3,338 research outputs found

    The Galaxy Population of Cluster RXJ0848+4453 at z=1.27

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    We present a study of the galaxy population in the cluster RXJ0848+4453 at z=1.27, using deep HST NICMOS and WFPC2 images. We morphologically classify all galaxies to K_s=20.6 that are covered by the HST imaging, and determine photometric redshifts using deep ground based BRIzJK_s photometry. Of 22 likely cluster members with morphological classifications, eleven (50%) are classified as early-type galaxies, nine (41%) as spiral galaxies, and two (9%) as ``merger/peculiar''. At HST resolution the second brightest cluster galaxy is resolved into a spectacular merger between three red galaxies of similar luminosity, separated from each other by ~6 kpc, with an integrated magnitude K=17.6 (~3 L* at z=1.27). The two most luminous early-type galaxies also show evidence for recent or ongoing interactions. Mergers and interactions between galaxies are possible because RXJ0848+4453 is not yet relaxed. The fraction of early-type galaxies in our sample is similar to that in clusters at 0.5<z<1, and consistent with a gradual decrease of the number of early-type galaxies in clusters from z=0 to z=1.3. We find evidence that the color-magnitude relation of the early-type galaxies is less steep than in the nearby Coma cluster. This may indicate that the brightest early-type galaxies have young stellar populations at z=1.27, but is also consistent with predictions of single age ``monolithic'' models with a galactic wind. The scatter in the color-magnitude relation is ~0.04 in rest frame U-V, similar to that in clusters at 0<z<1. Taken together, these results show that luminous early-type galaxies exist in clusters at z~1.3, but that their number density may be smaller than in the local Universe. Additional observations are needed to determine whether the brightest early-type galaxies harbor young stellar populations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A Spectroscopic Redshift Measurement for a Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z=7.730 using Keck/MOSFIRE

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    We present a spectroscopic redshift measurement of a very bright Lyman break galaxy at z=7.7302+-0.0006 using Keck/MOSFIRE. The source was pre-selected photometrically in the EGS field as a robust z~8 candidate with H=25.0 mag based on optical non-detections and a very red Spitzer/IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] broad-band color driven by high equivalent width [OIII]+Hbeta line emission. The Lyalpha line is reliably detected at 6.1 sigma and shows an asymmetric profile as expected for a galaxy embedded in a relatively neutral inter-galactic medium near the Planck peak of cosmic reionization. The line has a rest-frame equivalent width of EW0=21+-4 A and is extended with V_FWHM=360+90-70 km/s. The source is perhaps the brightest and most massive z~8 Lyman break galaxy in the full CANDELS and BoRG/HIPPIES surveys, having assembled already 10^(9.9+-0.2) M_sol of stars at only 650 Myr after the Big Bang. The spectroscopic redshift measurement sets a new redshift record for galaxies. This enables reliable constraints on the stellar mass, star-formation rate, formation epoch, as well as combined [OIII]+Hbeta line equivalent widths. The redshift confirms that the IRAC [4.5] photometry is very likely dominated by line emission with EW0(OIII+Hbeta)= 720-150+180 A. This detection thus adds to the evidence that extreme rest-frame optical emission lines are a ubiquitous feature of early galaxies promising very efficient spectroscopic follow-up in the future with infrared spectroscopy using JWST and, later, ELTs.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, small updates to match ApJL accepted versio

    Building professional discourse in emerging markets: Language, context and the challenge of sensemaking

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    Using ethnographic evidence from the former Soviet republics, this article examines a relatively new and mainly unobserved in the International Business (IB) literature phenomenon of communication disengagement that manifests itself in many emerging markets. We link it to the deficiencies of the local professional business discourse rooted in language limitations reflecting lack of experience with the market economy. This hampers cognitive coherence between foreign and local business entities, adding to the liability of foreignness as certain instances of professional experience fail to find adequate linguistic expression, and complicates cross-cultural adjustments causing multi-national companies (MNCs) financial losses. We contribute to the IB literature by examining cross-border semantic sensemaking through a retrospectively constructed observational study. We argue that a relative inadequacy of the national professional idiom is likely to remain a feature of business environment in post-communist economies for some time and therefore should be factored into business strategies of MNCs. Consequently, we recommend including discursive hazards in the risk evaluation of international projects

    An integrable semi-discretization of the Camassa-Holm equation and its determinant solution

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    An integrable semi-discretization of the Camassa-Holm equation is presented. The keys of its construction are bilinear forms and determinant structure of solutions of the CH equation. Determinant formulas of NN-soliton solutions of the continuous and semi-discrete Camassa-Holm equations are presented. Based on determinant formulas, we can generate multi-soliton, multi-cuspon and multi-soliton-cuspon solutions. Numerical computations using the integrable semi-discrete Camassa-Holm equation are performed. It is shown that the integrable semi-discrete Camassa-Holm equation gives very accurate numerical results even in the cases of cuspon-cuspon and soliton-cuspon interactions. The numerical computation for an initial value condition, which is not an exact solution, is also presented

    Using MODIS derived <i>f</i>PAR with ground based flux tower measurements to derive the light use efficiency for two Canadian peatlands

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    International audienceWe used satellite remote sensing data; fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by vegetation (fPAR) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) in combination with tower eddy covariance and meteorological measurements to characterise the light use efficiency parameter (?) variability and the maximum ? (?max) for two contrasting Canadian peatlands. Eight-day MODIS fPAR data were acquired for the Mer Bleue (2000 to 2003) and Western Peatland (2004). Flux tower eddy covariance and meteorological measurements were integrated to the same eight-day time stamps as the MODIS fPAR data. A light use efficiency model: GPP=? * APAR (where GPP is Gross Primary Productivity and APAR is absorbed photosynthetically active radiation) was used to calculated ?. The ?max value for each year (2000 to 2003) at the Mer Bleue bog ranged from 0.58 g C MJ?1 to 0.78 g C MJ?1 and was 0.91 g C MJ?1 in 2004, for the Western Peatland. The average growing season ? for the Mer Bleue bog for the four year period was 0.35 g C MJ?1 and for the Western Peatland in 2004 was 0.57 g C MJ?1. The average snow free period ? for the Mer Bleue bog over the four year period was 0.27 g C MJ?1 and for the Western Peatland in 2004 was 0.39 g C MJ?1. Using the light use efficiency method we calculated the ?max and the annual variability in ? for two Canadian peatlands. We determined that temperature was a growth-limiting factor at both sites Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD) however was not. MODIS fPAR is a useful tool for the characterization of ? at flux tower sites

    Sensitivity to Sulfited Foods among Sulfite-Sensitive Subjects with Asthma

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    Eight individuals with asthma who had been diagnosed as sulfite sensitive on the basis of double-blind capsule-beverage challenges were subjected to challenges with various sulfited foods, including lettuce, shrimp, dried apricots, white grape juice, dehydrated potatoes (as mashed potatoes), and mushrooms. Four of these patients failed to respond to challenges with any of the sulfited foods. The other four patients experienced a decrease in pulmonary function on double-blind challenges with sulfited lettuce. Two of three of these patients reacted to challenges with dried apricots and white grape juice; the fourth patient has not yet been challenged with these products. Only one of these four patients reacted to challenges with dehydrated potatoes and mushrooms, and, in this case, the response to double-blind challenges with dehydrated potatoes was not consistent. None of the sulfite-sensitive subjects with asthma responded to challenges with sulfited shrimp. It is concluded that sulfite-sensitive subjects with asthma will not necessarily react after ingestion of sulfited foods. The likelihood of a reaction is dependent on the nature of the food, the level of residual sulfite, the sensitivity of the patient, and perhaps on the form of residual sulfite and the mechanism of the sulfite-induced reaction

    WINGS: a WIde-field nearby Galaxy-cluster survey III. Deep near-infrared photometry of 28 nearby clusters

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    Context. This is the third paper of a series devoted to the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS).WINGS is a long term project aimed at gathering wide-field, multiband imaging and spectroscopy of galaxies in a complete sample of 77 X-ray selected nearby clusters (0.04<z<0.07) located far from the galactic plane (b>20deg). The main goal of this project is to establish a local reference sample for evolutionary studies of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Aims. This paper presents the near-infrared (J,K) photometric catalogs of 28 clusters of the WINGS sample and describes the procedures followed to construct them. Methods. The raw data has been reduced at CASU and special care has been devoted to the final coadding, drizzling technique, astrometric solution and magnitude calibration for the WFCAM pipeline processed data. We have constructed the photometric catalogs based on the final calibrated coadded mosaics (0.79 deg2) in J (19 clusters) and K (27 clusters) bands. A customized interactive pipeline has been used to clean the catalogs and to make mock images for photometric errors and completeness estimates. Results. We provide deep near-infrared photometric catalogs (90% complete in detection rate at total magnitudes J =20.5, K =19.4, and in classification rate at J = 19.5 and K = 18.5), giving positions, geometrical parameters, total and aperture magnitudes for all detected sources. For each field we classify the detected sources as stars, galaxies and objects of "unknown" nature.Comment: Published by A&A501.851 - 15 pages, 3 tables, 13 figures. Catalogs will be available via CDS and http://web.oapd.inaf.it/wing

    Spectroscopic Observations of Optically Selected Clusters of Galaxies from the Palomar Distant Cluster Survey

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    We have conducted a redshift survey of sixteen cluster candidates from the Palomar Distant Cluster Survey (PDCS) to determine both the density of PDCS clusters and the accuracy of the estimated redshifts presented in the PDCS catalog (Postman et. al. 1996). We find that the matched-filter redshift estimate presented in the PDCS has an error sigma_z = 0.06 in the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.35 based on eight cluster candidates with three or more concordant galaxy redshifts. We measure the low redshift (0.1 < z < 0.35) space density of PDCS clusters to be 31.3^{+30.5}_{-17.1} * E-06 h^3 Mpc^-3 (68% confidence limits for a Poisson distribution) for Richness Class 1 systems. We find a tentative space density of 10.4^{+23.4}_{-8.4}* E-06 h^3 Mpc^-3 for Richness Class 2 clusters. These densities compare favorably with those found for the whole of the PDCS and support the finding that the space density of clusters in the PDCS is a factor of ~5 above that of clusters in the Abell catalog (Abell 1958; Abell, Corwin, and Olowin 1989). These new space density measurements were derived as independently as possible from the original PDCS analysis and therefore, demonstrate the robustness of the original work. Based on our survey, we conclude that the PDCS matched-filter algorithm is successful in detecting real clusters and in estimating their true redshifts in the redshift range we surveyed.Comment: 23 pages with 4 figures and 3 seperate tables. To be published in the November Issue of the Astronomical Journa

    A comparative study of different integrate-and-fire neurons: spontaneous activity, dynamical response, and stimulus-induced correlation

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    Stochastic integrate-and-fire (IF) neuron models have found widespread applications in computational neuroscience. Here we present results on the white-noise-driven perfect, leaky, and quadratic IF models, focusing on the spectral statistics (power spectra, cross spectra, and coherence functions) in different dynamical regimes (noise-induced and tonic firing regimes with low or moderate noise). We make the models comparable by tuning parameters such that the mean value and the coefficient of variation of the interspike interval match for all of them. We find that, under these conditions, the power spectrum under white-noise stimulation is often very similar while the response characteristics, described by the cross spectrum between a fraction of the input noise and the output spike train, can differ drastically. We also investigate how the spike trains of two neurons of the same kind (e.g. two leaky IF neurons) correlate if they share a common noise input. We show that, depending on the dynamical regime, either two quadratic IF models or two leaky IFs are more strongly correlated. Our results suggest that, when choosing among simple IF models for network simulations, the details of the model have a strong effect on correlation and regularity of the output.Comment: 12 page