859 research outputs found

    Sedentary time during pregnancy and gestational diabetes risk: a mixed methods approach among women in the UK

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    Introduction: Sedentary time is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, but the association between sedentary time and gestational diabetes (GDM) has not been tested. The primary aim of this mixed-methods study was to test associations between objectively measured sedentary time during pregnancy, as well as time spent in two specific sedentary behaviours (television time and occupational sitting time), and incident GDM, glucose levels, and other pregnancy-related outcomes. This thesis also aims to explore the social context of sedentary time during pregnancy. Methods: Pregnant women (n=260) with a risk factor for gestational diabetes wore an activPAL accelerometer for one week at 20 weeks’ gestation and reported their usual television time and occupational sitting time in the second trimester. Of these women, 192 provided 4 days of accelerometry data and were included in analyses. GDM diagnoses and glucose levels were measured through standard glucose tolerance tests at 24-28 weeks’ gestation. Further outcomes were extracted from medical records following birth. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a subsample (n=18) of participants in the third trimester. Results: Objectively measured sedentary time was not associated with the development of GDM (OR 1.003 (95%CI 0.998, 1.008)), but was associated with fasting (ÎČ=0.16 (95%CI 0.01, 0.31)) and 2-hour glucose levels (ÎČ=0.15 (95%CI 0.01, 0.30)) among women who did not have GDM. Higher television time was associated with increased risk of GDM (OR 3.03 (95%CI 1.21, 7.96)), while higher occupational sitting was associated with decreased risk (OR 0.20 (95%CI 0.06, 0.59)). The main theme that emerged from the interviews was that there is a social expectation for women to sit down and to rest during their pregnancies. Conclusion: Only television time was associated with increased likelihood of developing GDM. However, objectively measured sedentary time was associated with glucose levels during pregnancy. Any interventions designed to reduce sedentary time during pregnancy should aim to address broader social perceptions about the ‘importance of rest’ during pregnancy

    Associations Between Television Time and activPAL-Measured Duration and Pattern of Sedentary Time Among Pregnant Women at Risk of Gestational Diabetes in the UK

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    Background: Television (TV) time is associated with poor cardiometabolic health outcomes. This finding is commonly attributed to duration of sitting or patterns of sitting associated with high TV time, but there is very little evidence on this link. Methods: Pregnant women (n = 167) at risk of gestational diabetes wore an activPAL accelerometer and self-reported their usual TV time in the second trimester. Generalized linear mixed models were used to compare objectively measured total sedentary time (ST), prolonged ST (bouts ≄30 min), and breaks in ST for all hours and evening hours (6 PM–11 PM) between those with high (≄2 h/d) and low TV time. Results: Over all waking hours, those with high TV time had fewer breaks in ST than those with low TV time, exp (b) 0.92; 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 0.998; there were no differences in total ST or prolonged ST between the 2 groups. Those with high TV time had significantly higher evening ST (b = 9.9; 95% confidence interval, 0.5 to 19.2); there were no differences in prolonged ST or breaks in ST during evening hours. Conclusions: These findings suggest that high TV time may be associated with higher evening ST and fewer breaks in ST. The link between TV time and sitting patterns requires further investigation

    Objective and subjective measurement of sedentary behavior in human adults : a toolkit.

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    Objectives: Human biologists are increasingly interested in measuring and comparing physical activities in different societies. Sedentary behavior, which refers to time spent sitting or lying down while awake, is a large component of daily 24 hours movement patterns in humans and has been linked to poor health outcomes such as risk of all‐cause and cardiovascular mortality, independently of physical activity. As such, it is important for researchers, with the aim of measuring human movement patterns, to most effectively use resources available to them to capture sedentary behavior. Methods: This toolkit outlines objective (device‐based) and subjective (self‐report) methods for measuring sedentary behavior in free‐living contexts, the benefits and drawbacks to each, as well as novel options for combined use to maximize scientific rigor. Throughout this toolkit, emphasis is placed on considerations for the use of these methods in various field conditions and in varying cultural contexts. Results: Objective measures such as inclinometers are the gold‐standard for measuring total sedentary time but they typically cannot capture contextual information or determine which specific behaviors are taking place. Subjective measures such as questionnaires and 24 hours‐recall methods can provide measurements of time spent in specific sedentary behaviors but are subject to measurement error and response bias. Conclusions: We recommend that researchers use the method(s) that suit the research question; inclinometers are recommended for the measurement of total sedentary time, while self‐report methods are recommended for measuring time spent in particular contexts of sedentary behavior

    Wagnild and youngs’s resilience scale validation for IS students

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    This paper describes a quantitative study for the validation of the Wagnild and Young's Resilience Scale Âź to Information Systems Students. Individual resilience can be described as the person's ability to deal with problems, overcome obstacles, or resist the pressure caused by adverse situations, without entering into rupture. Therefore, resilience can have a significant role in students' education. However, little is known about the determinants that might undermine the resilience level of students, as well as which could affect their mental status and wellbeing, thus requiring new research efforts. This paper shows that Wagnild and Young's Resilience Scale Âź is suitable for Information Systems Students: Perseverance, Self-Reliance, Equanimity, Meaningfulness and Existential Aloneness, emerged as main themes from the principal components analysis, as in the original study by Wagnild and Young suggested. Additionally, it is demonstrated that health have influence in the individual resilience.(undefined

    InformasjonsoverfĂžring mellom barnehage og skole

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    Et godt lÊringslÞp for barn kan blant annet realiseres gjennom et kontinuerlig samarbeid mellom barnehage og skole, der personalet har kjennskap til hverandres praksiser. MÞter mellom de ulike nivÄene i utdanningssystemet kan vÊre med pÄ Ä skape forbindelser og sammenheng i barnas overgang. Hogsnes sammenlikner overganger som Ä «bygge en bro», denne gjÞr det mulig for barna tilpasse seg sosiale og kulturelle praksiser. En prosess som gjÞr barna klar til Ä forlate det kjente til noe som er ukjent. Videre poengteres det at de ulike «broene» i overgangen mÄ vÊre robust nok til Ä favne mange og ulike barn, for Ä fÄ til dette mÄ overgangene konstrueres i fellesskap mellom barnehagelÊrere, grunnskolelÊrere, SFOmedarbeidere, barn og foreldre (Hogsnes, 2019, s. 57- 58). PÄ bakgrunn av tematiseringen overfor vil jeg i denne bacheloroppgaven rette sÞkelyset mot informasjonsoverfÞringen mellom barnehage og skole, som en mulighet for Ä fremme barnas fÞlelse av sammenheng mellom institusjonene og som et grunnlag for videre trygghet og lÊring. Min forskning er basert pÄ empiri innhentet fra tre av fire skoler innenfor en og samme kommune med utgangspunkt i kommunens plan for overganger. I kommunens overgangsplan poengteres det blant annet at det vÄr og hÞst skal gjennomfÞres faglige samarbeidsmÞter mellom barnehage og skole. Derfor ble jeg nysgjerrig pÄ hva disse mÞtene inneholder, samt hvordan informasjon rundt barnehagens arbeidsmetoder og kunnskap tilknyttet enkeltbarn og barnegruppa kommer til nytte i grunnskolelÊrerens videre arbeid med skolestarterne. Med bakgrunn i en slik tematisering ble problemstillingen som fÞlger: «Hvilke tema tas opp i de faglige samarbeidsmÞtene mellom barnehage og skole/SFO og hvordan kommer eventuell informasjon fra barnehagen til nytte i skolens videre arbeid med barna?».publishedVersio

    Efficacy of a self-help manual in increasing resilience in carers of adults with depression in Thailand

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    Caring for a person with a mental illness can have adverse effects on caregivers; however, little is known about how best to help such caregivers. The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy of a cognitive behaviour therapy-guided self-help manual in increasing resilience in caregivers of individuals with depression, in comparison to caregivers who receive routine support only. A randomized, controlled trial was conducted, following CONSORT guidelines, with 54 caregivers allocated to parallel intervention (self-help manual) (n = 27) or control (standard support) (n = 27) groups. Resilience was assessed at baseline, post-test (week 8), and follow up (week 12). Intention-to-treat analyses were undertaken. Repeated-measures ANOVA indicated a significant difference in resilience scores between the three time points, showing a large effect. Pairwise comparisons between intervention and control groups indicated resilience to be significantly different between baseline and post-test, and between baseline and follow up, but not between post-test and follow up. Overall, the intervention group showed a slightly greater increase in resilience over time than the control group; however, the time–group interaction was not significant. Guided self-help is helpful in improving caregivers’ resilience and could be used as an adjunct to the limited support provided to carers by mental health nurses and other clinicians

    Immunoglobulin-A distribution in glomerular disease: Analysis of immunofluorescence localization and pathogenetic significance

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    Immunoglobulin-A distribution in glomerular disease. Analysis of immunofluorescence localization and pathogenetic significance. Renal biopsies from 470 patients with various glomemlonephropathies were studied for patterns and frequency of glomerular bound IgA. Correlations of IgA with IgG, IgM, C3, and C4 were made. Glomerular deposits of IgA were observed in five of six cases of Henoch-Schoenlein anaphylactoid nephritis (83%), stalk proliferative glomerulonephritis (73%), lupus nephritis (60%), and focal proliferative glomerulonephritis (57 %). In addition, IgA was less frequently observed in diffuse (acute) proliferative (33%), membranoproliferative (42%), membranous (32%), focal sclerosing (25%) crescentic (26%), and chronic glomerulonephritides (23%) as well as malignant arterionephrosclerosis, amyloidosis, and a group of patients with minimal glomerular alteration and no determinable diagnosis (40%). IgA was not specifically associated with IgG or IgM in any one diagnostic category but was often present with both. Deposits containing C3 and C4 most closely paralleled those of IgG and/or IgM. Presence of IgA appeared to correlate with variable degrees of increased glomerular mesangial cellularity in “minimal”, stalk proliferative, and focal-segmental glomerular lesions. The cause and immunopathogenetic significance of mesangial or peripheral glomerular capillary localization of IgA is unknown. Though a number of apparent examples of what has been referred to as IgA-IgG nephropathy were observed in this study, this entity, characterized by mesangial deposits of IgA, IgG, and C3, could not always be specifically identified or differentiated on histopathologic criteria alone from a variety of other glomerulopathies in which variable proportions of IgA, IgG, IgM, C3, and C4 globulins were localized

    Carbon Dioxide Injection for Hypervelocity Boundary Layer Stability

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    An approach for introducing carbon dioxide as a means or stabilizing a hypervelocity boundary layer over a slender bodied vehicle is investigated through the use of numerical simulations. In the current study, two different test bodies are examined. The first is a five-degree-half-angle cone currently under research at the GALCIT T5 Shock Tunnel with a 4 cm porous wall insert used to transpire gas into the boundary layer. The second test body is a similar cone with a porous wall over a majority of cone surface. Computationally, the transpiration is performed using an axi-symmetric flow simulation with wall-normal blowing. The effect of the injection and the transition location are gauged by solving the parabolized stability equations and using the semi-empirical e^N method. The results show transition due to the injection for the first test body and a delay in the transition location for the second test body as compared to a cone without injection under the same flight conditions. The mechanism for the stabilizing effect of carbon dioxide is also explored through selectively applying non-equilibrium processes to the stability analysis. The results show that vibrational non-equilibrium plays a role in reducing disturbance amplification; however, other factors also contribute

    Confinement Situation of the Spanish Population during the Health Crisis of COVID-19: Resilience Mediation Process in the Relationship of Dispositional Optimism and Psychological Well-Being

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    The pandemic generated by COVID-19 is one of the most complex challenges humanity has faced in recent years. This study aims to explore the levels of dispositional optimism, resilience and psychological well-being in the sociodemographic and economic situation produced during the state of alarm and to investigate the resilience mediation between optimism and psychological well-being. The sample included 566 volunteers from Spain (73.5% women; M = 40.2 years, SD = 12.8). An ad hoc questionnaire was applied to request socioeconomic data and dispositional optimism (LOT-R). Resilience and psychological well-being were, respectively, evaluated by the Ryff scale and the Wagnild and Young scale. The results show that older and people with higher educational levels are more optimistic and have better psychological well-being. Well-being is also greater in married, divorced and widowed people and in those who have lived in outdoor spaces. However, those with spaced housing were more optimistic. Finally, it was found that the most optimistic people have better psychological well-being and that this is increased by the mediation process exercised by the ability to overcome adversity, provided age and educational level are controlled. It can be concluded that the design of preventive programs focused on improving strengths, positive emotions and skills in the population would be convenient to protect mental health.This publication and research has been funded by the Program for the Promotion and Promotion of Research and Transfer activity of the University of Cadiz and by the University Institute of Research for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS). University of Cadiz, Spain
