1,579 research outputs found

    Quantifying Privacy: A Novel Entropy-Based Measure of Disclosure Risk

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    It is well recognised that data mining and statistical analysis pose a serious treat to privacy. This is true for financial, medical, criminal and marketing research. Numerous techniques have been proposed to protect privacy, including restriction and data modification. Recently proposed privacy models such as differential privacy and k-anonymity received a lot of attention and for the latter there are now several improvements of the original scheme, each removing some security shortcomings of the previous one. However, the challenge lies in evaluating and comparing privacy provided by various techniques. In this paper we propose a novel entropy based security measure that can be applied to any generalisation, restriction or data modification technique. We use our measure to empirically evaluate and compare a few popular methods, namely query restriction, sampling and noise addition.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Two distinct sequences of blue straggler stars in the globular cluster M30

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    Stars in globular clusters are generally believed to have all formed at the same time, early in the Galaxy's history. 'Blue stragglers' are stars massive enough that they should have evolved into white dwarfs long ago. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed for their formation: mass transfer between binary companions and stellar mergers resulting from direct collisions between two stars. Recently, the binary explanation was claimed to be dominant. Here we report that there are two distinct parallel sequences of blue stragglers in M30. This globular cluster is thought to have undergone 'core collapse', during which both the collision rate and the mass transfer activity in binary systems would have been enhanced. We suggest that the two observed sequences arise from the cluster core collapse, with the bluer population arising from direct stellar collisions and the redder one arising from the evolution of close binaries that are probably still experiencing an active phase of mass transfer.Comment: Published on the 24th December 2009 issue of Natur

    Symptom increase following a functional capacity evaluation in patients with chronic low back pain:An explorative study of safety

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    Introduction: This study was performed to study intensity and duration of symptom increase following an FCE and to explore safety of an FCE. Methods: Included were 92 patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP), mean age 38.5 years, mean self-reported disability 12.5 (Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire). All patients underwent an FCE. Symptom increase was measured with a 2-item questionnaire. Operational definition for safety: no formal complaint filed and symptom increase to occur only temporarily. Results: No formal complaints were filed (n=92). In total, 54 patients returned the questionnaire (59%; 'responders'). Of the responders, 76% reported increased symptom intensity after an FCE, ranging from 'little increase' to 'severe increase'. Symptoms of all responders returned to pre-FCE level. Duration of symptom increase of the responders ranged from 1 day to 3 weeks. Symptom increase resided to pre-FCE level within 1 week in 93% of the responders. Symptom increase was weakly related to self-reported disability (r=0.38, p <0.05). Except for gender, differences between responders and non-responders were non-significant. Conclusion: A temporary increase in symptom intensity following an FCE is common. Within the operational definitions of safety used in this study, assessment of functional capacity of patients with CLBP appears safe

    Using laser ultrasound to detect sub-surface defects in metal laser powder bed fusion components

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    Laser powder bed fusion offers many advantages over conventional manufacturing methods, such as the integration of multiple parts which can result in significant weight-savings. The increased design freedom that layer-wise manufacture allows has also been seen to enhance component performance at little or no added cost. However, for such benefits to be realised, the material quality must first be assured. Laser ultrasonic testing is a non-contact inspection technique which has been proposed as suitable for in-situ monitoring of metal additive manufacturing processes. This paper explores the current capability of this technique to detect manufactured, sub-surface defects in Ti-6Al-4V samples, ex-situ. The results are compared with x-ray computed tomography reconstructions and focus variation microscopy. Whilst laser ultrasound has been used to identify material discontinuities, further work is required before this technique could be implemented in-situ

    Friendship as a Political Concept: A Groundwork for Analysis

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    What kind of a concept is friendship, and what is its connection to politics? Critics sometimes claim that friendship does not have a role to play in the study of politics. Such objections misconstrue the nature of the concept of friendship and its relation to politics. In response, this article proposes three approaches to understanding the concept of friendship: (1) as a ‘family resemblance’ concept, (2) as an instance of an ‘essentially contested’ concept, and (3) as a concept indicating a problématique. The article thus responds to the dismissal of friendship by undertaking the groundwork for understanding what kind of a concept friendship might be, and how it might serve different purposes. In doing so, it opens the way for understanding friendship’s relation to politics

    Using structural equation modeling to detect response shift in performance and health-related quality of life scores of multiple sclerosis patients

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    To illustrate how structural equation modeling (SEM) can be used for response shift detection with random measurement occasions and health state operationalized as fixed group membership (Study 1) or with fixed measurement occasions and health state operationalized as time-varying covariates (Study 2). In Study 1, we explored seven items of the Performance Scales measuring physical and mental aspects of perceived disability of 771 stable, 629 progressive, and 1,552 relapsing MS patients. Time lags between the three measurements varied and were accounted for by introducing time since diagnosis as an exogenous variable. In Study 2, we considered the SF-12 scales measuring physical and mental components of HRQoL of 1,767 patients. Health state was accounted for by exogenous variables relapse (yes/no) and symptoms (worse/same/better). In Study 1, progressive and relapsing patients reported greater disability than stable patients but little longitudinal change. Some response shift was found with stable and relapsing patients. In Study 2, relapse and symptoms were associated with HRQoL, but no change and only little response shift was found. While small response shifts were found, they had little impact on the evaluation of true change in performance and HRQo

    Schistosomiasis in Africa: Improving strategies for long-term and sustainable morbidity control

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    Schistosomiasis affects over 200 million people worldwide [1] and accounts for an estimated 1.9 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) annually [2], with 90% of the burden currently concentrated in Africa. The last decade has witnessed an extraordinary surge of advocacy and funding for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), including schistosomiasis. Large-scale schistosomiasis control is now implemented in 30 countries in Africa [1], funded primarily through support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department for International Development (DFID), private philanthropic funds from the END Fund and through GiveWell recommendations, and leveraging praziquantel donations from Merck KGaA. However, the number of people still requiring treatment remains daunting [1]. The aim of current public health strategies for schistosomiasis is to decrease morbidity through preventive chemotherapy (PC) (Fig 1) [3]. Periodic large-scale administration of the drug praziquantel focusing on the school-aged population and high-risk adults aims to reduce the prevalence and intensity of infection [4]

    Mathematical Modeling of Malaria Infection with Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Individuals and Agent-Based Communities

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    Background: Agent-based modeling of Plasmodium falciparum infection offers an attractive alternative to the conventional Ross-Macdonald methodology, as it allows simulation of heterogeneous communities subjected to realistic transmission (inoculation patterns). Methodology/Principal Findings: We developed a new, agent based model that accounts for the essential in-host processes: parasite replication and its regulation by innate and adaptive immunity. The model also incorporates a simplified version of antigenic variation by Plasmodium falciparum. We calibrated the model using data from malaria-therapy (MT) studies, and developed a novel calibration procedure that accounts for a deterministic and a pseudo-random component in the observed parasite density patterns. Using the parasite density patterns of 122 MT patients, we generated a large number of calibrated parameters. The resulting data set served as a basis for constructing and simulating heterogeneous agent-based (AB) communities of MT-like hosts. We conducted several numerical experiments subjecting AB communities to realistic inoculation patterns reported from previous field studies, and compared the model output to the observed malaria prevalence in the field. There was overall consistency, supporting the potential of this agent-based methodology to represent transmission in realistic communities. Conclusions/Significance: Our approach represents a novel, convenient and versatile method to model Plasmodiu

    So Small, So Loud: Extremely High Sound Pressure Level from a Pygmy Aquatic Insect (Corixidae, Micronectinae)

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    To communicate at long range, animals have to produce intense but intelligible signals. This task might be difficult to achieve due to mechanical constraints, in particular relating to body size. Whilst the acoustic behaviour of large marine and terrestrial animals has been thoroughly studied, very little is known about the sound produced by small arthropods living in freshwater habitats. Here we analyse for the first time the calling song produced by the male of a small insect, the water boatman Micronecta scholtzi. The song is made of three distinct parts differing in their temporal and amplitude parameters, but not in their frequency content. Sound is produced at 78.9 (63.6–82.2) SPL rms re 2.10−5 Pa with a peak at 99.2 (85.7–104.6) SPL re 2.10−5 Pa estimated at a distance of one metre. This energy output is significant considering the small size of the insect. When scaled to body length and compared to 227 other acoustic species, the acoustic energy produced by M. scholtzi appears as an extreme value, outperforming marine and terrestrial mammal vocalisations. Such an extreme display may be interpreted as an exaggerated secondary sexual trait resulting from a runaway sexual selection without predation pressure