21 research outputs found

    Informing women about hormone replacement therapy: the consensus conference statement

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    Background: The risks/benefits balance of hormone replacement therapy is controversial. Information can influence consumers' knowledge and behavior; research findings about hormone replacement therapy are uncertain and the messages provided by the media are of poor quality and incomplete, preventing a fully informed decision making process. We therefore felt that an explicit, rigorous and structured assessment of the information needs on this issue was urgent and we opted for the organisation of a national consensus conference (CC) to assess the current status of the quality of information on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and re-visit recent research findings on its risks/ benefits. Methods: We chose a structured approach based on the traditional CC method combined with a structured preparatory work supervised by an organising committee (OC) and a scientific board (SB). The OC and SB chose the members of the CC's jury and appointed three multidisciplinary working groups (MWG) which were asked to review clinical issues and different aspects of the quality of information. Before the CC, the three MWGs carried out: A literature review on the risk/benefit profile of HRT and two surveys on the quality of information on lay press and booklets targeted to women. A population survey on women's knowledge, attitude and practice was also carried out. The jury received the documents in advance, listened the presentations during the two-day meeting of the CCs, met immediately after in a closed-door meeting and prepared the final document. Participants were researchers, clinicians, journalists as well as consumers' representatives. Results: Key messages in the CC's deliberation were: a) women need to be fully informed about the transient nature of menopausal symptoms, about HRT risks and benefits and about the availability of non-pharmacological interventions; b) HRT is not recommended to prevent menopausal symptoms; c) the term "HRT" is misleading and "post menopausal hormone therapy" should be the preferred definition. Conclusion: This CC led to the identification of specific information drawbacks. Women are exposed to messages that are often partial, non evidence-based nor transparently developed. The structured and participative methodology of this CC allowed a multidisciplinary perspective and a substantial lay people input

    Intake of dietary phytoestrogen and indices of antioxidant and bone metabolism of pre- and post-menopausal Korean women

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    A group of 101 women, aged 40-65 years consisted of 48 premenopausal subjects and 53 postmenopausal ones living in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area in Korea were evaluated with their general characteristics, lifestyle factors, nutrient and phytoestrogen intakes, blood and urinary indices concerning antioxidant status and bone metabolism. Body mass index (BMI), waist hip ratio (WHR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) of the postmenopausal women were significantly higher (23.8, 0.86, and 126.9 mmHg, respectively) than those of the premenopausal women (22.6, 0.82, and 115.9 mmHg; respectively). Nutrient intakes of the postmenopausal and premenopausal groups were not different except lower fat intake and higher dietary fiber and iron intakes in the postmenopausal group. Daily total phytoestrogen intake was significantly higher in the postmenopausal group (48.54 mg) than the premenopausal (31.41 mg) and was resulted mostly from higher intakes of daidzein and genistein from soy and soy products (45.42 mg vs 28.91 mg). Serum genistein level and excretion of enterolactone, major lignan metabolite, were not very different between the two groups. Serum retinal and α- tocopherol levels were higher in the postmenopausal group but TBARS levels were not different between the two groups. Serum osteocalcin (7.18 ng/mL) and urinary deoxypyridinoline (7.15 nmol/mmol creatinine), in the postmenopausal group were significantly higher than those in the premenopausal group (4.80 ng/mL, 5.95 nmol/mmol creatinine). Urinary excretion of enterolactone was positively correlated with serum osetocalcin in premenopausal women and serum genistein negatively correlated with the urinary DPD in postmenopausal women. Dietary phytoestrogen intake was negatively correlated with serum level of TBARS in all subjects. It is concluded that the effect of total phytoestrogen intake is beneficial on body antioxidant status in all middle-aged women regardless of menopause but the effect on bone metabolism appears different by the type of the phytoestrogen and the menopausal state

    Modulating an oxidative-inflammatory cascade: potential new treatment strategy for improving glucose metabolism, insulin resistance, and vascular function

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    Type 2 diabetes is a result of derangement of homeostatic systems of metabolic control and immune defense. Increases in visceral fat and organ adipose, environmental factors and genetic predisposition create imbalances of these homeostatic mechanisms, ultimately leading to a condition in which the oxidative environment cannot be held in check. A significant imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defenses, a condition called to oxidative stress, ensues, leading to alterations in stress-signalling pathways and potentially end-organ damage. Oxidative stress and metabolic inflammation upregulate the expression pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tissue necrosis factor alpha, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and interleukin-6, as well as activating stress-sensitive kinases, such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), phosphokinase C isoforms, mitogen-activated protein kinase and inhibitor of kappa B kinase. The JNK pathway (specifically JNK-1) appears to be a regulator that triggers the oxidative-inflammation cascade that, if left unchecked, can become chronic and cause abnormal glucose metabolism. This can lead to insulin resistance and dysfunction of the vasculature and pancreatic β-cell. The series of events set in motion by the interaction between metabolic inflammation and oxidative stress constitutes an ‘oxidative-inflammatory cascade’, a delicate balance driven by mediators of the immune and metabolic systems, maintained through a positive feedback loop. Modulating an oxidative-inflammation cascade may improve glucose metabolism, insulin resistance and vascular function, thereby slowing the development and progression to cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes