5,543 research outputs found

    Kertesz on Fat Graphs?

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    The identification of phase transition points, beta_c, with the percolation thresholds of suitably defined clusters of spins has proved immensely fruitful in many areas of statistical mechanics. Some time ago Kertesz suggested that such percolation thresholds for models defined in field might also have measurable physical consequences for regions of the phase diagram below beta_c, giving rise to a ``Kertesz line'' running between beta_c and the bond percolation threshold, beta_p, in the M, beta plane. Although no thermodynamic singularities were associated with this line it could still be divined by looking for a change in the behaviour of high-field series for quantities such as the free energy or magnetisation. Adler and Stauffer did precisely this with some pre-existing series for the regular square lattice and simple cubic lattice Ising models and did, indeed, find evidence for such a change in high-field series around beta_p. Since there is a general dearth of high-field series there has been no other work along these lines. In this paper we use the solution of the Ising model in field on planar random graphs by Boulatov and Kazakov to carry out a similar exercise for the Ising model on random graphs (i.e. coupled to 2D quantum gravity). We generate a high-field series for the Ising model on Ί4\Phi^4 random graphs and examine its behaviour for evidence of a Kertesz line

    Indium phosphide - langmuir film mis devices

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    Langramuir blodgett films are an interesting example of two dimensional order structure. Their fabrication involves the building-up of a multilayer firmly repeated deposition of single monomolecular layers upon the substrate material. The resultant structure is of defined thickness and excellent uniformity. Because of these qualities, Langmuir films enjoy potential applicatons in many areas of modern science. In particular , their excellent insulating properties have led to the proposition of their use within the semiconductor device industry. Indium phosphide, although a relatively new semiconductor, is already becoming an important device material, particularly in areas where its high mobility gives rapid device response and good high frequency operation. This thesis combines these two materials, and looks at the electrical behaviour of InP/Langmuir film metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIF devices and their associated structures. The Langrauir-Blodgett process is a low temperature deposition technique, and thus induces little or no surface damage to its recipient substrate. Because of this, it is likely that the chemical surface of the InP, prior to deposition, will be of critical importance in defining the device characteristics. This has in fact been found to b'. the case, and a detailed study of the correlation between ESCA surface chemical information and vice electrical data has been undertaken. In addition, the device results obtained have been found be rather different to those produced by the use of a conventional high temperature deposition process. In order to capitalise upon the use of these organic insulating films, and the sensitive nature of the InP surface, the effect of various gases upon these device structures have been investigated. The study has revealed the existence of many interesting bulk and interface effects, and is likely to form the basis of a more detailed programme aiming to develop a range of solid state sensors

    Claude Simon: The Artist As Orion: 'Blind Orion Hungry for the Morn'

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    Since the nouveau roman became established, some fifteen years ago, as the dominant literary movement in France, Claude Simon has emerged as the most considerable writer of that group, although he has not attracted the critical interest devoted to Michel Butor, Alain Robbe-Grillet, and Nathalie Sarraute, This thesis is a general chronological essay on Simon's development, from his earliest published work, Le Tricheur (1945), to Les Corps Conducteurs (1971). The first chapter of the thesis groups together Simon's early writings, which are heavily derivative, owing much to the example of the American novel in general. Subsequent chapters take each novel since 1957 in turn, and show that Simon, if still giving signs of his indebtedness to William Faulkner, soon begins to establish his independence as an artist of considerable stature. The distinctly autobiographical novels of the 1960s are succeeded by texts which, like Orion Aveugle, are the culmination of Simon's long-standing belief in art for art's sake, and are concerned above all to display pictorially the artist's apprehension of the world. Throughout the thesis, attention is paid to basic and recurrent themes, time and death in particular, but the aim is to see how language itself emerges as the principal theme of Simon's writing, both in relation to the characters themselves, and to the novelist who is their creator. Simon is constantly preoccupied with the limitations of traditional novel form; his evolution, particularly since 1957, is that of a writer trying to circumvent the obstacle of linear prose in order to achieve a spatial representation of consciousness, where memory, perception, and imagination interact incessantly. Simon's novels are based on sensorial rather than intellectual constructions, and this tendency becomes more strongly defined the longer his career goes on. A constant feature of his work is the attention paid to artistic representations of one kind or another, and to paintings in particular; the title of this thesis is based on Simon's remarks concerning Poussin's Paysage avec Orion Aveugle, the central figure of which is seen by Simon as an apt metaphor for the empirical way in which he approaches the task of writing, treating each book as a discovery in itself: the artist as Orion does not use words for a didactic or informative purpose, but explores the synthetic and pictorial potential of language

    Development of computer software to analyze entire LANDSAT scenes and to summarize classification results of variable-size polygons

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    The Forest Pest Management Division (FPMD) of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry has the responsibility for conducting annual surveys of the State's forest lands to accurately detect, map, and appraise forest insect infestations. A standardized, timely, and cost-effective method of accurately surveying forests and their condition should enhance the probability of suppressing infestations. The repetitive and synoptic coverage provided by LANDSAT (formerly ERTS) makes such satellite-derived data potentially attractive as a survey medium for monitoring forest insect damage over large areas. Forest Pest Management Division personnel have expressed keen interest in LANDSAT data and have informally cooperated with NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) since 1976 in the development of techniques to facilitate their use. The results of this work indicate that it may be feasible to use LANDSAT digital data to conduct annual surveys of insect defoliation of hardwood forests

    The Turbulent Transport and Biological Structure of Eutrophication Models. Volume I: Preserving the Statistical Structure in Lake Transport Calculations

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    Project Completion Report, Volume I Office of Water Resources Research and Technology Matching Grant B-O36-OHIO(print) v. ; ill. ; 28 cm.Preface -- Acknowledgments -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- List of Symbols -- Chapter I. Introduction and Objective -- Chapter II. Review of Turbulent Transport Models -- Chapter III. Turbulence -- Chapter IV. Filtration -- Chapter V. Derivation of Filtered Transport Equations -- Chapter VI. Numerical Solution -- Chapter VII. Model Implementation -- Chapter VIII. Results -- Chapter IX. Interpretation and Discussion -- Chapter X. Conclusions -- Appendix -- Reference

    Monetary and Financial Integration in North America

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    Trafikverket förfogar över nÀrmare 4000 jÀrnvÀgsbroar i olika skick och Älder runt om i landet. BestÄndet Àr i stÀndigt behov av underhÄll och erfordrar kontinuerliga kontroller. Den hÀr rapporten Àr utformad som en skadeutredning pÄ en enkelspÄrig jÀrnvÀgsbro söder om Solvarbo i SÀter kommun. JÀrnvÀgsbron Àr i drift och hÀr passerar över 10 000 tÄg/Är. Allt frÄn snabbtÄg till godstÄg. Bron Àr av typ balkbro, fritt upplagd över vÀg. Rapporten Àr gjord i samrÄd med företaget Reinertsen Sverige AB. En utredning av bron utfördes 2013 av Reinertsen Sverige AB i vilken beskrivs att ena landfÀstet klÀms mot överbyggnaden till följd av rörelse. De skador som dÄ noterades var att de rörliga lagren var kraftigt snedstÀllda, överbyggnaden var i kontakt med grusskifte samt att en avsevÀrd uppsprickning av landfÀste hade skett. Skadorna bedömdes pÄverka konstruktionens funktion och ansÄgs behöva en fortsatt utredning dÀr brons rörelser och skador studeras mera för att kunna ta stÀllning till framtida ÄtgÀrder. MÄlet med detta arbete Àr att analysera hur bron har förÀndrats sedan upprÀttandet samt att besvara vad som kan ha föranlett förÀndringarna. Rapporten tas fram som underlag för att kunna ta stÀllning till framtida ÄtgÀrder enligt ovanstÄende. För att faststÀlla hur bron rört sig utfördes en inmÀtning med en totalstation. DÀrefter upprÀttades aktualiserade ritningar över bron som sedan jÀmfördes med befintliga originalritningarna. För att visa vad som kan föranlett förflyttningen gjordes en glidningskontroll med olika laster. Utöver det utfördes en kartlÀggning av skador pÄ konstruktionen som sedan utvÀrderades. JÀmförelsen visar en kraftig förflyttning av det östra landfÀstet mot det vÀstra. Rörelsen av landfÀstet har gjort att de bÄda frontmurarna lutar i vertikalled.  Glidningskontrollen slÄr fast att det inte föreligger risk för glidning av enbart jordtryck men att det föreligger risk för glidning vid belastning av tÄg samt bromskraft frÄn tÄg. PÄ grund av slitage samt bristande underhÄll har skador Äsamkats pÄ konstruktionen. De synliga skador som Äterfunnits pÄ bron Àr sprickor, kalkutfÀllningar, snedstÀllning av lager samt korrosion av lager och synlig armering. Det som kunde faststÀllas Àr hur bron har förflyttat sig i horisontal- och vertikalled och att en orsak till det östra landfÀstets förflyttning Àr de horisontella krafter som de passerande tÄgen för med sig. Genom att undersöka de skador som uppkommit pÄ bron och jÀmföra dessa med de krav som Trafikverket har pÄ sina broar kunde det faststÀllas att nÄgra av dessa skador beror pÄ bristande underhÄll.The Swedish Transport Administration manage nearly 4,000 railway bridges in different condition and age around the country. These bridges is in constant need of maintenance and requires continuous inspections. This thesis is designed as a damage investigation on a single-track railway bridge south of Solvarbo in SÀter municipality. The railway bridge is in operation and serves over 10,000 trains a year, everything from speed trains to freight trains. The bridge is built as a beam bridge, simply supported over a road. The report is made in consultation with the company Reinertsen Sweden AB. An investigation of the bridge was carried out in 2013 by Reinertsen Sweden AB, which describes that the abutments lean onto the superstructure due to motion. The damage noted was that the movable bearings are seriously tilted, the superstructure is in contact with the breast wall and several cracks were found on the abutment. These damages were considered to affect the function of the structure and found needing further investigation to consider possible future actions. The objective of this thesis is to analyze how the bridge has changed since it was built and to find what may be the underlying causes to these changes. The report is aimed to constitute a foundation and a decision basis for further measures. To determine how the bridge has moved a surveying with a total station was performed. Thereafter updated drawings of the bridge were established and later compared with the existing original drawings. To understand why the bridge has moved a sliding control was performed with different loads. In addition an inspection of structural damages was carried out and evaluated. Comparing the drawings showed a significant displacement of the eastern abutment towards the western. The movement of the abutment has made the two bearing walls tilt. The sliding control showed that there is no risk of sliding when only earth pressure is considered, but when loads of the trains are applied there is a risk of sliding. Wear of the bridge has caused several damages in the bridge structure. The visible damages found were cracks, efflorescence, bearing misalignment and corrosion of bearings and visible reinforcement. What could be determined was that the bridge has moved horizontally and vertically and one reason for the movement in the eastern abutment could be the horizontal forces brought by a passing train. By examining the damage caused to the bridge and compare them with the requirements of the Swedish Transport Administration it could be established that some of these damages have raised due to lack of maintenance

    Neutron spectroscopic factors of Ni isotopes from transfer reactions

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    177 neutron spectroscopic factors for nickel isotopes have been extracted by performing a systematic analysis of the angular distributions measured from (d,p) transfer reactions. A subset of the extracted spectroscopic factors are compared to predictions of large-basis shell models in the full pf model space using the GXPF1A effective interaction, and the (f5/2, p3/2, p1/2, g9/2) model space using the JJ4PNA interaction. For ground states, the predicted spectroscopic factors using the GXPF1A effective interaction in the full pf model space agree very well with the experimental values, while predictions based on several other effective interactions and model spaces are about 30% higher than the experimental values. For low-energy excited states (<3.5 MeV), the agreement between the extracted spectroscopic factors and shell model calculations is not better than a factor of two.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. accepted for publication in PR

    "Currency Manipulation" and World Trade

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    Central bank intervention in foreign exchange markets may, under some conditions, stimulate exports and retard imports. In the past few years, this issue has moved to center stage because of the foreign exchange policies of China. China has regularly intervened to prevent the RMB from appreciating relative to other currencies, and over the same period has developed large global and bilateral trade surpluses. Numerous public officials and commentators argue that China has engaged in impermissible "currency manipulation," and various proposals for stiff action against China have been advanced. This paper clarifies the theoretical relationship between exchange rate policy and international trade, and addresses the question of what content can be given to the concept of "currency manipulation" as a measure that may impair the commitments made in trade agreements. Our conclusions are at odds with much of what is currently being said by proponents of counter-measures against China. For example, it is often asserted that China's currency policies have real effects that are equivalent to an export subsidy. In fact, however, if prices are flexible the effect of exchange rate intervention parallels that of a uniform import tariff and export subsidy, which will have no real effect on trade, an implication of Lerner's symmetry theorem. With sticky prices, the real effects of exchange rate intervention and the translation of that intervention into trade-policy equivalents depend critically on how traded goods and services are priced. The real effects of China's policies are potentially quite complex, are not readily translated into trade-policy equivalents, and are dependent on the time frame over which they are evaluated (because prices are less "sticky" over a longer time frame).
