364 research outputs found

    The Tenets of Trumpism – from Political Realism to Populism

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze US foreign policy under the new White House administration and to present the most important aspects of Trump’s emerging doctrine, with the aim of answering the following questions: what are the goals and tenets of, and the measures to implement, the foreign policy outlined in the new US National Security Strategy? Which trends can be considered dominant in Trump’s emerging doctrine? What challenges and threats to international security were mentioned in the document? Do traditional US allies still play an important role in the superpower’s security strategy? The thesis of this paper is that political realism is the main trend in Trump’s emerging doctrine and that US foreign policy has taken a unilateral course, with a large dose of populism

    Is America safer today? The first changes to U.S. foreign and security policy during the presidency of Donald Trump

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    Artykuł opisuje pierwsze miesiące prezydentury Donalda Trumpa. Przedstawia jego najważniejsze decyzje w zakresie polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa USA, głosy krytyczne i wspierające oraz ewentualne implikacje dla bezpieczeństwa USA. Już podczas kampanii wyborczej niektóre propozycje Trumpa wywoływały niepokój społeczności międzynarodowej i wiele pytań w kontekście dotychczasowych sojuszy. Zapowiedział m.in. wprowadzenie rygorystycznych przepisów w prawie emigracyjnym, niezwłoczną deportację nielegalnych imigrantów z USA, przywróceniem tortur jako narzędzia walki z terrorystami, podważał ponadto dotychczasową politykę współpracy z sojusznikami, kwestionując dążenie do zapewniania bezpieczeństwa innym krajom na koszt USA. Podjęte podczas pierwszych 100 dni urzędowania Donalda Trumpa decyzje wpływają nie tylko na sytuację wewnętrzną USA, zarówno w kontekście bezpieczeństwa kraju, jak i systemu politycznego, ze względu na rodzący się kryzys konstytucyjny i tarcia pomiędzy władzą wykonawczą i sądowniczą. Jego decyzje wpływają również na stosunki pomiędzy USA i ich sojusznikami oraz przekształcają rolę Stanów Zjednoczonych w świecie i wpływ supermocarstwa na system zbiorowego bezpieczeństwa. This article describes the first months of Donald Trump’s presidency. It presents his most important decisions on U.S. foreign and security policy, the voices of those critical and supportive of him, and possible implications for U.S. security. Even during his election campaign, some of Trump’s proposals raised concerns among the international community and many questions about past alliances. He has announced the introduction of laws for the immediate removal of illegal immigrants from the United States, and the reintroduction of torture as a tool for fighting terrorism. He has criticized the current policy of cooperation with allies, and the provision of security to other countries at the expense of the United States. The decisions made during Donald Trump’s first 100 days affect the internal situation of the United States, both in the context of national security and the political system, due to the emerging constitutional crisis and the friction between the executive and the judiciary branches. His decisions also affect relations between the United States and its allies, transforming America’s role in the world and the impact of the superpower on the collective system of security

    American Plans to Build Democracy in the Middle East After 9/11: the Case of Iraq

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    The “Freedom Agenda” of President George W. Bush for the Middle East assumed that the liberation of Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the start of political change would trigger the process of democratization of the entire region. Encouraged by financial and economic support, Arab countries should have been willing to implement political and educational support, which would lead to the creation of civil society and grassroots political changes initiated by society itself. A number of mistakes made by the Bush administration in Iraq has not only caused the mission of the democratization of Iraq to be a failure, but also influenced the situation that today Iraq is closer to being a failed state than a democracy

    Złote czasy radia. Edukacyjne i wychowawcze funkcje radiowych audycji umuzykalniających

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    The article attempts to present the specificity of radio music broadcasts as a form of didactic method used while teaching children about music. The Polish Radio music broadcasts created by Maria Wieman from 1946 to 1976 were used as a research material. The author shows the historical background in which educational radio programmes were made in Poland. The state of kindergarten education after the war and the methodology of music education is also adressed. The paper attempts to present the reconstruction of the formation of music broadcasts for children based on the literature dedicated to the subject, recordings of the broadcasts, and radio documents. The author also wanted to present the profile of Maria Wieman, the brodcast creator. Her methodological and didactic achievements played a key role in forming the modern way of thinking about music education in kindergarten.The article attempts to present the specificity of radio music broadcasts as a form of didactic method used while teaching children about music. The Polish Radio music broadcasts created by Maria Wieman from 1946 to 1976 were used as a research material. The author shows the historical background in which educational radio programmes were made in Poland. The state of kindergarten education after the war and the methodology of music education is also adressed. The paper attempts to present the reconstruction of the formation of music broadcasts for children based on the literature dedicated to the subject, recordings of the broadcasts, and radio documents. The author also wanted to present the profile of Maria Wieman, the brodcast creator. Her methodological and didactic achievements played a key role in forming the modern way of thinking about music education in kindergarten

    Noam Chomsky, Interwencje, przeł. E. Penksyk-Kluczkowska, Katowice 2008, ss. 199

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    Ewelina Waśko-Owsiejczuk - Uniwersytet w Białymstoku828829

    Endolymphatic sac tumour (ELST). Case report of a rare tumour of the temporal bone, presenting as a mass in a cerebello-pontine angle

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    Endolymphatic sac tumour (ELST) is a primary low-grade, locally invasive adenocarcinoma of the endolymphatic sac, characterized by the proliferation of cuboidal cells forming a papillotubular pattern and colloid-filled cysts. Rare in the general population, it coincides significantly with the presence of von Hippel-Lindau disease. The natural history, mechanisms underlying the early symptoms, anatomical origin of ELST and optimal timing of their treatment are unknown. In this study, we report a Polish male patient with sporadic ELST (without a family history of VHL disease) along with a review of literature. The light microscopic and immunohistochemical features as well as clinical presentation were typical of ELST

    Ulotne - nieprzedawnione : uwagi o krytyce literackiej Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    Mit i historia : legenda o Władysławie Łokietku

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    Józef Tretiak (1841-1923)

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