425 research outputs found

    IS-03 Practical Aspects of Antibiotic Stewardship in Animal Production

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is emerging and is a threat for human and animal health. This increasing resistance results into treatment failures and increased mortality in humans and animals. If there is no action to reduce antimicrobial use (AMU), it is forecasted that the number of people dying due to AMR will increase considerably in the near future. AMU in animals poses a potential risk for public health as it contributes to the selection and spread of AMR which can disseminate to humans. Therefore, at global level WHO, FAO and OIE combined efforts in a such called One Health approach to minimize the public health impact of AMR associated with AMU in farm animals. The Global Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance (GAP) has been adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2015. This plan contains five strategic objectives. WHO urged all member states to develop a National Action Plan in line with the five objectives of the GAP, and with a One Health approach. Indonesia has submitted the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2017-2019 in the Library of National Action Plans of WHO.Although it is not clear to what level AMU in animal production contributes to the AMR problem humans, there is a worldwide urge to reduce AMU in animal production to a minimum to protect human health. The basis of this so-called ‘antimicrobial stewardship’ is focusing on (preventive) measures which enable animals to remain healthy and thus take away the need for antimicrobial treatment. Another pillar of stewardship is limiting and strictly regulating the use of so-called ‘’critically important antimicrobials for human medicine’’, like fluoroquinolones. It can be difficult to change AMU practices which have become habits for farmers and veterinarians; therefore specific triggers are required. In the Netherlands the total therapeutic AMU (in mass sold) in farm animals doubled between 1990 and 2007; parallel to the EU-ban of antimicrobial growth promotors which were completely phased out by 2006. From 2005 onwards, several events triggered a series of measures and initiatives to reduce AMU in livestock with almost 70%. This reduction was followed by reduced AMR levels in livestock. Some key success factors were: clear reduction targets defined by the government, having full transparency on antimicrobial prescription and usage, the existence of a surveillance system for AMR, and a close collaboration of all stakeholders and a shared goal. Although specific contexts differ between countries and production systems, tailored approaches taking into account specific contexts and stakeholders can be effective in responsible use of antimicrobials

    Modelling the effects of antibiotic usage in livestock on human salmonellosis

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    Antibiotic usage in livestock has been suggested as a driver of antimicrobial resistance in human and livestock populations. This has contributed to the implementation of stewardship programs to curtail usage of antibiotics in livestock. However, the consequences of antibiotic curtailment in livestock on human health are poorly understood. There is the potential for increases in the carriage of pathogens such as Salmonella spp. in livestock, and subsequent increases in human foodborne disease. We use a mathematical model fitted to four case studies, ampicillin and tetracycline usage in fattening pig and broiler poultry populations, to explore the impact of curtailing antibiotic usage in livestock on salmonellosis in humans. Increases in the daily incidence of salmonellosis and a decrease in the proportion of resistant salmonellosis were identified following curtailment of antibiotic usage in livestock. The extent of these increases in human foodborne disease ranged from negligible, to controllable through interventions to target the farm-to-fork pathway. This study provides a motivating example of one plausible scenario following curtailment of antibiotic usage in livestock and suggests that a focus on ensuring good farm-to-fork hygiene and livestock biosecurity is sufficient to mitigate the negative human health consequences of antibiotic stewardship in livestock populations.ISSN:2352-771

    Whole genome sequence analysis indicates recent diversification of mammal-associated Campylobacter fetus and implicates a genetic factor associated with H2S production

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    cknowledgements We like to thank Emma Yee (U.S. Department of Agriculture) for the generation of sequence data, we thank James Bono (U.S. Department of Agriculture) for the generation of PacBio RS reads and thank Dr. Brian Brooks and Dr. John Devenish (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for providing C. fetus strains and for critical review of this manuscript. Funding Publication charges for this article have been funded by Utrecht University, the Netherlands.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Campylobacter fetus Subspecies Contain Conserved Type IV Secretion Systems on Multiple Genomic Islands and Plasmids

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    Acknowledgments We like to thank Dr. John Devenish and Dr. Brian Brooks (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for providing strains. We thank Nathaniel Simon and Mary Chapman for the generation of Illumina MiSeq reads and we thank James Bono for the generation of PacBio RS reads. Funding: The authors have no support or funding to report.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Quantifying Antimicrobial Use in Dutch Companion Animals

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing threat, both in human and in veterinary medicine. To reduce the selection and spread of AMR, antimicrobial use (AMU) should be optimized, also in companion animals. To be able to optimize AMU, a feasible method to quantify AMU and information on current AMU are needed. Therefore, a method to quantify AMU was developed, using the number of Defined Daily Doses Animal (DDDA). This method was used to explore applied antimicrobial classes and to identify differences in prescribing patterns in time and between veterinary clinics. Antimicrobial procurement data of the years 2012–2014 were collected retrospectively from 100 Dutch veterinary clinics providing care for companion animals. The mean number of DDDAs per clinic per year decreased significantly from 2012 to 2014. A shift in used classes of antimicrobials (AMs) was seen as well, with a significant decrease in use of third choice AMs (i.e., fluoroquinolones and third generation cephalosporins). Large differences in total AMU were seen between clinics ranging from 64-fold in 2012 to 20-fold in 2014. Despite the relative low and decreasing AMU in Dutch companion animal clinics during the study, the substantial differences in antimicrobial prescribing practices between clinics suggest that there is still room for quantitative and qualitative optimization of AMU

    Характеристика структурних змін в яєчку при хронічній гіпертермії

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    Воздействие хронической гипертермии на яички экспериментальных животных приводит к изменению микроциркуляторного русла в виде венозного полнокровия и интерстициального отека. Появляются морфологические признаки замедления процессов сперматогенеза, которые сопровождаются изменениями структур извитых семенных канальцев.Laboratory animal testes influenced by chronic hyperthermia show changes in hemomicrocirculation bed structure manifested as venous hyperemia and interstitial edema. Morphological signs of spermatogenesis slowdown accompanied by changes in convoluted somniferous tubules are observed

    Семантика имен и поэтика их перечислений

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    Описаны факторы, влияющие на содержательность и эстетическую значимость перечислений поэтонимов в художественных текстах. На ряде примеров из творчества А. С. Пушкина представлены перемены, происходящие в совокупной семантике и поэтике рядов собственных имен в различных контекстах. Показаны некоторые теоретически возможные модели реализации "списков" поэтонимов. Намечены пути дальнейшего изучения художественно значимых перечислений.Обговорюються фактори, які впливають на змістовність та естетичну значущість перерахувань поет онімів у художніх текстах. На низці прикладів з творчості О.С. Пушкіна представлені зміни, які відбуваються у сукупній семантиці й поетиці рядів власних імен у різноманітних контекстах. Показані деякі теоретичні можливості моделювання переліків онімів. Накреслені шляхи подальшого вивчення художньо значимих переліків онімів.The factors which influence pithiness and the aesthetic inventory of poetonyms in art texts are described. On a number of examples from Pushkin works the changes occurring in cumulative semantics and poetics of numbers of proper names in various contexts are presented. Some theoretically possible models of realization of "lists" of onyms are shown. Ways of the further studying of artily significant transfers are planned

    Comparative Genomics of Campylobacter fetus from Reptiles and Mammals Reveals Divergent Evolution in Host-Associated Lineages

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    Acknowledgments The authors like to thank Brian Brooks and John Devenish (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for providing strains and valuable suggestions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Rat-to-Human Transmission of Cowpox Infection

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    We isolated Cowpox virus (CPXV) from the ulcerative eyelid lesions of a 14-year-old girl, who had cared for a clinically ill wild rat that later died. CPXV isolated from the rat (Rattus norvegicus) showed complete homology with the girl’s virus. Our case is the first proven rat-to-human transmission of cowpox