402 research outputs found

    PCS-6 Preparation and Application of Nano Chitosan Particles as Adjuvan in Rabies Vaccination Based on Anti-Idiotype Antibody

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    Rabies is a fatal disease to humans and animals, but can be controlled by prophylaxis administration before being exposed. One type of vaccine that can be utilized is an anti-idiotype antibody vaccine originating from IgY purification of chicken egg yolk. The use of vaccine additives in the form of adjuvants is very important to improve the effectiveness of vaccines [1].Chitosan is non-toxic, easily synthesized, safe to use and able to induce an immune response by activating macrophages. Chitosan can modulate dendritic cell maturation so that it can induce interferon interactions and stimulate activity of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. Chitosan can be made in the form of chitosan nanoparticles that can be used to deliver drugs and vaccines through inhalation pathways, orally, intravenously and as non-viral gene delivery vectors. In the oral delivery of chitosan nanoparticles are able to overcome the problem of solubility, protect the drug from enzymatic degradation, controlled release, and extend the time of action in the bloodstream through ionic mechanisms with mucin. Inhalation of chitosan 0.5mg/ml with influenza vaccine produces a good response [2-4].In this work, the preparation of chitosan nanostructures and their application as adjuvan in antibody anti-idiotype rabies vaccination were reviewed

    AEVI-15 Investigasi Outbreak Avian Influenza (AI) pada Peternakan Puyuh di Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2018

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    Kejadian AI di Indonesia telah terjadi di beberapa Provinsi. Provinsi Riau khususnya Kota Pekanbaru adalah daerah endemis AI, dan dilaporkan sejak tahun 2008. Pada Tahun 2014, kejadian penyakit Avian Influenza di Kota Pekanbaru tidak lagi terjadi wabah melainkan hanya bersifat sporadis. Tercatat beberapa kasus laporan kematian burung puyuh dari masyarakat maupun peternak sejak tahun 2014, dan hasilnya adalah negatif Avian Influenza.Tujuan kegiatan adalah menyelidiki kejadian kematian burung puyuh di Kelurahan Tuah Negeri Kecamatan Tenayan Raya dan melakukan pengumpulan data epidemiologis sehingga diketahui penyebab/sumber penularan kematian burung puyuh di kelurahan tersebut, mengidentifikasi faktor resiko dan menentukan langkah-langkah pengendalian

    PF-10 Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Layer Chicken on Poultry Village in North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    Egg of Layer chicken is one of the main income and protein sources at Kampung Unggas in North Lombok. Kampung Unggas is Village which produce and supply egg for Three Gili as tourist destination in Lombok Island. They are Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air. Farmers in Kampung Unggas are used several antibiotics for treating infections in poultry. The use of antimicrobials in chicken farm in Lombok Island can facilitate the antimicrobial resistant. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is not a recent phenomenon, but it is rising concern for both public and animal health [1].Chicken farmers in the study region are mostly family run and they don’t have good bio security and sanitation procedure. Knowledge of farmer on antimicrobials resistance are very low and they are often kept free ranged among other animals and people. This means that the risk of contamination to food and water from bacteria and other pathogen infected poultry is high. Many farmers in Kampung unggas have other poultry, mostly ducks, in the same enclosure as their Chickens. The closeness between many different animals and humans as well as the short distance to temperate water, without cleaning or buffering stages, is a concern both in disease transmission and antibiotic resistance development [2].In Indonesia, study on 35 sampels of broiler meat and chicken meat from 9 distric in Bogor showed that prevalence E. coli 97.4% from broiler meat and 71.1% chicken meat resistance with Ampisilin, Enrofloksasin, Teterasiklin, Eritromisin, Streptomisin, Gentamisin, Kloramfenikol, Sefatotin, Trimetoprim-Sulfametoksasol, Nalidixid Acid [3]. According by [4] from 66 layer chicken 44% and from 35 broiler chicken 97.1% E. coli  resistance with Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride, Chloramphenicol, Dihydrosreptomycin, Sulfadimethoxine Kanamycine and Aminobenzyl-penicillin.Based on thus facts, it is very important to know prevalence and antimicrobial resistance on bacterial strains  isolated from Layer chicken and knowledge of antibiotic resistance among farmers on Poultry Village in North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia for effective medical treatment of humans and poultry. Further, knowing the reasons for chicken farmers to treat their animals and which types of antibiotics chosen can facilitate prevention of antimicrobial resistance development

    PCS-12 Complex Oligosaccharide Detected in the Lingua of Hystrix javanica by Lectin Histochemistry

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    Hystrix javanica or usually called Sunda porcupine is wildlife animal that only found in Java, Bali, Sumbawa, Flores, Lombok, Madura, and Tonahdjampea (Indonesia) [1]. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has classified this Rodentia into Least Concern criteria, that means the species is relatively widespread and abundant [2]. Nevertheless, their population in nature was threatened, since this mammal was considered as pest by some people.There were anatomical data of Sunda porcupine organ, but it still limited. One of the ways to determine the detail function of the organ can be done by making histological preparations. Lectin histochemistry has been used widely as a probe to detect sugar residues in the organs or tissues because lectin can bind specifically to carbohydrate residues in term of glycoconjugates [3]. Analysis the composition or type of sugar residues in the organs can help to understanding the role of their function.The aims of this study were to detect and find out the distribution of complex oligosaccharide in the lingua of Hystrix javanica using lectin histochemistry method. This data will completes the information that has been obtained before about mucopolysaccharide type of major salivary glands of Hystrix javanica [4]

    MP-17 Avian Influenza Virus-H5N1 Is Circulating Among Backyard Chicken in Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali

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    Avian Influenza or bird flu is ani nfectious pandemic disease (Horimoto and Kawaoka, 2001). AI viruses can cause high mortality in poultry and infect humans in Indonesia (Daniels et al., 2013). Pet and backyard animals can be infected with the HPAI-H5N1 virus (Mahardika et al., 2018).  Monitoring of the virus needs to be done so that the Avian Influenza outbreak casesare not occurred. Isolation of AI virus can be done on 9-day-old hatched chicken eggs injected through the allantois’ space. The virus can be tested by hemagglutination (HA/HI) and Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Rection (RT-PCR) tests (FAO, 2014)

    MP-7 Isolation of Antibiotic Resistance Gene from Staphylococcus aureus from Chicken Poultry Farm in Bogor West Java Indonesia

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen in human and another animal species. It also associated with staphylococcosis, osteomyelitis, arthritis, and bumble foot disease in poultry. Antibiotics including penicillin, erythromycin and tetracycline are widely used for treating infection caused by S. aureus.Chicken poultry play important role in food supply as one of protein source in Indonesia. West Java province has largest population of chicken poultry, where Bogor has the largest population of chicken poultry with 19.75.850 chicken in 2018. In order to maintain the production, farmers used antibiotics for prophylaxis, growth promotor, and therapy. However, extensive use of antibiotic can be found in low income and developed country, caused the increasing number of antibiotic resistant bacteria.The aim of this study is to determine the antibiotic resistance pattern of S. aureus isolated from cloacal swab of chicken poultry in Bogor West Java Indonesia

    AEVI-10 Investigasi Outbreak MCF di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Tahun 2016

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    Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) merupakan penyakit viral yang menyerang sapi, rusa, bison, kerbau dan ruminansia lainnya. Sapi muda biasanya lebih rentan terutama yang dipelihara bersama domba (Damayanti, 2005). Penyakit ini kebanyakan berakibat dengan kematian (Teankam et al., 2000; Schultheiss, et al., 2000; Barker et al., 1993). MCF disebabkan oleh alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1) dan ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) (Fenner et al., 2011). Penyakit bersifat sporadik dengan tingkat  kematian dapat mencapai  100%  (Hamilton,  1990),  meskipun ada hewan yang sembuh setelah terserang MCF (Penny, 1998). Penyakit  MCF di  Indonesia dilaporkan pertama  kali  oleh  Paszotta  pada  tahun  1894  di Kediri,  Jawa  Timur  (Mansjoer,  (1954)  dalam Khatimah, dkk. 2014).  Penyakit  MCF telah  tersebar  hampir  di seluruh  Indonesia.  Namun di beberapa  daerah  banyak  kejadian  MCF  tidak terdiagnosis  atau  tidak dilaporkan.  Kerugian yang  ditimbulkan  akibat  penyakit  MCF  cukup besar  terutama  jika  kasus  penyakit  ini  terjadi pada hewan bibit. Kejadian penyakit MCF pada sapi bali di lapangan  sering  dikaitkan  dengan adanya ternak domba (Partadiredja et al., 1988). Lesi sapi penderita MCF dapat dilihat dari  gambaran  patologi anatomi dan histopatologi yang patognomonik  yaitu  vaskulitis  berupa  infiltrasi limfosit, makrofag, neutrofil  dan  sel  plasma pada  beberapa  organ seperti otak, paru-paru, hati, jantung dan usus (Liggit dan De Martini, 1980).  Kegiatan penyidikan kematian sapi bali  yang diduga disebabkan oleh Malignant Catarrhal Fever virus oleh tim Balai Veteriner Lampung di Kabupaten Musi Rawas dilaksanakan berdasarkan permohonan investigasi oleh Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten  Musi Rawas  mengenai adanya laporan kasus kematian sapi bali dengan gejala klinis mengarah pada penyakit  MCF di desa L Sidoharjo Kecamatan Tugu mulyo. Berdasarkan laporan tersebut maka Balai Veteriner mengeluarkan Surat Perintah Tugas No. 16001/TU.040/F5.C/09.2016 untuk melakukan penyidikan bersama dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Musi Rawas.Tujuan kegiatan adalah melakukan penyidikan kejadian kematian sapi bali di Kabupaten Musi Rawas, melakukan pengumpulan data epidemiologis, pengambilan spesimen di lapangan untuk mengetahui penyebab kematian sapi bali di Kabupaten Musi Rawas

    AEVI-13 Investigasi Outbreak Bovine Brucellosis di Desa Hargobinangun Kecamatan Pakem Kabupaten Sleman Tahun 2017

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    Brucellosis merupakan salah satu PHMS yang mendapat prioritas nasional dalam pengendalian dan penanggulangannya oleh Pemerintah baik pusat maupun daerah sesuai dengan SK Mentan Nomor 4026/Kpts/OT.140/4/2013. Brucellosis adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri genus Brucella. Brucellosis pada ternak betina menyebabkan abortus pada umur kebuntingan trisemester terakhir tetapi setelah 1-2 kali abortus, kelahiran dan produksi susu kembali normal. Beberapa kasus menjadi karier atau mandul. Brucellosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis  dan juga  merupakan food borne disease yang dapat ditularkan melalui air susu yang tidak dimasak dengan baik. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu provinsi tertular brucellosis dengan prevalensi <2% (Kementan, 2012).Tujuan dari investigasi ini adalah  untuk mengetahui penyebab kejadian abortus pada ternak sapi, mengumpulkan data epidemiologis. melakukan pengambilan dan pengujian sampel, mengetahui sumber penularan penyakit dan melakukan pengendalian penyakit

    PAT-3 In Vitro Growth Inhibition Activities of Natural (nCaIFN) and Recombinant (rCaIFN) Canine Interferons on Three Different Tumor-Derived Cell Lines

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    Recently, from many kinds of diseases one could be counted is a tumor disease. Tumor is a degenerative disease that involved many biological pathways within the host. A tumor or neoplasm can be defined as a disturbance of growth characterized by excessive, abnormal and uncontrolled proliferation of transformed or altered cell(s) at  one or more primary points within the host, and frequently at  one or more metastatic sites (Priosoeryanto, 1994).The treatment of tumor is mostly by medical surgery which usually combined with chemotherapeutic agent(s), unfortunately the using of chemotherapeutic agent can develop a seriously side effect to the treated-patients. Biological substances like interferon (IFN) known as anti-virus agent is also one of promising candidate for treating or preventing of tumor disorders.Feline and canine squamous cell carcinoma is one of tumor type that often found in cat and dog, and mostly develop to a very aggressive disorder. The using of in vitro cell culture is a way to avoid the use of live animals on the study of tumors especially the study of antitumor agent due to can mimic the in vivo condition.  The aim of the present study is to examine the growth inhibition activity of natural and recombinant canine interferon in order to find the suitable biological substances for combating tumor disorder especially in the field of veterinary medicine and also as an information for the development of tumor treatment in the human medical side


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