343 research outputs found

    The mass and energy budget of Cassiopeia A

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    Further analysis of X-ray spectroscopy results recently obtained from the MOS CCD cameras on-board XMM-Newton provides a detailed description of the hot and cool X-ray emitting plasma in Cas A. Measurement of the Doppler broadening of the X-ray lines is consistent with the expected ion velocities, ~1500 km/s along the line of sight, in the post shock plasma. Assuming a constant total pressure throughout the remnant we estimate the total remnant mass as 10 Msun and the total thermal energy as 7E43 J. We derive the differential mass distribution as a function of ionisation age for both X-ray emitting components. This distribution is consistent with a hot component dominated by swept up mass heated by the primary shock and a cool component which are ablated clumpy ejecta material which were and are still being heated by interaction with the preheated swept up material. We calculate a balanced mass and energy budget for the supernova explosion giving 1E44 J in ejected mass; approximately 0.4 Msun of the ejecta were diffuse with an initial rms velocity of 15000 km/s while the remaining ~1.8 Msun were clumpy with an initial rms velocity of ~2400 km/s. Using the Doppler velocity measurements of the X-ray spectral lines we can project the mass into spherical coordinates about the remnant. This provides quantitative evidence for mass and energy beaming in the supernova explosion. The mass and energy occupy less than 4.5 sr (<40 % of the available solid angle) around the remnant and 64 % of the mass occurs in two jets within 45 degrees of a jet axis. We calculate a swept up mass of 7.9 Msun in the emitting plasma and estimate that the total mass lost from the progenitor prior to the explosion could be as high as ~20 Msun.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A universal GRB photon energy-peak luminosity relation

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    The energetics and emission mechanism of GRBs are not well understood. Here we demonstrate that the instantaneous peak flux or equivalent isotropic peak luminosity, L_iso ergs s^-1, rather than the integrated fluence or equivalent isotropic energy, E_iso ergs, underpins the known high-energy correlations. Using new spectral/temporal parameters calculated for 101 bursts with redshifts from BATSE, BeppoSAX, HETE-II and Swift we describe a parameter space which characterises the apparently diverse properties of the prompt emission. We show that a source frame characteristic-photon-energy/peak luminosity ratio, K_z, can be constructed which is constant within a factor of 2 for all bursts whatever their duration, spectrum, luminosity and the instrumentation used to detect them. The new parameterization embodies the Amati relation but indicates that some correlation between E_peak and E_iso follows as a direct mathematical inference from the Band function and that a simple transformation of E_iso to L_iso yields a universal high energy correlation for GRBs. The existence of K_z indicates that the mechanism responsible for the prompt emission from all GRBs is probably predominantly thermal.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Medium-term performance and maintenance of SUDS:a case-study of Hopwood Park Motorway Service Area, UK

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    One of the main barriers to implementing SUDS is concern about performance and maintenance costs since there are few well-documented case-studies. This paper summarizes studies conducted between 2000 and 2008 of the performance and maintenance of four SUDS management trains constructed in 1999 at the Hopwood Park Motorway Service Area, central England. Assessments were made of the wildlife value and sedimentation in the SUDS ponds, the hydraulic performance of the coach park management train, water quality in all management trains, and soil/sediment composition in the grass filter strip, interceptor and ponds. Maintenance procedures and costs were also reviewed. Results demonstrate the benefits of a management train approach over individual SUDS units for flow attenuation, water treatment, spillage containment and maintenance. Peak flows, pond sediment depth and contaminant concentrations in sediment and water decreased through the coach park management train. Of the 2007 annual landscape budget of £15,000 for the whole site, the maintenance costs for SUDS only accounted for £2,500 compared to £4,000 for conventional drainage structures. Furthermore, since sediment has been attenuated in the management trains, the cost of sediment removal after the recommended period of three years was only £554 and, if the design is not compromised, less frequent removal will be required in future

    Interpretation of UV Absorption Lines in SN1006

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    We present a theoretical interpretation of the broad silicon and iron UV absorption features observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in the spectrum of the Schweizer-Middleditch star behind the remnant of Supernova 1006. These features are caused by supernova ejecta in SN1006. We propose that the redshifted SiII2 1260 A feature consists of both unshocked and shocked SiII. The sharp red edge of the line at 7070 km/s indicates the position of the reverse shock, while its Gaussian blue edge reveals shocked Si with a mean velocity of 5050 km/s and a dispersion of 1240 km/s, implying a reverse shock velocity of 2860 km/s. The measured velocities satisfy the energy jump condition for a strong shock, provided that all the shock energy goes into ions, with little or no collisionless heating of electrons. The line profiles of the SiIII and SiIV absorption features indicate that they arise mostly from shocked Si. The total mass of shocked and unshocked Si inferred from the SiII, SiIII and SiIV profiles is M_Si = 0.25 \pm 0.01 Msun on the assumption of spherical symmetry. Unshocked Si extends upwards from 5600 km/s. Although there appears to be some Fe mixed with the Si at lower velocities < 7070 km/s, the absence of FeII absorption with the same profile as the shocked SiII suggests little Fe mixed with Si at higher (before being shocked) velocities. The column density of shocked SiII is close to that expected for SiII undergoing steady state collisional ionization behind the reverse shock, provided that the electron to SiII ratio is low, from which we infer that most of the shocked Si is likely to be of a fairly high degree of purity, unmixed with other elements. We propose that the ambient interstellar density on the far side of SN1006 is anomalously low compared to the density around the rest of the remnant. ThisComment: 24 pages, with 8 figures included. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The XMM-Newton view of the Crab

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    Aims. We discuss the current X-ray view of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar, summarising our analysis of observations of the source with the EPIC-pn camera on board the XMM-Newton observatory. Different modes of EPIC-pn were combined in order to yield a complete scenario of the spectral properties of the Crab resolved in space and time (pulse phase). In addition we give a description of the special EPIC-pn Burst mode and guidance for data reduction in that mode. Methods. We analysed spectra for the nebula and pulsar separately in the 0.6−12.0 keV energy band. All data were processed with the SAS 6.0.0 XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System package; models were fitted to the data with XSPEC 11. The high time resolution of EPIC-pn in its Burst mode (7 μs) was used for a phase resolved analysis of the pulsar spectrum, after determination of the period with epoch folding techniques. Data from the SmallWindow mode were processed and corrected for pile-up allowing for spectroscopy simultaneously resolved in space and time. Results. The spatial variation of the spectrum over the entire region of the Crab shows a gradual spectral softening from the inner pulsar region to the outer nebula region with a variation in photon index, Γ, from 2.0 to 2.4. Pulse phase resolved spectroscopy of the Crab Pulsar reveals a phase dependent modulation of the photon index in form of a significant hardening of the spectrum in the inter-peak phase from Γ = 1.7 during the pulse peak to Γ = 1.5

    X-ray spectral imaging and Doppler mapping of Cassiopeia A

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    A detailed X-ray spectral analysis of Cas A using a deep exposure from the EPIC-MOS cameras on-board XMM-Newton is presented. Spectral fitting was performed on a 15x15 grid of 20"x20" pixels using a two component non-equilibrium ionisation model (NEI) giving maps of ionisation age, temperature, interstellar column density, abundances and Doppler velocities. The abundances of Si, S, Ar and Ca are strongly correlated. The abundance ratios are consistent with the nucleosynthesis yield from the collapse of a 12 Msun progenitor. The abundance ratios Ne/Si, Mg/Si, Fe/Si and Ni/Si are very variable and distinctly different from S/Si, Ar/Si and Ca/Si, in line with the current explosive nucleosynthesis models. The ionisation age and temperature of both NEI components varies considerably over the remnant. Accurate determination of these parameters yield reliable Doppler velocities for both components. The data are consistent with a plasma velocity of 2600 km/s at the shock radius of 153" implying a primary shock velocity of 4000+/-500 km/s. The Si-K and S-K line emission from the cool component is confined to a relatively narrow shell with radius 100-150". This component is almost certainly ejecta material which has been heated by a combination of the reverse shock and heating of ejecta clumps as they plough through the medium which has been pre-heated by the primary shock. The Fe-K line emission is expanding faster and spans a radius range 110-170". The bulk of the Fe emission is confined to two large clumps and it is likely that these too are the result of ablation from ejecta bullets rather swept up circumstellar medium.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    1SXPS: A deep Swift X-ray Telescope point source catalog with light curves and spectra

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    We present the 1SXPS (Swift-XRT Point Source) catalog of 151,524 X-ray point-sources detected by the Swift-XRT in 8 years of operation. The catalog covers 1905 square degrees distributed approximately uniformly on the sky. We analyze the data in two ways. First we consider all observations individually, for which we have a typical sensitivity of ~3e-13 erg/cm2/s (0.3--10 keV). Then we co-add all data covering the same location on the sky: these images have a typical sensitivity of ~9e-14 erg/cm2/s (0.3--10 keV). Our sky coverage is nearly 2.5 times that of 3XMM-DR4, although the catalog is a factor of ~1.5 less sensitive. The median position error is 5.5" (90% confidence), including systematics. Our source detection method improves on that used in previous XRT catalogs and we report >68,000 new X-ray sources. The goals and observing strategy of the Swift satellite allow us to probe source variability on multiple timescales, and we find ~30,000 variable objects in our catalog. For every source we give positions, fluxes, time series (in four energy bands and two hardness ratios), estimates of the spectral properties, spectra and spectral fits for the brightest sources, and variability probabilities in multiple energy bands and timescales.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures; accepted for publication in ApJS. The accompanying website, http://www.swift.ac.uk/1SXPS is live; the Vizier entry should be available shortl

    The Unexpected Role of Evolving Longitudinal Electric Fields in Generating Energetic Electrons in Relativistically Transparent Plasmas

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    Superponderomotive-energy electrons are observed experimentally from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with a relativistically transparent target. For a relativistically transparent target, kinetic modeling shows that the generation of energetic electrons is dominated by energy transfer within the main, classically overdense, plasma volume. The laser pulse produces a narrowing, funnel-like channel inside the plasma volume that generates a field structure responsible for the electron heating. The field structure combines a slowly evolving azimuthal magnetic field, generated by a strong laser-driven longitudinal electron current, and, unexpectedly, a strong propagating longitudinal electric field, generated by reflections off the walls of the funnel-like channel. The magnetic field assists electron heating by the transverse electric field of the laser pulse through deflections, whereas the longitudinal electric field directly accelerates the electrons in the forward direction. The longitudinal electric field produced by reflections is 30 times stronger than that in the incoming laser beam and the resulting direct laser acceleration contributes roughly one third of the energy transferred by the transverse electric field of the laser pulse to electrons of the super-ponderomotive tail

    Longitudinal Ion Acceleration from High-Intensity Laser Interactions with Underdense Plasma

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    Longitudinal ion acceleration from high-intensity (I ~ 10^20 Wcm^-2) laser interactions with helium gas jet targets (n_e ~ 0.04 n_c) have been observed. The ion beam has a maximum energy for He^2+ of approximately 40 MeV and was directional along the laser propagation path, with the highest energy ions being collimated to a cone of less than 10 degrees. 2D particle-in-cell simulations have been used to investigate the acceleration mechanism. The time varying magnetic field associated with the fast electron current provides a contribution to the accelerating electric field as well as providing a collimating field for the ions. A strong correlation between the plasma density and the ion acceleration was found. A short plasma scale-length at the vacuum interface was observed to be beneficial for the maximum ion energies, but the collimation appears to be improved with longer scale-lengths due to enhanced magnetic fields in the ramp acceleration region.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure