150 research outputs found

    Commons components of literature-based reading programs

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    Literature-based reading instruction is replacing traditional basal programs in many classrooms. This instructional concept focuses on providing quality literature from the different genres to develop a print-rich environment in which children can find meaningful reading experiences. These literature experiences provide structures, or whole units, in which readers can create their own meaning. In such a print-rich environment, readers can be energized to extend the reading experience by engaging in related expressive action, a connection between the comprehension and composition processes, and by interacting with others concerning the ideas and feelings generated in the reading process. These experiences can lead to in-depth understandings that can nurture thinking-language abilities

    9/11 : Vom Ereignis zum GedÀchtnis

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    Die TerroranschlĂ€ge des 11. September 2001 (kurz: 9/11) wurden als â€șAngriff auf die freie Weltâ€č und als einschneidende politische, gesellschaftliche und kulturelle ZĂ€sur gedeutet — mit weitreichenden Folgen fĂŒr das westliche Denken. Zwanzig Jahre danach nehmen zahlreiche Institutionen im Saarland dieses Ereignis zum Anlass, um mit Ausstellungen und Diskussionsabenden, mit VortrĂ€gen und Uni-Seminaren den vielen Facetten von 9/11 nachzuspĂŒren. Ausgehend von den Augenzeugen-Fotografien von Reinhard Karger widmet sich diese KatalogbroschĂŒre mit BeitrĂ€gen von Forschenden und Studierenden der medialen Berichterstattung, der Erinnerungskultur und den kĂŒnstlerischen Auseinandersetzungen

    Recurrence of Diabetic Pedal Ulcerations Following Tendo-Achilles Lengthening

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    Foot and ankle surgeons are frequently challenged by the devastating systemic consequences of diabetes mellitus manifested through neuropathy, integumentary and joint breakdown, delayed healing, decreased ability to fight infection, and fragile tendon/ligaments. Diabetic neuropathic pedal ulcerations lead to amputations at an alarming rate and also carry a high mortality rate. This article will discuss causes of diabetic pedal ulcerations that persist or recur after tendo-Achilles lengthening and will highlight areas that need to be addressed by the practitioner such as infection, vascular and nutritional status, glucose control, off-loading, biomechanics, and patient compliance

    Apolipoprotein E mRNA expression in mononuclear cells from normolipidemic and hypercholesterolemic individuals treated with atorvastatin

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a key component of the lipid metabolism. Polymorphisms at the apoE gene (APOE) have been associated with cardiovascular disease, lipid levels and lipid-lowering response to statins. We evaluated the effects on APOE expression of hypercholesterolemia, APOE Δ2/Δ3/Δ4 genotypes and atorvastatin treatment in Brazilian individuals. The relationship of APOE genotypes and plasma lipids and atorvastatin response was also tested in this population.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud APOE Δ2/Δ3/Δ4 and plasma lipids were evaluated in 181 normolipidemic (NL) and 181 hypercholesterolemic (HC) subjects. HC individuals with indication for lowering-cholesterol treatment (n = 141) were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4-weeks). APOE genotypes and APOE mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were analyzed by TaqMan real time PCR.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud HC had lower APOE expression than NL group (p < 0.05) and individuals with low APOE expression showed higher plasma total and LDL cholesterol and apoB, as well as higher apoAI (p < 0.05). Individuals carrying Δ2 allele have reduced risk for hypercholesterolemia (OR: 0.27, 95% I.C.: 0.08-0.85, p < 0.05) and NL Δ2 carriers had lower total and LDL cholesterol and apoB levels, and higher HDL cholesterol than non-carriers (p < 0.05). APOE genotypes did not affect APOE expression and atorvastatin response. Atorvastatin treatment do not modify APOE expression, however those individuals without LDL cholesterol goal achievement after atorvastatin treatment according to the IV Brazilian Guidelines for Dyslipidemia and Atherosclerosis Prevention had lower APOE expression than patients with desirable response after the treatment (p < 0.05).\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud APOE expression in PBMC is modulated by hypercholesterolemia and the APOE mRNA level regulates the plasma lipid profile. Moreover the expression profile is not modulated neither by atorvastatin nor APOE genotypes. In our population, APOE Δ2 allele confers protection against hypercholesterolemia and a less atherogenic lipid profile. Moreover, low APOE expression after treatment of patients with poor response suggests a possible role of APOE level in atorvastatin response

    Pharmacogenetics of OATP Transporters Reveals That SLCO1B1 c.388A>G Variant Is Determinant of Increased Atorvastatin Response

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    Aims: The relationship between variants in SLCO1B1 and SLCO2B1 genes and lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin was investigated. Material and Methods: One-hundred-thirty-six unrelated individuals with hypercholesterolemia were selected and treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks). They were genotyped with a panel of ancestry informative markers for individual African component of ancestry (ACA) estimation by SNaPshot¼ and SLCO1B1 (c.388A&gt;G, c.463C&gt;A and c.521T&gt;C) and SLCO2B1 (−71T&gt;C) gene polymorphisms were identified by TaqMan¼ Real-time PCR. Results: Subjects carrying SLCO1B1 c.388GG genotype exhibited significantly high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol reduction relative to c.388AA+c.388AG carriers (41 vs. 37%, p = 0.034). Haplotype analysis revealed that homozygous of SLCO1B1*15 (c.521C and c.388G) variant had similar response to statin relative to heterozygous and non-carriers. A multivariate logistic regression analysis confirmed that c.388GG genotype was associated with higher LDL cholesterol reduction in the study population (OR: 3.2, CI95%:1.3–8.0, p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: SLCO1B1 c.388A&gt;G polymorphism causes significant increase in atorvastatin response and may be an important marker for predicting efficacy of lipid-lowering therapy

    Vigilùncia do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças de um programa DST/AIDS

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    A terapia anti-retroviral de alta potĂȘncia (TARV) Ă© uma forma eficaz de prevenção da transmissĂŁo do vĂ­rus HIV de mĂŁe para filho. No entanto, os estudos ainda investigam os efeitos da exposição intraĂștero Ă  TARV, dentre eles o atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (DNPM). O presente estudo apresenta o relato de um projeto de extensĂŁo, cujos objetivos foram verificar o DNPM de crianças de um programa DST/AIDS, orientar as famĂ­lias considerando seu contexto socioeconĂŽmico e realizar encaminhamentos para serviços de saĂșde especĂ­ficos. A vigilĂąncia do DNPM foi feita em trĂȘs etapas: (1) avaliação em ambulatĂłrio; (2) avaliação e orientaçÔes em domicĂ­lio; (3) elaboração de relatĂłrios aos gestores de saĂșde. Foram utilizados os testes DENVER II e o PEDI, alĂ©m de um questionĂĄrio socioeconĂŽmico. Participam do programa DST/AIDS 15 crianças, sendo 12 soro-revertidas, 1 soropositiva e 2 indefinidas. Doze crianças foram avaliadas, e os domĂ­nios mais comprometidos foram linguagem, pessoal-social e motor fino, respectivamente. Quanto ao nĂ­vel econĂŽmico, 73,3% pertenciam ao nĂ­vel E, e 58,3% das mĂŁes eram analfabetas ou cursaram apenas o primĂĄrio. Crianças filhas de mĂŁes HIV positivo, alĂ©m de fatores biolĂłgicos, geralmente estĂŁo expostas a fatores de risco ambientais que contribuem para alteraçÔes do DNPM. Desta forma, o acompanhamento por uma equipe de profissionais de saĂșde, em parceria com a famĂ­lia da criança, torna-se uma importante ferramenta para a identificação e intervenção precoce.Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is an effective way of preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. However, further studies investigate the effects of short and long term exposure to HAART in-utero and its consequence on child neuropsychomotor development (NPMD). The paper presents a report and discussion of results of an extension project whose objectives were to verify the NPMD of children participating of the STD/AIDS program, to orientate families according to their socioeconomic context and make referrals to specific health services. The NPMD surveillance was divided into three parts: (1) ambulatory evaluation; (2) home evaluation and orientations; (3) reporting health managers. DENVER II and PEDI tests were used and also a socioeconomic questionnaire. Fifteen children were on the program of which 12 uninfected, 1 HIV+ and 2 indeterminate. Twelve children were evaluated and the most impaired domain were language, personal-social and fine motor, respectively. Regarding to socioeconomic status, 73,3% were E level and 58,3% of mothers were analphabet or had primary school. Children born of infected mothers, besides the biological risks, usually are exposed to environment/social risks that can affect the NPMD. Thus, monitoring by a team of health professionals, in partnership with the child's family, becomes an important tool for identification and early intervention
