138 research outputs found

    Application of the over-set grid technique to a model singular perturbation problem

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    The numerical solution of a singularly perturbed problem, in the form of a two-dimensional convection-diffusion equation, is studied by using the technique of over-set grids. For this purpose the Overture software library is used. The selection of component grids is made on basis of asymptotic analysis. The behavior of the solution is studied for a range of small diffusion parameters. Also the possibilities of rotating the grid with the convection direction is considered. In order to fit global properties of the solution, the composite grid used is made parameter dependent. In view of possible epseps-uniform convergence, in the resulting composite grid the number of grid points is kept constant for the different values of the small parameter. Only the grid spacing is adapted, depending on the parameters. We see that, even with careful adaptation of the grid, no epseps-uniform convergence is achieved

    Kinetochore Microtubule Dynamics and Attachment Stability Are Regulated by Hec1

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    Mitotic cells face the challenging tasks of linking kinetochores to growing and shortening microtubules and actively regulating these dynamic attachments to produce accurate chromosome segregation. We report here that Ndc80/Hec1 functions in regulating kinetochore microtubule plus-end dynamics and attachment stability. Microinjection of an antibody to the N terminus of Hec1 suppresses both microtubule detachment and microtubule plus-end polymerization and depolymerization at kinetochores of PtK1 cells. Centromeres become hyperstretched, kinetochore fibers shorten from spindle poles, kinetochore microtubule attachment errors increase, and chromosomes severely mis-segregate. The N terminus of Hec1 is phosphorylated by Aurora B kinase in vitro, and cells expressing N-terminal nonphosphorylatable mutants of Hec1 exhibit an increase in merotelic attachments, hyperstretching of centromeres, and errors in chromosome segregation. These findings reveal a key role for the Hec1 N terminus in controlling dynamic behavior of kinetochore microtubules

    The orbit rigidity matrix of a symmetric framework

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    A number of recent papers have studied when symmetry causes frameworks on a graph to become infinitesimally flexible, or stressed, and when it has no impact. A number of other recent papers have studied special classes of frameworks on generically rigid graphs which are finite mechanisms. Here we introduce a new tool, the orbit matrix, which connects these two areas and provides a matrix representation for fully symmetric infinitesimal flexes, and fully symmetric stresses of symmetric frameworks. The orbit matrix is a true analog of the standard rigidity matrix for general frameworks, and its analysis gives important insights into questions about the flexibility and rigidity of classes of symmetric frameworks, in all dimensions. With this narrower focus on fully symmetric infinitesimal motions, comes the power to predict symmetry-preserving finite mechanisms - giving a simplified analysis which covers a wide range of the known mechanisms, and generalizes the classes of known mechanisms. This initial exploration of the properties of the orbit matrix also opens up a number of new questions and possible extensions of the previous results, including transfer of symmetry based results from Euclidean space to spherical, hyperbolic, and some other metrics with shared symmetry groups and underlying projective geometry.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figure

    Conditioning intensity and peritransplant flow cytometric MRD dynamics in adult AML

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    In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), measurable residual disease (MRD) before or after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is an established independent indicator of poor outcome. To address how peri-HCT MRD dynamics could refine risk assessment across different conditioning intensities, we analyzed 810 adults transplanted in first or second remission after myeloablative conditioning (MAC; n = 515) or non-MAC (n = 295) who underwent multiparameter flow cytometry–based MRD testing before as well as 20 to 40 days after allografting. Patients without pre- and post-HCT MRD (MRDneg/MRDneg) had the lowest risks of relapse and highest relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS). Relative to those patients, outcomes for MRDpos/MRDpos and MRDneg/MRDpos patients were poor regardless of conditioning intensity. Outcomes for MRDpos/MRDneg patients were intermediate. Among 161 patients with MRD before HCT, MRD was cleared more commonly with a MAC (85 of 104; 81.7%) than non-MAC (33 of 57; 57.9%) regimen (P = .002). Although non-MAC regimens were less likely to clear MRD, if they did, the impact on outcome was greater. Thus, there was a significant interaction between conditioning intensity and “MRD conversion” for relapse (P = .020), RFS (P = .002), and OS (P = .001). Similar findings were obtained in the subset of 590 patients receiving HLA-matched allografts. C-statistic values were higher (indicating higher predictive accuracy) for peri-HCT MRD dynamics compared with the isolated use of pre-HCT MRD status or post-HCT MRD status for prediction of relapse, RFS, and OS. Across conditioning intensities, peri-HCT MRD dynamics improve risk assessment over isolated pre- or post-HCT MRD assessments in patients with AML

    A Review of the fossil record of turtles of the clade Baenidae

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    The fossil record of the turtle clade Baenidae ranges from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian—Albian) to the Eocene. The group is present throughout North America during the Early Cretaceous, but is restricted to the western portions of the continents in the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene. No credible remains of the clade have been reported outside of North America to date. Baenids were warmadapted freshwater aquatic turtles that supported high levels of diversity at times through niche partitioning, particularly by adapting to a broad range of dietary preferences ranging from omnivorous to molluscivorous. Current phylogenies place Baenidae near the split of crown-group Testudines. Within Baenidae three more inclusive, named clades are recognized: Baenodda, Palatobaeninae and Eubaeninae. A taxonomic review of the group concludes that of 49 named taxa, 30 are nomina valida, 12 are nomina invalida and 7 are nomina dubia

    Genomic profiling of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders using cell-free DNA

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    Diagnosing post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is challenging and often requires invasive procedures. Analyses of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) isolated from plasma is minimally invasive and highly effective for genomic profiling of tumors. We studied the feasibility of using cfDNA to profile PTLD and explore its potential to serve as a screening tool. We included seventeen patients with monomorphic PTLD after solid organ transplantation in this multi-center observational cohort study. We used low-coverage whole genome sequencing (lcWGS) to detect copy number variations (CNVs) and targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) to identify Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA load and somatic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in cfDNA from plasma. Seven out of seventeen (41%) patients had EBV-positive tumors, and 13/17 (76%) had stage IV disease. Nine out of seventeen (56%) patients showed CNVs in cfDNA, with more CNVs in EBV-negative cases. Recurrent gains were detected for 3q, 11q, and 18q. Recurrent losses were observed at 6q. The fraction of EBV reads in cfDNA from EBV-positive patients was 3-log higher compared to controls and EBV-negative patients. 289 SNVs were identified, with a median of 19 per sample. SNV burden correlated significantly with lactate dehydrogenase levels. Similar SNV burdens were observed in EBV-negative and EBV-positive PTLD. The most commonly mutated genes were TP53 and KMT2D (41%), followed by SPEN, TET2 (35%), and ARID1A, IGLL5, and PIM1 (29%), indicating DNA damage response, epigenetic regulation, and B-cell signaling/NFkB pathways as drivers of PTLD. Overall, CNVs were more prevalent in EBV-negative lymphoma, while no difference was observed in the number of SNVs. Our data indicated the potential of analyzing cfDNA as a tool for PTLD screening and response monitoring.</p

    A review of the fossil record of turtles of the clade Pan-Carettochelys

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    Turtles of the total clade Pan-Carettochelys have a relatively poor fossil record that extends from the Early Cretaceous. The clade is only found in Asia during the Cretaceous, but spreads to Europe and North America during the Eocene. Neogene finds are restricted to Europe, Africa and Australia, whereas the only surviving species, Carettochelys insculpta, lives in New Guinea and the Northern Territories of Australia. The ecology of fossil pan-carettochelyids appears similar to that of the extant C. insculpta, although more primitive representatives were likely less adapted to brackish water. Current phylogenies only recognize three internested clades: Pan- Carettochelys, Carettochelyidae and Carettochelyinae. A taxonomic review of the group concludes that of 25 named taxa, 13 are nomina valida, 7 are nomina invalida, 3 are nomina dubia, and 2 are nomina nuda

    Measurement of ΜˉΌ\bar{\nu}_{\mu} and ΜΌ\nu_{\mu} charged current inclusive cross sections and their ratio with the T2K off-axis near detector

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    We report a measurement of cross section σ(ΜΌ+nucleus→Ό−+X)\sigma(\nu_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{-}+X) and the first measurements of the cross section σ(ΜˉΌ+nucleus→Ό++X)\sigma(\bar{\nu}_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{+}+X) and their ratio R(σ(Μˉ)σ(Îœ))R(\frac{\sigma(\bar \nu)}{\sigma(\nu)}) at (anti-)neutrino energies below 1.5 GeV. We determine the single momentum bin cross section measurements, averaged over the T2K Μˉ/Îœ\bar{\nu}/\nu-flux, for the detector target material (mainly Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Copper) with phase space restricted laboratory frame kinematics of ΞΌ\theta_{\mu}500 MeV/c. The results are σ(Μˉ)=(0.900±0.029(stat.)±0.088(syst.))×10−39\sigma(\bar{\nu})=\left( 0.900\pm0.029{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.088{\rm (syst.)}\right)\times10^{-39} and $\sigma(\nu)=\left( 2.41\ \pm0.022{\rm{(stat.)}}\pm0.231{\rm (syst.)}\ \right)\times10^{-39}inunitsofcm in units of cm^{2}/nucleonand/nucleon and R\left(\frac{\sigma(\bar{\nu})}{\sigma(\nu)}\right)= 0.373\pm0.012{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.015{\rm (syst.)}$.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Allaeochelys libyca, a new carettochelyine turtle from the middle miocene (Langhian) of Libya

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    Fossil carettochelyine turtles are well known from the Paleogene of Europe (Allaeochelys), North America and Asia (Anosteira); however, the previously known Neogene fossil record is highly fragmentary and was therefore unsuitable for taxonomic analysis. In this work, we present a new carettochelyine taxon, Allaeochelys libyca, from the Middle Miocene (Langhian) of Gebel Zelten (Libya) based on an incomplete skull and disarticulated postcranial elements. The new taxon is diagnosed relative to the extant Carettochelys insculpta based on the placement of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni close to the fenestra postotica, the horizontal orientation of the tubercula basioccipitalis, the substantial contribution of the opisthotic to the base of the tubercula basioccipitalis, the presence of a triangular pterygoid fossa, the arrangement of the mandibular condyles along a plane and the presence of an extremely well-developed fossa at the base of the processus mandibularis. A phylogenetic analysis of pancarettochelyids confirms the monophyly of Carettochelyidae and Carettochelyinae but resulted in a paraphyletic taxon, Allaeochelys. For the sake of nomenclatural stability, we provisionally retain the genus Allaeochelys as paraphyletic relative to the extant Carettochelys insculpta
