124 research outputs found

    Second Order Design of Geodetic Networks by the Simulated Annealing Method

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    The problem of determining the required precision in observations in order to obtain a desired precision in final parameters, classically known as the second order design problem, is revisited in this paper and proposed to be solved by the simulated annealing method. An example and a flexible implementation in MATLAB are given. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.Baselga Moreno, S. (2011). Second Order Design of Geodetic Networks by the Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Surveying Engineering. 137(4):167-173. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000053167173137

    Application of median-equation approach for outlier detection in geodetic networks

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    In geodetic measurements some outliers may occur sometimes in data sets, depending on different reasons. There are two main approaches to detect outliers as Tests for outliers (Baarda's and Pope's Tests) and robust methods (Danish method, Huber method etc.). These methods use the Least Squares Estimation (LSE). The outliers affect the LSE results, especially it smears the effects of the outliers on the good observations and sometimes wrong results may be obtained. To avoid these effects, a method that does not use LSE should be preferred. The median is a high breakdown point estimator and if it is applied for the outlier detection, reliable results can be obtained. In this study, a robust method which uses median with or as a treshould value on median residuals that are obtained from median equations is proposed. If the a priori variance of the observations is known, the reliability of the new approch is greater than the one in the case where the a priori variance is unknown

    Mitochondrial disease: Needs and problems of children, their parents and family. A systematic review and pilot study into the need for information of parents during the diagnostic phase

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    Contains fulltext : 51979.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: Firstly, this paper aims to systematically review the mitochondrial disease literature to identify studies assessing the needs and problems in the daily life of children with a mitochondrial disease and of their parents and family. The second aim is to provide more insight into the need for information by the parents of these children during the diagnostic process while in hospital. DESIGN: A systematic review and a pilot study, using a qualitative (focus group interviews; n = 7) and a quantitative (questionnaire; n = 37) design. RESULTS: Mothers reported great socioeconomic and psychoaffective strain and showed psychopathological symptoms in the two studies published with respect to this topic. The pilot study showed that parents considered an honest and interested attitude of the person who is giving the information as most important. Furthermore they wanted oral and written information and a central point where they could go with their questions at any time they felt the need. The need for information increased during the four phases of the diagnostic process and was highest in the fourth phase. CONCLUSIONS: The few studies found in the review, combined with expectations that having a mitochondrial disease must have a great impact on these children and their parents and family, call for more research in their needs and problems. Furthermore, there are gaps in the current information provision to parents of these children. A better understanding of the needs and problems of these children and their family is essential for effective care planning and might result in an improved quality of life


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    We present a numerical simulation method for designing geodetic networks. The quality criterion considered is based on the power of the test of data snooping testing procedure. This criterion expresses the probability of the data snooping to identify correctly an outlier. In general, the power of the test is defined theoretically. However, with the advent of the fast computers and large data storage systems, it can be estimated using numerical simulation. Here, the number of experiments in which the data snooping procedure identifies the outlier correctly is counted using Monte Carlos simulations. If the network configuration does not meet the reliability criterion at some part, then it can be improved by adding required observation to the surveying plan. The method does not use real observations. Thus, it depends on the geometrical configuration of the network; the uncertainty of the observations; and the size of outlier. The proposed method is demonstrated by practical application of one simulated leveling network. Results showed the needs of five additional observations between adjacent stations. The addition of these new observations improved the internal reliability of approximately 18%. Therefore, the final designed network must be able to identify and resist against the undetectable outliers – according to the probability levels

    Robust absolute magnetometry with organic thin-film devices

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    Magnetic field sensors based on organic thin-film materials have attracted considerable interest in recent years as they can be manufactured at very low cost and on flexible substrates. However, the technological relevance of such magnetoresistive sensors is limited owing to their narrow magnetic field ranges (~30 mT) and the continuous calibration required to compensate temperature fluctuations and material degradation. Conversely, magnetic resonance (MR)-based sensors, which utilize fundamental physical relationships for extremely precise measurements of fields, are usually large and expensive. Here we demonstrate an organic magnetic resonance-based magnetometer, employing spin-dependent electronic transitions in an organic diode, which combines the low-cost thin-film fabrication and integration properties of organic electronics with the precision of a MR-based sensor. We show that the device never requires calibration, operates over large temperature and magnetic field ranges, is robust against materials degradation and allows for absolute sensitivities of <50 nT Hz^(−1/2)

    Robustness analysis of geodetic networks in the case of correlated observations

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    GPS (or GNSS) networks are invaluable tools for monitoring natural hazards such as earthquakes. However, blunders in GPS observations may be mistakenly interpreted as deformation. Therefore, robust networks are needed in deformation monitoring using GPS networks. Robustness analysis is a natural merger of reliability and strain and defined as the ability to resist deformations caused by the maximum undetecle errors as determined from internal reliability analysis. However, to obtain rigorously correct results; the correlations among the observations must be considered while computing maximum undetectable errors. Therefore, we propose to use the normalized reliability numbers instead of redundancy numbers (Baarda's approach) in robustness analysis of a GPS network. A simple mathematical relation showing the ratio between uncorrelated and correlated cases for maximum undetectable error is derived. The same ratio is also valid for the displacements. Numerical results show that if correlations among observations are ignored, dramatically different displacements can be obtained depending on the size of multiple correlation coefficients. Furthermore, when normalized reliability numbers are small, displacements get large, i.e., observations with low reliability numbers cause bigger displacements compared to observations with high reliability numbers


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    The iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS) technique has been widelyemployed in geodetic and geophysical literature. The reliability measures areimportant diagnostic tools for inferring the strength of the model validation. Anexact analytical method is adopted to obtain insights on how much iterativereweighting can affect the quality indicators. Theoretical analyses and numericalresults show that, when the downweighting procedure is performed, (1) theprecision, all kinds of dilution of precision (DOP) metrics and the minimaldetectable bias (MDB) will become larger; (2) the variations of the bias-to-noiseratio (BNR) are involved, and (3) all these results coincide with those obtained bythe first-order approximation method

    S-system theory applied to array-based GNSS ionospheric sensing

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    The GPS carrier-phase and code data have proven to be valuable sources of measuring the Earth’s ionospheric total electron content (TEC). With the development of new GNSSs with multi frequency data, many more ionosphere-sensing combinations of different precision can be formed as input of ionospheric modelling. We present the general way of interpreting such combinations through an application of S-system theory and address how their precision propagates into that of the unbiased TEC solution. Presenting the data relevant to TEC determination, we propose the usage of an array of GNSS antennas to improve the TEC precision and to expedite the rather long observational time-span required for high-precision TEC determination