1,288 research outputs found

    Processing and mechanical properties of magnesium-lithium composites containing steel fibers

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    Deformation-processed metal-metal composites (DMMC) of Mg-Li alloys containing steel reinforcing fibers were prepared by infiltrating a preform of steel wool with the molten matrix. The Li content was varied to control the crystal structure of the matrix; Mg-4 wt pct Li is hexagonal close packed (hcp), while Mg-12 wt pct Li is body-centered cubic (bcc). The low carbon steel used as the reinforcing fiber is essentially bcc. The hcp/bcc and bcc/bcc composites were subsequently deformed by rolling and by extrusion/swaging and mechanically tested to relate the tensile strength of the composites to true deformation strain. The hcp/bcc composites had limited formability at temperatures up to 400 °C, while the bcc/bcc composites had excellent formability during sheet rolling at room temperature but limited formability during swaging at room temperature. The tensile strengths of the hcp/bcc composite rod and the bcc/bcc composite sheet and rod increased moderately with deformation, though less than predicted from rule-of-mixtures (ROM) calculations. This article presents the experimental data for these DMMC materials and comments on the possible effect of texture development in the matrix and fiber phases on the deformation characteristics of the composite material

    On the stability of black hole event horizons

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    In this work we study a {\it gedanken} experiment constructed in order to test the cosmic censorship hypothesis and the second law of black hole thermo-dynamics. Matter with a negative gravitating energy is imagined added to a near extremal U(1)U(1)-charged static black hole in Einstein-Maxwell theory. The dynamics of a similar process is studied and the thermo-dynamical properties of the resulting black hole structure is discussed. A new mechanism which stabilizes black hole event horizons is shown to operate in such processes.Comment: 16, grammatical errors corrected and two references adde

    Self-starting cumulative sum harvest control rule (SS-CUSUM-HCR) for status-quo management of data-limited fisheries

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    We demonstrate a harvest control rule based on the self-starting cumulative sum (SS-CUSUM) control chart that can maintain a fish stock at its starting (status-quo) level. The SS-CUSUM is an indicator monitoring tool commonly used in quality control engineering and does not require a long time series or predefined reference point for detecting temporal trends. The reference points in SS-CUSUM are calibrated in the form of running means that are updated on an ongoing basis when new observations become available. The SS-CUSUM can be initiated with as few as two observations in the time series and can be applied long before many other methods, soon after initial data become available. A wide range of stock indicators can be monitored, but in this study, we demonstrate the method using an equally weighted sum of two indicators: a recruitment indicator and a large fish indicator from a simulated fishery. We assume that no life history data are available other than 2 years of both indicator data and current harvest levels when the SS-CUSUM initiates. The signals generated from SS-CUSUM trigger a harvest control rule (SS-CUSUM-HCR), where the shift that occurs in the indicator time series is computed and is used as an adjustment factor for updating the total allowable catch. Our study shows that the SS-CUSUM-HCR can maintain the fish stock at its starting status-quo level (even for overfished initial states) but has limited scope if the fishery is already in an undesirable state such as a stock collapse. We discuss how the SS-CUSUM approach could be adapted to move beyond a status-quo management strategy, if additional information on the desirable state of the fishery is available. </jats:p

    On the warp drive space-time

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    In this paper the problem of the quantum stability of the two-dimensional warp drive spacetime moving with an apparent faster than light velocity is considered. We regard as a maximum extension beyond the event horizon of that spacetime its embedding in a three-dimensional Minkowskian space with the topology of the corresponding Misner space. It is obtained that the interior of the spaceship bubble becomes then a multiply connected nonchronal region with closed timelike curves and that the most natural vacuum allows quantum fluctuations which do not induce any divergent behaviour of the re-normalized stress-energy tensor, even on the event (Cauchy) chronology horizon. In such a case, the horizon encloses closed timelike curves only at scales close to the Planck length, so that the warp drive satisfies the Ford's negative energy-time inequality. Also found is a connection between the superluminal two-dimensional warp drive space and two-dimensional gravitational kinks. This connection allows us to generalize the considered Alcubierre metric to a standard, nonstatic metric which is only describable on two different coordinate patchesComment: 7 pages, minor comment on chronology protection added, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effective interaction for pf-shell nuclei

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    An effective interaction is derived for use in the full pf basis. Starting from a realistic G-matrix interaction, 195 two-body matrix elements and 4 single-particle energies are determined by fitting to 699 energy data in the mass range 47 to 66. The derived interaction successfully describes various structures of pf-shell nuclei. As examples, systematics of the energies of the first 2+ states in the Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, and Ni isotope chains and energy levels of 56,57,58Ni are presented. The appearance of a new magic number 34 is seen.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Some general properties of the renormalized stress-energy tensor for static quantum states on (n+1)-dimensional spherically symmetric black holes

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    We study the renormalized stress-energy tensor (RSET) for static quantum states on (n+1)-dimensional, static, spherically symmetric black holes. By solving the conservation equations, we are able to write the stress-energy tensor in terms of a single unknown function of the radial co-ordinate, plus two arbitrary constants. Conditions for the stress-energy tensor to be regular at event horizons (including the extremal and ``ultra-extremal'' cases) are then derived using generalized Kruskal-like co-ordinates. These results should be useful for future calculations of the RSET for static quantum states on spherically symmetric black hole geometries in any number of space-time dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, RevTeX4, references added, accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Assessing the impact of tailored biosecurity advice on farmer behaviour and pathogen presence in beef herds in England and Wales

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    The term ‘biosecurity’ encompasses many measures farmers can take to reduce the risk of pathogen incursion or spread. As the best strategy will vary between settings, veterinarians play an important role in assessing risk and providing advice, but effectiveness requires farmer acceptance and implementation. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of specifically-tailored biosecurity advice packages in reducing endemic pathogen presence on UK beef suckler farms. One hundred and sixteen farms recruited by 10 veterinary practices were followed for three years. Farms were randomly allocated to intervention (receiving specifically-tailored advice, with veterinarians and farmers collaborating to develop an improved biosecurity strategy) or control (receiving general advice) groups. A spreadsheet-based tool was used annually to attribute a score to each farm reflecting risk of entry or spread of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV1), Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (L. hardjo) and Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis). Objectives of these analyses were to identify evidence of reduction in risk behaviours during the study, as well as evidence of reductions in pathogen presence, as indications of effectiveness. Risk behaviours and pathogen prevalences were examined across study years, and on intervention compared with control farms, using descriptive statistics and multilevel regression. There were significant reductions in risk scores for all five pathogens, regardless of intervention status, in every study year compared with the outset. Animals on intervention farms were significantly less likely than those on control farms to be seropositive for BVDV in years 2 and 3 and for L. hardjo in year 3 of the study. Variations by study year in animal-level odds of seropositivity to BHV1 or MAP were not associated with farm intervention status. All farms had significantly reduced odds of BHV1 seropositivity in year 2 than at the outset. Variations in farm-level MAP seropositivity were not associated with intervention status. There were increased odds of M. bovis on intervention farms compared with control farms at the end of the study. Results suggest a structured annual risk assessment process, conducted as a collaboration between veterinarian and farmer, is valuable in encouraging improved biosecurity practices. There were some indications, but not conclusive evidence, that tailored biosecurity advice packages have potential to reduce pathogen presence. These findings will inform development of a collaborative approach to biosecurity between veterinarians and farmers, including adoption of cost-effective strategies effective across pathogens

    Dyonic Kerr-Newman black holes, complex scalar field and Cosmic Censorship

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    We construct a gedanken experiment, in which a weak wave packet of the complex massive scalar field interacts with a four-parameter (mass, angular momentum, electric and magnetic charges) Kerr-Newman black hole. We show that this interaction cannot convert an extreme the black hole into a naked sigularity for any black hole parameters and any generic wave packet configuration. The analysis therefore provides support for the weak cosmic censorship conjecture.Comment: Refined emphasis on the weak cosmic censorship conjecture, conclusions otherwise unchanged. Also, two sections merged, literature review updated, references added, a few typos correcte

    Stable directions for small nonlinear Dirac standing waves

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    We prove that for a Dirac operator with no resonance at thresholds nor eigenvalue at thresholds the propagator satisfies propagation and dispersive estimates. When this linear operator has only two simple eigenvalues close enough, we study an associated class of nonlinear Dirac equations which have stationary solutions. As an application of our decay estimates, we show that these solutions have stable directions which are tangent to the subspaces associated with the continuous spectrum of the Dirac operator. This result is the analogue, in the Dirac case, of a theorem by Tsai and Yau about the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. To our knowledge, the present work is the first mathematical study of the stability problem for a nonlinear Dirac equation.Comment: 62 page