202 research outputs found

    PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs in Wastewater and Sewage Sludge

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    The chapter includes the information concerning the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) functioning in respect to polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs)/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In particular, the chapter describes the occurrence and fate of PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs in WWTPs, at different treatment stages, including the tertiary wastewater treatment (e.g. constructed, wetlands biofilters) and factors affecting the removal of these micropollutants during treatment process. Considering the production of growing amounts of sewage sludge as an end product of the wastewater treatment process, the chapter describes also the occurrence and fate of above‐mentioned compounds in sewage sludge and the ways of their utilization with the special emphasis on agricultural uses, bioremediation and phytoremediation processes. With regard to the agricultural use of sewage sludge, the impact of sludge‐born PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs on plant growth and plant metabolism is described, together with the current state of knowledge on the accumulation and translocation of the studied compounds in plant tissues

    The Effect of Lean Techniques on Elimination of Waste in Composite Panel Production Using Paired t-test

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    ‘A penny saved is a penny earned’ as this phrase says it all, the key for increased profit lies in the elimination of non-value adding actions in any production process. This study concentrates mainly on the procedures to identify and to reduce the different types of wastes in a production process. Initially the data related to types of waste and their classification according lean techniques were analyzed and implemented on a production process. The data were recorded for a whole month before implementation and for a whole month after implementation. Later the influence of the lean techniques was analyzed on two different sections of waste, for 5% significance value using paired t-test. It was found that there is a positive impact of lean techniques on some areas of production flow

    The progress of digitalization of logistics management in the enterprise caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the research is to analyse the progress of logistics management digitization as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in enterprises (based on survey research).DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: As part of the research, the following research methods were used in this paper, desk research, elements of descriptive statistics and a survey research.FINDINGS: When analysing the results of the study, it is possible to indicate an increase in the level of logistics management digitization as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was most often pointed out that the top management of organizations is currently performing coordinated duties in terms of setting goals, developing strategic visions and plans for the digitization of all logistics processes.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of the research may constitute a recommendation for entrepreneurs in the matter of the approach to logistics management digitization, as well as creating a strategy and a plan for digitization - in the context of benchmarking the progress in this area against other organizations.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Digitization is nowadays an indispensable feature of the functioning of a company's logistics. Today, digitization is perceived as a key driver in the transformation of logistics management, and the main benefit of digitization is the reduction of logistics costs.This article is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development 2014-2020 within the realization of “The Integrated Programme of Poznan School of Logistics” (no. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z089/17).peer-reviewe

    The response of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) to the application of PCB-contaminated sewage sludge and urban sediment

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    Background The increasing production of sewage sludge (SS) engenders the problem of its responsible utilization and disposal. Likewise, urban sediments (SED) are deposited at the bottom of urban reservoirs and sedimentation ponds, and these require periodical dredging and utilization. However, while the SS and SED deposits often contain nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus; however, they also contain a variety of hazardous compounds including heavy metals, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and microbial pollutants. Fortunately, some species of Cucurbitaceae can accumulate high levels of POPs, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), in their tissues. Methods SS was collected from the Lodz Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and SED from the Sokołówka Sequential Biofiltration System. The SS and SED samples were added to soil in flower pots at three concentrations (1.8 g, 5.4 g and 10.8 g per flower pot), and one pot was left as an unamended control (C). Soil PCB concentrations were determined before cucumber planting, and after five weeks of growth. Also, total soluble protein, total chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b ratio and degree of lipid peroxidation (TBARS) were examined in the leaves of the cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) cv. Cezar after five weeks. Antioxidative response was assessed by ascorbate peroxidase (APx) and catalase (CAT) assay. Results The initial PCB concentration in soil after application of SS or SED was dependent on the applied dose. After five weeks, PCB concentration fell significantly for all samples and confirmed that the dose of SS/SED had a strong effect. Soil remediation was found to be more effective after SS application. Total soluble protein content in the cucumber leaf tissues was dependent on both the type and the dose of the applied amendments, and increased with greater SS doses in the soil. The total chlorophyll content remained unchanged, and the chlorophyll a/b ratio was slightly elevated only after the application of the highest SS and SED dose. The use of SS and SED did not significantly affect TBARS content. APx activity fell after SS or SED application; however, CAT activity tended to increase, but only in the leaves of plants grown in SS-amended soil. Discussion The cultivation of cucumber plants reduces PCB concentration in soil amended with SS or SED; however, this effect is more evident in the case of SS. SS application also induced more intensive changes in the activity of enzymes engaged in antioxidative response and oxidative stress markers in plant tissues than SED. The levels of PCB in the SS may have triggered a more severe imbalance between pro- and antioxidative reactions in plants. Cucumber plants appear to be resistant to the presence of toxic substances in SS and SED, and the addition of SS and SED not only acts as a fertilizer, but also protects against accelerated aging

    Feeding induced in cats by electrical stimulation of the brain stem

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    Stimulation at 14 of 106 loci (Figs. 1 and 2) at which electrodes had been chronically implanted elicited immediate feeding in fully satiated, freely moving cats. Half of the effective points were in the lateral hypothalamus and thus agreed with expectations from extensive prior research on the neural organization of feeding behavior. The other points, however, were in the ventral tegmental area or at the ventrolateral boundary of the central gray. The distribution of all effective points could be explained as following a projection pathway from the globus pallidus. Exploration along 162 recording tracks in acute experiments on these same cats revealed no consistent differences in projection of evoked potentials which could distinguish stimulation at effective versus ineffective loci. Potentials of possible significance, however, were evoked in the paramedial nucleus reticularis of the medulla, the rostral pontine nuclei, the nucleus centralis superior of Bekterev, the lateral frontal cortex and the basal medial forebrain in the vicinity of the diagonal band of Broca.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46530/1/221_2004_Article_BF00236868.pd

    Validating the efficacy of neurofeedback for optimising performance.

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    The field of neurofeedback training has largely proceeded without validation. Here we review our studies directed at validating SMR, beta and alpha–theta protocols for improving attention, memory, mood and music and dance performance in healthy participants. Important benefits were demonstrable with cognitive and neurophysiological measures which were predicted on the basis of regression models of learning. These are initial steps in providing a much needed scientific basis to neurofeedback, but much remains to be done

    The upbringing and the education of girls according to Edith Stein

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    An article presents issues related to the girls’ education which Edith Stein were bringing up in her discourses and articles. Edith Stein was introduced briefly in the text; her pedagogical activity and work were presented, as well as basis of her pedagogical thought. Moreover, the article shows aims and process of girls’ formation, attributes of an authentic educator and a matter of women’s career. In conclusion, the Author attempts to show potential and significance of these issues regarding to current educational problems.Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z wychowaniem i kształceniem dziewcząt, jakie w swoich pismach podejmowała Edyta Stein. W tekście przedstawiono krótko niemiecką uczoną, wskazano na jej twórczość i działalność pedagogiczną, jak również ukazano podstawy jej myśli pedagogicznej. Dalej zaprezentowano cele i przebieg formacji dziewcząt, cechy autentycznej wychowawczyni, a także podjęto kwestię pracy zawodowej kobiet. Na koniec usiłowano ukazać potencjał i znaczenie rozważań Edyty Stein w kontekście dzisiejszych problemów związanych z edukowaniem i wychowywaniem dziewcząt

    Company culture and the sense of safety

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    W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie, poziomy i funkcje kultury. W rozważaniach skoncentrowano się na kulturze przedsiębiorstwa i zwrócono uwagę na przesłanki poczucia bezpieczeństwa. Studium przypadku objęło diagnozę kultury organizacyjnej w małym przedsiębiorstwie usługowym. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem modelu wartości konkurujących Quinna i Camerona i z użyciem kwestionariusza OCAI w aspekcie gotowości do zmian i poczucia bezpieczeństwa pracowników. Metoda umożliwia usystematyzowanie i interpretację szeregu zjawisk występujących w organizacji i ich konfrontację z oczekiwaniami pracowników.The paper deals with the interpretation of culture, its levels and functions. The discussion focuses on company culture and the premises of the sense of safety. The case study covers the diagnosis of organizational culture in a small service business and is performed with the use of Competing Values Framework formulated by Cameron and Quinn. This method allows for systematizing and interpreting a number of phenomena appearing in an organization and then correlates them with personnel expectations. Results of research with the OCAI method in a company make it possible to make conclusions about the existing state and preferable ways of changes that will be acceptable by the personnel in the aspect of sense of safety