270 research outputs found

    The Impact of Integration between the Theoretical and Practical Side of Sustainability Teaching in Architecture Departments

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    Today the world is facing great environmental problems. The built environment with its sick architectural designs has a major contribution in these problems, and it becomes clear that architects play a key role to overcome these problems or minimize their affect by taking sound sustainable measures in architectural designs. This makes teaching sustainability in higher education one of the most important tools to raise student's environment awareness, especially in architecture departments. Here appears the general research problem regarding the need to include sustainability teaching in architecture departments as an essential part of its curriculum starting from the early years of study, besides identifying the best methods to combine this subject with the existing ones, here appears the specific research problem considering the existing separation between the theoretical sustainability teaching and it's practical application in architectural design. That caused missing sustainable principles in students design. The hypothesis refers that adding sustainability as an important part of the curriculum in architecture departments from the early years of study have a great effect in changing students thoughts to shift towards sustainable designs, besides the integrating the theoretical part of teaching sustainability in classroom with its practical side in design studios. This will promote achieving the aimed goals of teaching this subject, and deeper student's knowledge about it. Keywords: sustainable teaching, theoretical and practical teaching in architecture departments

    The Role of Sustainable Infrastructure in Resilient City Production

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    Currently 54% of the world's population lives in cities and this rate is expected to reach 66% in 2050. These enormous numbers of people may face various kinds of risks if their cities exposed to natural or human disasters. This requires taking the necessary measures to preserve their lives and properties, through special planning and design measures related to city's infrastructures and buildings to increase their abilities to withstand threats and raise cites potentials to protect the city and its inhabitants from hurt and damage, or at least minimize them. As the majority of the city's components, whether infrastructure or built environment, are rigid components and do not have the flexibility to cope with any kind of disasters, therefore it is necessary to look for new type of infrastructure and buildings that are flexible and capable to face risks. Here appears the general research problem related to city weakness and its inability to cope with risks. And the special research problem concerning the need to shift to a new type of city called the resilient city. And how this shift can take place? And what are its requirements? The aim of the research is to identify resilient city elements like resilient infrastructure that are capable to resist expected or unexpected environmental conditions especially rainstorm. The hypothesis of the research is that designed sustainable infrastructures are capable to resist environmental hazards and will help to produce the resilient city. Keywords: Resilient city, Sustainable drainage infrastructure, urban floods

    Characterisation of Rocking Ratchet with Cold 87Rb Atoms

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    تم دراسة خصائص ظاهرة التيار الذري الهزاز Rocking ratchet)  (باستخدام ذرات الربيديوم المبردة 87Rb داخل الشبيكة البصرية ذات بعد واحد Configuration)   .(تم قياس درجة حرارة الغيمة الذرية الباردة باستخدام تقنية زمن الطيران ) (Time of Flight وهي . تم حساب عدد الذرات المقتنصة في المصيدة البصرية المغناطيسية باستخدام التصوير بالامتصاص وكانت بحدود     ذرة. النتيجة بينت تغير سعة التيار الذري عند تغيير معلمات الشبيكة البصرية. تم تضمين احد اشعة الشبيكة البصرية الليزرية بموجات ذات شدات مختلفة حيث تم ملاحظة أعلى تيار ذري عند اكبر عمق تضمين و ان سعة التيار تعتمد ايضاً على ترددات التضمين وان النتيجة بينت امكانية وجود تردد اهتزازي (Vibrational frequency)    كما تم ملاحظة تغير سعة التيار الذري بتغيير سعة الموجه المضمنه لاحد الاشعة للشبيكة البصرية وبذلك يتم التحكم بالتيار الذري عن طريق تغيير معلمات الشبيكة البصرية.     A rocking ratchet phenomenon of directed transport is demonstrated. This has been realised with cold rubidium atoms in one dimensional dissipative optical lattice with lin lin configuration. The temperature of the cold atomic cloud is measured by time of flight technique with 29 . The atom number trapped in the MOT is determined using absorption imaging to be  atoms. The results show the influence of the atomic current amplitude by varying the lattice beams parameters. One of the lattice beams is modulated with different modulation depths. It shows that highest modulation values have a higher atomic current. The current amplitude is also depending on the modulation frequencies. The results indicate the possibility of existence the vibrational frequency. The harmonic amplitude ratio varied and found the ratchet current is growing with increasing the amplitude of one of the lattice beams and at a certain value goes dow

    Kinerja Operasional Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Trans Jateng Koridor Purwokerto-Purbalingga

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    Penyelenggaraan BRT Trans Jateng koridor Purbalingga– Purwokerto sebagai konektifitas antar wilayah kedua kabupaten/kota. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk meninjau kinerja operasional didasarkan pada kinerja operasional dan persepsi pengguna. Metode yang digunakan dalam persepsi pengguna yaitu metode importance-performance analysis (IPA). Sedangkan kinerja operasional didasarkan pada kesesuaian dengan standar kinerja yang ditentukan Kementrian Perhubungan. Hasil diperoleh kinerja BRT Trans Jateng Koridor Purwokerto – Purbalingga yang memenuhi standar antara lain waktu tunggu penumpang, waktu tempuh, dan headway. Tetapi indikator yang tidak memenuhi standar adalah kecepatan dan load factor. Indikator kinerja yang dianggap penting dan perlu dijadikan prioritas peningkatan berdasarkan kepuasan dan harapan penumpang terletak pada kuadran I yaitu fasilitas keselamatan dalam keadaan darurat di dalam bus, fasilitas untuk penyandang disabilitas, lanjut usia, dan wanita hamil di dalam bus, kemudahan memperoleh informasi berkaitan dengan rute dan waktu datang bus Trans Jateng

    The Level of Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff Members at Zarqa University in the Light of Some Academic Variables

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    The study aims at investigating the level of job satisfaction of academic staff members at Zarqa University in the light of some professional and individual variables. The study was conducted on a sample included a total of 309 academic staff members At Zarqa university, for the academic year (2013-2014).To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher distributed a questionnaire of 38 items in four Fields. Tool validity was tested by a group of arbitrators as Internal Constancy of questionnaire items was calculated by the use of Cronbach Alpha Formula. Thus, total reliability coefficient was (0.96). The researcher also used Statistical methods such as, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T-test for two independent samples and ANOVA (One-way Analysis of Variance) for testing the hypotheses of the study

    The Technology of Climate Adaptive Building Shells (CABS) In Improving Environmental & Economic Efficiency

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    Designing buildings with high environmental and economic efficiency has recently become very difficult, and the ecological problems of the whole world have become realistic and require radical solutions. As 20 - 60% of the total energy used in buildings is affected in their enclosures design and construction, consider adopting sustainable energy efficiency strategies in their design and construction. In the past, factors such as society, economy, and technology influenced architecture, prompting architects to develop innovative design theories, particularly after the industrial revolution and the devastation it left in the environment, such as pollution and natural resource consumption, as well as the phenomenon of heat islands. In addition, many factors such as society, economy, and technology led to the idea of active adaptive smart buildings emerged as these factors have provided technological advances in electrical control systems, computer engineering, information technology, artificial intelligence, electronic science and materials science, opportunities for the use of motor building systems in architecture and its components. Therefore, it introduced the concept of active, interactive, moving and adaptive facades instead of the traditional fixed facades, which are characterised by interacting with the surrounding environment through many technologies that improve the economic and internal environment of the building and its efficiency to make the building sustainable. CABS work with the concepts of adaptability, versatility, and evolution. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the research, design and development efforts in the CABS system field. Based on the study of the theoretical framework, a classification is made to place a variety of concepts in one context. Thus, a measurement ruler is reached that includes an essential vocabulary and indicators that can characterise the CABS so that the research can measure its level of effectiveness in the examples selected. Keywords: adaptive facades, CABS, economic efficiency, environmental efficiency, adaptability, sustainable energy. DOI: 10.7176/JETP/12-2-06 Publication date: July 30th 202

    Environmental education (EE) in architectural departments Al-Nahrain University as case study

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    Since architecture is concerned with the design of various buildings at the architectural and urban levels, and since buildings are responsible for nearly half of energy consumption worldwide, this matter calls for the need to pay attention to the curricula and theories of environmental architectural design originally based on environmental education curricula in the departments of engineering Architecture to seek to prepare the teaching staff and students to face this reality by developing curricula that distinguish academic and professional institutions and specifically related to environmental education curricula for the purpose of finding appropriate and compatible solutions with every design act in view of the increasing environmental problems in the light of global indicators, the research seeks to identify the most important stages of education Environmental in the field of architecture, starting from the stage of the exploratory approach through the stage of the proposal approach to the stage of the critical approach, with the identification of the most important environmental design theories such as biomicry, which helped in finding solutions to the problem of high energy consumption of eight buildings at the architectural and urban levels, as well as the research seeks to review the position of Environmental education curriculum in the Department of Architecture – Al-Nahrain University, To show its compatibility with the most important stages of environmental education approved globally. The research concluded that there is a weakness in the alternatives approach and the critical approach that must be activated as an important stage of environmental education in that department. The research also recommends the necessity of activating environmental design theories in the field of practical and academic architectural practice, such as the biomicrological design theory for the purpose of raising the environmental efficiency of buildings and reducing energy consumption. In those buildings

    Investigation thermal comfort in urban environmental centres by combining traditional and modern principles

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    Traditional cities have been able to provide thermal comfort to their residents through the use of simple physical principles related to the movement of air from cold areas high-pressure represented by a cold air gathering focal like the basements and the middle courtyard and shaded alleys to hot areas low-pressure such as large urban open courtyards that exposed to sunlight. However, due to the industrial revolution, The Urban development has deteriorated the traditional urban fabric, and it’s environmental components, which provided urban fabric with thermal comfort reasons, have disappeared, and a modern urban fabric has emerged that does not take environmental considerations and thermal comfort into account. Here, the research tries to suggest a planning urban style that combines the Principles of architecture and traditional planning with a modern ideas that are appropriate for the times, achieving new urban centers within the city capable of providing thermal comfort to its occupants and creating an urban environmental vision to revitalize traditional urban areas by using vertical green walls


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    Abstrak Khalid’s compassion center foundation mulai beroperasi pada Juli 2018 dan memiliki lembaga bernama Majelis Anak Spesial (MAS). Lembaga ini berfokus pada pendidikan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK). Hal ini cukup menarik untuk diteliti karena lembaga ini merupakan jawaban dan tuntunan bagi masyarakat yang memiliki ABK terutama bagi golongan menengah kebawah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, yang bertujuan untuk mengubah data mentah menjadi sesuatu yang dapat dideskripsikan secara tepat dan jelas untuk kepentingan pembaca. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi (pengamatan) dan juga wawancara (interview) terhadap objek penelitian yang diteliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa konsep dan mekanisme jasa terapi di MAS telah sesuai dengan Fatwa DSN No. 09/DSN-MUI/IV/2000. Secara umum penerapan akad ijarah pada karyawan MAS telah sesuai dengan akad ijarah, namun di sisi lain terdapat pula praktek yang menyimpang, Hal ini membuat perjanjian kontrak tersebut tidak sesuai kesepakatan yang telah dibuat di awal akad. Kata Kunci: Ijarah, Majelis Anak Spesial, Fikih Muamalah   Abstract Khalid's compassion center foundation began operating in July 2018 and has an institution called the Special Children's Assembly (MAS). This institution focuses on the education of Children with Special Needs (ABK). This is quite interesting to study because this institution is the answer and guidance for people who have ABK, especially for the lower middle class. This study uses a qualitative research method, which aims to transform raw data into something that can be described precisely and clearly for the benefit of the reader. The data collection techniques are observation (observation) and also interviews (interviews) of the research object under study. The results of this study found that the concept and mechanism of therapy services at MAS were in accordance with DSN Fatwa No. 09/DSN-MUI/IV/2000. In general, the implementation of the ijarah contract for MAS employees is in accordance with the ijarah contract, but on the other hand there are also practices that deviate. This makes the contract agreement not in accordance with the agreement made at the beginning of the contract. Keywords: Ijarah, Special Children's Council, Fiqh Muamala

    Tasybīh dalam Puisi “Bānat Su‘ād” Karya Ka’b bin Zuhair

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    Poem "Bānat Su'ād" is a masterpiece by the poet of Ka’b bin Zuhair. The Poem was delivered directly in front of The Prophet Mohammad. This article aims at exploring the elements of tasybīh in the poem. The poet uses tasybīh in expressing his feelings about Su'ād, nāqah, The Prophet Mohammad., muhajirin and the unbelievers. This research breaks down the elements of beauty in this poetry. It can be concluded that the exposure through the used forms tasybīh, the poet really managed to achieve the goals/ Garaḍ of his poetry marked with the provision of forgiveness from The Prophet Mohammad. That is why, the poem was awarded a burdah directly by the The Prophet Mohammad