1,059 research outputs found

    Some digenetic trematodes found in a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) from Brazil

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    Research Areas: Parasitology ; ZoologyThis paper reports three recovered species of digeneans from an adult loggerhead sea turtle - Caretta caretta (Testudines, Cheloniidae) in Brazil. These trematodes include Diaschistorchis pandus (Pronocephalidae), Cymatocarpus solearis (Brachycoeliidae) and Rhytidodes gelatinosus (Rhytidodidae) The fi rst two represent new geographic records. A list of helminths reported from the Neotropical region, Gulf of Mexico and USA (Florida) is presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hierarchical clique analysis in social networks due to common knowledge of proverbs.

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    24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV). Lisboa, 11 a 14 de Julho de 2010 (Comunicação).We present the Hierarchical Clique Analysis, a new algorithm for social networks analysis. The algorithm is exemplified with data about the recognition of proverbs collected in interviews in all Azorean islands and also in three Azorean emigration locations in the USA. Interpreting the set of this data as an incidence matrix of a graph, we obtain 8 oriented and isolated sub-graphs which distinguish the society in a kind of different families of proverbial users. The Hierarchical Clique Analysis finds distinct clusters with a high inner homogeneity

    Deforestation limits evolutionary rescue under climate change in Amazonian lizards

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    Aim: The impact of climate change on biodiversity is often analysed under a stable evolutionary perspective focused on whether species can currently tolerate warmer climates. However, species may adapt to changes, and particularly under conditions of low habitat fragmentation, standing adaptive genetic variation can spread across populations tracking changing climates, increasing the potential for evolutionary rescue. Here, our aim is to integrate genomic data, niche modelling and landscape ecology to predict range shifts and the potential for evolutionary rescue. Location: The megadiverse Amazonian rainforest. Methods: We use genome–environment association analyses to search for candidate loci under environmental selection, while accounting for neutral genetic variation in a widespread Amazonian whiptail lizard (Teiidae: Kentropyx calcarata). We then model the distribution of individuals with genotypes adapted to different climate conditions. We predict range shifts for each genotype in distinct future climate change scenarios by integrating this information with dispersal constraints based on predicted scenarios of forest cover across Amazonia. The predicted ranges of each genotype were then overlapped to infer the potential for evolutionary rescue. Results: We find that the potential for evolutionary rescue and, therefore, a smaller degree of range loss buffering extinction risk in the future is considerably high, provided that current forest cover is retained and climate change is not extreme. However, under extreme environmental change scenarios, range loss will be high in central and southern Amazonia, irrespective of the degree of deforestation. Main Conclusions: Our results suggest that protecting the Amazonian rainforest against further deforestation and mitigating climate change to moderate scenarios until 2070 could foster evolutionary rescue of ectothermic organisms. These actions could prevent substantial biodiversity loss in Amazonia, emphasizing the importance of understanding species adaptability in maintaining biodiversity

    Molecular characterisation of congenital myasthenic syndromes in Southern Brazil

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    Objective To perform genetic testing of patients with congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) from the Southern Brazilian state of Parana. Patients and methods Twenty-five CMS patients from 18 independent families were included in the study. Known CMS genes were sequenced and restriction digest for the mutation RAPSN p.N88K was performed in all patients. Results We identified recessive mutations of CHRNE in ten families, mutations in DOK7 in three families and mutations in COLQ, CHRNA1 and CHRNB1 in one family each. The mutation CHRNE c. 70insG was found in six families. We have repeatedly identified this mutation in patients from Spain and Portugal and haplotype studies indicate that CHRNE c. 70insG derives from a common ancestor. Conclusions Recessive mutations in CHRNE are the major cause of CMS in Southern Brazil with a common mutation introduced by Hispanic settlers. The second most common cause is mutations in DOK7. The minimum prevalence of CMS in Parana is 0.18/100 000

    Biogeographic history and cryptic diversity of saxicolous Tropiduridae lizards endemic to the semiarid Caatinga

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    Background: Phylogeographic research has advanced in South America, with increasing efforts on taxa from the dry diagonal biomes. However, the diversification of endemic fauna from the semiarid Caatinga biome in northeastern Brazil is still poorly known. Here we targeted saxicolous lizards of the Tropidurus semitaeniatus species group to better understand the evolutionary history of these endemic taxa and the Caatinga. We estimated a time-calibrated phylogeny for the species group based on two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes and jointly estimated the species limits and species tree within the group. We also devoted a denser phylogeographic sampling of the T. semitaeniatus complex to explore migration patterns, and the spatiotemporal diffusion history to verify a possible role of the São Francisco River as a promoter of differentiation in this saxicolous group of lizards. Results: Phylogenetic analysis detected high cryptic genetic diversity, occurrence of unique microendemic lineages associated with older highlands, and a speciation history that took place during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. Species delimitation detected five evolutionary entities within the T. semitaeniatus species group, albeit with low support. Thus, additional data are needed for a more accurate definition of species limits and interspecific relationships within this group. Spatiotemporal analyses reconstructed the geographic origin of the T. semitaeniatus species complex to be located north of the present-day course of the São Francisco River, followed by dispersal that expanded its distribution towards the northwest and south. Gene flow estimates showed higher migration rates into the lineages located north of the São Francisco River. Conclusions: The phylogenetic and population structures are intrinsically associated with stable rock surfaces and landscape rearrangements, such as the establishment of drainage basins located to the northern and southern distribution ranges. The T. semitaeniatus complex preserved high genetic diversity during range expansion, possibly as a result of frequent long-distance dispersal events. Our results indicate that both the current course of the São Francisco River and its paleo-courses had an important role in promoting diversification of the Caatinga endemic T. semitaeniatus species group

    Molecular characterisation of congenital myasthenic syndromes in Southern Brazil

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    Objective To perform genetic testing of patients with congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) from the Southern Brazilian state of Parana. Patients and methods Twenty-five CMS patients from 18 independent families were included in the study. Known CMS genes were sequenced and restriction digest for the mutation RAPSN p.N88K was performed in all patients. Results We identified recessive mutations of CHRNE in ten families, mutations in DOK7 in three families and mutations in COLQ, CHRNA1 and CHRNB1 in one family each. The mutation CHRNE c. 70insG was found in six families. We have repeatedly identified this mutation in patients from Spain and Portugal and haplotype studies indicate that CHRNE c. 70insG derives from a common ancestor. Conclusions Recessive mutations in CHRNE are the major cause of CMS in Southern Brazil with a common mutation introduced by Hispanic settlers. The second most common cause is mutations in DOK7. The minimum prevalence of CMS in Parana is 0.18/100 000

    Androgênios e o trato reprodutor masculino: ações clássicas e perspectivas atuais

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    Androgens are steroid hormones that play key roles in the development and maintenance of male phenotype and reproductive function. These hormones also affect the function of several non-reproductive organs, such as bone and skeletal muscle. Endogenous androgens exert most of their effects by genomic mechanisms, which involve hormone binding to the androgen receptor (AR), a ligand-activated transcription factor, resulting in the modulation of gene expression. AR-induced non-genomic mechanisms have also been reported. A large number of steroidal and non-steroidal AR-ligands have been developed for therapeutic use, including the treatment of male hypogonadism (AR agonists) and prostate diseases (AR antagonists), among other pathological conditions. Here, the AR gene and protein structure, mechanism of action and AR gene homologous regulation were reviewed. The AR expression pattern, its in vivo regulation and physiological relevance in the developing and adult testis and epididymis, which are sites of sperm production and maturation, respectively, were also presented.Os androgênios são hormônios esteroides com papel fundamental no desenvolvimento e na manutenção do fenótipo masculino e da função reprodutiva. Esses hormônios também afetam a função de diversos tecidos não reprodutivos, como, por exemplo, o ósseo e musculoesquelético. Os androgênios endógenos exercem a maioria de suas funções por mecanismo genômico, que envolve a ligação do hormônio ao receptor de androgênio (RA), um fator de transcrição ativado por ligante, o que resulta no controle da expressão gênica. Mecanismos não genômicos também têm sido associados aos efeitos induzidos pelo RA. Um grande número de ligantes do RA, esteroidais e não esteroidais, tem sido desenvolvido para o uso terapêutico, incluindo o tratamento do hipogonadismo masculino (agonistas do RA) e de doenças da próstata (antagonistas do RA), entre outras condições patológicas. Neste trabalho, foram discutidas as características estruturais básicas do RA (gene e proteína), os mecanismos de ação desse receptor, bem como aspectos relacionados à sua regulação homóloga. O padrão de expressão do RA, sua regulação in vivo e relevância fisiológica durante o desenvolvimento e a vida adulta na função do testículo e epidídimo, tecidos responsáveis pela produção e maturação de espermatozoides, respectivamente, também foram discutidos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de FarmacologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de FarmacologiaSciEL

    Perfil hematológico de Chelonia mydas (Testudines, Cheloniidae) de acordo com o grau de acometimento pela fibropapilomatose e sua ausência

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    The green turtle Chelonia mydas feeds and nests in the Brazilian coastal area and is considered an endangered species by the World Conservation Union (IUCN 2009) and threatened by the Red List of Brazilian Fauna (Ministério do Meio Ambiente 2009). Fibropapillomatosis is a disease characterized by benign skin tumors (fibropapillomas), and it is one of the main threats to the survival of this species. Studies suggest the involvement of viruses as infectious agents associated with environmental and genetic factors. Blood samples were collected from 45 turtles captured in the coastal area of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From these, 27 were affected by fibropapillomas and 18 were tumor free. Biometrical data on the turtles, size, location and quantity of tumors were recorded. The area occupied by fibropapillomas per animal was calculated and four groups were determined according to severity of the disease or its absence. The objective of the study was to compare hemogram results of the sea turtles classified in these four groups. The lowest hematocrit value was observed in severely affected animals. In the hemoglobin assay, the highest value was observed in the group of tumor free turtles and the lowest, in animals severely affected. Lymphocyte counts and curved carapace length were on the verge of statistical significance.Chelonia mydas, denominada tartaruga verde, é uma tartaruga marinha que frequenta o litoral brasileiro para alimentação e nidificação e é considerada em perigo de extinção pela IUCN (World Conservation Union, 2009) e ameaçada pela Lista Vermelha da Fauna Brasileira (Ministério do Meio Ambiente, 2009). A fibropapilomatose, doença caracterizada por tumores cutâneos benignos (fibropapilomas), é uma das mais importantes ameaças à sobrevivência dessa espécie. Pesquisas sugerem o envolvimento de agentes infecciosos virais em associação com fatores ambientais e genéticos. Foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas de 45 tartarugas provenientes do litoral do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, sendo 18 sem fibropapilomas e 27 acometidas. Dados de biometria das tartarugas, quantidade, localização e tamanho dos tumores foram anotados. Foi realizado o cálculo da área de fibropapilomas por animal e foram estipulados 4 grupos de acordo com o grau de acometimento e sua ausência. O objetivo foi realizar uma comparação entre os hemogramas das tartarugas marinhas classificadas nos 4 grupos. Animais de grau grave apresentaram o menor valor para hematócrito. Para dosagem de hemoglobina, observou-se que o maior valor foi para o grupo de tartarugas sem fibropapilomas e o menor para o de grau grave. Os valores de linfócitos e comprimento curvilíneo da carapaça beiraram a significância estatística

    Análise e caracterização do gene de osmotina em cupuaçuzeiro.

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    O cupuaçuzeiro, Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum., pertence à família Malvaceae e é nativo da região Amazônica. A cultura do cupuaçuzeiro é afetada pela doença vassoura-de-bruxa, causada pelo fungo Moniliophthora perniciosa, provocando uma grande redução na produção de frutos. O conhecimento molecular da interação planta-patógeno é essencial para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas para o controle da doença, como por exemplo, a identificação de genótipos resistentes. Genes expressos em resposta ao ataque de patógenos são alvos de estudos desta interação. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar um deles, o gene de osmotina, em cupuaçuzeiro. Sequências anotadas do transcriptoma de frutos de cupuaçuzeiro foram avaliadas quanto à presença deste gene. Os genes identificados foram comparados ao de osmotina de cacau pelo programa BLAST. Além disso, a organização do gene foi analisada por Southern blot, utilizando DNA genômico de cupuaçu. Identificaram-se duas sequências tipo osmotina: uma de 381 pb e outra de 477 pb, que correspondem a aproximadamente 63% e 79%, respectivamente, da região codificadora da proteína madura de cacau (607 pb). A comparação destas duas sequências com o gene de osmotina de cacau revelou identidade de cerca de 70%. Quanto à organização genômica em cupuaçu, foi observado que o gene está presente em múltiplas cópias. Estudos posteriores são necessários para investigar o envolvimento deste gene com os fenótipos de resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa
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