287 research outputs found

    The Spanish Constitution of 1978: Legislative Competence of the Autonomous Communities in Civil Law Matters

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    The Spanish Constitution of 1978 had to deal with the issues that emerged with the advent of a democratic regime following the death of General Francisco Franco in 1975. Political pluralism, the relationship between church and state, and the official language of the Spanish state were among the dilemmas facing the Constitutional Commission. Yet the historically sensitive issue of the autonomy of the Spanish regions proved to be the most troublesome. Title VIII of the Constitution provides a political compromise in resolution of this issue although scholars and politicians, including some constitutional draftsmen, have criticized the ambiguity of this title. This study focuses on article 149, paragraph 1, section 8 of the Spanish Constitution and the legislative powers granted therein to the autonomous regions in matters of civil law. Not only should it provide some insight into one of the most perplexing clauses of the founding document of post-Franco Spain, but, moreover, it should prove to be an enlightening case study of the interaction between politics and law in the uneasy relationship between Madrid and the present and aspiring autonomous regions of Spain

    Quantum Hall resistance standards from graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition on silicon carbide

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    Replacing GaAs by graphene to realize more practical quantum Hall resistance standards (QHRS), accurate to within 10910^{-9} in relative value, but operating at lower magnetic fields than 10 T, is an ongoing goal in metrology. To date, the required accuracy has been reported, only few times, in graphene grown on SiC by sublimation of Si, under higher magnetic fields. Here, we report on a device made of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition on SiC which demonstrates such accuracies of the Hall resistance from 10 T up to 19 T at 1.4 K. This is explained by a quantum Hall effect with low dissipation, resulting from strongly localized bulk states at the magnetic length scale, over a wide magnetic field range. Our results show that graphene-based QHRS can replace their GaAs counterparts by operating in as-convenient cryomagnetic conditions, but over an extended magnetic field range. They rely on a promising hybrid and scalable growth method and a fabrication process achieving low-electron density devices.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Run Generation Revisited: What Goes Up May or May Not Come Down

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    In this paper, we revisit the classic problem of run generation. Run generation is the first phase of external-memory sorting, where the objective is to scan through the data, reorder elements using a small buffer of size M , and output runs (contiguously sorted chunks of elements) that are as long as possible. We develop algorithms for minimizing the total number of runs (or equivalently, maximizing the average run length) when the runs are allowed to be sorted or reverse sorted. We study the problem in the online setting, both with and without resource augmentation, and in the offline setting. (1) We analyze alternating-up-down replacement selection (runs alternate between sorted and reverse sorted), which was studied by Knuth as far back as 1963. We show that this simple policy is asymptotically optimal. Specifically, we show that alternating-up-down replacement selection is 2-competitive and no deterministic online algorithm can perform better. (2) We give online algorithms having smaller competitive ratios with resource augmentation. Specifically, we exhibit a deterministic algorithm that, when given a buffer of size 4M , is able to match or beat any optimal algorithm having a buffer of size M . Furthermore, we present a randomized online algorithm which is 7/4-competitive when given a buffer twice that of the optimal. (3) We demonstrate that performance can also be improved with a small amount of foresight. We give an algorithm, which is 3/2-competitive, with foreknowledge of the next 3M elements of the input stream. For the extreme case where all future elements are known, we design a PTAS for computing the optimal strategy a run generation algorithm must follow. (4) Finally, we present algorithms tailored for nearly sorted inputs which are guaranteed to have optimal solutions with sufficiently long runs

    What is the evidence for giving chemoprophylaxis to children or students attending the same preschool, school or college as a case of meningococcal disease?

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    We performed a systematic literature review to assess the effectiveness of chemoprophylaxis for contacts of sporadic cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in educational settings. No studies directly compared IMD risk in contacts with/without chemoprophylaxis. However, compared to the background incidence, an elevated IMD risk was identified in settings without a general recommendation for chemoprophylaxis in pre-schools [pooled risk difference (RD) 58·2/10⁵, 95% confidence interval (CI) 27·3-89·0] and primary schools (pooled RD 4·9/10⁵, 95% CI 2·9-6·9) in the ~30 days after contact with a sporadic IMD case, but not in other educational settings. Thus, limited but consistent evidence suggests the risk of IMD in pre-school contacts of sporadic IMD cases is significantly increased above the background risk, but lower than in household contacts (pooled RD for household contacts with no chemoprophylaxis vs. background incidence: 480·1/10⁵, 95% CI 321·5-639·9). We recommend chemoprophylaxis for pre-school contacts depending on an assessment of duration and closeness of contact

    Impact of T2R38 receptor polymorphisms on Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis

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    The T2R38 (taste receptor 2 member 38) bitter taste receptor on respiratory epithelia detects Pseudomonas aeruginosa N-acyl-l-homoserine lactones (AHLs). In vitro, T2R38 activation by AHLs initiates calcium-mediated increases in nitric oxide production and ciliary beat frequency, dependent on polymorphisms in the TAS2R38 gene (1). In patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, the TAS2R38 genotype is proposed to modify mucosal responses to P. aeruginosa (1). Polymorphisms in the TAS2R38 gene result in two high-frequency haplotypes associated with taste perception of the bitter compound phenylthiocarbamide (2). The “taster” haplotype codes proline-alanine-valine (PAV), and the “nontaster” haplotype codes alanine-valine-isoleucine (AVI) at positions 49, 262, and 296 in the receptor protein. Responses to AHLs in vitro are greatest in PAV/PAV epithelial cells, and this genotype is reported to be protective against P. aeruginosa in the sinonasal airway (1). P. aeruginosa is the most frequently isolated respiratory pathogen in cystic fibrosis (CF), and chronic infection is associated with accelerated rates of disease progression. Determining the impact of TAS2R38 polymorphisms on P. aeruginosa infection in CF could have implications for patient risk stratification and, as naturally occurring and synthetic agonists to T2R38 are already in clinical use (3), could identify promising therapeutic targets. We characterized T2R38 localization in the CF airway and investigated the hypothesis that TAS2R38 polymorphisms would modify the prevalence and impact of P. aeruginosa infection in CF. Some of the results of these studies have previously been reported in the form of abstracts

    Anomalous dissipation mechanism and Hall quantization limit in polycrystalline graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition

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    Ajuts: it has been performed within the EMRP (European Metrology Research Program), project SIB51, Graphohm. The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET (European association of national metrology institutes) and the European Union.We report on the observation of strong backscattering of charge carriers in the quantum Hall regime of polycrystalline graphene, grown by chemical vapor deposition, which alters the accuracy of the Hall resistance quantization. The temperature and magnetic field dependence of the longitudinal conductance exhibits unexpectedly smooth power-law behaviors, which are incompatible with a description in terms of variable range hopping or thermal activation but rather suggest the existence of extended or poorly localized states at energies between Landau levels. Such states could be caused by the high density of line defects (grain boundaries and wrinkles) that cross the Hall bars, as revealed by structural characterizations. Numerical calculations confirm that quasi-one-dimensional extended nonchiral states can form along such line defects and short circuit the Hall bar chiral edge states

    Phosphoglycerate Kinases Are Co-Regulated to Adjust Metabolism and to Optimize Growth

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    [EN] In plants, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) converts 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate into 3-phosphoglycerate in glycolysis but also participates in the reverse reaction in gluconeogenesis and the Calvin-Benson cycle. In the databases, we found three genes that encode putative PGKs. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PGK1 was localized exclusively in the chloroplasts of photosynthetic tissues, while PGK2 was expressed in the chloroplast/plastid of photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic cells. PGK3 was expressed ubiquitously in the cytosol of all studied cell types. Measurements of carbohydrate content and photosynthetic activities in PGK mutants and silenced lines corroborated that PGK1 was the photosynthetic isoform, while PGK2 and PGK3 were the plastidial and cytosolic glycolytic isoforms, respectively. The pgk1.1 knockdown mutant displayed reduced growth, lower photosynthetic capacity, and starch content. The pgk3.2 knockout mutant was characterized by reduced growth but higher starch levels than the wild type. The pgk1.1 pgk3.2 double mutant was bigger than pgk3.2 and displayed an intermediate phenotype between the two single mutants in all measured biochemical and physiological parameters. Expression studies in PGK mutants showed that PGK1 and PGK3 were down-regulated in pgk3.2 and pgk1.1, respectively. These results indicate that the down-regulation of photosynthetic activity could be a plant strategy when glycolysis is impaired to achieve metabolic adjustment and optimize growth. The double mutants of PGK3 and the triose-phosphate transporter (pgk3.2 tpt3) displayed a drastic growth phenotype, but they were viable. This implies that other enzymes or nonspecific chloroplast transporters could provide 3-phosphoglycerate to the cytosol. Our results highlight both the complexity and the plasticity of the plant primary metabolic network.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government and the European Union: FEDER/ BFU2012-31519 and FEDER/ BFU2015-64204R, FPI fellowship to S.R.-T., and the Valencian Regional Government: PROMETEO II/2014/052.Rosa-Tellez, S.; Anoman, A.; Flores-Tornero, M.; Toujani, W.; Alseek, S.; Fernie, A.; Nebauer, SG.... (2018). Phosphoglycerate Kinases Are Co-Regulated to Adjust Metabolism and to Optimize Growth. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 176(2):1182-1198. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.17.01227S11821198176

    Exacerbation of Celecoxib-Induced Renal Injury by Concomitant Administration of Misoprostol in Rats

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can produce adverse effects by inhibiting prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. A PGE1 analogue, misoprostol, is often utilized to alleviate NSAID-related gastrointestinal side effects. This study examined the effect of misoprostol on celecoxib renal toxicity. Additionally, the effects of these drugs on cardiovascular parameters were evaluated. Four randomized rat groups were orally gavaged for 9 days, two groups receiving vehicle and two groups receiving misoprostol (100 μg/kg) twice daily. Celecoxib (40 mg/kg) was co-administered once daily to one vehicle and one misoprostol group from days 3 to 9. Urine and blood samples were collected and blood pressure parameters were measured during the study period. Hearts and kidneys were harvested on final day. Day 2 urinary electrolyte samples revealed significant reductions in sodium excretion in misoprostol (0.12±0.05 μmol/min/100 g) and misoprostol+celecoxib groups (0.07±0.02 μmol/min/100 g). At day 3, all treatment groups showed significantly reduced sodium excretion. Potassium excretion diminished significantly in vehicle+celecoxib and misoprostol+celecoxib groups from day 3 onward. Urinary kidney injury molecule-1 levels were significantly increased in vehicle+celecoxib (0.65±0.02 vs. 0.35±0.07 ng/mL, p = 0.0002) and misoprostol+celecoxib (0.61±0.06 vs. 0.37±0.06 ng/mL, p = 0.0015) groups when compared to baseline; while plasma levels of cardiac troponin I increased significantly in vehicle+celecoxib (p = 0.0040) and misoprostol+misoprostol (p = 0.0078) groups when compared to vehicle+vehicle. Blood pressure parameters increased significantly in all misoprostol treated groups. Significant elevation in diastolic (p = 0.0071) and mean blood pressure (p = 0.0153) was noted in misoprostol+celecoxib compared to vehicle+celecoxib. All treatments produced significant tubular dilatation/necrosis compared to control. No significant myocardial changes were noticed; however, three animals presented with pericarditis. Kidney, heart, and plasma celecoxib levels revealed no significant change between vehicle+celecoxib and misoprostol+celecoxib. Concomitant misoprostol administration did not prevent celecoxib renal toxicity, and instead exacerbated renal side effects. Misoprostol did not alter plasma or tissue celecoxib concentrations suggesting no pharmacokinetic interaction between celecoxib and misoprostol