection model for Android operating systems is developed, that can provide high detection accuracy by combining the benefits of the three different levels: 1) Static and Dynamic Analysis; 2) Local and Remote Host; and 3) Machine Learning Intelligence. Experimental results show that SAMADroid achieves high malware detection accuracy by ensuring the efficiency in terms of power and storage consumption

    Physiological response of late sown wheat to exogenous application of silicon

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    Late planting of wheat in rice-wheat cropping system is perhaps one of the major factors responsible for low crop yield. The main cause of reduction in yield is due to supra-optimal conditions during the reproductive growth. High temperature during reproductive phase induces changes in water relations, decreases photosynthetic rate, and transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and antioxidative defence system. Silicon (Si), being a beneficial nutrient not only provides significant benefits to plants growth and development but may also mitigate the adversities of high temperature. A field study was conducted at Agronomic Research Area of University of Agriculture; Faisalabad, Pakistan to assess the performance of late sown wheat with the soil applied Si. Experiment was comprised of three sowing dates; 10th Nov (normal), 10th Dec (late), 10th Jan (very late) with two wheat varieties (Sehar-2006 and Faisalabad-2008), and an optimized dose of Si (100 mg per kg soil), applied at different growth stages (control, crown root, booting and heading). Results indicated that 100 mg Si per kg soil at heading stage offset the negative impact of high temperature and induced heat tolerance in late sown wheat. Silicon application improved 34% relative water contents (RWC), 30% water potential, 26% osmotic potential, 23% turgor potential and 21% photosynthetic rate, and 32% transpiration rate and 20% stomatal conductance in wheat flag leaf than control treatment. Further it was observed that Si application preventing the oxidative membrane damage due to enhanced activity of antioxidant enzymes, i.e. 35% superoxide dismutase (SOD) and 38% catalase (CAT). In conclusion results of this field study demonstrated that soil applied Si (100 mg per kg soil) at heading stage enhanced all physiological attributes of wheat flag leaf. Which in turn ameliorated the adverse effects of high temperature in late sown wheat. Study depicted that Si can be used as a potential nutrient in order to mitigate the losses induced by high temperature stress

    Terrain Mapping From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In land surveying, digital terrain model (DTM) and digital surface model (DSM) have long been benefitted in many applications related to terrain mapping. Conventional methods of generating DTM and DSM have limitations in terms of practicality, time consumption and costing. The problems are much more serious for tropical regions where clouds are persistence and tend to affect the accuracy of most of these devices. This study aims to propose a novel way of generating DTM and DSM by utilizing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for different land covers including forest, plantation and developed areas in the tropical region of Malaysia. The aerial images obtained from non-matrix digital compact camera payload on UAV were processed photogrammetrically to produce terrain mapping products including DTM, DSM and orthophoto. A detailed survey is also conducted at these areas to produce contour map as benchmark data in which is less being practiced by UAV mappers. To determine the accuracy, quantitative and qualitative analysis were carried out by means of root mean square error (RMSE) and visual inspection. The results show that the RMSE of DTM for forest, plantation and developed area are ± 1.806m, ± 0.938m and ± 0.549m, respectively while for DSM are ± 3.143m, ± 0.637m and ± 0.276m respectively. This study has determined that, the development area gives the highest accuracy compared to the plantation and forested area in which for developed and plantation area the DSM is better than DTM while vice-versa for forested area. It can be concluded that the complexity if terrain is found to be one of the key factors that influences the accuracy of the generated DSM and DTM

    Les facteurs prédictifs de morbimortalité chez les patients sous ballon de contre pulsion intra-aortique en chirurgie cardiaque

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    Le ballon de contre pulsion intra-aortique (BCPIA) est fréquemment utilisé en chirurgie cardiaque, comme moyen d'assistance circulatoire en cas de bas débit cardiaque. Il est d'intérêt clinique de déterminer les facteurs pronostiques chez les patients porteurs d'un BCPIA en chirurgie cardiaque, et qui restent un sujet rarement élucidé dans la littérature. L'objectif de notre travail est de déterminer les facteurs prédictifs de morbimortalitéchez les patients sous ballon de contre pulsion intraortique en périopératoire d'une chirurgie cardiaque. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur l'ensemble des patients opérés en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extracorporelle, et ayant bénéficiés de la mise en place d'un ballon de contre pulsion intra-aortique en périopératoire, au service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire de l'Hôpital Militaire Mohamed V de Rabat, entrele mois de janvier 2005 et le mois d'aout 20014. Soixante dix patients ont été inclus dans notre étude. En analyse univariée l'âge, la dyspnée de stade III et IV, l'insuffisance cardiaque, la présence d'un infarctus du myocarde, d'une coronaropathie mono et bitronculaire, les anomalies du doppler de trons supra-aortique et du membre inférieur, le caractère urgent de la chirurgie, la durée de la circulation extracorporelle, l'instabilité hémodynamique postopératoire, le saignement et l'insuffisance rénale postopératoire étaient statistiquement associés à une mortalité postopératoire élevée. La dyskinésie préopératoire et la sortie de circulation extracorporelle sous drogues étaient associées à une morbidité globale élevée. En analyse multi variée, seule l'âge, constituait un facteur de risque indépendant de mortalité dans notre série avec un Odds Ratio (OR): 1,89 ; un Intervalle de Confiance (IC) 95% de (1,52-4,97) et un p =0,045. Au terme de notre étude, le taux de mortalité était de 48,57% et de morbidité globale était de 87,1%. Il nous parait donc nécessaire pour diminuer l'incidence de cette morbimortalité dans notre population, d'agir sur les facteurs que nous jugeons modifiables tels l'amélioration de la fonction cardiaque préopératoire, l'optimisation de la fonction rénale, la réduction de la durée de CEC et le contrôle du saignement

    Ikhtiyarat Asyaikh Ibn Utsaimin filbuyu min Kitab Asy- Syarah Al Mumti' wa Mada Tawafuqiha biba'dil 'uqud At-Tijariyah Al-Mu'asirah 'abra Internet fii Indonesia

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    This thesis discusses the opinions of Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin's fiqh in buying and selling and their compatibility with some of today's buying and selling contracts via the internet in Indonesia. Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin is one of the scholars at this time who is an expert in the field of fiqh. This thesis collects his fiqh opinions in buying and selling, then compares them with some modern buying and selling contracts via the internet in Indonesia, as a form of appreciation and safeguarding his fiqh opinions. The problem formulation of this thesis is what are his fiqh opinions in buying and selling and how they are compatible with today's buying and selling contracts via the internet in Indonesia. This study aims to study the opinions of Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin's fiqh in buying and selling and their compatibility with some of today's buying and selling contracts via the internet in Indonesia. This type of research is library research, in the form of analytical descriptive. Among the results of this study are (1) Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin and DSN-MUI have different opinions in buying and selling gold with installments, Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin argues that the law is haram if the payment is made using money, gold or silver. Meanwhile, DSN-MUI is of the opinion that the law is permissible. (2) The law of forex trading in the capital market via the internet is haram, because there is no handover of goods during transactions and there is also an element of gambling. (3) Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin is of the opinion that the law of buying and selling 'Inah is haram, and retail sukuk is a form of buying and selling 'Inah, then the law of retail sukuk according to Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin is haram. Meanwhile, according to the DSN-MUI retail sukuk law is permissible, because the contracts contained in retail sukuk are contracts allowed in sharia

    Combined application of zinc and silicon alleviates terminal drought stress in wheat by triggering morpho-physiological and antioxidants defense mechanisms

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    Wheat is an important global staple food crop; however, its productivity is severely hampered by changing climate. Erratic rain patterns cause terminal drought stress, which affect reproductive development and crop yield. This study investigates the potential and zinc (Zn) and silicon (Si) to ameliorate terminal drought stress in wheat and associated mechanisms. Two different drought stress levels, i.e., control [80% water holding capacity (WHC) was maintained] and terminal drought stress (40% WHC maintained from BBCH growth stage 49 to 83) combined with five foliar-applied Zn-Si combinations (i.e., control, water spray, 4 mM Zn, 40 mM Si, 4 mM Zn + 40 mM Si applied 7 days after the initiation of drought stress). Results revealed that application of Zn and Si improved chlorophyll and relative water contents under well-watered conditions and terminal drought stress. Foliar application of Si and Zn had significant effect on antioxidant defense mechanism, proline and soluble protein, which showed that application of Si and Zn ameliorated the effects of terminal drought stress mainly by regulating antioxidant defense mechanism, and production of proline and soluble proteins. Combined application of Zn and Si resulted in the highest improvement in growth and antioxidant defense. The application of Zn and Si improved yield and related traits, both under well-watered conditions and terminal drought stress. The highest yield and related traits were recorded for combined application of Zn and Si. For grain and biological yield differences among sole and combined Zn-Si application were statistically non-significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, combined application of Zn-Si ameliorated the adverse effects of terminal drought stress by improving yield through regulating antioxidant mechanism and production of proline and soluble proteins. Results provide valuable insights for further cross talk between Zn-Si regulatory pathways to enhance grain biofortification