398 research outputs found

    Stereoselective Access to Diverse Alkaloid-Like Scaffolds via an Oxidation/Double-Mannich Reaction Sequence

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical SocietySequential oxidative cleavage and double-Mannich reactions enable the stereoselective conversion of simple norbornenes into complex alkaloid-like structures. The products undergo a wide range of derivatization reactions, including regioselective enol triflate formation/cross-coupling sequences and highly efficient conversion to an unusual tricyclic 8,5,5-fused lactam. Overall, the process represents a formal one-atom aza-ring expansion with concomitant bridging annulation, making it of interest for the broader derivatization of alkene feedstocks

    UK survey of occupational therapist’s and physiotherapist’s experiences and attitudes towards hip replacement precautions and equipment

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    Background: Total hip replacement (THR) is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures in the United Kingdom (UK). Historically, people following THR have been provided with hip precautions and equipment such as: raised toilet seats and furniture rises, in order to reduce the risks of dislocation post-operation. The purpose of this study was to determine current practices in the provision of these interventions in the UK for people following primary THR. Methods: A 27-question, self-administered online survey was developed and distributed to UK physiotherapists and occupational therapists involved in the management of people following primary THR (target respondents). The survey included questions regarding the current practices in the provision of equipment and hip precautions for THR patients, and physiotherapist’s and occupational therapist’s attitudes towards these practices. The survey was disseminated through print and web-based/social media channels. Results: 170 health professionals (87 physiotherapists and 83 occupational therapists), responded to the survey. Commonly prescribed equipment in respondent’s health trusts were raised toilet seats (95%), toilet frames and rails (88%), furniture raises (79%), helping hands/grabbers (77%), perching stools (75%) and long-handled shoe horns (75%). Hip precautions were routinely prescribed by 97% of respondents. Hip precautions were most frequently taught in a pre-operative group (52% of respondents). Similarly equipment was most frequently provided pre-operatively (61% respondents), and most commonly by occupational therapists (74% respondents). There was variability in the advice provided on the duration of hip precautions and equipment from up to six weeks post-operatively to life-time usage. Conclusions: Current practice on hip precautions and provision of equipment is not full representative of clinician’s perceptions of best care after THR. Future research is warranted to determine whether and to whom hip precautions and equipment should be prescribed post-THR as opposed to the current ‘blanket’ provision of equipment and movement restriction provided in UK practice

    Probing host pathogen cross-talk by transcriptional profiling of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and infected human dendritic cells and macrophages

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    This study provides the proof of principle that probing the host and the microbe transcriptomes simultaneously is a valuable means to accessing unique information on host pathogen interactions. Our results also underline the extraordinary plasticity of host cell and pathogen responses to infection, and provide a solid framework to further understand the complex mechanisms involved in immunity to M. tuberculosis and in mycobacterial adaptation to different intracellular environments

    Coalescent-based genome analyses resolve the early branches of the euarchontoglires

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    Despite numerous large-scale phylogenomic studies, certain parts of the mammalian tree are extraordinarily difficult to resolve. We used the coding regions from 19 completely sequenced genomes to study the relationships within the super-clade Euarchontoglires (Primates, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Dermoptera and Scandentia) because the placement of Scandentia within this clade is controversial. The difficulty in resolving this issue is due to the short time spans between the early divergences of Euarchontoglires, which may cause incongruent gene trees. The conflict in the data can be depicted by network analyses and the contentious relationships are best reconstructed by coalescent-based analyses. This method is expected to be superior to analyses of concatenated data in reconstructing a species tree from numerous gene trees. The total concatenated dataset used to study the relationships in this group comprises 5,875 protein-coding genes (9,799,170 nucleotides) from all orders except Dermoptera (flying lemurs). Reconstruction of the species tree from 1,006 gene trees using coalescent models placed Scandentia as sister group to the primates, which is in agreement with maximum likelihood analyses of concatenated nucleotide sequence data. Additionally, both analytical approaches favoured the Tarsier to be sister taxon to Anthropoidea, thus belonging to the Haplorrhine clade. When divergence times are short such as in radiations over periods of a few million years, even genome scale analyses struggle to resolve phylogenetic relationships. On these short branches processes such as incomplete lineage sorting and possibly hybridization occur and make it preferable to base phylogenomic analyses on coalescent methods

    Some Like It Fat: Comparative Ultrastructure of the Embryo in Two Demosponges of the Genus Mycale (Order Poecilosclerida) from Antarctica and the Caribbean

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    0000-0002-7993-1523© 2015 Riesgo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License [4.0], which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    SerpinB2 regulates stromal remodelling and local invasion in pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer has a devastating prognosis, with an overall 5-year survival rate of ~8%, restricted treatment options and characteristic molecular heterogeneity. SerpinB2 expression, particularly in the stromal compartment, is associated with reduced metastasis and prolonged survival in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and our genomic analysis revealed that SERPINB2 is frequently deleted in PDAC. We show that SerpinB2 is required by stromal cells for normal collagen remodelling in vitro, regulating fibroblast interaction and engagement with collagen in the contracting matrix. In a pancreatic cancer allograft model, co-injection of PDAC cancer cells and SerpinB2(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) resulted in increased tumour growth, aberrant remodelling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and increased local invasion from the primary tumour. These tumours also displayed elevated proteolytic activity of the primary biochemical target of SerpinB2-urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA). In a large cohort of patients with resected PDAC, we show that increasing uPA mRNA expression was significantly associated with poorer survival following pancreatectomy. This study establishes a novel role for SerpinB2 in the stromal compartment in PDAC invasion through regulation of stromal remodelling and highlights the SerpinB2/uPA axis for further investigation as a potential therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer

    Multicentre, prospective, open study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of hylan G-F 20 in knee osteoarthritis subjects presenting with pain following arthroscopic meniscectomy

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of viscosupplementation with hylan G-F 20 in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis (OA) presenting with persistent knee pain 4–12 weeks after arthroscopic meniscectomy. A prospective, multi-centre, open study was carried out in patients with pain due to OA of the knee, not resolved by simple analgesics, 4–12 weeks after undergoing arthroscopic meniscectomy. To be eligible, patients had to score ≥50 mm and ≤90 mm on both walking pain and patient global assessment visual analogue scales (VAS; 0–100 mm) at baseline and be radiologically diagnosed pre-operatively with OA grade I or II on the Kellgren-Lawrence scale, with <50% joint space narrowing. Patients received three intra-articular, 2 ml injections of hylan G-F 20 in the target knee with an interval of 1 week between injections, and were followed for 52 weeks. The primary efficacy endpoint was the change from baseline in the walking pain VAS score at 26 weeks. Secondary outcome measures were the walking pain VAS scores at all other time points, the WOMAC Index at all time points, and patient and physician global assessment at all time points. The safety of the treatment was assessed using adverse event (AE) reports. A total of 62 patients (mean age 55.4 years, 52% male) were enrolled. The mean walking pain VAS score decreased by 36.8 mm from baseline at 26 weeks (P < 0.0001), and also showed statistically significant decreases (P < 0.0001) at all other time points. The change in WOMAC total and subscale scores from baseline were statistically significant (P < 0.0001) at all time points, as were the decreases in the physician and patient global assessment VAS scores. There were 18 target knee AEs (mostly pain and/or swelling and/or effusion) in 12 patients (19%) considered to be at least possibly related to treatment. The majority of these (78%) were mild or moderate in intensity. One patient (1.6%) experienced a serious adverse event (synovitis) in the target knee that was considered possibly related to study treatment. Hylan G-F 20 provides effective pain relief and improves stiffness and physical function in patients with mild to moderate OA presenting with persistent osteoarthritic pain 4–12 weeks after arthroscopic meniscectomy. Symptomatic efficacy was maximised at 12 weeks and maintained at 26 and 52 weeks. The type (pain and/or swelling and/or effusion) and the intensity (mostly mild/moderate) of AEs reported in this study are similar to those reported in other trials in different patient populations, but the incidence was higher (19%). The risk/benefit of hylan G-F 20 in this particular population of patients is favourable

    The clinical features of the piriformis syndrome: a systematic review

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    Piriformis syndrome, sciatica caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, has been described for over 70 years; yet, it remains controversial. The literature consists mainly of case series and narrative reviews. The objectives of the study were: first, to make the best use of existing evidence to estimate the frequencies of clinical features in patients reported to have PS; second, to identify future research questions. A systematic review was conducted of any study type that reported extractable data relevant to diagnosis. The search included all studies up to 1 March 2008 in four databases: AMED, CINAHL, Embase and Medline. Screening, data extraction and analysis were all performed independently by two reviewers. A total of 55 studies were included: 51 individual and 3 aggregated data studies, and 1 combined study. The most common features found were: buttock pain, external tenderness over the greater sciatic notch, aggravation of the pain through sitting and augmentation of the pain with manoeuvres that increase piriformis muscle tension. Future research could start with comparing the frequencies of these features in sciatica patients with and without disc herniation or spinal stenosis

    Frequency and Interrelations of Risk Factors for Chronic Low Back Pain in a Primary Care Setting

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    INTRODUCTION: Many risk factors have been identified for chronic low back pain (cLBP), but only one study evaluated their interrelations. We aimed to investigate the frequency of cLBP risk factors and their interrelations in patients consulting their general practitioners (GPs) for cLBP. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive, national survey was performed. 3000 GPs randomly selected were asked to include at least one patient consulting for cLBP. Demographic, clinical characteristics and the presence of cLBP risk factors were recorded. The frequency of each cLBP risk factor was calculated and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was performed to study their interrelations. RESULTS: A total of 2068 GPs (68.9%) included at least 1 patient, for 4522 questionnaires analyzed. In the whole sample of patients, the 2 risk factors most commonly observed were history of recurrent LBP (72.1%) and initial limitation of activities of daily living (66.4%). For working patients, common professional risk factors were beliefs, that LBP was due to maintaining a specific posture at work (79.0%) and frequent heavy lifting at work (65.5%). On MCA, we identified 3 risk-factor dimensions (axes) for working and nonworking patients. The main dimension for working patients involved professional risk factors and among these factors, patients' job satisfaction and job recognition largely contribute to this dimension. DISCUSSION: Our results shed in light for the first time the interrelation and the respective contribution of several previously identified cLBP risk factors. They suggest that risk factors representing a "work-related" dimension are the most important cLBP risk factors in the working population