187 research outputs found

    Analysis of S. pombe SIN protein association to the SPB reveals two genetically separable states of the SIN.

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    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation initiation network (SIN) regulates cytokinesis, and asymmetric association of SIN proteins with the mitotic spindle pole bodies (SPBs) is important for its regulation. Here, we have used semi-automated image analysis to study SIN proteins in large numbers of wild-type and mutant cells. Our principal conclusions are: first, that the association of Cdc7p with the SPBs in early mitosis is frequently asymmetric, with a bias in favour of the new SPB; second, that the early association of Cdc7p-GFP to the SPB depends on Plo1p but not Spg1p, and is unaffected by mutations that influence its asymmetry in anaphase; third, that Cdc7p asymmetry in anaphase B is delayed by Pom1p and by activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint, and is promoted by Rad24p; and fourth, that the length of the spindle, expressed as a fraction of the length of the cell, at which Cdc7p becomes asymmetric is similar in cells dividing at different sizes. These data reveal that multiple regulatory mechanisms control the SIN in mitosis and lead us to propose a two-state model to describe the SIN

    O adsorption and incipient oxidation of the Mg(0001) surface

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    First principles density functional calculations are used to study the early oxidation stages of the Mg(0001) surface for oxygen coverages 1/16 <= Theta <= 3 monolayers. It is found that at very low coverages O is incorporated below the topmost Mg layer in tetrahedral sites. At higher oxygen-load the binding in on-surface sites is increased but at one monolayer coverage the on-surface binding is still about 60 meV weaker than for subsurface sites. The subsurface octahedral sites are found to be unfavorable compared to subsurface tetrahedral sites and to on-surface sites. At higher coverages oxygen adsorbs both under the surface and up. Our calculations predict island formation and clustering of incorporated and adsorbed oxygen in agreement with previous calculations. The calculated configurations are compared with the angle-scanned x-ray photoelectron diffraction experiment to determine the geometrical structure of the oxidized Mg(0001) surface.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A epistemologia da educação

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    O conhecimento em Educação é examinado segundo o processo que toda ciência efetivamente realiza, na definição de seu objeto. Este objeto por sua vez é definido pelo paradigma que o sujeito científico assumir. Assim, a mudança de paradigma em uma ciência é uma ruptura epistemológica, que altera o próprio objeto dessa ciência. Entretanto, a ciência emerge pouco a pouco do cotidiano e de uma pragmática, que define seu projeto. É uma construção coletiva e cultural, da qual participam os sujeitos e na qual a palavra é o elemento-chave na organização do conhecimento.O sujeito científico é aqui entendido como sendo um conjunto de atividades estruturantes, ligadas a uma abordagem científica determinada e intencionalmente instituída para produzir o objeto científico.A intersubjetividade, segundo Habermas e a linguagem enquanto pragmática e discurso segundo Vygotsky, são examinadas para verificar a ação educativa, enquanto ação e enquanto comunicação, na tentativa de caracterizar o conhecimento da Educação como conhecimento científico. O conceito de interdisciplinaridade é necessário para tal caracterização, e vem da superação da ciência moderna, que é fragmentária, sendo sua fragmentação temática e não disciplinar. As condições de possibilidade da ação humana projetada no mundo a partir de um espaço - tempo local, levam ao tipo de conhecimento que é necessário em nossa época: não determinístico, nem descritivista, possuidor de uma linguagem que é o seu método, plural e transgressor, fora de parâmetros fixos e de territórios demarcados, utilizando a metáfora e a exemplaridade como procedimentos. No conhecimento em Educação, o sujeito é ao mesmo tempo objeto, o que vem a definir tal conhecimento como processo e não estado, sendo então aplicado, e particularmente aplicado

    The Level of Isoprostanes as a Non-invasive Marker for in vivo Lipid Peroxidation in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

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    Oxidative stress leads to lipid peroxidation and may contribute to the pathogenesis of lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory as well as degenerative phenomena. Isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like compounds which are formed by free radical catalysed peroxidation of arachidonic acid esterified in membrane phospholipids. They are a new class of sensitive specific markers for in vivo lipid peroxidation. In this study 26 patients (15 females and 11 males; mean age 48.2 ± 15.2 year; mean disease duration 10.0 ± 6.5 year) with secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and 12 healthy controls were enrolled. In patients with multiple sclerosis the lipid peroxidation as the level of urine isoprostanes and the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) in plasma were estimated. Moreover, we estimated the total antioxidative status (TAS) in plasma. It was found that the urine isoprostanes level was over 6-fold elevated in patients with SPMS than in control (P < 0.001). In SPMS patients TBARS level was also statistically higher than in controls (P < 0.01). However, we did not observed any difference of TAS level in serum between SPMS patients and controls (P > 0.05). In patients with SPMS the lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress measured as the increased level of isoprostanes was observed. Thus, we suggest that the level of isoprostanes may be used as non-invasive marker for a determination of oxidative stress what in turn, together with clinical symptoms, may determine an specific antioxidative therapy in SPMS patients

    Plk1 regulates contraction of postmitotic smooth muscle cells and is required for vascular homeostasis

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    Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1), an essential regulator of cell division, is currently undergoing clinical evaluation as a target for cancer therapy. We report an unexpected function of Plk1 in sustaining cardiovascular homeostasis. Plk1 haploinsufficiency in mice did not induce obvious cell proliferation defects but did result in arterial structural alterations, which frequently led to aortic rupture and death. Specific ablation of Plk1 in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) led to reduced arterial elasticity, hypotension, and an impaired arterial response to angiotensin II in vivo. Mechanistically, we found that Plk1 regulated angiotensin II-dependent activation of RhoA and actomyosin dynamics in VSMCs in a mitosis-independent manner. This regulation depended on Plk1 kinase activity, and the administration of small-molecule Plk1 inhibitors to angiotensin II-treated mice led to reduced arterial fitness and an elevated risk of aneurysm and aortic rupture. We thus conclude that a partial reduction of Plk1 activity that does not block cell division can nevertheless impair aortic homeostasis. Our findings have potentially important implications for current approaches aimed at PLK1 inhibition for cancer therapy.This work-was supported by the Marie Curie activities of the European Commission (Oncotrain program; fellowship to P.W), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; fellowship to A.G.-L.), the CENIT AMIT Project "Advanced Molecular Imaging Technologies" (TEC2008-06715-C02-1, RD07/0014/2009 to F.M.), the Red de investigacion Cardiovascular (RIC), cofunded by FEDER (grant RD12/004240022 to J.M.R.; grant RD12/0042/0056 to L.J.J.-B), Fundacio La Marato TV3 (grant 20151331 to J.M.R.), the Castilla-Leon Autonomous Government (BIO/SA01/15, CS049U16 to X.R.B.), the Solorzano and Ramon Areces Foundations (to X.R.B.), MINECO (grants RD12/0036/0002 and SAF2015-64556-R to X.R.B.; SAF2015-63633-R to J.M.R.; and SAF2015-69920-R to M.M.), Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme (grant SAF2014-57791-REDC to M.M.), Red Tematica CellSYS (grant BFU2014-52125-REDT to M.M.), Comunidad de Madrid (OncoCycle Programme; grant S2010/BMD-2470 to M.M.), Worldwide Cancer Research (grants 14-1248 to X.R.B., and 15-0278 to M.M.) and the MitoSys project (European Union Seventh Framework Programme; grant HEALTH-F5-2010-241548 to M.M.). CNIC is supported by MINECO and the Pro-CNIC Foundation. CNIO and CNIC are Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence (MINECO awards SEV-2015-0510 and SEV-2015-0505, respectively).S