253 research outputs found

    Społeczność międzynarodowa wobec Arabskiej Wiosny w Libii

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    The overthrow of Libyan dictator, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, was a significant event in the Arab Spring. He was brought down by young Libyans assisted by an international coalition, mandated by the United Nations. The attitudes of different countries to the intervention in Libya were highly diversified. This paper orders, describes and partially explains the reasons behind the behavior of political elites in several countries, trying to present their motivation. The first country to be presented is Mali, which supported the dictator to the very end. Next come the countries with an ambivalent attitude to the Arab Spring in Libya, namely China, Russia and Germany. The third group of countries encompasses France, the United Kingdom and the United States. The paper is concluded with an analysis of the activities of the UN and NATO.Istotną częścią Arabskiej Wiosny było obalenie libijskiego dyktatora Muammara Al-Kaddafiego. Dokonała tego, oprócz młodych Libijczyków, międzynarodowa koalicja, posiadająca mandat Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych. Stanowiska państw dotyczące interwencji w Libii na areniemiędzynarodowej były silnie zróżnicowane. Poniższa praca porządkuje, opisuje i częściowo wyjaśnia przyczyny postępowania elit politycznych niektórych państw, starając się odzwierciedlić motywy, które nimi kierowały. Jako pierwsze zostało opisane państwo będące sprzymierzeńcem dyktatora do samego końca - Mali. Następnie państwa, których stosunek do Arabskiej Wiosny w Libii był niejednoznaczny - Chiny, Rosja i Niemcy. Trzecia grupa państw, która doprowadziła do zbrojnej interwencji to Francja, Wielka Brytania i Stany Zjednoczone. Na koniec zostały przeanalizowane działania Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych oraz Organizacji Paktu Północnoatlantyckiego

    Excessive Accumulation of Knowledge as a Challenge to Science Policy

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    In response to current economic theories, a special emphasis is put on the need for continuous acquisition of knowledge. The stock of knowledge, however, is growing very dynamically, which leads to shifts in the scientific process. There are shifts in individual innovative productivity, which is manifested by the fact that the contribution of young scientists to science is getting smaller and – as a result of deepening of specialization – the dominance of teamwork increases. These two fundamental changes taking place in science should imply changes in the approach to science policy.In the face of “ageing” of innovators, policy makers should put more emphasis on creating incentives for young people to enter scientific careers (higher wages in science, more attractive grants at the peak of scientific career; contrary to popular beliefs, grant systems should not be created specifically for young people). A measure increasing the interest in scientific careers could also be a shortening of education which, however, is difficult to achieve.A response of science policy to the increasing dominance of teamwork should be (1) implementation of changes in the remuneration system for researchers, which should evolve from individual-oriented rewarding to team-oriented rewarding, as well as (2) implementation of changes in the evaluation system, which should be aimed towards team evaluation

    En torno al género literario de la confesión

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    The present article tries to explain some points of the generic definition of confession, showing that there are some determinant factors that allow to distinguish it from the autobiography such as: thematic space, reason and/or narralaire and treatment of time and memory

    War through women´s voices: memory, gender and emotions. A comparative gaze

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    The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of three texts: War’s Unwomanly Face by Svetlana Alexievich, the novel The Sleeping Voice by Dulce Chacón, and a testimony about women’s activism, resistance and imprisonment during the Francoist regime edited by Tomasa Cuevas. The aim of the study is to examine the problems of feminine authors’ narratives being excluded from official archives of memory, as well as emotions. The issues are considered in two different political contexts which, nevertheless, reveal quite similar mechanisms of an organization using hegemonic discourses of power.The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of three texts: War’s Unwomanly Face by Svetlana Alexievich, the novel The Sleeping Voice by Dulce Chacón, and a testimony about women’s activism, resistance and imprisonment during the Francoist regime edited by Tomasa Cuevas. The aim of the study is to examine the problems of feminine authors’ narratives being excluded from official archives of memory, as well as emotions. The issues are considered in two different political contexts which, nevertheless, reveal quite similar mechanisms of an organization using hegemonic discourses of power

    The treasure of Środa as a source for research on medieval symbols and migrations

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    Analysis of the symbolism of engagements, wedding ceremonies and wedding celebrations does not allow us to strictly define the symbols associated with these occasions. It is also difficult to determine the variation in symbolism in time and space. Nevertheless, a list of certain symbols has been established: the hand-in-hand gesture, the ring and the garland. This last seems to be particularly important during the wedding feast. The crown and the garland are, first of all, specifically bridal headgear; the crown is also worn during the wedding ceremony but is not a symbol of the ceremony. In the Kingdom of Poland, and perhaps also in other areas, if a coronation and wedding took place simultaneously, a garland was marked on the bride’s crown. Meanwhile, an eagle on the crown or on other dress accessories probably only elevated the status of these artefacts and cannot be heraldic. Archaeological discoveries also allow to state that diadems with eagles holding rings in their beaks – like a specimen from Środa Śląska – were also made of tin-lead alloys.Despite the incredible abundance of silver treasures in the early Middle Ages on Polish lands, which largely resulted from the migration of Scandinavians, it is hard to talk about the emergence of new financial market instruments at that time, although some effects are visible in the commercial culture. Only in the late Middle Ages, thanks to the German, Teutonic and Hansa colonisation, and the migration of Jews, credit appears, the material effect of which is bond hoards, and in the 15th century, commercial paper – a modern financial market tool. All this evidences that medieval hoards are also a source of research on migration.Analysis of the symbolism of engagements, wedding ceremonies and wedding celebrations does not allow us to strictly define the symbols associated with these occasions. It is also difficult to determine the variation in symbolism in time and space. Nevertheless, a list of certain symbols has been established: the hand-in-hand gesture, the ring and the garland. This last seems to be particularly important during the wedding feast. The crown and the garland are, first of all, specifically bridal headgear; the crown is also worn during the wedding ceremony but is not a symbol of the ceremony. In the Kingdom of Poland, and perhaps also in other areas, if a coronation and wedding took place simultaneously, a garland was marked on the bride’s crown. Meanwhile, an eagle on the crown or on other dress accessories probably only elevated the status of these artefacts and cannot be heraldic. Archaeological discoveries also allow to state that diadems with eagles holding rings in their beaks – like a specimen from Środa Śląska – were also made of tin-lead alloys.Despite the incredible abundance of silver treasures in the early Middle Ages on Polish lands, which largely resulted from the migration of Scandinavians, it is hard to talk about the emergence of new financial market instruments at that time, although some effects are visible in the commercial culture. Only in the late Middle Ages, thanks to the German, Teutonic and Hansa colonisation, and the migration of Jews, credit appears, the material effect of which is bond hoards, and in the 15th century, commercial paper – a modern financial market tool. All this evidences that medieval hoards are also a source of research on migration

    Mechanisms of state terror in the case of lost children of the Francoist regime: history and the new historical novel

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    The purpose of this paper is to uncover the mechanisms used by the Francoist regime to seize the children of its political opponents, as well as to discuss the problem as depicted in contemporary historical novels. In order to achieve these goals, the paper begins with an inquiry into eugenics, as interpreted by the infamous Spanish psychiatrist Antonio Vallejo Nágera. Further, the author reviews the processes through which biological parents (and/or family) lost the legal control over their children, many of whom had their identities changed. Consequently, the analysis focuses on three new historical novels (La voz dormida by Dulce Chacón, Mala gente que camina by Benjamin Prado, and Si a los tres años no he vuelto by Any R. Cañil), which use the mediation of historical memory to recover the remembrance of the lost children of the Francoist regime.The purpose of this paper is to uncover the mechanisms used by the Francoist regime to seize the children of its political opponents, as well as to discuss the problem as depicted in contemporary historical novels. In order to achieve these goals, the paper begins with an inquiry into eugenics, as interpreted by the infamous Spanish psychiatrist Antonio Vallejo Nágera. Further, the author reviews the processes through which biological parents (and/or family) lost the legal control over their children, many of whom had their identities changed. Consequently, the analysis focuses on three new historical novels (La voz dormida by Dulce Chacón, Mala gente que camina by Benjamin Prado, and Si a los tres años no he vuelto by Any R. Cañil), which use the mediation of historical memory to recover the remembrance of the lost children of the Francoist regime

    Cluster as place of efficient diffusion of knowledge. Experiences of Lower Silesia

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    Due to the fact that clusters should implement the idea of an open innovation model, the paper focuses on the role of Lower Silesian clusters in promoting knowledge flow between enterprises and other network participants, which are measured by the numbers of joint inventions and patent citations. On the basis of the analysis of national and international patent applications, it has been found that few inventions of enterprises are created in cooperation with other cluster members as well as that enterprises refer to the knowledge of other cluster members in their patent descriptions to a limited extent, which in general does not support the thesis that cluster membership contributes to the intensification of knowledge-diffusion processes

    The role of ethnic diversity in stimulating innovation processes : comparative analysis of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary

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    Purpose: Since existing literature suggests that ethnic diversity is one of the key elements that shape the dynamics of innovation, we examine whether inventions generated by ethnically diverse teams in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary are more valuable than those created by homogenous teams of native researchers. Design/Methodology/Approach: Using the OLS method, we estimate the parameters of the regression model in order to examine the relationship between ethnic diversity and the quality of technical solutions created as well as to determine which ethnic group and which combination of these groups (for each country) has the greatest impact on the quality of inventions. We take the frequency of citation as a measure of the quality of inventions, and the degree of ethnic diversity in the inventor team is measured using the Herfindahl index. Findings: Based on a cross-sectional data set being a sample of 2518 international patent applications (PCT) from 2004-2012, we have observed that both the mere presence of foreigners as well as greater ethnic diversity in the inventor team significantly increase the quality of technical solutions in Poland and Hungary, and moderately in the Czech Republic. Our study has also revealed that of all ethnic groups, Americans have the greatest impact on the citation of inventions, and it is the case in all three countries covered by the study. The optimal combination of individual groups, however, is different for each of these three countries: in Poland, the highest quality of inventions is related to the presence of citizens of the US, Belgium, Japan and Turkey, in Hungary – the US and Israel, and in the Czech Republic – the US, Germany and Canada. Practical Implications: The research results can be used by decision makers in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary when shaping the countries’ migration and innovation policies. Originality/Value: Original research.peer-reviewe

    The dual role of tumor lymphatic vessels in dissemination of metastases and immune response development

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    Lymphatic vasculature plays a crucial role in the immune response, enabling transport of dendritic cells (DCs) and antigens (Ags) into the lymph nodes. Unfortunately, the lymphatic system has also a negative role in the progression of cancer diseases, by facilitating the metastatic spread of many carcinomas to the draining lymph nodes. The lymphatics can promote antitumor immune response as well as tumor tolerance. Here, we review the role of lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) in tumor progression and immunity and mechanism of action in the newest anti-lymphatic therapies, including photodynamic therapy (PDT)