238 research outputs found

    Distance regularity and the spectrum of graphs

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    Strongly Regular Graphs with Maximal Energy

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    The energy of a graph is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. Koolen and Moulton have proved that the energy of a graph on n vertices is at most n(1 + √n)/2, and that equality holds if and only if the graph is strongly regular with parameters (n, (n+√n)/2, (n+2√n)/4, (n+2√n)/4). Such graphs are equivalent to a certain type of Hadamard matrices. Here we survey constructions of these Hadamard matrices and the related strongly regular graphs.Graph energy;Strongly regular graph;Hadamard matrix.

    Interlacing eigenvalues and graphs

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    We give several old and some new applications of eigenvalue interlacing to matrices associated to graphs. Bounds are obtained for characteristic numbers of graphs, such as the size of a maximal (co)clique, the chromatic number, the diameter and the bandwidth in terms of the eigenvalues of the standard adjacency matrix or the Laplacian matrix. We also deal with inequalities and regularity results concerning the structure of graphs and block designs.Graphs;Eigenvalues;mathematics

    Conditions for Singular Incidence Matrices

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    Suppose one looks for a square integral matrixN, for which NN has a prescribed form.Then the Hasse-Minkowski invariants and the determinant of NN lead to necessary conditions for existence.The Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem gives a famous example of such conditions in case N is the incidence matrix of a square block design.This approach fails when N is singular.In this paper it is shown that in some cases conditions can still be obtained if the kernels of N and N are known, or known to be rationally equivalent.This leads for example to non-existence conditions for selfdual generalised polygons, semi-regular square divisible designs and distance-regular graphs.singularities;matrices;graphs