80 research outputs found

    The end of systemic transformation – time for Poland’s golden age

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    W roku 25-lecia przemian w wolności i demokracji chcę ogłosić: W Polsce zakończyła się właśnie transformacja systemowa! Dokonaliśmy gruntownych zmian, zmieniliśmy nawet epokę. Dlatego powinniśmy oficjalnie zamknąć okres transformacji i ogłosić czas państwa dojrzałej demokracji oraz okrzepłej gospodarki. Niech ten rok jubileuszowy będzie symboliczną cezurą pomiędzy etapem burzenia i budowania a etapem urządzania i rozwoju. Niech to będzie nowy złoty wiek Rzeczypospolitej!In the year of the 25th anniversary of the transformation of the political system and of the struggle for freedom and democracy in Poland I wish to announce the end of systemic change in our country! The transformation that we undertook and implemented has been thorough and radical, even epoch-making. Therefore, the time has now come to close the period of change officially and to present the Polish State as a mature democracy and with a fully-fledged economy. Let this jubilee year be a symbolic watershed between the previous phase of destruction and construction, and the current phase of establishment and development. Let it be from now on a golden age of the Republic of Poland!Today, twenty five years on, I would like us to look back at the road we have travelled and draw some conclusions; but first and foremost, I want us to look at the present and to look ahead to the future. From a historical perspective it must be recognised that we have achieved a lot in this time of transformation. There have been errors too, sometimes leading to injustice and social inequality. The overall outcome is nevertheless positive, even more so considering where and with what we started. I must admit that 25 year ago, the only wish I had was to open the door to freedom. I did not think what the first day after victory would bring. Maybe I was hoping our freedom would have drawers full of programmes. As it turned out later, we had to build everything from scratch. We were learning democracy and the free market at a practical level, and I must say we have succeeded quite well.Talking about transformations, the path to freedom, or the road we are taking now in a free Poland, we should not only recall the year 1989 and see it as the only cause of our present democracy and free market. The events of 1989 were important, but were neither the first nor the last element in the chain of events that had their origin much earlier. One cannot forget the dramatic events in Poznań in June 1956, December 1970 in Poland and other bids for freedom. These painful experiences instilled in us a strong conviction that the only way to follow was a wisely managed and peaceful struggle. This conviction was subsequently reinforced by the words of encouragement we received from Pope John Paul II and which we managed to turn into reality. These were the foundations on which both the Polish August of 80 and the Solidarity movement grew, not only as a trade union or a freedom movement, but as a philosophy underpinning our actions. This philosophy helped us to survive through the difficult times of the 1980s, a time whichshook the nation, and when Solidarity was greatly weakened. In 1988 and 1989 Solidarity had lost some of its momentum and no longer had the support of so many millions; yet it managed to bring us freedom when we eventually sat down at the Round Table. We achieved much more than the concessions won in the Round Table agreement foresaw – our prime minister in 1989 and our president elected in free elections in 1990 were the two elements that sealed the peaceful revolution. Therefore we must now, twenty five years later as we celebrate the Anniversary of 1989, remember every link in the chain of events that lead to freedom.I would like to see in this logic of the actual causes and effects, another  phase of the historic battle for a better future, this time on a global scale. The first calls that Solidarity made for unity, consensus and collaboration in building a fair, safe and prosperous global world take on a particular dimension today, and the Polish experience of solidarity and dreams of freedom may now become a guideline for nations and peoples who in the contemporary world must still cope with enslavement and hopelessness, and here I mean, also our brother Ukrainians and many other nations. Further, it may also show the direction in which global civilisation should develop, and serve as lasting points of reference. This is what the world today lacks most. Neither we, as a civilisation, nor as a global world or individual nations, have so far been successful in identifying those values that would be universal for the whole of humanity, and to which we could refer irrespective of nationality, race or faith. Consequently, we stand helpless in the face of global crises or local conflicts, or even tend to forget that in this global world our neighbour’s problems become our problems, too.What our civilisation needs is a catalogue of unquestionable values accepted by all, without exception, on which to build a world of peace and safety. It is important that we agree to build our world on universal values, among which I include solidarity as the foundation of social life in many areas: economy, work, global collaboration, social inequalities. Solidarity and wisely used freedom should be the values from which universal respect for human dignity, the freedom of speech and religion, or the right to justice and equality of opportunity should derive. And we must make sure that these rights are wisely and efficiently exercised in a spirit of solidarity, locally and globally.Let this Anniversary discussion on history be at the same time a call for a debate on the shape of the future. This is the responsibility of the generation of those who have fought for and won freedom, and those who now want to use it wisely. It is our common task to make sure that these historical and democratic achievements, and in particular the potential which we, Poles, still have, is not squandered. It is a task to make the best of the chance Poland has today to build a new golden age. We should also remember that historically it has been a very long time since Poland’s geographical and political situation was so stable in terms of lasting security partnerships, economy and development, if it ever was. This is a foundation on which certainly much can be built today. And I shall always be there too, to welcome all who are interested and ready to join. Like twenty five years ago … Or even earlier

    Clipping versus coiling for intracranial aneurysms

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    Background and purpose The aim of this study was to compare results of clipping and coiling for aneurysms of the anterior circle of Willis. Previous studies have not identified a clear superiority of one method over the other. Material and methods The study group included 165 consecutive patients. The assessment took into account the risk of death, neurological status according to the scale of the GOS and mRS, the incidence of early complications and quality of life measured by own surveys and questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 v. 3.0. Results Mean follow-up was more than four years. Early and late results of treatment after embolization and clipping for all patients did not differ. Evaluation of patients with bleeding aneurysms demonstrated better outcomes after embolization, however statistical significance was observed only in terms of symptomatic scale score of QLQ-C30 questionnaire (p=0.02). For patients with non-bleeding aneurysms better outcomes were obtained after clipping, but statistical significance was found only in the early results: more excellent results in GOS score at discharge (p<0.03) and fewer complications during hospitalization (p=0.02). Conclusions Results of treatment after clipping and coiling do not differ in total for all patients, but differ depending on the presence of bleeding. Patients with bleeding aneurysms achieve better outcomes after coiling, and patients with non-bleeding aneurysms achieve better outcomes after clipping

    Postoperative functioning of cardiac patients. Diagnostic methods of postoperative monitoring and risk of mortality

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    Abstract Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the most common reason for deaths of people. Progress in cardiac surgery and cardiac diagnosis a significantly decreased the risk of surgery and postoperative mortality in patients. The aim of our study was to present methods for monitoring patients after cardiac surgery and to assess the risk of morality. Material and methods: Articles in the EBSCO database have been analysed using keywords: postoperative functioning, cardiac surgery, risk of morality. Results: Studies have shown that cardiac surgery patients are a large group with many co-existing health problems that affect the occurrence of problems in the postoperative period. Hemodynamic monitoring of patients is carried out using a variety of techniques, both invasive and non-invasive. There are also many tools to assess post operative cognitive dysfunction. Interesting are modern methods of hemodynamic monitoring, which can be used by patients at home, after leaving the hospital. It should be remembered that all methods of treatment and monitoring of cardiac surgery patients have an impact on their quality of life and functioning. Do not forget about non-pharmacological methods of affecting the functioning of postoperative patients included in the ERAS protocol. Conclusions: Cardiac patients require a complex and interdisciplinary approach in the postoperative period. Many elements should be taken into account and prepared the patient for this situation. Progress in medicine more often reduces the risk of morality cardiac patients. However, should remember about the impact of all our activities on the quality of life and functioning of patients. Keywords: postoperative functioning, cardiac surgery, risk of morality Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are causing more than 17 million deaths worldwide, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) mortality due to cardiovascular diseases will become the leading cause of deaths of up to 20 million people per year [1]. Progress achieved in cardiac surgery and cardiac diagnosis allows for a significant reduction in the risk of surgery and postoperative mortality in patients. However, the evaluation of the result of the operation should not focus only on the effectiveness of the surgery itself. Treatment of cardiac surgery patients should also take into account how will they function in everyday life situations after the surgery

    An Appeal to Polish Authorities

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    Zmiany kursu walutowego EUR/PLN na podstawie kwotowań Narodowego Banku Polskiego w latach 2005-2015

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    Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza średnioważonego kursu waluty euro w porównaniu ze złotym na podstawie kwotowań Narodowego Banku Polskiego w latach 2005-2015, a ponadto wyszczególnienie informacji na temat kursu walutowego, jego kształtowania oraz znaczenia, jakie ma w gospodarce, w społeczeństwie. Celem jest podjęcie dyskusji na temat teorii, wyników badań, czynników kształtujących kurs walutowy czy też zmienności kursów. Co więcej, autorka pragnie przedstawić czytelnikowi walutę euro oraz zasady, na jakich jest przyjmowana w krajach należących do Unii Europejskiej. Cel ukierunkowany jest również na przejrzyste pokazanie kształtowania się kursu walutowego EUR/PLN w latach 2005-2015, tak aby odbiorca mógł mieć klarownie wyjaśnione na wykresach oraz w tabelach wzrosty i spadki. Autorka przedstawia i wyjaśnia znaczenie pojęcia kursu walutowego, które jest kluczowe w niniejszej publikacji, nawiązuje do wyjaśnienia funkcji waluty Unii Europejskiej oraz interpretuje zmiany zachodzące w gospodarce świat

    Documentary letter of credit as a payment security instrument in international trade transactions

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    Tematem pracy magisterskiej jest akredytywa dokumentowa jako instrument zabezpieczający płatności w transakcjach handlu międzynarodowego. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie efektywnej metody rozliczenia płatności transakcji, która zmniejsza do minimum ryzyko pojawiające się w szczególności w handlu międzynarodowym. Praca jest podzielona na cztery rozdziały. W rozdziale pierwszym dokonuje się charakterystyki prawnej akredytywy. W rozdziale drugim przedstawia się typy akredytyw dokumentowych. Rozdział trzeci prezentuje cykl funkcjonowania akredytywy dokumentowej. W końcu rozdział czwarty objaśnia postępowanie banku w sprawie wypłaty środków z akredytywy dokumentowej.W podsumowaniu stwierdza się, że handel międzynarodowy niesie ryzyko, jak każde działanie, a uczestnicy muszą je zrozumieć, zarządzać i wybrać efektywne metody rozliczeń. Stąd najważniejszym wyznacznikiem sukcesu jest otrzymanie płatności. Stwierdza również, że technologia ułatwia transakcje, ale ludzkie błędy kosztują. Jednak wniosku potwierdzają, że akredytywa dokumentowa jest istotnym narzędziem w handlu międzynarodowym, ale wymaga zrozumienia przepisów i roli dokumentów.Pracę zamyka spis cytowanych prac w którym zamieszczono 23 pozycji piśmienniczych.The subject of the thesis is documentary letter of credit as a payment security instrument in international trade transactions. The purpose of the thesis is to present an effective method of settling transaction payments that minimizes the risks that arise in international trade in particular. The work is divided into four chapters. In chapter one, the legal characteristics of a letter of credit are made. Chapter two presents the types of documentary letters of credit. Chapter three presents the cycle of operation of a documentary letter of credit. Finally, chapter four explains the bank's procedure for disbursing funds from a documentary letter of credit.It concludes that international trade carries risks, like any activity, and participants must understand them, manage them and choose effective settlement methods. Hence, the most important determinant of success is receiving payment. It also states that technology facilitates transactions, but human errors cost money. However, the conclusion confirms that documentary credit is an important tool in international trade, but requires an understanding of regulations and the role of documents.The paper closes with an index of works cited in which 23 items of literature are listed

    The importance of financial investment using the example of the financial instrument of municipal bonds of the municipality of Ostrów Wielkopolski

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    The purpose of this publication is to present the importance of financial investment using the example of the financial instrument of municipal bonds of the Municipality of Ostrów Wielkopolski. The budget support offered by the bond issue is not comparable with the possibilities of what can be achieved without issuing securities. After many years, bonds have become one of the main subjects in the capital market. Since the 1990s the issue of bonds has been growing in many municipalities including Łódź, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Kraków, Warszawa and many, many others. Unfortunately, not all of these municipalities are so eager to realise their intentions, and thus the fact is that the development is carried out in the longer term. The subject of bonds is not an easy subject, good companies operating it today have a lot of work with it and do not want to physically engage in this difficult topic. Any intentional investment and revenue in the budgets of local governments rely on financial instruments, the securities of which are municipal bonds

    Effectiveness of new N-heterocyclic ligands in self-assembly of complexes of transition metal ions

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    Wydział Chemii: Zakład Chemii BionieorganicznejCelem przedstawionej pracy doktorskiej jest synteza i charakterystyka nowych ligandów N-heterocyklicznych oraz zbadanie ich efektywności w samoorganizacji kompleksów supramolekularnych jonów metali przejściowych. Otrzymano i scharakteryzowano sześć nowych ligandów N-heterocyklicznych. Ligandy polipirydynowe otrzymano w wyniku wieloetapowych syntez z wykorzystaniem reakcji sprzęgania Stille’a. Ligandy typu zasad Schiffa zostały otrzymane w wyniku reakcji kondensacji pomiędzy odpowiednią aminą i aldehydem. W reakcjach N-heterocyklicznych ligandów z solami pierwiastków przejściowych otrzymano różne architektury kompleksów w zależności od zdolności koordynujących jonów metali i rodzaju przeciwjonu. Przeprowadzone syntezy potwierdziły efektywność N-heterocyklicznych ligandów w tworzeniu nowych mono-, dwu- i trójrdzeniowych architektur supramolekularnych typu: helikatów, mezokatów, kompleksów bagietkowych i wieszakowych. Zbadano także właściwości fizykochemiczne (magnetyczne, luminescencyjne i katalityczne) wybranych kompleksów jonów metali przejściowych.In the PhD thesis we focused our attention on synthesis and characterization of new N-heterocyclic ligands and their supramolecular architectures formed by self-assembly with transition metal ions. Six new N-heterocyclic ligands have been synthesized. Polypyridine ligands were prepared in multistep Stille-type coupling reaction. Schiff-base ligands have been obtained by condensation reaction between appropriate amines and aldehydes. Reactions of N-heterocyclic ligands with transition metal ions, depending on coordination preferences of metal ions and type of anions, gave rise to formation of new supramolecular architectures. Syntheses confirmed the effectiveness of N-heterocyclic ligands in self-assembly of new mono-, bi- and trinuclear supramolecular architectures of types helicates, mesocates, baquettes and racks. Physical-chemical properties (magnetic, luminescence and catalytic) of selected complexes have been investigated