452 research outputs found

    Optimized bio-inspired kernels with twin support vector machine using low identity sequences to solve imbalance multiclass classification

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    The function of enzymes is performed differently depending on their bio-chemical mechanisms and important to the prediction of protein structure and function. In order to overcome the weaknesses of imbalance data distribution in subclasses prediction we proposed Bio-Twin Support Vector Machine (Bio–TWSVM). The TWSVM approach as also allow for kernel optimization where in this study we have introduced the bio-inspired kernels such as the Fisher, spectrum and mismatch kernels which at the same time incorporate the biological information regarding the protein evolution in the classification process

    Corporatisation and accounting change: the role of accounting and accountants in a Malaysian public utility

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    Using an explanatory case study, this paper presents an in-depth analysis of a Malaysian public utility which was required to transform itself into a self-financing, efficient and profitable organisation through a process of corporatisation. Despite attempts to enhance profitability by imposing new rules of budgeting, and by recruiting new accounting graduates, the case reveals that although accounting changes were enacted, over time they became separated from, and only loosely coupled to, other organisational activities. Concepts from institutional theory were used as sensitising devices to inform the research, but alone they were unable to fully explain the case. Consequently, an extended framework, which treats loose coupling as both a process and an outcome, and which recognises the intertwining of trust, resistance and power was developed. This theoretical framework provides a possible explanation for the mixed findings about the effectiveness of public sector financial reform which have been revealed in a wide array of research studies

    Effect Inundation Period to Summed Dominant Ratio (SDR) and Biomass Rice Weeds of Method SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in Indonesia

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    Research by title the effect inundation period to summed dominant ratio (SDR) and biomass rice weeds of method SRI (system of rice intensification) in Indonesia. Research have been conducted in the Faculty of Agricultural Land Andalas University, Limau Manih, Padang, from February to May 2018. The study aims to identify noxious weed found in SRI method of paddy cultivation in Indonesia. Weeds that have summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) and the highest biomass in this study is a weed Cyperus rotundus, Scirpus juncoides Roxb., Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl, Cyperus pedunculatus and Richardia brasiliensis Gomez. Highest weed biomass obtained in the treatment of inundation 3 days old and weed biomass lowest is 15 days long inundation


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    ABSTRAK Sungai Meluopo merupakan daerah pasir dan batuan kecil, dibagian hulu sungai merupakan daerah hutan yang saat ini sudah menjadi lahan perkebunan dan pertanian. Mengurangi resiko terjadinya kerusakan akibat banjir di sekitar Sungai Meluopo dibutuhkan upaya pengendalian banjir. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini Menganalisis debit banjir Sungai Meluopo dengan metode HSS Gama I dan pengendalian banjir yang terjadi di Sungai Meluopo. Analisis data terdiri atas analisa curah hujan untuk mendapatkan curah hujan rencana dan analisa debit banjir untuk mendapatkan debit banjir rencana dengan berbagai periode kala ulang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Periode ulang 2 tahun sebesar Q= 93.43 m3/det, periode ulang 5 tahun sebesar Q=105.74 m3/det, periode ulang 10 tahun sebesar Q=112.18m3/det, periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar Q= 120.39 m3/det, periode ulang 50 tahun sebesar Q= 123.47 m3/det, periode ulang 100 tahun sebesar Q= 127.57m3/det. Kata Kunci: Sungai Meluopo, banjir, curah hujan & debi

    The Antiplatelet Aggregation Effect of Extract and Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Velvet Bean Seed (Mucuna Pruriens L.) in Dyslipidemic Rat

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the first cause of death in the world, CVD has complex and multifactorial process including atherogenic lipoprotein, oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL), endothelial dysfunction, plaque stability, vascular inflammation, thrombotic and fibrinolytic disorder, exercises and genetic factor. Inhibiting the platelet ag- gregation is one of the CVD prevention. Velvet bean seed (Mucuna pruriens L.) can be found abundantly in Indonesia, but has not been used as herbal medicine. Ethanol extract and ethyl acetate of velvet bean seed contain high flavonoids and antioxidants properties which is expected could inhibit platelet aggregation. The objectives of the research were to determine the activity of ethanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction of velvet bean seed towards clotting and bleeding time in dyslipidemic rats. This research used completely randomized design in dyslipidemic rats which were given by ethanol extract of velvet bean seed at the concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg BW/day and ethyl acetate fraction of velvet bean seed at the concentrations of 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg BW/day and 42.2 mg/kg BW/day aspirin for ten days. Clotting and bleeding time were measured at days 0, 10, and 20. Data were analyzed using One way analysis of vari- ance and continued with Duncan\u27s post Hoc test with 95 % level of significancy. The results showed that administration of 60 mg/kg BW/day ethyl acetate fraction of velvet bean seed and at the concentrations of 100 and 200 mg/kg BW/ day ethanol extract of velvet bean seed, prolong the clotting time at day 10, ethyl acetate fraction at the concentration of 60 mg/kg BW/day, 200 mg/kg BW/day ethanol extract of velvet bean prolong bleeding time at day 10

    Dual-wavelength mode-locked laser based on evanescent field interaction with max phase saturable absorber

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    For the first time, we proposed a dual-wavelength laser generation with a titanium aluminum carbide (Ti3AlC2) as a saturable absorber in an erbium-doped fiber laser cavity. The saturable absorber device based on the MAX phase Ti3AlC2 deposited onto D-shaped fiber has successfully triggered a dual-wavelength laser centered at 1533 nm and 1557 nm. The elemental composition and vibrational modes of the saturable absorber were analyzed by using energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy for chemical analysis. We also captured a strong saturable absorption of 2% and a non-saturable absorption of 49.2% at the 1.55-µm, confirmed its ability to generate pulses in the near-infrared wavelength spectrum. The dual-wavelength laser owns a pulse width of 280 ns, a repetition rate of 1.887 MHz, and a signal-to-noise ratio of ~63 dB. By varying the laser diode pump from 62-90 mW, a stable dual-wavelength laser was generated with the highest single pulse energy of 2.33 nJ, which corresponded to the output power of 4.4 mW. This demonstration shows the potential of MAX phase Ti3AlC2 as a saturable absorber in an all fiber-based laser cavity